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FIRST QUARTER EARTH SCIENCE 🌱 Comet — frozen leftovers from the formation of

the solar system; composed of rock, dust, and

Lesson 1 ice.


● Ascribed to J. E. Bode (1747-1826)
● The big bang started the universe 13.8 billion ● Not a physical law but only a convenient rule
years ago. for recalling the distances of the planets from
● Galaxies began to take shape 1 billion years the sun.
● Earth is 4.54 billion years old. Angular momentum of a planet — product of
● Meteorites – formed at the same time as the its mass, speed, and distance from the axis of
rest of the solar system. rotation.

1. ENCOUNTER THEORY Terrestrial planet Giant Planet

- Inner planets - Large planets of relatively
- Earliest hypotheses - Rocky planets low density.
- Denser than giant - Consisting predominantly
4.6 billion years ago… planets of hydrogen and helium,
● Rogue star passed near the Sun. - Earth, Venus, - Such as Jupiter, Saturn,
● Materials in the form of hot gas (nebula) Mercury, Mars. Uranus, or Neptune.
are tidally stripped away from the Sun and
the rogue star.
● Materials continue to spin in the same
● Remnants of materials from which the solar
direction as the sun, and fragments into
system was derived.
smaller lumps which formed the planets.
● Solid piece of debris from an object such as a
- This hypothesis explains why the planets comet, asteroid, or meteoroid.
all revolve in the same direction and why
the inner planets are denser than outer OTHER THEORIES RELATED TO ENCOUNTER HYPOTHESIS
Problems with this theory: Collision Theory: George Buffon (1749)
1. Cannot explain how encounters between ● Envisioned the sun devoid of a planetary
stars would occur and; system
2. How lumps of hot gas contract to form ● Collided with a comet that came from the
planets. depths of interstellar space at some point
● The collision ripped several ‘drops’ from the
How does the Sun produce Energy? earth Eventually condensed into planets
Tidal Theory: Jeans-Jeffrey Hypothesis
Atoms → The sun has a strong gravity. → ● Replaced the earlier hypothesis by replacing
Gravity pulls atoms together. → When two the comet with a star that supposedly came
atoms get close together, they merge and fuse very close to the sun.
to become a new atom. ● Its gravitational pull and resulting tidal force
ripped the sun’s body apart like a ribbon.
Photon – electromagnetic wave that has ● The ribbon-like structure spun around the sun
energy and expands outward as a sphere as the star moved away from it, condensing
shaped wave. into planets.

Rogue star materials — less dense. become

outer solar system plants.

Inner Solar System material — denser,

becomes terrestrial plants.

Sun — Star at the center of the solar system

Nebula — Latin for “cloud” or “fog”; interstellar

cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other
ionized gases.

Orderliness of the solar system — the

members of the solar system move in a common
direction in elliptical orbits; The elliptical orbits for
all the planets lie in almost the same plane (flat).
Chamberlin-Moulton Planetesimal Theory a massive spinning disk with a high
● Described the Sun colliding with another star. concentration in the center.
● Force of the moving star tears a series of ● The rising temperature eventually provided
bolts from the solar surface.
enough energy to cause nuclear fusion,
● Bolts from the side of the star closest to it are which resulted in the birth of the sun
flung out to great distances and form giant ● As the cloud of gas and dust cooled, the
planets. nebula started to shrink. The centrifugal
● Those from the Sun’s side form terrestrial force from the nebula’s rotation and the
planets. gravitational force from the cloud’s mass
● Initial cores of the planets were created from caused the nebula to spin faster, casting off
the inner remains of these bolts which rings of gas and creating a disk-like shape.
eventually developed into planets by ● The sun, which has the most mass, became
gathering in the planetesimals. luminous enough. Then the gas and dust
● Outer parts expanded and cooled, creating a rings are blown into space and condensed
vast swarm of solid particles that spread out
into planetesimals, which shape the different
in a disk revolving around the Sun in a plane densities of planets and their satellites
defined by the motion of moving stars. orbiting the sun to form the solar system.
Common Theme:
- Involves an unlikely encounter between the
Sun and another celestial body such as a
comet, a star, a protoplanet, or an
interstellar cloud;
- Neglects the premise of the Encounter
- Incorporates more basic physics.
Problems with this theory:
Otto Schmidt’s Accretion Theory 1. The outer planets hold the majority of the
● The Sun went through a thick interstellar angular momentum in the Solar System. In
cloud and emerged with a dusty, gaseous comparison, the Sun contains 99% of the
envelope, which later became the planets. Solar System’s mass, but the planets
● Cannot clarify how planets and satellites contain 99% of its angular momentum.
were created. 2. The mechanism from which the disk turns
into individual planets, if planet formation is
M.M. Woolfson’s Capture Theory a natural part of star formation, most stars
● The Sun pulls a filament of material from a should have planets.
nearby proto-star, which becomes the
planets. Gravitational collapse — contraction of an
astronomical object due to the influence of its
Harold Urey own gravity, which tends to draw matter inward
● Compositional studies on meteorites led to toward the center of gravity.
the conclusion that meteorite constituents
have changed very little since the solar From the nebula — the solar system starts.
system’s early history.
Spinning of nebula — occurs as a result of the
2. NEBULAR HYPOTHESIS conservation of angular momentum.

