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Was the lockdown beneficial for people or not

Work From Home: Since the lockdown, the companies have provided work from home
opportunities for the employees. Thus, they can work in their own space and
convenience. Also, the productivity of each of the employees has been increased during
this lockdown that brings profits to the company.

Focus on Fitness: For certain individuals, limitations on development could be a

justification for passing up rec centre meetings, prompting an expansion in body weight.
In any case, assuming you deal with your time prudently, you can zero in on your
wellness. Home exercise and exercises like Zumba and Yoga are acquiring ubiquity
during this lockdown period. Consuming calories from the solace of your home can be
pleasant and save you from the well-being chances.

More Time for Family: Chaotic work-life that elaborate extended periods of time of drive
to the workplace possessed left no energy for individual life. The lockdown and self-
confinement period possess given us more energy for our family. With schools shut and
numerous youthful couples telecommuting, the current situation has brought families
closer than previously. Moms have a break from tiring family errands as youngsters and
other relatives are sharing the weight of cleaning and cooking. It is one of the
recognizable advantages of remaining at home.

Sitting at home is boring sometimes: Although the home is the most comfortable place,
still sitting at a single place for a long time brings boredom to the people. They cannot
go out to have fun with, anyone.

Stress and Depression: Because of lockdown, many people have faced stress and
depression issues. People who are more likely to go out and meet other people are not
able to handle the loneliness. This lead to depression and mental health issues.

Overweight issues: Some people are smart enough to utilise the lockdown time for their
health and fitness. But some have misused this time by eating unhealthy and every time
sitting at home. They always want food in front of them to get out of boredom. Hence,
overeating has led many people to gain weight. Obesity is a very bad disease that
cannot be cured easily unless you have control over what you eat.

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