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OBJECTIVE Type Questions (a) Average rate upto 40 s is 40

1. Rate of which of the following reactions can 3-V2

be determined easily? rate upto 40 s is
(0) Average 40 -30
(a) Rusting of iron in the presence of air and moisture
(b) Hydrolysis of starch (c) Average rate upto 40s is 40
(c) Reaction of silver nitrate with sodium chloride
(d) All of the above (d) Average rate upto 40 s is 40- 20
2. Which of the following expressions is correct
concentration of x
for the rate of reaction given below? 3. In a reaction, 2x ’ y, the
rate of
SBr (aq) + BrO3 (aq) + 6H" (ag) ’ decreases from 3.0 M to 1.5 M in 4min. The
the reaction is
3Br2(aq) + 3 H,0(l) (a) 0.187 M min -1 (b) 1.87 M min
NCERT Exemplar -1 (d) 0.75 M min

A[Br ]=5 A[H] (c) 3.75x107'M min

(a) (b) A[Br ]_6 A[H] 6. Rate law for the reaction A+2B Cis found to
At At At 5 At
(c) A[Br]_ 5 A[H"] (d) A(Br]_ A[H] Rate = k[A] [B]
At 6 At At At Concentration of reactant B'is doubled, keeping
the concentration of'A constant, the value of rate
3. Contact process is used in the formation of
constant will be....... NCERT Exemplar
sulphur trioxide,
(a) the same (b) doubled
2S02(g)+O2lg) 2S03(g) (c) quadrupled (d) halved
The rate of reaction can be expressed as
-A[02] - 2.5x 10- mol Lsl. 7. The factors affecting the rate of a reaction are
At I. temperature
II. pressure
Then rate of disappearance of [SO2] willbe III. concentration of reactant or product
(a) 50.0x 10 mol L- s -1 IV. catalyst
(b) 3.75x 10- mol I-' s-1 Choose the correct option from the alternatives
given below.
(c) 2.5x 10 mol L-1 (a) I, IIand II (b) I, II and IV
(d) 4.12x 10- mol L- s -! (c) I, II and IV (d) All of these
8. During a chemical reaction with increase in
4. Agraph of volume of hydrogenreleased vs time temperature, rate of a reaction
for the reaction between zinc and dil. HCl is
(a) decreases (b) increases
given in figure. On the basis of this, mark the (c) remains constant
correct option. NCERT Exemplar (d) show irregular trends
V6 9. For the reaction
2Ng0s(g) ’ 4NO2(g) +O2(g),
V3 the rate of formation of NO(g) is 2.8 x 10- 3Ms
Calculate the rate of disappearance of N,05(8}
10. What is the rate of
the following reaction? disappearance of hydrogen In
2030 40 50 3H2 + N2 ’ 2NH3
OBJECTIVE Tvpe Questions 3. Consider the data given below for ahypothetical
1. Find the order of the reaction whose rate reactions, M ’ N
constant is 25x 10- min-l Times) Rate of reacion mo L s )
(a) zero (b) three 420x 10
(c) two (d) one 10 420x 10
2. For which of the following, the units of rate 20 420x 1o
constant and rate of the reaction are same? 30 420x 1o
la) Zero order reaction
(b) First order reaction 40 4.18x 1o
(c) Second order reaction
For the above data, the order of reaction is
(d) Third order reaction
(a) one b) two (c) three (d) zero
4. For the
elementary reaction M ’N,therate or
disappearance of Mincreases by a
upon doubling the factor of 8
order of the reactionconcentration
of M. The
(a) 4 (b) 3 respect to Mis
(c) 2 (d) 1
S. For the
2A + B non-stoichiometric reaction
’C+ D, the following kinetic data
were obtained in three
at 298 K. separate experiments, all
Initial Initial
Concentration of concentration Initial rateofofCformation
[A] of [B] (mol Ls)
0.1M 0.1 M 1.2x 10-3
0.1 M 0.2 M
1.2x 10-3
0.2 M 0.1 M 2.4x 10-3
The rate law for the
dC formation of C is
(a) = k[A][B] dc
dt (6) dt =k(A'[B]
dt =k[A][B]? -k[A]
6. The unit of the rate
constant of nth order is
(a) mol'-"L-s-1 (b) mol?-ll-ng-l
(c) mol-ln-1s (d) mol" Ll-n-1
7. For the given rate expression
overall order of a reaction is
=k{4jB], the
(a) zero (b) half (c) one (d) two
8. The reaction,
2Ng05 2N,04 +Og is
(a) bimolecular and first order
(b) unimolecular and second order
(c) bimolecular and second order
(d) unimolecular and first order


