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A Research Paper of the book ‘Al-Fath Rabbani’

The mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar

A Research Paper of the book ‘Al-Fatah Rabbani’

In this book by Shaik Abdul Quader Jilana R.A., on one side he

sheds light on the result of learned persons' enmity, and on the
other side he scolds learned persons of the vicious and Sufi
persons of time served to them. Also in one direction, Hazrat
was adhering to the correct values of spirituality and manners.
And at such a place, he was taught the lesson to keep away from
evil and sin in this matter.
There will be public knowledge about this matter, and upon
study of the sermons, there will be light on the guidance to the
Muslim nation. There are many specialties in the sermons, and
there is no possibility of covering all of them. There are
mentioned some of the specialties, which are as follows:
1. In very short and comprehensive words, there is coverage
of different topics and subjects in the sermons.
2. In the sermons, there is no criticism of philosophical style
but rather there is style of wisdom of the Quran.
3. As per the appropriate time and place, there is decoration of
verses of the Quran and hadith, and for the explanation of
sermons’ aim, there are added examples.
4. The sermons are added of poetry of the wisdom, and a style
of magic is found.
5. In the present time of problems, the study and research of
sermons are like guidance to the whole Muslim nation in
the world.

The book of sermons of ‘Al-Fatah Rabbani’ has a prominent

position against other sermon books. Allah has given the status
and position of leadership to Shaik Abdul Quader Jilani in all
arts and sciences. Also in the art of the speech, there is with him
such perfection that is not given to other people in this matter.
Upon its study, it is clear that he has explained the sermons in a
simple and intelligible manner and the secrets and hints of the
Islam religion that were not explained by another person in this
matter. His sermons are free from confusion, like the clean river
water of the river Baku. And especially in sermons from the
Quran and Haidh’s fine and strange explanation, for which there
is no example available and which is not possible in this matter.
When we study the research method of the sermons, we find the
usefulness and benefits of the sermons, which are still found to
this day. When we re-search the study of the sermons, it will be
known that their importance is still found.
Shaik Abdul Quader Jilani regrets and is saddened by the
downfall of Muslims' knowledge, action, spirituality, manners,
and values. As well as feel for being hard-hearted and not
following the orders of Islamic Shariah law. And he will say that
the way the innovator and sinner of the people were was
damaging to the image of Islam. And for this reason, Islam is
mourning and calling for help in this matter.
In this way, due to the downfall of the manners of Muslims, and
for this reason, in the world over, the image of Islamic religion
is being damaged. And for such a person, even such a dog is

better to whom his master provides some loafs, and in spite of

that, the dog who watches his owner and his house
“But oh man, how unfaithful you are that your owner will
provide food to you full of stomach, and for this, you are not
fulfilling the desires of the Lord in this matter. And or not
fulfilling the thanks of the rights of grace of Allah.” The
knowledge is like peel, and the action is marrow, and peel will
take care because it will look after marrow. And from marrow,
because from it there will be oil. And what is the work of that
peel in which there will be no marrow?
From the extract mentioned in Al-Fatah Rabbani, it is clear that
during the present time of scarcity of learned people and
ignorance, the teaching of al-Fatah Rabbani is very important in
this matter.
Today, misled people of knowledge should care and think about
the truth of the sermons of Shaik Abdul Quader Jilani, and for
time-serving Sufi persons, the right way of guidance is required
by them to study Al-Ffatah Rabbani. So to meet this need and
the sermons should be made available to the general public. And
it should be given the form of a syllabus.
Reference : ‘Al-Fatah Rabbani Ka Tahqiqi Mutaliya’ Urdu
article published by Syed Aminuddin Hussaini in Siasat daily
Hyderabad on 24th November 2023.

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