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Revisão u3-4 II

Wednesday 11.22nd

1. Corrija as frases abaixo:

a. I wish I have a new car. R:
b. I wish it would stop to rain. R:
c. I wish I can go there. R:
d. We have windows enough. R:
e. Our neighbors make too many noise. R:
f. His new apartment isn’t enough big for his family. R:
g. We don’t have as much bedrooms as we had. R:
h. I wish I don’t live here. R:
i. I wish it was easier. R:
j. Our house is to big. R:
k. My bedroom isn’t enough big . R:

2. Complete com o present perfect.

a. I _ never _ to Thailand. (be)
b. I _ that movie many times. (see)
c. She _ my job for years. (do)
d. You _ this food yet. (negativa - try)
e. We’ _ never _ that book. (read)
f. I’ _ already _ my homework. (do)
g. He _ just _ lunch. (have)

3. Marque a alternativa correta.

a. I don’t like my new neighborhood. It’s very …
1. clean
2. noisy
3. bright
b. It’s very … to have a parking space next to my house.
1. dingy
2. unsafe
3. convenient
c. I’ve bought a new house. It’s very ... I love it!
1. modern
2. old
3. run-down

4. Marque a alternativa correta.

a. I don’t have an apartment.

1. I wish I had my own apartment.
2. I wish I have my own apartment.
b. My mother doesn’t like my friend.
1. I wish she likes her.
2. I wish she liked her.
c. It’s raining a lot.
1. I wish it weren’t raining.
2. I wish it was raining.

5. Numere as frases para criar um diálogo.

a) Diálogo 1:
() Did you like the food?
() Have you ever been to an Indian restaurant?
() I went to an Indian restaurant last month.
() Yes, I have.
() Yes, it was amazing!

b) Diálogo 2:
() No, I haven’t seen him for a long time.
() It’s awesome! I’m going to call him.
() I saw him yesterday, his sister told me he has a new baby!
() Have you seen Mark?

c) Diálogo 3:
() It was terrible.
() Yes, I have. I saw it last night with my husband.
() Have you seen that movie?
() What did you think about it?

6. Faça 3 frases usando wish.


7. Faça 3 frases usando enough.


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