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PART 4: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence

l. Can you explain all the ___________I see on my pay statement?
(A) deduct (B) deductions (C) deductibles (D) deducting
2. The sales manager didn't care for our____________about last quarter's sales slump.
(A) remarking (B) remarkable (C) remarked (D) remarks
3. I'm sorry, but this area is ____________to bank personnel only.
(A) restricted (B) restriction (C) restrict (D) restricts
4. My cousin's ____________advice about selling. our stock saved us thousands.
(A) amazingly (B) amazed (C) amazing (D) amazement
5. The human resources manager hasn't arrived ___________, so please have a seat.
(A) already (B) still (C) soon (D) yet
6. I'm surprised ____________how fast customers get served in this restaurant.
(A) on (B) at (C) In (D) for
7. Management has ______to make a reasonable offer at the next contract bargaining
(A) promises (B) promise (C) promised (D) promising
8. In order to get a _______, you must bring in the defective product with a valid receipt.
(A) reimbursement (B) premium (C) duplication (D) refund
9. Employees are_________ to put in for vacation time at least two months in advance.
(A) requested (B) referred (C) rejected (D) reported
10. Ms. Kim is learning Russian __________she can communicate with her new father-
(A) so that (B) because (C) although (D) then
11. The CFO believes that a ________large volume of sales is the reason we are out of
the red.
(A) surprised (B) surprising (C) surprisingly (D) surprise
12. Doing business in 2010 will be extremely __________what it was like in 1910.
(A) different from (B) different to (C) different (D) different then
13. Making decisions about layoffs isn't_____________our supervisor's job description.
(A) within (B) into (C) about (D) inside
14. _______________has there been more of a demand for e-business courses at
universities than there is now.
(A) Always (B) Never (C) Rare (D) Often
15. When starting a new business, it isn't________to expect profits during the first year.
(A) real (B) realistic (C) realistically (D) really
16. The company's new database system will be installed and running__________ the
end of the year.
(A) in (B) from (C) by (D) on
17. The head of the space program will not be satisfied unless all work is done with the
(A) accurate (B) accurately (C) accuracy (D) more accuracy

18. It is only through a________________ effort on the part of all employees that a
company will prosper.
(A) collaboration (B) collaborative (C) collaborator (D) collaboratively
19. That decision of _______to repaint the house now was a very smart one.
(A) your (B) you (C) yourself (D) yours
20. Clients will receive___________ questionnaires to see if they are satisfied with our
gym equipment.
(A) periodical (B) periodic (C) periodically (D) period
21. Before investing in a new drug, we carry out extensive ___________to see if there is
a need for one.
(A) investigation (B) investing (C) planning (D) research
22. With the approach of the holiday season, employees are_____ awaiting their bonuses.
(A) anxiety (B) anxious (C) anxiousness (D) anxiously
23. All branch managers must ___a semi-annual report for the main office by the end of
(A) compensate (B) deliver (C) apply (D) prepare
24. We have just received a troubling _____on the expected rise in health care costs.
(A) accounting (B) documentation (C) report (D) observance
25. Shopping on the Internet is for those consumers for __________going to malls has
become a nightmare.
(A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) that
26. Could you please elaborate ___________your claim that housekeeping didn't keep
your room clean?
(A) on (B) over (C) for (D) into
27. Because of security concerns, all job applicants are __________carefully before
interviews are granted.
(A) screamed (B) screened (C) scrawled (D) scraped
28. It is recommended that potential investors___ the help of financial advisors before
(A) are seeking out (B) seek out (C) to seek out (D) sought out
29. Mr. Hansen's from his position as chief comptroller has been a shock to all of us.
(A) resigning (B) resigned (C) resigns (D) resign
30. With globalization now a part of our lives,it is impossible for a country to dobusiness
by ________
(A) itself (B) it (C) its own (D) it's self
31. Investors are relieved that all____ say the stock market will bounce back in the next
six months.
(A) predicaments (B) predilections (C) predictions (D) predicates
32. The government's decision to lower tariffs will allow the volume of imports to ___
(A) extrapolate (B) exhibit (C) expand (D) exhale
33. This new trade agreement has created all kinds of ___________possibilities for both
our countries.