- Most widely accepted theory Sun’s temperature — allows the chemical

- Consistent makeup of planets to differ.
- Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant,
Pierre-Simon Laplace are the founders Gravitational forces — inertial force; “fictitious”
(18th century) or “pseudo” force; appear to act on all objects
when viewed in a rotating frame of reference.
● The Solar System began as a huge cloud of
gas and dust. Nuclear fusion — a reaction in which two or
● The Solar System began 4.5 billion years more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or
ago as a vast cloud of gas and dust that more different atomic nuclei and subatomic
collapses under self-gravity (gravitational particles (neurons or protons).
collapse) with gravitational forces
overcoming the forces associated with gas Centrifugal force — an apparent force that acts
pressure that would expand it. outward on a body moving around a center,
● Due to conservation of angular arising from the body’s inertia.
momentum, the nebula accelerates and
spins faster as it contracts, transforming into Retrograde — spins in opposite direction of its
orbit; Venus
Prograde — spins in the same direction as its
orbit; Earth Protoplanet — a large body of matter in orbit
around the sun or a star and thought to be
developing into a planet.
Chondrules — Clumps of dust larger than a
- Present working model grain of wheat, are flash-heated into droplets of
- Built on the main concepts of the nebular molten rock deep within the disc.
hypothesis and concepts based on new
knowledge on fluids and states of matter. Its transformation — difference between
planetesimal and protoplanet.
● The Solar System began with a fragment
from an interstellar cloud of gas and dust
composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, and
trace amounts of the light elements.
● Fragments of the interstellar cloud formed
the dense central region of the solar nebula
which contracted, rotated more rapidly,
conserving its angular momentum. It also
grew by accretion as material continued to
fall inward from its surroundings.
● The solar nebula eventually evolved into the
● Gravitational instabilities ruptured the thin
disk into eddies, each containing many
small particles which built up and accreted.
● As the accretion continued, larger
asteroid-sized aggregates called
planetesimals were formed, which orbited
the center of the solar nebula.
● These planetesimals further grew in size
due to the gravitational attraction they
exerted on one another, forming moon-sized
bodies called protoplanets that would later
become planets.
● Protoplanets are made up of frozen water,
ammonia, methane, silicon, aluminum, iron,
and other metals encased in hydrogen and
helium in rock and mineral grains,
depending primarily on their initial distance
from the sun as they are formed.
● Mercury’s mantle is destroyed by
high-speed collisions with huge objects, and
Venus is thrown into retrograde rotation.
The collision of the Earth with a large object
produces the moon. The moon’s
composition is quite similar to the Earth’s
mantle, which supports this theory.
● Terrestrial planets formed near the central
portion of the solar nebula, where the
temperatures were high enough to vaporize
all compounds in the dust except the
high-temperature metallic and silicate
minerals in the inner portion of the disk.
● The gas giants on the other hand, formed in
the outer disk which remained relatively
cooler, allowing them to be rich in volatile,
icy, and gaseous materials.

Accretion — process of solid particles sticking

together to form a larger particle.

Eddy — a fast, circular movement of gas and


Planetesimal — a minute planet; a body that

could or did come together with many others
under gravitation to form a planet.
Lesson 2 ● Earth is the only planet in the solar system that

Earth’s subsystems and the

is known to contain water in all three phases.
● Water on earth is constant and consistently
moving because of temperature and salinity.
flow of matter and energy ● It also plays an important role in absorption
and redistribution of solar radiation.
● Earth is a complex system of interrelating ● It also extends to the deep parts of the oceans
physical, chemical, and biological processes. where marine organisms can still survive.
● There are sets of interconnected components ● It is also in this zone that the interaction
that interact to form a whole. between the different subsystems is most
● Earth is comprised of four major smaller dynamic. (dynamic = constant change)
systems: atmosphere, geosphere,
hydrosphere, and biosphere.