9. For a certain reaction, the rate law is,
Rate =k[A|(B}P, Can this belongs to an
elementary reaction? NCERT Exemplar
10, Write the rate equation for the raction,
24+ B ’C, if the order of the reaction is
zero. NCERT Exemplar
11. Molecularity of any reaction not be equal to
zero? NCERT Exemplar
12, For which type of reactions, order and
molecularity have the same value?
NCERT Exemplar
le OBJECTIVE Type Questions 4. Equation for rate constant of a first order
reaction is
1. The slope of the plot of ln [R] vs time gives
orde AllIndia 2020 Or The equation of velocity constant (k) for first
+k -kk order reaction is
(a) + k (b) (c)-k (a) 2303

2, Four reactions are given below. Which one of

(a) k =
t log10 (a-x)
(b) k = 4.300 1og1o a- x)

them is of zero order? (c) k=

2.303 a (d) k 10,
log10 (a- x) (a- x)
(a) PCl, PCI, + Cl,
(b) 2FeCl, + SnCl, ’ 2FeCl, + SnCl, 5. Consider a first order gas phase decomposition
(c) H, + Cl, ’ 2HCI reaction given below NCERT Exemplar
(d) N,O,’ 2N0, +=0,
A(g)’ B(g) + C(g)
3. The rate constant of the reaction, A’ B is The initial pressure of the system before
0.6x10-3 mole per second. If the concentration decomposition of Awas p,. After lapse of time 'r
of A is 5 M then concentration of B after 20 min is total pressure of the system increased by x units
(a) 1.08 M (b) 3.60 M and became 'p,'. The rate constant k for the
(c)0.36 M (d) 0.72 M reaction is given as
(a) k =
2.303 (b)k = 2p, - P

(c) k =
log 2p, + p,
(d) k = 230 \og Pi + 1

6. For the reaction, 1

NCu + N2

half-life does not depend on the
volume of N gas 1s
of the reactant. After 10 min,
reaction, it is
20 L and after the completion of
100 L. Hence, rate constant is
2.303 2.303 log 10 min -1
(a) log 5 min-1 (b)
10 10
2.303 2.303 log 20 min
(c) log 10 min-! (d)
10 10

7. Timne taken to complete 90% of first order

reaction is
Or The time taken for the 90% completion of a first
order reaction is approximately
(b) 3.3 of half-life period
(a) 2.2 of half-life period
(d) 4.4 of half-life period
(c) 1.1 of half-life period
8. Expression for the half-life of zero order
reaction is given as
(a) ti/2 2k
(b) t2= [Ro
0.693 0.301
(c) ti2 (a) ti/2= k
9. When one reactant is present in large
excess in a
chemical reaction between two substances, then
the reaction is known as
(a) first order reaction
(b) second order reaction
(c) zero order reaction
(d) pseudo first order reaction


10. Aplot of rate of reaction Questions
concentration of reactant (X-axis)versus
gives a line
parallel to X-axis. What is the order of
11. A chemical reaction?
reaction occurs
and B but the rate does not between reactants A
depend on the
concentration of any of the
reactants. Can you
predict the order of the reaction?
to change
OBJECTIVE Type Questions 6. Therole of a catalyst

