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(Topic: The font you use or draw mirrors ideas you associate with your topic.)

Looks like (provide at least two images with which you Sounds like (provide properly cited lyrics from at least two
associate your topic): songs with which you associate your topic):

- Likke Li – “Possibility”: “there’s a possibility

/ all that I had is all I’m gonna get”
- Roxette – “It Must’ve Been Love”: “it
must’ve been love / but it’s over now / it
must’ve been good, / but I lost it somehow”

Textbook/clinical definition (and source):

“Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also
called major depression, major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think
and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.” –Mayo Clinic

Those who have low self-esteem issues, abuse alcohol or illegal drugs, have a family history of
depression or personal history of certain disorders; particular blood pressure medication or sleeping
pills; traumatic or stressful life events

Rooted in (what aspect(s) of psychology – physical, behavioral, abnormal, personality, memory, etc.):
Biology: neurotransmitters, brain chemicals, hormones, genetics; Life events

Sadness, loss of interest, excessive fatigue, lack of motivation, changes in behavior such as anger or
frustration with insignificant matters, changes in appetite, sleeping problems

Most at risk:
Women more often than men, usually beginning in a person’s teenage years, 20s or 30s, but it can
occur at any time for both genders

If untreated:
Can lead to physical and other psychological problems including, but not limited to: lack of appetite
or overeating, withdrawal from social circles, substance abuse, panic disorders, self-mutilation, suicidal
thoughts and/or actions

Suggested methods of treatment:

Counseling, possible medication

1+ journal article discussing your topic (provide the APA citation):

Gotham, K., Unruh, K., & Lord, C. (2015). Depression and its measurement in verbal adolescents
and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Austism, 19(4), 491-504.
In pairs, complete the task using the template as a
guideline for the topic (emotion and/or disorder) which
you were assigned.

1. Aggression
2. Anxiety
3. Social (pragmatic) Communication Disorder
4. Agoraphobia
5. Dyslexia
6. Hyperactivity
7. Fear
8. Lethargy
9. Narcissism
10. Bipolar Disorder
11. Schizophrenia
12. Paranoia
13. Social Anxiety Disorder
14. Dementia
15. Alzheimer’s
16. Post-Partum Depression
17. PTSD
18. Parkinson’s
19. Anorexia
20. Bulimia
21. Narcolepsy
22. Autism Spectrum Disorder

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