Atmosphere Biosphere
● Biosphere comes from the Greek word bios
● Atmosphere serves as the Earth's blanket. meaning life.
● Its name is rooted from the Greek word atmos ● It is composed of all living things and the areas
which means gas, and sphaira which means where they are found.
globe or ball. ● It includes all animals, microbes, and plants. It
● It is composed of gases in varying amounts extends to the upper areas of the atmosphere
and its relative abundance is also crucial in where insects and birds can be found.
different parts of the earth. ● Matter and energy flows and cycle between
● The air in the atmosphere is generally the four subsystems to sustain and make life
composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, on Earth possible. Both of it can flow across
0.9% argon, and the remaining 0.10% is made the boundaries of each subsystem
up of different trace gases and vapor. ● The geosphere is where the rocky part of the
● The amount of oxygen we breathe in is about earth is in contact with water, air, and life.
21%, and the amount we breathe out is 16.4% ● In the biosphere, each organism plays an
oxygen. important role in the food web. If one is lost,
● Serves as the Earth's protection from harmful then the others will be affected.
UV rays and keeps the planet warm through
greenhouse gasses.
● Atmosphere is affected by the Earth's gravity, It is also generally where the spheres
so this is the reason why as the altitude intersect and affect each other. The processes
increases, the amount of gases in the that move matter and energy from one sphere
atmosphere decreases. to another are called as sphere interactions.
● Composed of layers namely: troposphere, Changes in any sphere greatly affect the other
stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and spheres as well since all the spheres are
exosphere. interconnected systems.

Geosphere The four subsystems are closely linked

● Geosphere comes from the Greek word geos through the biogeochemical cycles which
meaning ground. It pertains to the solid part of involve biological, geochemical, and chemical
the earth. factors. These cycles are alleyways by which
● It is divided into three layers: crust, mantle, substances move through biotic, which is
and the core. biosphere, and abiotic which are geosphere,
● It is composed of naturally occurring solid atmosphere, and hydrosphere, components of
aggregate of minerals, organic material, or earth.
natural glass called rocks.
● Also composed of loose particles of rocks that It allows the circulation of important nutrients
enveloped the surface of Earth, called that form and support life like carbon, oxygen,
regolith. nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and water. It
● It contains all the soil, rocks, and minerals also maintains the balance of substances in
present in the crust to the core of the Earth. the different subsystems of the Earth. Any
● It comprises the geologic landforms such as interference and disturbances in the flow of
mountains and hills. matter and energy may cause damage to any
of the subsystems and its components.
● Hydrosphere comes from the Greek word Characteristics of earth that are
hydro which means water.
● It is composed of all the water on Earth in any necessary to support life
form (water vapor and liquid water).
● Another part of this subsystem is the ● Earth has existed for 4.543 billion years.
permanently frozen parts called the ● During its early formation, life is not possible
cryosphere. because the environment does not permit it.
● As time goes by, microorganisms formed into Lesson 4.1
more complex organisms.
● Life on earth is possible due to the following
Mineral is a naturally formed, inorganic solid
WATER with a definite chemical composition and an
- Most important ingredient in biological ordered crystalline structure.
- Absence of water will interfere with reactions
necessary for life. Characteristics of Minerals:
- Solid form (ice) hinders living organisms from 1. Non-living
using it. Solid (ice) in the 2 poles and liquid ■ Minerals are inorganic.
along the equator. (can be consumed.) ■ This means that they are not made of living
things or their remains.
- Provides chemicals needed for life: carbon 2. Solid
dioxide, nitrogen. ■ Minerals are not gases or liquids.
- Provides insulation/shielding from the sun
and impact of small to medium size 3. Have a crystalline structure
meteorites. ■ Minerals are crystal.
- Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) ■ Each mineral has a certain crystal structure
and methane (CH4) traps heat and avoid our that is always the same.
planet from freezing.
- The Ozone (O3) layer shields the Earth’s 4. Forms naturally
surface from harmful UV radiation. ■ Minerals are not made by people.
- Size and distance from the sun affects the
ability of the Earth to hold a significant 5. Have a defined chemical composition
amount of atmosphere. ■ The same mineral has the same chemical
- Earth’s size and distance from the sun is just composition that can be expressed by a
right which permits it to have the right amount chemical formula.
of atmosphere.
- Presence of gravity also sustains the COMPOUND — It is a substance made of two
atmosphere. or more elements that are chemically bonded.
For example, the mineral halite is a compound of
TEMPERATURE sodium, Na, and chlorine, Cl.
- Influences how quickly atoms, molecules, or
organisms move. NATIVE ELEMENT — A few minerals, such as
- Low temperature: slows down chemical gold and silver, are made of only one element. A
reactions, produces icE. mineral that is made up of only one element.
- High temperature: breakdown of important Each element is made of only one kind of atom.
biological molecules. An atom is the smallest part of an element that
- Earth’s temperature is just right. has the properties of that element.
NUTRIENTS CRYSTALS — Remember that minerals have a
- Essential factor used to build and maintain an definite crystalline structure. This means that the
organism's body structurE. atoms in the mineral line up in a regular pattern.
- Insufficient amounts can impede synthesis of The regular pattern of the atoms in a mineral
biological molecules. causes the mineral to form crystals. Crystals are
- Volcanism helps in cycling nutrients. solid, geometric forms of minerals that are
- Water, carbon, and oxygen are some formed by repeating a pattern of atoms.
examples of nutrients
Shapes of Crystal:
ENERGY - It depends on how the atoms in it are
- Earth has rich sunlight to support life. arranged.
- Living organisms like plants and - The atoms that make up each mineral are
photosynthetic bacteria use light as a source different. However, there are only a few ways
of energy. that atoms can be arranged. Therefore, the
- Chemosynthetic organisms rely on chemical crystals of different minerals can have similar
energy to support biological processes. shapes.
- Earth’s position from the sun is just right to - Although different minerals may form similar
enable it to harness enough sunlight. shapes, each mineral forms only one shape
of crystal. Therefore, geologists say that a
mineral has a definite crystalline structure.
This means that crystals of a certain mineral
always form the same shape.
Lesson 4.2