NCERT Rxempb
1. The temperature (a) Gibbs energy
the ratio of rate coefficient
of a reaction is reaction
constant at two (b)enthalpy of of reaction
constant differingtemperatures
(b) the ratio of rate (c) activation
by 10 (d) equilibrium constant
preferably 25°C and 35°C heat
(c) the rate constant at a fixed of a catalyst, the evolvedExemlh
temperature 7. Inthe presence the rea ction .... or
(d) None of the above absorbed during NCERT
2. Arrhenius equation may not be represented (a) increases
as (b) decreases
(c) remains unchanged
(a) In 4 E (b) k = Ae-Ea/RT or decrease
RT (d) may increase
for th.
(c) log A=logk t Ea 8. After introducing the factor P expression
2.303RT (a) logk-|-4 rate of a reaction,
3. (b) Rate = PZ,e e-fa RT
Activation energy of a chemical reaction can (a) Rate =
be determined by eFa lRT
NCERT Exemplar ZABP (d) Rate =
(a) determining the rate constant at standard (c) Rate = eEaIRT
(b) determining the rate constant at two different
temperatures VERY SHORT ANSWER Type Questions
(c) determining probability of collision Why a reaction does not have a zero
(d) using catalyst 9.
4. What is the activation energy for a reaction, if
10. Oxygen is available in plenty in air yet fuels do nor
its rate doubles when the temperature is burn by themselves at room temperature. Explain
raised from 20°Cto 35°C? (R = 8.3 14 J molK-) NCERT Exemplz
(a) 342 kJ mol-! (b)269 kJ mol-!
11. What is the effect of adding a catalyst on
(c) 34.7 kJ mol-! (d) 15.1 kJ mol
(i) Activation energy (E,) and
5. According to Arrhenius equation rate (ii) Gibbs energy (AG)of a reaction? All India 201:

constant k is equal to Ae. Ea/RT Which of the 12. Why in redox titration of KMnO, versus oxalic acid
following options represents the graph of ln k we heat oxalic acid solution before starting the
1 titration? NCERT Exemplu
Vs ?
T NCERT Exemplar
13. Why equilibrium constant remain unchanged in
the presence of a catalyst?
14. In some case, it is found that a large number of
(a) In k (b) In k colliding molecules have energy more than
threshold energy, yet the reaction is slow. Why?
Delhi2013; NCERT Exemplan
SHORT ANSWER Type I Questions
15. What is the effect of temperature on the rate
(c) In k (d) In k constant of a reaction? How can this effect of
temperature on rate constant be represented
1/T+ 1/7’ quantitatively?
uinrium r s t t

2. Arrherius eqiation may rox be eepresentet

3. Acivation eerEY of achmical reaion can

be deternined by m NCEKT Exemplar
(a) determiring the rate constant t dantart
(b) deteTmining the rate ontAnt at two
iffent tns
ternperatutes VERY SHORT ANSWER Type
(c) determining probability of coilision
(d) using atalyst
4. What is the activatíon energy for areaction, if
íits rate doubles when the
ternperature is
raised frorn 20°Cto 25 C? R =8314 SmorK)
(a) 342 k rol1 (b)269 k mo
() 4.7k ror 11 What ís the effect cf zccing2 ctzigt n
(d) 15.1 k ror
5. Accordíng to Arrhenius equation rate (I Gcts enerzy(af aracior
constantkis equal to A e.s Which ofthe
following options represents the graph of In k we hezt Gzzlic aci sciuricr Eefare taing îe
NCEKT Eemplar
B. Why equilitrimconstant remain nciangetI
the presence of a catalyst?

(a)in k 14. Insome case iI is found ha a lrze umier t

colliding molecules have energr mCre han
thresholdenergy Tet the rezction issicw. Why
1/T 1/T+ Deihi 20L3: NCEHT Erenp

SHORT ANSWER Type I Questions

(gj in k 15. What is the effect f tamperaure an me rate
(c) In k
constant of a reactign? Haw cn tis efect af
temperature an rate constant be reoresentet

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