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The age of the Guptas

Fill in the blank (5*1)

1. Fa-Hein wrote a book named __________.
2. The Vishnu temple is situated at_________.
3. The ___________ was the guild president.
4. Kalidasa wrote a book named__________.
5. The ____________ deals with athematic, trigonometry, and geometry.

Answer the following in not more than 2 points (5*2)

1. What was the situation of villages in the Gupta administration?
2. What does Arbhattiya deal with?
3. What were the contribution of Aryabhata in the field of astronomy?
4. Write about the provincial administration during the Guptas age.
5. Write any two conquest of Sumudragupta.

Structured question
1. What were the major observation made by Fa-Hein?(3)
2. Why is the Allahabad pillar regarded as one of the most important source to reconstruct
the age of the Guptas?(4)
3. With reference to Gupta administration, answer the following-
a. What was the role of the king? (3)
b. Who appointed the minsters? What were there role?(3)
c. Write about the district administration.(3)
4. Why is Kalidasa refered to as a Genius?(4)
5. What were the important feature of Nalanda University?(4)
6. What was the contribution of Varahamihira in the field of science?(3)
7. Write briefly about the Vishnu temple and its architectural features.(5)
8. Write about the religion in the Gupta age. (3)

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