Life Group Sunday Testimony (Teodoro)

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Teodoro, Anna Camille, G.

Life Group Sunday Testimony (9:00am)

Acts 20:28 says, "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy
Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own
blood". This verse speaks about leadership, and building His church by intentionally taking care
of the flock.

Leading a Life Group was an answered prayer and a great privilege. With the desire of helping
build church, God blessed me with 9 young ladies who have surrendered and said yes to living a
life with Jesus. This is something I celebrate and have chosen to honor with my time, love,
patience, willingness, and efforts.

These girls you see on the screen have changed my life. I can brightly say that it is wonderful to
continue getting to know them. They carry such a light because of Him that I can’t wait for the
world to see more of.

As a volunteer and a leader here in church, it is a joy to be able to see them run alongside me.
They are so young, mostly aged 14-17, but they are go-getters who are already creating impacts
wherever they are. Hodaya, Agatha, Sarah, and Pat are teachers in Little Legends. Joanna is a
volunteer in HQ and even hosts in Midpoint. Serra is making a difference in Brent, as she even
invited the church to speak in her school. Kelly has finished 1 year in NLTC. Bella and Careen
are now in the Creatives Team making pubs for FNL. And mostly all of them are in Connect
Teams as well. Your flock will challenge you as a leader, and you must have the discipline to
keep moving forward.

Today is a wonderful day to celebrate Life Groups. Being in a Life Group is a way to exercise
your leadership in your own Christian walk, but it is a greater privilege to run with people who
also want to know and fall deeper in-love with God. Life is meant to be enjoyed through
relationships, with Him in the center of it all. As we listen, share, encourage, and build each
other up, we can make a positive impact in the lives of others through Life Group. We can be an
example of love, forgiveness, and compassion. We can help others to grow in their spirituality,
and we can ensure that all members feel welcomed and accepted.

Our life group is a flock that we are called to watch over and shepherd, just as Acts 20:28 says.
As we come together with other believers, we can bring each other closer to God and live out our
faith in community. Being a part of a community of believers helps us stay grounded in our faith
and reminds us that we are never alone. Happy Life Group Sunday!

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