- The same mineral can have many different
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS - For example, the mineral quartz can be
clear, white, pink, or purple.
- Minerals can also change colors when they
react with air or water.
- For example, pyrite (“fool’s gold”) has a
golden color

- The color of a mineral in powdered form.
- You can find a mineral’s streak by rubbing
the mineral against a piece of unglazed
- Streak plate - The piece of unglazed
- The mark left on the streak plate is the
1. Luster streak.
2. Hardness - Streak is a more useful property than color
3. Color and streak for identifying minerals. This is because the
4. Crystal form and habit color of a mineral’s streak is always the
5. Cleavage and fracture same.
6. Specific gravity - For example, the color of the mineral
hematite may vary, but its streak will always
1. LUSTER be red-brown.
- The way a surface reflects light.
- When you say that something looks shiny, 4. CLEAVAGE AND FRACTURE
you are describing its luster. - Different minerals break in different ways.
- A mineral can have a metallic, submetallic, - The way that a mineral breaks depends on
or nonmetallic luster. how its atoms are arranged.
- Cleavage - When some minerals break, the
2. HARDNESS surfaces that form are smooth and flat.
- A mineral’s resistance to being scratched. - Fracture - Other minerals break unevenly,
- Scientists use the Mohs hardness scale to along curved or rough surfaces.
describe the hardness of minerals.
- The harder a mineral is to scratch, the 5. DENSITY
higher its rating on the Mohs scale. - A measure of how much matter is in a given
- Talc, one of the softest minerals, has a amount of space.
rating of 1. - It is usually measured in grams per cubic
- Diamond, the hardest mineral, has a centimeter (g/cm³). For example, the density
rating of 10. of water is 1 g/cm³.
- Geologists often use specific gravity to
describe the density of a mineral.
- A mineral’s specific gravity is the density of
the mineral divided by the density of water
(1 g/cm3).
- For example, gold has a density of 19
g/cm3. Its specific gravity is 19.

