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Navneet Education society's


Semester Examination
Date:04/11/2023 Marks:50 Marks
Day: Saturday Time: 03:30To05:30pm

General Instructions:

1. Use of log table is allowed for calculations.

2. Draw neat & labelled diagram/CKT diagram wherever necessary.
3. Section wise- Figures to right indicate full marks.
4. Write Correct Question Numbers.
5. Use of calculator is not allowed.


Q1.Select and write the correct answer. [7M]

Dimensions of kinetic energy are the same as that of.
(A)Force (B) Acceleration (C) Work (D)Pressure
Aplacewhere the verticalcomponents of Earth's magnetic field is zero has the
angle of dip equal to.
(A) 0° (B) 45° (C) 60° (D) 90°
III. For uniform acceleration in rectilinear motion which of the following is not
(A)Velocity-time graph is linear.
(B)Acceleration is the slope of velocity time graph.
(C) The area under the velocity-time graph equals displacement.
(D) Velocity-time graph is nonlinear.
IV. If a TV telecast is to cover aradius of 640 km, what should be the height of
transmitting antenna?
(A) 32000m (B)53000 m
(C) 42000 m (D) 55000 m
V. The weight of a particle at the centre of the Earth is.
(A) infinite
(C)same as that at other places.
(D) greater than at the poles.
VI. Speed of sound is maximum in.
(A) air (B) water (C) vacuum (D)solid
VII. The wire of length L and resistance Ris stretched so that its radius of cross
section is halved. What is its new resistance?
(A) 5R (B) 8R (C)4R (D)16R
Q2. Answer the following. Very Short Answer [7M]
1. What is demodulation?
State Newton's formula for velocity of sound.
I. What do you mean by gravitational constant. State its SI units?
IV. Define free fall.
V. Describe what is meant by significant figures and order of magnitude.
VI. On which factors does the electrical conductivity of a pure
depend at a given temperature?
VII. Define escape velocity of a satellite.

Attempt any Eight. Short Answers | [16M]
3. Explain the |-V characteristic of a forward
biased junction diode.
4. Explain why is modulation needed.
5. What is Earth's magnetic field. Write
special cases.
6. Distinguish between intrinsic semiconductors and extrinsic
7. Define the relation between velocity, wave semiconductors.
length and frequency of wave.
8. What is a geographic meridian, How does the
declination vary with latitude?
9. Define absolute error, relative error,
percentage error, personal error.
10.Define angular velocity. Show that the centripetal force on a particle
uniform circular motion is -mw²r. undergoing
11.Explain Newtons formula for velocity of sound. What is its limitation?
12.State Newton's law of gravitation and express it in vector form.
13.State Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.
Attempt any Four. Short Answer II [12M]
14.Explain the necessity of a carrier wave in communication. Why high frequency
carrier waves are used for transmission of audio signals?
15.A circular magnet is made with its north pole at the centre, separated from the
surrounding circular south pole by an air a gap. Draw the magnetic field lines in the
gap. Draw a diagram to illustrate the magnetic lines of force between the south
poles of two such magnets.
16.Derive the formula for kinetic energy of a particle having mass m and velocity v
using dimensional analysis.
17.Apolice car travels towards a stationary observer at a speed of 15 m/s. The siren
on the car emitsa sound of frequency 250 Hz. Calculate the recorded frequency.
The speed of sound is 340 m/s.
18.Prove that the current density of a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the
drift speed of electrons.
19. Two satelitesAand B are revolving round a planet. Their periods of revolution are
1hour and 8 hour respectively. The radius of orbit of satellite B is 4x10 km. Find
radius of orbit of satellite A..
Attempt any Two. Long Answers [8M]
20.Showthat the path of a projectile is a parabola, A man throws a ball to maximum
horizontal distance of 80 meters.Calculate the maximum height reached.
21.Explain Depletion Region and how it is form in detail and write features of depletion
22.Find the value of resistances for the following colour code.
1. Blue Green Red Gold.
2. Brown Black Red Silver.
3. Red Red Orange Gold.
4. Orange White Red Gold.
5. Yellow Violet Brown Silver.
23.What is critical velocity? Obtain an expression for critical velocity of an orbiting
satellite. On what factors does it depend?


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