(A) excited (B) exciting (C) excitement (D) excitable
34. Our ____________cost-cutting measures will ensure greater profits for the company
in the next fiscal year.
(A) outrageous (B) lucrative (C) aggressive (D) astounding
35. The use of e-mail has caused an ______leap in business communications throughout
the world.
(A) unacceptable (B) implacable (C) inadvertent (D) unimaginable
36. Our hotel has every __________ of making your annual convention the most
memorable one ever.
(A) intent (B) intently (C) intend (D) intention
37. Because of renovations to our offices, future social___________ will be held in the
company cafeteria.
(A) events (B) reunions (C) councils (D) invocations
38. The last company blood drive was _________a success that we plan on having one
every two months.
(A) such (B) so (C) too (D) much
39.Consumers are spending less these days___ reports that the economy is steadily
(A) in spite (B) because of (C) although (D) despite
40. The staff breathed a ____sigh of relief when it was announced that there would be no
(A) collected (B) collective (C) collecting (D) collectible
4l.Customer___________ is one of the top priorities of this company.
(A) satisfied (B) satisfying (C) satisfy (D) satisfaction
42. Remember that feeling confident and_______is an important part of giving a
(A) relaxing (B) relaxes (C) relaxed (D) relax
43. Final arrangements for the board of directors' meeting haven't______been made.
(A) already (B) still (C) while (D) yet
44. We have_____all project managers to turn in their reports by the end of the week.
(A) asking (B) asked (C) ask (D) asks
45. Nobody will be _________to the room after the meeting has started.
(A) admitted (B) omitted (C) permitted (D) submitted
46. Customer____________representatives are available to answer your questions
twenty-four hours a day.
(A) servants (B) serving (C) serve (D) service
47. While some people enjoy receiving calls from telemarketers, other people find such
(A) annoys (B) annoying (C) annoyingly (D) annoyed
48. If you are interested_________receiving free samples of our product, simply fill out
the enclosed card.
(A) to (B) in (C) of (D) about

49. Because of the mild climate and rich soil, a wide variety of crops can be________in
this region.
(A) grown up (B) increased (C) raised (D) enlarged
50. ________she has worked very hard during the past year, Ms. Gomez has still failed to
get a promotion.
(A) Although (B) Because (C) So (D) In spite of
51. We need all the help we can get and would like everyone in the office to________ us
in getting this job completed on time.
(A) resist (B) desist (C) insist (D) assist
52. The new computer does not seem to work___________ the old one did.
(A) as well (B) as well than (C) as good as (D) as well as
53. A fine will be charged for all materials that are returned to the library___________the
due date.
(A) past (B) over (C) later (D) above
54. ____________have market conditions been as favorable as they are now.
(A) Reliably (B) Fortunately (C) Never (D) Usually
55. We felt that the recent reports were not particularly_____________
(A) informs (B) information (C) informative (D) inform
56. Most ___________the people who responded to the survey were pleased with the
new product.
(A) of (B) for (C) to (D) from
57. The slow______________ on this project has been a cause for concern.
(A) progress (B) progressed (C) progressive (D) progresses
58. Fill out this form_____________ before turning it in to your supervisor.
(A) completed (B) complete (C) completion (D) completely
59. After you have had a chance to look over the enclosed documents, please return
___________to the front office.
(A) they (B) them (C) their (D) theirs
60. All new staff members should become_______with the standard office procedures.
(A) family (B) familiar (C) familiarly (D) familiarize
61. Due to the______________ weather conditions, all flights have been postponed until
further notice.
(A) current (B) abundant (C) actual (D) eventual
62. The recent changes in the economy have led to greater_______in our company's
(A) interest (B) interesting (C) interested(D) interestingly
63. Weather conditions ________the region have had a negative impact on agricultural
(A) whole (B) during (C) throughout (D) entire
64. The director would like to express his appreciation for the _____________efforts
made by all members of the staff during this time of crisis.
(A) admirable (B) admired (C) admirably (D) admiral

