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ayman izad Light : Reflection and Refraction Light is a form of energy that enables us to see. An object reflects the light rays that Grea fall on is. These reflected light rays, when received by out eyes, make the sbject visible fo us. Weare able to see through a transparent medium as light is transmitted through it. The speed of light in vacuum or in airis3 x 10° ms". Light travels in a straight line. © Reflection of Li © Image Formatic . . Mirrors Reflection of Light Slaroale ‘The phenomenon of bouncing back of light rays in the same medium on striking asmooth © Refraction of Li surface is called reflection of light. © Lens © Image Formatio Using Ray Diag © Lens Formula © Power of a Lens Reflection from plane surface Laws of Reflection There are two laws of reflection: (0) Angle of incidence is always equal tothe angle of reflection, ie. Zi = Zy, (The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal atthe point of ine in the same plane. idence, all lie Regular and Diffuse Reflection of Light UE parallel beam of incident ray remain parallel even after reflection and go only direction is known a regula reflection. takes place mostly plane mirrors ey or polished metai surfaces. : ly _allinone ght: Relecion and Refacton ay man i Za d 283 pur if @ parallel beam of incident rays is reflected in jiferene ditections is known as diffused or irregular ‘election of light. It takes place in unpolished and rough sucess ‘Regular reflection Diffused reflection (plane mirror) trough surface) Note. + Silver metal is one of the best reflectors of light + Aray of light which is incident normally on a mirror is, reflected back along its own path. ‘+ Laws of reflection can be applied to all kinds of reflecting surface. Image {flight rays coming from a point after reflection meet at another point or appear to meet at another point, then the second point is called the image of the first point. Images are of two types: 1, Real Image If the light rays coming from a point actually, meet after reflection, then the image formed is called a real image. 2, Virtual Image If the light rays coming from a point, after reflection does not meet actually, but appear to meet at another point, then the image formed is called a virtual image. Mirror Mirror is a polished surface, which reflects almost all the light incident on it. Mirrors are of two types: 1. Plane Mirror Ifthe reflecting surface of a mirror is plane, then the mirror is called a plane mirror. Image formed by a plane mirror has following properties: * Ieis always vireual and erect. * The sizeof image is equal to the size of the object. * The distance between the image and the mirror is equal to the distance between the object and the mirror. * The image is laterally inverted, i. left seems to be right and vice-versa. * Focal length of a plane mirror is infinite. Uses of Plane Mirrors Plane mirrors are commonly used as looking g!: periscopes, kaleidoscopes etc. 2. Spherical Mirror If the reflecting surface of the mirror is curved inwards oF outwards, then the mirror is called a spherical mirror. Spherical mirrors are of two types: : (a) The spherical micror with inward curved reflecting sures is called concave mirror. A beam of light generally converges after reflection from such surfaces, hence it is also called convergent mirror. eg, The inner curved surface of a shining spoon can be considered as a concave mirror. lass, in making rods Contre of Mel curvature pt “<—_—A— Concave or converging mirror Here, f = focal length and R = radius of curvature. (b) The spherical mirror with outward curved reflecting surface is called convex mirror. A beam of light generally diverges after reflection from this surface, hence itis also called divergent mirror. eg. The outer curved surface of a shining spoon can be treated or considered as convex mirror. Ms j—Aneture F Focus Centre of cunature ff (Paar € i Principal ai = Convex or diverging mirror Here, f = focal length and R = radius of curvature. Some Definitions Related to Spherical Mirrors Centre of Curvature Centre of curvature of a spheri i Centr a spherical mirror is the centre of the eon sphere of which, the mirror is a part. In the above Burs ici aed by C.In case of concave mirror, the centre pipeline in front of it, while in case of convex mirror, centre of curvature lies behind it. Radius of Curvature Radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is the radius of imaginary sphere of which, mirror is a part. In the above figure, it is shown by R. Pole Pole of the spherical mirror is the mid-point of its reflecting surface. In the above figure, itis shown by P. Principal Axis ‘The