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Question #33Topic 1

A pension fund climate risk analyst evaluates the company portfolio under different
climate scenarios. The analyst identifies technological advancements and activities
that must occur at a global scale to realize each scenario outcome.
Under a 1.5°C degree scenario, what development must occur?

 A. Massive roll out of direct air capture technology. Most Voted

 B. The global levelized cost of energy for solar energy falls below USD 100 per MWh.
 C. An international cap-and-trade system reduces overall GHG emissions.
 D. Large afforestation projects lead to ecosystem restoration.

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Correct Answer: B 🗳️

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A (100%)
Question #34Topic 1
An industry association in Germany surveys members on business alignment with
nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The association members express
concern about potential cascading legal repercussions or penalties if governments do
not conform to Paris Agreement pledges. An attorney at the association researches
this issue and sends a memo to members.
The memo should state the Paris Agreement legally obliges signatories to take what

 A. Provide financing to help developing countries achieve NDC goals.

 B. Report on NDC progress every 5 years.
 C. Penalize industries exceeding NDC emissions thresholds.
 D. Revise NDC targets annually.

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Correct Answer: B

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