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NAME- Raunaq Singh Saini

ROLL NO.- T021

SUBJECT- Consumer Behaviour and Service Marketing

1. BUMBLE for relational component: The relational component of

the consumer experience for Bumble refers to the social interactions,
connections, and relationships that users develop on the platform.
Bumble is a dating and social networking app that places an emphasis on
empowering women to make the first move in online interactions. The
relational component is a fundamental aspect of Bumble's value
proposition, as it plays a pivotal role in shaping users' perceptions,
engagement, and overall satisfaction.

Initiating Conversations: Bumble's unique feature allows women to

initiate conversations in heterosexual matches. This feature empowers
users to take control of their interactions and fosters a sense of agency.

Connections and Matches: Users connect with potential matches based

on mutual interest and compatibility. The formation of matches sparks
the potential for further interactions and relationships.

Messaging and Communication: The messaging functionality on Bumble

enables users to engage in conversations and get to know each other
better. Meaningful and engaging conversations contribute to the
relational aspect.

Profiles and Authenticity: Users create profiles that showcase their

interests, photos, and personal descriptions. Authentic profiles help
establish trust and contribute to more genuine interactions.

Emphasis on Respect: Bumble's platform promotes respectful

interactions and discourages inappropriate behavior. This emphasis on
respectful communication creates a safer and more pleasant relational
Profiles and Compatibility: Bumble provides information about shared
interests and connections, enhancing users' ability to find potential
matches with similar lifestyles and values.

Networking and Friendship: Bumble offers modes for networking and

finding friends in addition to dating. This expands the relational aspect
beyond romantic connections.

Social Verification: Bumble's verification features, such as photo

verification and linking social media accounts, help users ensure the
authenticity of potential matches.

Location-Based Matching: Bumble's use of geolocation allows users to

connect with people in their vicinity, enhancing the potential for real-
world meetups and relationships.

User Feedback and Reporting: Users can provide feedback on their

experiences and report any concerns, contributing to a safer and more
supportive relational environment.

Celebrating Milestones: Bumble may acknowledge users' milestones,

such as anniversaries or successful matches, fostering a sense of
celebration and acknowledgment.

Community Building: Bumble often organizes events, initiatives, and

campaigns that aim to bring users together in various ways, contributing
to a sense of community and shared experiences.

Virtual Dating and Video Calls: Bumble's introduction of video calls and
virtual dating options provides an avenue for users to connect in more
immersive ways, especially in cases where in-person meetings might not
be feasible.

2. ALEXA for pragmatic component: The pragmatic component of the

consumer experience for Amazon Alexa refers to the practical and
functional benefits that users derive from interacting with the Alexa
voice assistant and its associated devices. Alexa is designed to perform a
wide range of tasks and provide information, and the pragmatic
component plays a critical role in shaping users' perceptions,
engagement, and overall satisfaction with the technology.

Voice Commands and Control: Users can give voice commands to Alexa
to control smart devices, set timers, play music, answer questions, and
perform various tasks. The ability to achieve hands-free control enhances
the pragmatic utility of Alexa.

Information Retrieval: Alexa provides instant access to information on a

variety of topics, including news, weather, facts, and general knowledge.
Users can quickly obtain information without the need to search

Smart Home Integration: Alexa can control and manage various smart
home devices, such as lights, thermostats, locks, and appliances. This
integration contributes to the convenience and efficiency of managing a
smart home.

Entertainment: Users can use Alexa to play music, podcasts, audiobooks,

and radio stations. Alexa's entertainment features enhance the
pragmatic experience by providing access to a wide range of media.

Reminders and Alarms: Alexa can set reminders, timers, and alarms,
helping users manage their daily schedules and tasks.

Shopping and Ordering: Users can order products from Amazon using
Alexa voice commands. This functionality offers a convenient way to
shop for essentials and other items.

Communication: Alexa supports voice calling and messaging, allowing

users to communicate with others using compatible Alexa devices.

Navigation and Directions: Alexa can provide navigation instructions,

traffic updates, and directions for driving or walking, enhancing its utility
as a virtual assistant.
Voice Profiles and Personalization: Alexa can recognize individual users'
voices and provide personalized responses and information based on
their preferences and settings.

Skills and Third-Party Integrations: Alexa's skills are third-party apps that
extend its capabilities. Users can enable skills to perform specific tasks,
access services, and interact with external platforms.

Accessibility: Alexa's voice interface makes it accessible to individuals

with disabilities, providing a pragmatic solution for tasks that might be
challenging using traditional interfaces.

Language Support: Alexa supports multiple languages and accents,

expanding its usability to a global audience.

Software Updates and Improvements: Regular software updates and

improvements enhance Alexa's functionality, introducing new features
and enhancing existing ones.

Customer Support: Users can seek assistance from Amazon's customer

support for troubleshooting and addressing any issues related to Alexa
and its devices.