principal axis ofa spherical mirror is the line joining the pole and centre of curvature. In the figure, PC is the principal axis. Aperture ‘The diameter of the reflecting surface of aspherical mirror is called its aperture. It is that part of the reflecting surface of a mirror which is exposed to the incident light. Ie is equal to the straight line distance between two ends ofthe mirror. Inthe figure, MM ; is the aperture of mirror. Principal Focus of a Spherical Mirror Principal focus of a concave mirror is a point on the principal axis of the mirror at which the light rays coming parallel to principal axis, after reflection actually meet. Principal focus of a convex mirror is a point on its principal axis from which a beam of light rays parallel to aatis, appears to diverge after being reflected from the mirror. Itis represented by F- —— For a concave mirt the focus is in front of the mirror, while fora convex mirror, the focus is behind the mirror, The focus of a concave mirror ‘convex mirror is virtual Focal Length The distance between pole and is real, while the focus of a ayman izad Allynone Science Class 10m n of Images Formed by ‘ors Using Ray Diagram, follows the same two 1aWs everywhye agra in order to locate the image of, To construct 2 ay venient co consider only ovo me object ee prc least cwo reflected rays gives the position of in ject. ; 3 falo Tncident parallel to the principal axis, py, 7 A 0 The ine a oid come i Sppeat to come from focus in convex mirror, *g ¢ P Concave mirror Representatio Spherical Mir The reflection of light Convex mirror (i) The rays passing through the focus of a concave mitt or passing towards focus of a convex mirror, become parallel to principal axis after reflection from the mirror, Concave minros (i) Ara me ey eae api centre of curvature of a concavt or towards the direction eal conver mirror of centre of curvatu flects b: stkng the mitror surface So fea & Convex mirror ng the same path ot ay, Comeeve mir Ui) & ray incident Convex mirror BOI P of the conte * Principal axis, coward! mirror is reflec S plane diminished in size z 2 Beyond the centre of Between focus and Real, inverted and diminished curvature but at finite the centre of distance from mirror curvature ‘Atthe centre of At the centre of Real, inverted and same size 3 Guvatire curvature 2 that of object 4. Between focus and Eevond the contre of Real, i are Contre of curvature eames, A c At infinity Fel, inverted and extremely 5. Atthe focus F ‘magnified Behind the miror Vital, erect and magne MUSIelne a an iz 286 mone SCENE Class i, Uses of Concave Mirrors * Concave mirrors are vehicles, ro get * Concave mirron ‘a ‘Ommonly used in torches, search-lights and headlights of ¥ ire used as shavi Mirrors to. larger im the face. ‘Dawn as shaving mirrors to see larger image of 7 r) and incident when travels from a denser medium to a rarer one, it bends away from the normal (i < 7). Rarer "etacted where, i= angle of incidence ree \ in and r= angle of refraction, vee Cause of Refraction Speed of light is different in different media, i. more in rarer medium and comparatively less in denser medium, So, when light enters a denser medium, its speed reduces and it bends towards the normal and when it enters rarer medium, its speed increases and it bends away from the normal. Rarer Denser Denser Examples of Refraction of Light * The bottom of a pool or tank or pond containing water appears to be raised due to refraction of light which takes Place when light rays pass from the pool of water into the in, * The leters appear to be raised when viewed through a glass slab placed over the document because of refraction of light, . il partially immersed in water appears to be betas ofthe refraction of light coming fom hepa pencil thac is immersed inside water. F A lemon kept in water in a glass cumbler appears yy Aeon tp a et rae Refraction through a Rectangular Glass Slab i lab, then the em: When a light ray encers a glass slab, the gentry is ete the incident ray but it is shifed sidew, slightly. ; In this case, refraction takes place twice, frst when ry enters glass slab from air and second when exits from gy slab to air. Both refractions have been shown in figure (here glass sb, denser medium and air is rarer medium). The extent of bending of the ray of light at oppose parallel faces AB and CD of rectangular glass slab is end and opposite. So, the ray emerging from face CD Parallel co incident ray but shifted sideward slightly Refraction through a glass nics # angle of incidence, where, Note. * Angle of ins Sirah menltence = Ange of emergence, Le. Zi= san ee fs ema oe nace ae ‘str rere is no bendin; re t,t AEN witout ang ei Fhe cay Fg