Chap 8

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‘ow tobe lainar de turbulent? Sopport your aasrer sppraprine cxcultions Re = Pgh a YP If Re>4#000 the flow is turbulent. The corresponding velecily is, Vo BX (aoeo sane?) o.or61 £ host ilj Yow velocity lt Bo ghestor ay tit de, Sdtand Dla EE} ‘3 Bisel yellow sveams of pat ot 61°F (ach wit aden, Siyat naga? anda vasony1000cmes pear tan wale Yeo ap ‘ele pipe with an average velocity of 48 a8 shown in Fy pize \, RiGee eabettergenpeepiey Th ‘pene sears oft a jlo punt Elan, Rega te wos ie pin were ihe io tat tion 10 nes | ‘more viscous than wer, Assume the density remains the same. ie FIGURE 8g Tf the flow is laminar the paint would exit as separate blve and yellow streams. VD vo 16 FE (PEN EM) Rew 8 = Tooafigs * st ena nereeee Thus, laminar flew so blue and yellow streams, TE use 2 =10Ay9 obtain Rex 45¢0>#002 so have turbulent flow with neloral mixing and green paint. Note + Check to determine if the 25 4 fengih js greater than the entrance lenghh, A. For laminar Siew $e oct, or 40.0 (56)( Bil) sass Hersh For turbulent flow $e 86 Re, o» hye ne(esso (A) © 2.99 <25 Hf [#4 | ‘Re Airst 2007 tows st andar stoosperc pressure in pipe 41 ae of 0.08 Iv, Detrmine te mininom almcer sowed if ‘he M1 be ene. Mexinim Re XP: for laminar flow ie Ree 2100. or with 0 we , Re + Hh 2100 heat) 2vooryb = gazed a Given Y@= 0.08% , where S=gp and p= oF, F Th uz . e G7 FE Ho20TR = o.cere7 it ‘Hat 0.00 what Gra BN 000187e Hence, with pon sea aye (see Table 8.9), Eq, (D gives 408 #(oj00187 Hit) (233. De Some = Bi00F (A ae" pr B38 Carbon dioxide at 20°C and’ pressure be) lows in 8 pipe ot rate of 0.04 npn diameter towed lent 87 of $50 KE; 1N/e, Determine’ the if he fiw is to oe turbulent ee, Re = M2 > 4000 , where Q=VA= FOV 1 EER = $8, - 4000 Te De ie where ge = 0.0% and w=t# 1G°FB, (able 8) Heise 4.8 (TED) 0.0803 $000 7 (1.47 x/0 EE b-6 Bn Ste Doers de Rinna amber ee ele ae {, datiars gr set00d, (0) Repeat the calalatons If the ‘raion tbe wis Samet oD = 100 fa) Res YD here D=oim, Ve loloim)/s 212, and v= Wane 8, Preset fee LES ~ ae (0 Re= 2, hore Deioenm (Hite) = jo'm , V+ 10(ie n)/s = 18°F and ahaa 2 Ths, Reo (10921107) Lane Rk etl ‘The wall shear stress ina fully develope flow portion of 2 12in.diameter pipe carying ‘water is 1.83 Ib/t6, Determine the pressure gra- Gient, ap/a, where + 1s inthe How direction, if the pipe is (a) horizontal, (6) vertical with ow ‘up, 9¢ () vertical with flow down In general, 20 =¥h sho 2 Thus, with PT are Rand” Me His becomes ag =~ 4B oan @) For a horizontal pipe <0 3g HE. ahs Te oth 2) Fer vertieal flow up = 90" £8 ates) a2 fe oe vertical flow down @ =-90" ipa Bee = tet seat = 55.0 Re 8-10 8.16 8.16. For taminar fw in a round pipe‘ ameter D. ac what dsance from te centering | py |S the actual gelocty equal 10 the average ve- wer) s _? AES Far laminar flow ei -CE] Lu Thu, if a= Ye = lI-GEY] , r= she = o.as00 8-15 a at Watet a 20°C ows through shore tai emda tube wo which ave tached re Pressure, ape staves 2 apart.) What & the maxim pressure drop allowed ft fom mi