65. While we understand the desire to save money, we usually advise_________choosing
an insurance plan merely because it has the lowest price.
(A) for (B) from (C) against (D) over
66. The person to ____you submitted your request is no longer in charge of this section.
(A) whom (B) which (C) who (D) where
67. Please call the travel agent this afternoonto______________ your travel plans.
(A) confirmation (B) confirm (C) confirmed (D) confirming
68. We would be very interested in hearing your _______of the current political crisis.
(A) reaction (B) mind (C) reason (D) opinion
69. The manager has asked that all vacation requests be handed in to ___________office
by 9:00 on Monday morning.
(A) she's (B) her (C) she (D) hers
70. While negative criticism is rarely appreciated, __________advice is always welcome.
(A) constructive (B) construction (C) construct (D) constructing
71. We hope that you will _____________all of the evidence before making your final
decision in this matter.
(A) confuse (B) convince (C) consider (D) concur
72. Any personal items left in the lockers will be ____________at the end of the month.
(A) reminded (B) remarked (C) remodeled (D) removed
73. Mr. Chang will serve as _____director until a permanent director can be found.
(A) act (B) acting (C) actor (D) acted
74. It is important to respond to customer complaints with as pleasant an __as possible.
(A) assertion (B) attitude (C) assignment (D) attendant
75. ____________can be the cause of many work delays.
(A) Careless (B) Cared (C) Carelessness (D) Carelessly
76. While it is _____________to know the final results this soon, we have received some
preliminary information.
(A) impossible (B) impatient (C) improper (D) impolite
77. Our team worked __________hard on that project that we finished it two days before
the deadline.
(A) too (B) so (C) such (D) a lot
78. ___the growing demand for our product, we are making plans to increase production.
(A) Although (B) In spite of (C) Because of (D) Consequently
79. The new advertising campaign resulted in a ____________large increase in sales.
(A) surprised (B) surprisingly (C) surprise (D) surprises
80. The manufacturer listed assets __________ liabilities.
(A) but (B) nor (C) and (D) so
PART 5: Choose the best answer to complete the text
1. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following letter.
Mr. Albert Di Beni, 333 Spring Road Penshurst Kent
Dear Mr. Di Beni,
The Penshurst Medical Practice invites you to make an appointment for a medical (1)
…………After the age of forty, we recommend that you have a full physical every year.

Our records show that you recently (2)…………your fiftieth birthday. However, it is
over seven years since your last appointment with our clinic. If you contact the Penshurst
Medical Practice before September 15thyou will be able to take advantage (3)……..
freecheck up. In this medical we will check blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood
sugar. For a small extra charge, it is possible to have a more detailed examination. If you
are interested in this offer, please call the Medical Practice at your earliest convenience.
Penshurst Medical Practice
1.A. exam B.examination C. quiz D. test
2.A. celebrated B. have celebrated C. had celebrated D. were celebrating
3.A. from B. in C. of

2. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following information

It is important to stretch both before and after exercising. Many fitness experts say that
stretching after you exercise is actually more important than before. However, many
people do not bother stretching after their workout. They say that they are too (1)…….,
or they just forget. Stretching has many benefits. For example, it helps you avoid painful
cramps in your muscles. If you don't stretch, you could have tight and sore muscles the
next day. It helps to (6) ………your flexibility. If you stretch after every workout, it will
be easy to touch your toes. You might be surprised to know how many people (7)
……….reach their toes. Finally, it is also a good way to relax and wind down after
strenuous exercise. So be sure to include ten minutes of stretching as part of the start and
end of your exercise routine.
1.A. tiring B. tire C. tired D. tires
2.A. improve B. make C. exercise D. stimulate
3.A. must B. can’t C. want D. should

3. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following notice

Red Cross December Blood Drive
The Red Cross (1) …….like to thank its regular donors for all their contributions.
Without your help, we could not continue with our good work. Every pint of blood that
you donate allows us to help people in need. Your blood saves lives. Our next blood drive
will (2) ……..onDecember 22nd, from g a.m. to 7 p.m. It will be held at the Red Cross
Hall on Lion Street. We are staying open later than (3) ……… so that working people
can drop by after work. If you have donated before, please bring your registration card to
save time. First time donors are also more than welcome. Please encourage your friends
and family members to come along, too. Giving up less than one hour of their time could
give many more years of life to another person
1.A. will B. could C. would D. can
2.A. holding B. beheld C. had held D. is holding
3.A.regularly B. usual C. regular D. usually

4. Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following memo.
This semester, be prepared for your exams. Follow these handy hints from the Student
Advice Center.
Don't (1)………until the night before an exam. The best students revise and learn early
and regularly throughout the semester. Revise each night what you learned in class that
day. Reread class notes, assignments, handouts or previous tests and textbooks. (2)
…………. key words and points with a colored pen or pencil. It is very helpful to write
summaries of the notes you take in class.If that sounds like too much effort, then you
(3) ………..start studying at least two weeks beforeyour exams. Make a study
schedule and stick to it, but be realistic about your goals. Don't try to do too much in one
day. Resting is as important as studying.
1.A. be wait B. waiting C. wait D. had wait
2.A. highlight B. notice C. spotlight D. view
3.A. had to B. should C. would D. shouldn’t

5. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following letter.