tows Of Refraction con of light Occurs according to the fellow (9 The incident ray, the refracted ray ant cic to the interface of two tangpaneg m incidence, allie inthe same plane * *e Point of (id The ratio of sine of angle of incidence sin This constant is known as refractive index (1), SH constant (1 oF n) first wh, St when . “its from ut! | Refractive Index ‘The extent of the. change in direction of ray: of light that takes tere glass aig, | pice in a given pair of media is expressed in terms of the refractive index. It at 9, iH fepresents refractive index of medium 2 with respect to 8 slab is ju | medium 1, when light is going from medium 1 to medium 2. nD face CD ig (, haa slightly, lex of the medium. The absolute fractive index of a medium is simply called its refractive index. Forglass/water pair, —— Hy jelly le} Note Refractive index of air is minimum and refractive index of ddamond is maximum Refractive Index and Speed of Light lFeis the speed of light in air and v is the speed of light in ment ‘tedium, then the refractive index of the medium is ( _ Speed oflight in vacuum/air _¢ Speed of light in medium» } Hence, for any ewo media, the refractive index of the second edium with respect to first medium is equal to the ratio of J ies of li media. nen the ‘elcities of light in both the te ment index of glass with respect to air, yet Velocity of light in air o ad ot Velocity of light in glass Ugh" | ebactive index of water with respect air, sh, = Velocity oflightinait__€ Gy Velocity of light in water %, On dividing Eq, (i) from Ee (i), we get He ay nthe Absolute Refractive index of some Material Medi Material "Refractive — Material Medi um —Retractive ‘Medium index a A003 ass 4.0003 Canada Balsam 753 —~ 3 rt Wate 73 Carbon disulphide 163 Example 3. Light enters trom air to diamond with refractive index 2.42. What is the speed of light in diamond? Given, speed of light in air is3 x 10° ms” Sol. Given, hy = 2.42, ¢= 3108 me“! = —_Speed of light in ai (e) Vine a= Speed of light in diamond (o) Speed of light in diamond (y=£- 3x08 Me 242 = 1.24 x10%ms! icheck point 03) is 2 ‘The depth ofa bucket filed with water seems to beless than ‘actual depth. Name the phenomenon responsible for this? How is the etractive index of a medium related tothe speed light? Give an expression for refractive index of a medium w Fespect to another in terms of speed of light in these N media? For the same angle of incidence, the angle of retraction three diferent media AB and C are 10°, 25° and 4 ‘respectively. In which medium the velocity of light wil | maximum? Fill up the blank ‘The angle of incidence of light ray incident on surface © Dlastc slab of erative index V3is tthe ange retraction is 20: (ana. lara ofight enters from alcohol to ar The reactive Inde alcohol is 1.36 Calculate the speed of ight in alcohol respect to ai. (Ans. 2.21% 10° ms 3 The refractive index of glass with respect to air is 3 Felractve index of water wth respect to ar is. What wile ‘elractive index of water with respect to glass? [ Lens - : iG Lens is a transparent medium bounds which, one or both surfaces are spherical. Lenses are of ewo types 1. Convex or Converging Lens ‘Alens which is thicker at the centre and thinner at its ends is ‘alled convex lens. Convex lenses are of three types as shown (0 Double conves lene (i) Pano-conves tena) Concavo-conves ins ‘A convex lens is also known as converging lens because i converges a parallel beam of light rays passing through it. A double convex lens is simply called convex lens, 2. Concave or Diverging Lens A lens which is thinner at the centre and thicker at its ends is called a concave lens. Concave lenses ate of three types | (© Doutie concave tans Ci) Plano-concave lena. (al Convexo-concave lens A concave lens is also known as diverging lens because it diverges a parallel beam of light rays passing through it A double concave lens is simply called concave lens. Some Definitions Related to Lenses Optical Centre The centre point ofa lens is known as its optical centre. [eis represented by O. The optical centre is a point of the lens, directed to which incident rays refract without any deviation in the path. Convex tens Concave lens Centres of Curvature The centres of the two imaginary spheres Spheres of which 4 a part are called centres of curvature of tela, represented by C. A lens has two centres gt respect 0 its (wo curved surfaces. wre Radii of Curvature The radi of the two imaginary spheres of which he part are called radii of curvature of the lens. A len lens, radii of curvature. These may or may not be equal, bang Principal Axis The imaginary line joining the two centres of cur called principal axis ofa