ig 49 be laminar? (b) Assume the manufacturing y__ oe 0m _@ teenies =| tama t mm. Given this wcertaimgy inthe tbe dameter. — pmjm 4 Trea data en tbe . sheghemmaen genes camata "From Tile 82 yhoo ewok: 9 Moximin ep corresponds to moximam V, on Re = Bs 2100 Thus, V= 210% = arate) = 2108 Far laminar flow _ 00 4 Saw, 92 (ib) im) (2,08) me Soir or ap (ism aps é7axi0" 8) Since Vx 222" ang ap= 2B LY if follows that ap = BEGIN) Thus, the larger the diomeler, the smaller the ag allowed te maaiinkminar fre Thus, consider De tl mm = hii, or an tirstea ym (asoodtrret 22) rt, ape ini = 0st 8-l6 88 Glycerin of 20°C flows upwgud in aver- tical 7S-mm-dlameter pipe with # centeriine ve: Tacit af £40 mis. Determine the head loss and pressure drap in a 180m length of the pipe e208, pens BE Fer laminar flow in @ pipe, V= average velocity = + nan =202)= 0.52 4 Thus, R= Oo» aso) us 0.075 m eases so Te The How is Jaminar so that Y= ABRIL ODE whore O=90" 7S) saat + of = 22.50 na Miomos t0ayByts40% om ap = ie oe (8.075 mI * * = 166210 te , or Ap= lb Aly, - Beret B= teas tag th, or with Wolk, Bez ab, and A= fetap this gives 166i he SP 2 = aarayanaayy 0" = SH O35 8,38 Wotertowrin a content diameter pipe following eonitions measured: AC sec, fe v= Fea pl and x, = SBM; acsetion’ Ay U8) pu = 2927 pe and ay = 482 &. Ts the Bow ‘om {6} to (B)o- fom (B) to (8)? Expat, Ascane the flo ie pil, Thos, B+ ME +zq = Qe lh sx, oh or with Yor, (32.4 psi=; si. ) hyo Bia, -Bi og, = CARE ANUMD) 4 coon 0924 p= $.17 Ht <0, which is impossible. Thus, the flew is ownbil, fram () Be The. pressure deep in the pipe Can be found From AP afk oe [le friction factor is determined from the Mocey chart. fla» LP - (oto: fon) = /8xt0F For plestc pipe, £*0.0nm = On 700 From the Mocdy Chart f= 0.026 Se AP per meter (l= In) AP= (2,026) ( als) P10] AP = 0.649 Pa per mer B38 40.9 ran. ae te pet eo ere re = AP ~ 0.679 Px per meter of pipe, V=0.lm/s, D=0.2m Based on quatons in Ch.S, power con be Foyad From F=APa 5 GVA 20.1) (8 0.2) = 3.14 x10? “es Px (0.69) (3. 14x10°9) = 2.04K/03 Nim/s = 2,0%0)0°W 837 891 09, wa bnae veaty of 007 Som EIR poruan te Decale tenia fro yews tn eee heaFE IE where fo 2 F for ‘per unit leagth of pipe’ Determine fricron fretor based on Be 4 % Q= 0.0) = VA Ve5@-0l = anit F(R)" fe Se OB a0 Since Be is below 2100, the Flow is lammar The. Friction factor can be dektmines! From £+ Yue Yuyy= 8% b= lirleg, O2X = porate ipa te pp 472 Wate os through a 6in-elmeterhotrortal pipes rate of 2.0 ots and a pressure drop of 42 pe per 100 tf pipe, Deter ‘nin te ean fet For 0 horieantl pipe Apefd dove where Vz 2:30 = 0.2% Thas, = apart. __ahalianidy _ PME ive io alin aye ~ 28200 bf 6.43 Wier lows downward througt a verti ‘at YOrmn-dlameter galvanized iron pipe wit no fverags velit of SOs and exis sfc et "There small oe in the pipe 4m sdove the ‘atlet, Wil tater Teak ot of the pipe throug) {his hoe, or wl se emer inf te pipe theoogs te foe? Repeat the problem the everage ve- Tosty 0.5 mis albert Bz HBF, whew ppe0,22-0, ebm, Weve. Thos, Re xe <2, 0 pot hitev*-3f With € from Tables, 