Dear Ms. Whitfield,
Let me answer your questions (1)……..our scholarship policy. In order to qualify for
a scholarship students have to receive at least an A in 90% of their assignments, and no
lower than a B+ in the remaining 10%. This is the minimum requirement. Getting the
minimum grades does
not (2) ………..a scholarship if there are several students whose grades exceed the
Secondly, students cannot receive a scholarship more than two times. In addition to this,
the scholarships cannot be for two consecutive semesters.
You received a scholarship last semester, so (3) …………….we were unable to offer
you a scholarship, even though you received an A+ in all of your courses.
Jennifer Michaels
Finance Officer
1.A. regards regard C.regarding regards to
2.A.promise B. guarantee C. agree D. offer
3.A.coincidentally B. unfortunately C.accidentally D.fortunately

6. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following information

Choosing a college
(1) ………….a college is one of the most important decisions you will have to make. The
following suggestions should help you (2)……… informed decision. Visit the school
you are considering. While you are at the school, take some time to look at the equipment
and facilities. Talk to lecturers and current students. Ask questions that will give you
first-hand knowledge about the school: Do the instructors seem knowledgeable? What is
the students' opinion of the

Instructors? What (3) ……….they like most and least about the school or program?
Finally, look at several schools that offer similar programs. Compare program length,
schedule, cost, transferability of course credits, financial aid availability, and any other
factors that are important to you
1.A. to choose B. chosen C. choosing D. having chosen
2.A. have B. suggest C. make D. perform
3.A. do B. are C. had D.can

PART 6: Read the text and choose the best answer for each question
Question 1
Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following letter.
October 7, 2012
ABC Corporation
Washington, D.C.
Dear all,
We advertised the position of Sale manager a week ago in the national newspaper. So far
we’ve had more than fifty applicants for the job. As you know, we’re offering a salary of
$2,000 a month. We would prefer to appoint someone with a few years’ experience in the
field. Remember that we stated in the advertisement that high academic qualifications are
not so necessary for a job like this. We need to stress that in this company all employees
are treated in the same way. All staffs are entitled to an annual share in the progress of
the company, and we believe that good working relations between managers and staff are
essential. We’ve selected ten candidates to be interviewed next week. The successful
candidate will take up his/her appointment from next month.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
John Whitney
Personnel Manager, ABC Corporation
1. Who is this letter for?
A. Applicants for a job B. An editor of a newspaper
C. A manager of a company D. All employees of a company
2. What is this letter about?
A. A job advertisement B. An announcement to job applicants
C. A reminder to all employees D. An introduction of new employees
3. When was the job advertisement posted in the national newspaper?
A. October 1 B. October 3 C. October 5 D. October 7
4. When will the new employee start his/her new job?
A. In September B. In October C. In November D. In December
Question 2
Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following leaflet.
Taking Flu – away
For the relief of the symptoms of colds and flu, take three times daily at mealtimes
or as directed by your physician. In severe cases the dosage may be increased to every
three hours. Some patients experience loss of appetite and restlessness but any of the
following side effects occur the treatment should be immediately discontinued and
professional medical advice sought: dizziness, dry mouth, tingling or cramps in lower
limbs. Flu – away is unsuitable for children under sixteen and should not be used by
pregnant women. Elderly patients or those with a history of allergic reactions or
sensitivity to aspirin should consult their physician before taking Flu – away. It should
not be taken continuously for a period greater than one week. If symptoms persist, see
your doctor.
1. What is "Flu – away"?
A. A disease B. A kind of drug
C. A physician’s name D. A medical center
2. What is NOT one of the side effects of Flu-away?
A. Loss of appetite B. Dry mouth C. Cramps D. Headache
3. How long should a patient use Flu-away consecutively?
A. No more than 7 days B. 10 days C. 14 days D. 16 days
4. Which of the following is mentioned in the leaflet?
A. Patients take Flu - away every three hours in all cases.
B. Flu - away is applicable to children under 16.
C. Only elderly patients can use Flu – away.
D. People sensitive to aspirin should ask a doctor for advice before taking Flu –
Question 3
Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following form.
As of 20 June 2011, all visa applicants must have an appointment to submit their visa
application at the Consulate General. One appointment will be allocated per person, for
example, if families of five are applying for visas, then 5 appointments must be made.
There are a limited number of daily appointments. You may book your appointments in
Step 1
An appointment may be scheduled through the website. Each applicant is required to
provide the name as in the passport, the passport number, mobile phone number and e-
mail address. Once the appointment time and date is confirmed a letter will be generated
with an appointment reference number for each applicant.
Step 2
The charge for this service is AED 50.00 (Fifty dirham) per application. Payment must be
made via the secure payment on the website for an immediate appointment confirmation.
In return you will be given a Visa Appointment and Receipt.
Step 3
Arrive at the World Trade Centre no earlier than 30 minutes prior to your appointment
time and present the confirmation receipt on Level 22 to the Security Guard.
1. What do the instructions focus on?
A. Visa application process B. Reserving a room
C. Booking a flight ticket D. Making an appointment