- The external shape of a crystal or groups of 2. Oxides
- It is the natural shape of the mineral before
the development of any cleavage or ● Minerals containing Oxygen anion (O2-)
fracture. combined with one or more metal ions.
● Examples: Common oxide minerals are
magnetite (Fe3O4) and Hematite (Fe2O3).
3. Sulfates
- Calcite and fluorite show the property of ● Minerals containing Sulfur and Oxygen anion
fluorescence. (SO4) - combined with other ions (metal
- They glow under ultraviolet light. cation).
● They usually precipitate out of water near
2. CHEMICAL REACTION Earth’s surface.
- Calcite produces a chemical reaction when ● Example: Gypsum
a drop of weak acid is placed on it. It fizzes
and produces gas bubbles.
4. Sulfides
- Some minerals, such as this calcite, show ● Minerals containing sulfur anion (S2-)
optical properties. combined with one or more ions.
- Images look doubled when they are viewed ● Some sulfides are sources of economically
through calcite. important metals such as copper, lead and
4. MAGNETISM ● Examples: Covellite (Copper Sulfide), Galena
- Magnetite shows the property of magnetism. (Lead Sulfide), Wurtzite (Zinc Iron Sulfide)
- It is a natural magnet.
- Attracts metallic objects. 5. Carbonates
- Halite has a salty taste. ● Minerals containing the carbonate anion
- Taste can be influenced by the chemical (CO3)2 - combined with other elements.
composition. ● It is characterized by the presence of
carbonic acid (H2CO3) which bonds
6. RADIOACTIVITY elements such as calcium or magnesium to
- Minerals that contain radioactive elements form calcite or dolomite.
may show the property of radioactivity.
- The radiation they give off can be detected 6. Halides
by a Geiger counter
● Minerals containing halogen elements
Cation – a positively charged ion. combined with one or more elements.
Anion – a negatively charged ion ● Examples: Chlorine or Fluorine which forms
Halite or Rock Salt (NaCl) and Fluorite
Lesson 4.3 (CaF2)
CLASSIFICATIONS OF ● Other Example: Dolomite

MINERALS 7. Native Elements

● Geologists classify minerals based on the
elements or compounds in the minerals. ● Minerals that form as individual elements.
● Two main groups of minerals are silicate ● Metals and Inter-metals – minerals with high
minerals and non-silicate minerals. thermal and electrical conductivity, typically
with metallic luster, low hardness (gold, lead).
● Semi-metals – minerals that are more fragile
1. Silicates than metals and have lower conductivity
(arsenic, bismuth)
● They are composed of silicon-oxygen ● Nonmetals – nonconductive (sulfur, diamond)
tetrahedrons (SiO4) - the fundamental ● Examples: Gold, Arsenic, Diamond
building block of silicate minerals.
● Over 90% of the rock-forming minerals
belong to this group. SILICATE MINERALS
● Examples: Feldspar, Mica, Olivine, Quartz, ■ Silicon and oxygen are two of the most
Pyroxene common elements in the Earth’s crust.
■ Minerals that contain compounds of silicon
and oxygen.
Lesson 5.1
■ Silicate minerals make up more than 90% of
the Earth’s crust.
■ Most silicate minerals also contain elements rocks
other than silicon and oxygen, such as Rocks are:
aluminum, iron, or magnesium. ● naturally occurring, coherent aggregate of
various types of minerals or solid materials
The most stable and least ambiguous basis for such as natural glass or organic matter.
classification of minerals is based on their ● naturally occurring solid aggregate of
chemical composition. minerals sometimes with nonmineral solid

The elements listed below comprise almost 99%

of the minerals making up the Earth’s crust.

● mass of consolidated rock that has not been
● may be exposed at the surface of the Earth
or may be overlain by the broken and
decomposed rock fragments (regolith).

These rock fragments, either removed by

erosion or some other surface processes, can
expose bedrocks, which are typically referred to
as outcrops.

Lesson 5.2

Classification of rocks
Igneous Rock
● Magmatic rocks
● “parent rock”
● Formed through the cooling and
solidification of magma or lava.

1. Intrusive or Plutonic igneous rocks

○ formed from solidification of magma
below the surface
○ have large crystals of minerals that
formed overtime through slow process
crystallization in a magma.
○ Granite, diorite, gabbro, pegmatite,
2. Extrusive or Volcanic igneous rocks 2. Non Foliated
○ formed through faster rate of ○ has no foliation or bands
solidification of lava on the surface of the ○ hornfels, marble, quartzite, novaculite
○ become glassy in appearance due to
less crystallization or vesicular like
Scoria due to the air that was trapped
inside when they solidified and formed
on the surface of the Earth
○ andesite, basalt, dacite, obsidian,
pumice, rhyolite, tuff

3. Pyroclastic rock
○ hybrid of igneous and sedimentary
○ relevant in Philippine setting because it
is a common eruptive product

Sedimentary Rock
● Formed by the deposition and cementation
of mineral or organic particles on the floor
of oceans and other bodies of water at the
Earth's surface.


