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Chemical Engineering 3253 Spring Semester 2018

Homework Assignment #3 – 100 points total

Chapter 4
For upload to the course Canvas web site by 11:59 pm on Friday, February 16

1. An automobile tire is inflated to 3 atm gauge. What will be the initial gas discharge rate in
kg/s due to a 1.0 mm diameter hole? Assume a temperature of 30oC and an ambient pressure
of 1 atm.

2. A pipeline of 300 m length supplies liquid chlorine from a regulated 20 barg source to a
process thru a horizontal, new commercial steel pipe of actual inside diameter of 2 cm. The
ambient pressure is 1 atm and everything is at a temperature of 30oC. (a) If the pipe breaks
off at the end of the 300 m length, estimate the flow in kg/s. Neglect entrance and exit
effects and assume that the frictional loss is entirely due to the pipe length. (b) If the pipe
breaks off at the regulated source, estimate the flow in kg/s.
For chlorine, the following properties are available:
Density: 1380 kg/m3 Viscosity: 0.328 103 Pa-s

3. A round vented storage vessel with a 10-m inside diameter sits on top of a concrete pad
within a 20-m square diked area to contain any leaks. The tank contains run-off water from a
process area.
A leak of 10 cm diameter occurs on the side of the vessel located 1 m above the bottom.
By the time the leaking flow was stopped the liquid level in the diked area had reached a
height of 0.79 m. Assume pure water for this calculation.
a. Calculate the total amount of water spilled into the dike in m3 and kg.
b. What was the original liquid level in the tank, in m?
c. If the liquid level in the tank at the end of the spill was 8.5 m above the bottom of the
tank, estimate the length of time for the leak, in minutes.

4. Air flows from a regulated pressure source at 100 bara through a 100 m long pipe into the
atmosphere at 1atm pressure and 25oC. The pipe is new commercial steel pipe with an actual
inside diameter of 0.5 cm. The pipe is horizontal. Neglect entrance and exit effects.
a. Determine if the flow is choked for both the adiabatic and isothermal cases.
b. Estimate the mass flow in kg/s for the adiabatic case.
For air the molecular weight is 29.

Problem Credits:
1. 20
2. 25
3. 25
4. 30
Total: 100

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