2. olson 4 i) Fe SBF 0,0t9: so that wth Ree rd eanendt we dblain F0.085 (see Fig. 8.20), Thus, from Ep.) Ax 204s (SB) (999 ByCsiPY 96008 (Hm) = Lasso“ as Since $,*9, water will leak out of the pipe when Ves% We YeosB, then Rex 046010 and (0.052 Thos, fram E900 7 0082( Since 4,0, air will enter the pipe when Y=05% Nolet The above conclusion is valid regardless of the length, & m-) £999 Yosh 98005, (He) —3.46810° {ew P6_Wiger usa arate of 10 gone por mite i 3 tee bral 07S in-dancer exam ie Bt ‘Sheth peered py, oa te ie vi I gai f 10 Bh (fe) (220 cabins) = 0.0223 F Te, oon Fo *° $(aEH Now, for @ boritontsl pipe apztttov™ where since nea? yo , 7278 (OF) 5 reno" dang ® ie a Pagel = 0.008 it ies a Fig. 8.20 thal fe 0.037 Ths, 4 slugs HES) (727 1/8 SP nogapiieenli Cr tF 304 rer) = o2il psf ae B53 8.53. BR Rows in asi pipe wih a Reynosa er of Be wha rear wel i ead fost enced {Ftd coud be rsntnned ma ow tte the spent netien Hoe For either laminar or torbulent flr ntti. Ths, wilh the same V,40,end9 heim Siam hess Foam TE the flow js laminar Syy © e * zho0 * 2.0107 It the tlow is forbvlent with Re +6000 and $ 0, than trem the Mocdy chart (Fi, 8-20) fi = 0.035 Thos, Inne, 0100 This 2935 ones The headless would be reduced by Chsors beta Vheaps = [-0.#86 = 0.54, or SLR 6.58 eB Water Mowe atm rte of 0080 0% im a 0.12 Giameter ple tht conan # sudden comraction tow 0.06.7 ‘iameter pipe, Determine the pesure drop acres the coma tion section, How mach of this pessre difereace fs due to Tosi and bow much bt Klbele energy changes? Hiden = a8 +e He where z,* 22 ond 2B. 208 E . we 5 Faget est tol BE ovat Thos, with Seo BY =(- 2280.05 we eblin from Fi Fig. 8.30 K,= 0-40 Hence, trom ia = Leltiate wit] = 20007 rfowo (imi BTo mutt est oh 339.7710 he + 93.0010 Be This represents a 29.7 My drop trom losces and a 3.0 ABs drop dys te an increase jn kinetic energp. &s7 8.69 Airatsandatlemperarcandpresste Rowe tara £7. tvough# boston gtvanne rn tnt has 3 ‘eeanglar css sconl saps of 12, by in. Exit the presto pe 200 fof dt For a hovivental duct ap=th,= £52 0¥2, ubere V9 or TE = 140 # and Ro= Ve with a BA BORE) y= 48 ao oer tt Thus, Rey EGA ssn Also, for galvanized iron &= 0.0005 Ft, or 5 = From Fig, 8.20 we obtain f= 0.0227 Thus, from Ey.) with 2 =2004, ap = (onan et, $lesoxe? Ho 8)" = 1.59 fh =o.0110_ psi 2.0008 # Bete = 0.000750 aor 8,79. At own dou ong gr ion dt ine 020 m by 0 hi Dein 4 he he where Bye Gf = HeamNOte) 0.2m a 2f0.3m+0.1sm) od 2 SPE, 151 Al a EID ase and from Tabip 6.1, § alsin «7.810 Hence, from Fig. 8.20 Foa027 0 that mye as) p= (0-022) 29.818) 6.7 1 ‘Airat standard conditions ows through a horizontal’ ft by 15 ft rectangular wooden duct ata rate of 0000 Fin. Determine the head tos, Dresture-drop, and power supplied by the fan to overcome the Ro resistance in 300 tof the duck bet hi, whire V- $= EMRE os 8 ard ye Bm Sieg] ot Als, = Oe este = #250008 and from Table 8.1 Ex a0006H to 0.004. Use anaverage’=0.0018 Hf so that $= 20CEH wo.c01s Ths, from Fig, 8.20 Fe 0.022, or hx toaray( S20 f) SESE? - pyo Fh bree! pie et Iban Brg teeth, where 21020 Thos Pe pox Vheo(z4snc7 Wp) (evo) 33.2 By « aaseps: Pa¥Qh,= Olgy-p.)