3. UBERSHARE for lifestyle component: "UberShare" refers to a

ridesharing or carpooling service, the lifestyle component of the
consumer experience would revolve around how the service fits into
users' daily lives, enhances their convenience, and contributes to their
overall lifestyle. The lifestyle component might relate to such a service:

Convenience and Efficiency: Carpooling or ridesharing services like

UberShare can provide users with a convenient and efficient way to
commute. Users can save time and reduce the hassle of driving, finding
parking, or using public transportation.

Environmental Considerations: Users who choose to carpool or rideshare

may do so to contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing the
number of individual vehicles on the road and minimizing carbon
Cost Savings: Sharing rides can lead to cost savings for users, as they can
split the fare with fellow passengers. This cost-effectiveness can align
with certain lifestyles, especially those looking for economical
transportation options.

Social Interaction: Carpooling and ridesharing can facilitate social

interaction and networking, especially if users are sharing rides with
colleagues, neighbours, or other people with similar destinations.

Community Building: Ridesharing services may lead to the formation of

local communities of users who frequently share rides. This sense of
community can enhance the lifestyle aspect by fostering connections.

Flexible Scheduling: Carpooling or ridesharing can offer flexibility in

terms of scheduling. Users might choose to share rides on specific days
or occasions, aligning with their lifestyle needs.

Stress Reduction: Avoiding the stress of driving in traffic or navigating

unfamiliar routes can positively impact users' daily lives and overall well-

Urban Living: Carpooling and ridesharing can be particularly beneficial

for urban dwellers who might not need to rely on owning a personal
vehicle for transportation.

Professional Life: For those commuting to work or business meetings,

ridesharing can provide a productive and convenient way to manage
their professional schedule.

Alternative Transportation: Choosing ridesharing over traditional car

ownership can be aligned with a lifestyle focused on reducing clutter,
minimizing maintenance responsibilities, and embracing alternative
transportation modes.
Safety and Security: Ridesharing services often come with safety features
and tracking options, enhancing users' sense of security and fitting into
their lifestyle choices.

Multimodal Travel: Users might combine ridesharing with other modes

of transportation, such as walking or cycling, to create a balanced and
integrated lifestyle.

4. ONLINE PHOTOGRAPHY COURSE for cognitive experience:

The cognitive component of the consumer experience for an online
photography course refers to the mental processes, learning, and
knowledge acquisition that individuals undergo while participating in the
course. Online photography courses provide a platform for individuals to
enhance their photography skills, and the cognitive component plays a
significant role in shaping their perceptions, engagement, and overall
satisfaction with the learning experience.
Learning and Skill Acquisition: The primary cognitive aspect is the
process of learning new photography techniques, concepts, and skills.
Participants engage with course materials to acquire knowledge and
practical abilities.

Information Processing: Learners engage in information processing as

they absorb and make sense of new photography-related concepts,
terminology, and technical details.

Understanding Concepts: Participants work to understand fundamental

photography concepts such as composition, lighting, exposure, depth of
field, and post-processing.

Problem Solving: Photography often involves creative problem-solving,

such as adjusting settings to achieve desired effects or overcoming
challenges in capturing specific subjects or environments.

Practice and Application: The cognitive experience includes applying

newly acquired knowledge in practical exercises and assignments. This
reinforces learning through hands-on experience.
Critical Thinking: Participants engage in critical thinking by evaluating
their own work and the work of others, identifying strengths and areas
for improvement in photographs.

Visual Literacy: Engaging with an online photography course enhances

participants' visual literacy, allowing them to analyze, interpret, and
understand visual content more effectively.

Technical Understanding: The course may cover technical aspects of

photography equipment, camera settings, and editing software.
Participants learn to navigate these technical details.

Memory and Recall: Cognitive aspects include retaining and recalling

information learned in the course, which becomes essential when
applying techniques in practical scenarios.

Creativity and Innovation: Online photography courses often encourage

participants to think creatively and explore innovative approaches to

Adapting to Feedback: Learners receive feedback from instructors or

peers on their work. Adapting to and implementing this feedback is part
of the cognitive process.

Building a Photographic Vocabulary: Participants learn to use and

understand photography-related terminology, enhancing their ability to
communicate effectively about their work.

Comparative Analysis: Participants compare their work with that of peers

and established photographers, developing a critical eye and deeper
appreciation for different styles and approaches.

Portfolio Development: The cognitive process involves planning and

creating a portfolio of work, selecting images that showcase growth and
skill development.
Self-Evaluation: Participants engage in self-assessment, reflecting on
their progress and identifying areas they want to focus on for

Long-Term Learning: The cognitive component extends beyond the

course's duration, as participants continue to practice and apply what
they've learned in their ongoing photographic endeavours.

5. INSENSE STICK for Sensorial Component: The sensorial

component of the consumer experience for incense sticks refers to the
sensory elements that individuals perceive and engage with while using
or being around these aromatic products. Incense sticks are known for
their distinctive scents and the multisensory experiences they create.
The sensorial component plays a vital role in shaping consumers'
perceptions, ambiance, and overall satisfaction with incense sticks.