lens. Principal xs alo pases dn the optical centre. Principal Focus Lens has two principal foci (A First Principal Focus It isa point on the princpa a, of lens, the rays starting from or directed to whe become parallel to principal axis after refraction * Comex tens Concave lene (i) Second Principal Focus eis the point onthe psc axis at which the rays coming parallel to the pinoy axis, converge on the other side of lens (conval * appear to meet on the same side of lens (coos alter refraction from the lens. 5 tt Convex lens Concave lens Both the foci of convex lens are real while st ‘concave lens are virtual. Sy aeaf ted ‘ called focal eng 2 284 pric centre of Focal Plane The plane passing ° th nial eae ty, a erent nc nc a) st Allinone Light : Reflection Gnd Refraction a mM a n iz a d Aperture : rive ter of ” Image Formation in Lenses, : * if) Ray ssing th: ire “us will emer Using Ray Diagrams Ray fae hut or dea to the focus will emerge ean epreen image Formation by lene sing y means Bh fr drawing ray diagrams in lenses like spheal s "d\ ? altos, we consider any two of the following ore (9 Rays which are parallel to the i (Gi) Ray directed to optical centze will eme: out undeviated. in case of convex lens and will appear to be coming from principal focus in case of concave a lens. A & i formation of Image by a Convex Lens The table given below illustrates the ray various positions of the object. diagrams along with the postion and nature of image, formed by convex lens for Formation of Image by Convex Lens for Different Positions of Object SNo. Position of Object Ray Diagram Position oftmage Nature and Size of Image AR Real, invertad and ee Cana "et ‘extremely diminished Between, ard2F, Rea inverted and 2 Beyond 2% (The lens which atways forms a virtual image of an object, is \ 7 tale ‘which are parallel to the Principal axis after retraction will Pass throt ch lens would you prefer to use while "reading small letters from adi ma in case of convex 3 What type of ens i an air bubble inside the water? prone 7 ‘| | a 2 | Allinane Light : Reflection and Refraction Sign Convention for Spherical Lenses Sign convention for lenses is same as that for ‘Also, focal length of convex lens is positive whereas focal length of concave lens is negative irrors. Lens Formula This formula gives the relationship between object distance (1), image distance (v) and the focal length (f). f 1_t ed ‘The lens formula is general and is valid in all situations for any spherical lens. Example 4. An object is placed 25 cm in front of a concave lens of focal length 25 cm. Find the location and nature of image. The lens formula is expressed as Given, object distance, «= -25 em Focal length, f = ~25 em and image distance, » =? From lens formula, + ~ 225 X25) 17 5c “25-25 Nature of image @ Vireual (9 Erect (ii) On the same side oflens (is) Diminished Magnification by Lenses ‘The ratio of height of image (,) and the height of object (,)is Called magnification (m).. orm a ee Magnification, Magnification is positive, when image formed is virtual and. near magnification is negative, when image formed is real, Example 5. A 5 cm tall object is placed perpendicular {0 the principal axis of a convex lens of focal length Deni The distance of the object from lens is 30 cm, termine the | Position (i) nature (il) size of image formed. Given, object size, A, =5.em Object distance, w = ~30 cm = = p= 10cm “Therefor, the image is real, inverted and magnified. Power of a Lens ‘The ability of a lens to converge or diverge light rays is called power (P) of the lens. It is defined as the reciprocal of focal length, —__— 7f (in metre) | Its SI unit is dioptre (D) (1 D= 1m). If f is expressed in metres, then power is expressed in dioptres. Thus, dioptre is the power of a lens whose focal length is 1 metre. If focal length is given in centimetre, then zi Power 100 For concave lens, power and_focal length are negative. For convex lens, power and focal length are positive. Power of Combination of Lenses ‘When two or more thin lenses are used in combination, the equivalent focal length (f ) and power of the combination (P) can be calculated as Magnification of lens in combination (m) is given by [m= my XM Xv Note + The use of combination of lenses increases the sharpness of image, the image produced is also free from ‘many defects. * The additive property of the powers of the lenses can be used to design lens systems ¢o minimise certain defects ln images produced by a single lens. Such a lens system, consisting of several lenses in contact, iS commonly used in designing of camera lenses and the objectives of microscopes and telescopes.

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