=(s0008 YJ) (357 fh) f2eyo EB) lexotts] on Pe St hp e70 oye 8:78 As shown i Video asin Fig, P82 war “budbies above the ext of he etic pipe aached io thee ‘eraonaloipe seamen: The ‘ost len ofthe 095m lamer galvanized ton pipe betvsen pot (1) andthe exh 21 To, Delemine the presue needed pol (fo prodice ve" 3 in. this ow. ao m= FIGURE P8.73 Bhagat -Bi bin where £,=0, pax0, Vero This, Fe thE where Y=VeV With no head loss from (9) 4002) and fa ~fy = Va=0 we obtain gs #2, or Vee y2gle He) =f2(s2.28)( ZA) = 4074 Ths, # (27H) aot (35 * ie YD. MD ee = 207KI0 an | ft ‘ & “Tesi 0.008 (see Table €.) , so that (see Fig. 824) f= 0.039 é Als, b= A435 LK where LK x 3hs) = 45 Hence, Fell) becomes Beem ifphisk] ye where ev y or "a Lin. (af) Bit BUG one-t] Geary ~(oses ehnry = 173 Thus, A= (24h )1.208) ~100 fw 0.780 poi a7 7 — 74 Water ai 10°C ts pump fom 4 take ur shown in Fig, PR7A IT he lowrats 8011 mis, whats the manu length, fle pipe, thera eased wthont cxvition e- eli 80187 me FIGURE P79 Baan Ges Bez (PEEK, where p=l0r kh ,2-050m Yo, YAY, Za" 65%q, dnd frm Tah? fa pyaiesae ihe Als, vo Be pak -s0ce seth see GeasB)(0.07m) 1 Finally, with €/o=0 the Moody chart (Fig. @.20) ts the Final equatien of See Re Trial and error solviion of Eqs.(9), C4} andts) for F Re, and P+ Ascome $0.02: so Eq (3) gives De2.27 (0.02 =f.0m and Eglt) gives Re= LI9x10/j0%= LJoxs0", Thes, trom Ey (83, f > 0,0ns which is not eqoal to the ascomed $=0.02,, Thy again with f=G0V5 which gives D=0.93tm , Rex 122K10% and f20,0113 40.018. One final try with $2 0,003 gives D0.927m, Re =%.23%10% and f= 9.018 as assumed. This, D=0.927m, ew 8-102 02 8.102: Determine tho diameter ofa ste pine ‘hat sto cary 2,000 gain of saline with a rere drop of Spt par 00 fbn pe: Bee Bia BiB ef AY, where 2s ond Yok a Fh dev? with pop=s& (ory, L100, 19M. ws esne* bE , and v= 9. Goooth pg 8) on Von BB wth Hence, Eq.0 gives? sopn = = FESS) (naa hae (SAP D= i249 slags (GAZ a ‘ Alo, few BYE ROE ON ny. usene @ and ” * f= 20S where D-H ® Fly, te fo furl eqeaton is the Mocdy chart ¢ (or the Colebreck equation) \S Netet 4 equations (23,021,009, andes}) and Re Fanknomns Ci, $, 0, he) Trial and error seletim? Rex 2.03K10 Geen Fr0.02 Be De astro " 3} rane sen Tha fhe gaerad vole BN § ~ ar00naee ss no cwtect = 245 x/08 oa fo o.orgp 2h De 0.534H a fe neat Thus, De t24(00180)% =0,535, a S104 20H Water ore dou rf hough a vere sooth Store 02 yf nse pee % ‘slong pp Deemine te Sem oe pe, eas B eB aH ihe | es wn. YaKe¥, Ka Zak Thus, 16, or 12 $F a we Be 0 that Fy C0 becomes fT Oe Hef = Ht BL or Deo.sea4 @ Also, . na fe tel FED «coe pee Sage From Fig. 8.20 os £0 we have $24 (Re, $0) Trial and error solrtion * 3 unknowns (,Re,f) and S equations (02) tnd Fig, 8.30) Assume $= 0.02 0 trom Fy (2) Dx 0.186% and from Fg, Re= 3.18 x10", Thus, trom Fig. 6:28, f= 0.018 €0.02 Assume f« 0.014 30 that D= 0.1554 and Re-3,¢ax10* Thos, from Fig. 8:22, fat# which checks with the assomed valve. Thos, Dr 0.188 107

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