1. Clastic sedimentary rock
○ formed from the mechanical weathering
debris of rocks
○ breccia, conglomerate, sandstone,
siltstone, shale

2. Chemical sedimentary rock

○ formed when dissolved materials
precipitate from solution
○ rock salt, iron ore, chert, flint, dolomites

3. Organic sedimentary rock

○ formed from the build-up of plant or
animal debris

Sediment — naturally occurring material that is

broken down by processes of weathering and

Cementation — occurs when silica, calcium

carbonate, or iron oxide bonds the fragments

Metamorphic Rock
● Forms from existing rock types called
“parent rock” in the process called
metamorphism (change in form)
● The original rock, which can be an
igneous, sedimentary, or another
metamorphic rock is subjected to heat and
pressure causing a profound chemical or
physical change.

1. Foliated metamorphic rocks

○ formed through pressure due to
compression of rocks that create bands
called foliation
○ gneiss, phyllite, schist, slate
Lesson 6 Lesson 7

Important minerals to Ore minerals: how they are

society found, mined, and
In households
● toothpaste contains fluoride from fluorite
processed for human use
● face powder containing talc
● salt to enhance flavor of food Mining
● aluminum for kitchen utensils ■ Process of mineral extraction from a rock
● stainless wares containing mostly iron, seam or ore (a natural rock or sediment
chromium, and carbon containing one or more valuable material).
● gadgets are composed of silicon, silver, and ■ These minerals range from precious metals
gold and iron to gemstones and quartz
● copper is used in electrical wiring because it ■ Modern mining technology uses geophysical
is less expensive techniques that involve measuring the magnetic,
gravity, and sonic responses of rocks above and
In construction around a prospective mineral ore body.
● iron steel - iron and carbon
● concrete - limestone, lime, chalk 1. Surface Mining
● glass - quartz and silica ● Used to extract minerals near the surface of
● floors - granite and marble the Earth
● window and door panels - aluminum ● Soil and rocks that covered the ores are
removed through blasting
In dental health ● Blasting is a controlled use of explosives and
● titanium - strong, light metal used for teeth gas exposure to break rocks
● Gypsum - plaster cast 1.1 Open Pit Mining
● Stainless steel - iron, chromium, carbon - Most common type
- Open pit means a big hole (or pit) in the
Power plants ground.
● nuclear power plants - uranium - The pit in mine is created by blasting with
● coal power plants - coal explosives and drilling.
● batteries for electric cars - nickel, copper, - Used to mine gravel and sand and even
lithium rock.

● NPK Fertilizers - nitrogen, phosphorus,
● Lime - lowers acidity of soil

● Supplements - calcium, magnesium, zinc

Minerals can also cause harm

● Talc - may contain asbestos that causes 1.2 Strip Mining
cancer - Involved the removal of a thin strip of
● Nuclear power plants using radioactive overburden (earth or soil) above a desired
materials produce radioactive waste deposit,
● Burning of coal releases high amounts of - Dumping the removed overburden behind
Carbon dioxide and other gases the deposit,
● Overusing synthetic fertilizer causes - Extracting desired deposit,
eutrophication - Creating a second, parallel strip in the
same manner,
- And depositing the waste materials from
that second (new) strip onto the first strip
- Used for coal, phosphates, clays, and tar
1.3 Dredging
- The process of mining materials from the
bottom of a body of water, including
rivers, lakes, and oceans.

2. Underground Mining
● Used to extract the rocks, minerals, and
other precious stones found beneath the
Earth’s surface.
● Miners need to create a tunnel so they
can reach the ore minerals.
● More expensive and dangerous because
miners need to use explosive devices to
remove the minerals from the rocks that
cover them.

Mineral Processing
■ It is the process of extracting minerals from the
ore, refining them, and preparing these minerals
for use. The primary steps involved in processing
minerals include:

1. Sampling – removal of a portion which

represents a whole needed for the analysis
of this material.

2. Analysis – is important to evaluate the

valuable component in an ore. This includes
chemical, mineral and particle size analysis.

3. Comminution – process where the valuable

components of the ore are separated
through crushing and grinding. This process
begins by crushing the ores to a particular
size and finishes it by grinding the ores into
a powder.

4. Concentration – involves the separation of

the valuable minerals from the raw

5. Dewatering – uses the concentration to

convert it to usable minerals. This involves
filtration and sedimentation of the
suspension and drying of the solid materials
harvested from this suspension.

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