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Cheddar Skatepark Recce


Production title: Skateboarding Sommerset

Production team: Boneless Pictures

Producer: Isaac Phillips, Ben Stevens, Matthew Baliey

Date of survey: 03/10/23

Proposed filming date: 06/11/23

Location Address: North 3DP, Sharpham Rd, Cheddar BS27 3DR

Permission needed: N/A

Audio/visual problems: No major problems come to mind when it comes to visual. On the other
hand regaurding audio there could be a slight wind problem due to the nearby resivour. But other
then that nothing comes to mind considering the audio.

Weather conditions: Rain could cause a small issue with filming but in order to combat this we will
use large umbrellas to cover important equipment that cant afford to get wet and wind was
previously mentioned.

Continuity: Its highly unlikley anything will change whilst were filming.

Electricity/Lighting issues: Electricity supplies arent nescesary to our documentary.

Set dressing: N/A

Welfare: Café for food nearby along with toilets so a place to have a break is available

Parking/Public transport to location: Unfortunately there is no bus therefore the team will have to
take lifts from parents or carers. Car Parking is right next too the skatepark so that isnt a problem

Covid 19 restrictions: N/A

Possible dates for filming: Any timme between Monday 6th November – Monday 20th November,
depending on weather, andinterviewee availability.

Provide a photo of your location and potential scenes/camera angles

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