Aroma: The primary sensory aspect of incense sticks is the aroma they
emit when burned. Different scents can evoke various emotions,
memories, and moods. The aroma of incense sticks can influence the
overall atmosphere of a space.

Fragrance Diversity: Incense sticks come in a wide range of scents, from

floral and woody to exotic and spicy. Consumers can select scents that
resonate with their preferences and the ambiance they want to create.
Scent Combinations: Incense sticks may be used singly or in
combinations to create unique fragrant blends that suit specific
occasions, environments, or personal preferences.

Visual Aesthetics: The visual element of burning incense sticks can be

captivating. Observing the smoke as it rises and swirls can contribute to a
visually soothing experience.

Cultural Significance: Incense sticks are used in various cultural and

religious practices around the world. Their scent can carry spiritual or
symbolic significance, adding depth to the sensorial experience.
Ambiance Enhancement: The aroma of burning incense sticks can
transform the ambiance of a room, creating a relaxing, calming, or
meditative environment.

Therapeutic Effects: Certain scents, such as lavender or sandalwood, are

believed to have therapeutic effects. Burning incense sticks with these
scents can contribute to relaxation and stress reduction.

Memories and Associations: Specific scents can trigger memories and

associations. The aroma of a particular incense stick might remind
someone of a place, event, or time in their life.

Mindfulness and Meditation: The sensory experience of burning incense

sticks can enhance mindfulness and meditation practices by engaging
multiple senses.

Rituals and Traditions: Using incense sticks in rituals, ceremonies, or

personal practices can deepen the connection between the sensory
experience and the intended purpose.

Sensory Exploration: Consumers might explore different incense scents

to discover new fragrances that align with their preferences and create
unique sensory experiences.

Social and Cultural Context: The use of incense sticks can be shared
among individuals, creating a communal sensory experience that
resonates with cultural practices or personal rituals.

Aesthetic Appeal: Incense sticks are often associated with a sense of

elegance and aesthetic appeal. The design and packaging of incense
products contribute to their overall visual and sensory appeal.

The sensorial component of the consumer experience for incense sticks

encompasses the aroma, visual aesthetics, ambiance, and emotional
responses that these products evoke. The multisensory nature of
burning incense sticks adds a layer of depth and richness to spaces and
experiences, making them a popular choice for various cultural, spiritual,
and personal contexts.
6. KURTA SET for emotional component: The emotional component
of the consumer experience for a kurta set, which is a traditional Indian
clothing ensemble typically consisting of a tunic-style top (kurta) paired
with bottoms like pants or a skirt, refers to the feelings, sentiments, and
connections that individuals associate with wearing and owning this
attire. The emotional component plays a significant role in shaping
consumers' preferences, memories, and overall satisfaction with the
kurta set.

Cultural Identity: Kurta sets are deeply tied to cultural identity and
heritage, especially in India. Wearing a kurta set can evoke a sense of
connection to one's cultural roots and traditions.

Special Occasions: Many people associate kurta sets with special

occasions like festivals, weddings, and celebrations. Wearing a kurta set
for such events can create a feeling of elegance and being dressed for an
important moment.

Nostalgia: Wearing a kurta set might remind individuals of their

childhood, family gatherings, or past festive occasions. This sense of
nostalgia can bring comfort and positive emotions.

Comfort and Elegance: The comfort and relaxed fit of a kurta set can
evoke feelings of ease and elegance. The loose-fitting design contributes
to physical comfort, while the style imparts a sense of sophistication.

Expression of Style: Individuals can express their personal style through

their choice of kurta sets, considering factors such as colours, patterns,
and embellishments. This creative expression contributes to a sense of

Confidence: Wearing a kurta set that one feels good in can boost self-
confidence and enhance one's sense of self-assurance and self-worth.
Bonding and Family: In some cases, kurta sets are worn as a family
ensemble, creating a sense of togetherness and unity. Coordinating
outfits can foster feelings of belonging.

Social and Cultural Significance: Kurta sets might carry cultural or societal
meanings that evoke emotions. They can signify respect for traditions or
alignment with certain values.

Appreciation for Craftsmanship: High-quality kurta sets often feature

intricate embroidery, handwork, or embellishments. Wearing such pieces
can evoke appreciation for the craftsmanship and skill that went into
creating the attire.
Memories and Stories: Kurta sets worn during important life events can
become symbolic reminders of those moments, allowing individuals to
carry the memories with them.

Rituals and Customs: Kurta sets might be worn for specific rituals or
customs. The emotional connection to these practices can contribute to
a sense of spirituality and cultural continuity.

Transcending Trends: Kurta sets often have a timeless quality,

transcending fashion trends. This can result in a lasting emotional
connection to the attire, knowing it will remain relevant over time.

Gifts and Sentiments: Receiving a kurta set as a gift from a loved one can
evoke feelings of appreciation and sentimentality.

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