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Leadership can be defined as a process by which an individual applies influence over others.
The leaders shall inspire, motivate, and direct the activities of their group to achieve the
group or organizational goals. For the idea of leadership to be applied successfully, people
must comprehend the definition and importance of leadership. Leaders could inspire others to
become motivated in carrying out their job responsibilities and achieving the aims and
objectives of their project. It is the intention of leaders to hold their subordinates accountable
for acting and behaving in a respectable and pleasing way. The skills and abilities required to
perform the roles are determined by the makeup of the groups. The positions of the leaders
can change in the future. It is crucial to list a range of general duties that leaders perform
when conducting research on leadership.

According to the statistics recorded as per the interviews and observations, there is a chance
of 79% of employees tending to resign as they receive inadequate appreciation from their
managers. Also, the study indicates that 69% of Millennials are anxious about their
workplace does not developing their leadership skills. Leadership skills can be defined as a
crucial element to build a company, maintaining, and monitoring the workforce of the
company. 83% of businesses agree that developing leadership skills at all levels is essential in
an organization. However, according to the statistics created, there is only 5% of business
organizations that have implemented leadership development on all levels of the
organization. This horrible result of the survey indicates that there is an ineffectiveness in the
process of preparing people to be given authority in leadership positions. Therefore, selecting
the best leader is crucial and developing leadership skills in an organization is a must to run
the business well.

In this report, we will go through the background of the leader we have selected, his traits,
and his power in the term of leadership he works on in the organization. As for our report, we
have decided to study on the leadership style of a very famous leader of an organization that
is well-known in Malaysia, The Albukhary Group of Companies. The Albukhary Group of
Companies is owned and lead by Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar, it is an organization known as a
diversified business group that consists of DRB-HICOM, MMC, and Tradewinds Plantation.
The purpose of this research includes studying how the leadership styles of Tan Sri Syed
Mokhtar Al Bukhary can establish the applicable and effective leadership style that motivates
and influences his employees in the work to achieve their goals. As we wite the report
regarding the leadership style of Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al Bukhary we really hope that this
report will assist other leaders to lead, motivate, influence, and direct their employees

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