2. If families of 10 are applying for visas, how many appointments must be made?
A. 1 B. 5 C. 10 D. 20
3. Which information does a visa applicant NOT need to provide?
A. Name B. Passport number C. Phone number D. Mail address
4. How much do two visa applications cost?
A. AED 20.00 B. AED 30.00 C. AED 50.00 D. AED 100.00
Question 4
Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following business letter.
250 6th Street West,
St Paul
United States
(651) 236-7888
Dear Customers,
Let me feel the pride to introduce ourselves as “TM Garment’s and accessories” that is
going to operate from 3rd June 2010 on 6th Avenue, close to the kids park and Maxx
Cafe. We indulge in selling diverse and unique products from kids to teens and adults.
You can select from a variety of casual, Seasonal, formal and winter wears on visiting us.
We have two branches operating on Street East. Our success there has inspired us to open
one more store for our valuable customers who stay in this locality.
We do have a spacious specialty unisex Salon on the 3rd floor that is open on all the
days. Our Salon offers makeover sessions, relaxing facials, trendy and elegant hairstyles
and lot more services based on your needs.
We are looking forward to your visit to our store.
Tom, Store Manager
1. What is the purpose of this letter?
A. To introduce a new product B. To announce a new business
C. To thank customers for their visits D. To announce a discount
2. What kind of business is TM GARMENT?
A. Clothing B. Toy production C. Bar D. Café
3. Where is TM GARMENT based?
A. On 6th Avenue B. On Street East
C. On Street West D. Near the kids park
4. Which service does the unisex Salon NOT offer?
A. Make-up sessions B. Hair care C. Facial relaxation D. Meditation
Question 5
Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following memorandum.
June 30, 2008
TO: All Members of the Faculty
FROM: EDUARDO SANTOS, College Administrator
RE: Daily Time Record

1. To maintain regular attendance of the faculty in their respective classes, the
Accounting Office has pasted on your respective DTR’s a copy of your class schedule.
2. The faculty member is under obligation to time-in based on his/her first period of the
day and time-out on the last period effective July 1, 2008.
3. The consultation hour of 2 hours a week may be spread, thus: 30 minutes MTWTh
from 4:00-4:30 pm or 1 hour MT 4:00-5:00 pm or 2 hours Mondays – 3:00-5:00 pm or to
whatever schedule is convenient. In any case the room or office should be indicated and
the cashier should be given due copy of the consultation period preferred.
Thank you for your attention!
1. Where would the memorandum most likely be found?
A. At a university B. In a company
C. In a police office D. In an accounting office
2. Who is this memorandum for?
A. Students B. Lecturers
C. College administrators D. Members of the accounting office
3.What does this memorandum discuss?
A. Class schedule B. Faculty members
C. Faculty attendance record D. Teachers’ consultation
4.How many consultation hours are there in a week?
A. 30 minutes B. 1 hour C. 2 hours D. 2 hours and a half


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