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SY. 2020-2021

Name of Pupil __________________________________ Score ___________

Grade and Section ______________________________ Date ____________

I. Reading:
A. Directions: Read the story carefully. Then answer the questions about it. Write the letter of the correct
A Prayer Saved Kevin

It was already 12 midnight but Kevin could not sleep. The loud roaring of the thunder and splashing of
lightning kept him awake.
Kevin was frightened. His whole body was shivering. He covered himself with a blanket and tried to
slumber but he could not sleep.
All a sudden, he heard a strange noise outside the window. When he looked out, he saw a burglar
trying to get into his room. He wanted to summon his mother but nothing came out of his mouth.
Kevin, though scared and helpless, remembered his mother’s advice in times of trouble. He prayed
solemnly and begged God to protect and save him.
His prayer worked like magic. The burglar disappeared. The night became calm and quiet. “A prayer
saved me!”, Kevin uttered with great relief.
On the next day, he proudly told his mother what happened to him during the spooky night.

1. The main character in the story is _______________.

A. God B. Man C. Kevin D. Mother
2. The story took place in _______________.
A. in Kevin’s bedroom C. inside a church
B. outside the house D. in the afternoon
3. The story happened in _______________.
A. in the morning C. at 11 o’clock pm
B. at 12 midnight D. in the afternoon
4. Kevin was terribly afraid of _______________.
A. the burglar’s noise C. the bad dream
B. the thunder and lightning D. the darkness
5. Kevin was able to overcome his fear when he _______________.
A. prayed solemnly C. went to sleep
B. called his mother D. ignored what he saw
6. The conflict of the story was _______________.
A. Kevin could not ask for help.
B. the burglar wanted to get into Kevin’s room
C. the thunder and lightning were scary.
D. Kevin could not sleep
7. The theme of the story is that _______________.
A. prayer without action doesn’t work.
B. one’s fear can be overcome by praying.
C. being calm takes away fear.
D. it is normal to be frightened.

II. Speaking:
A. Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Write the letter of the correct

8. Andrea was absent-minded when the interviewer asked her a question.

The antonym of absent-minded is _______________.
A. forgetful B. attentive C. unaware D. distracted
9. While the guest is speaking, Cynthia is daydreaming.
The synonym of daydreaming is _______________.
A. looking B. imagining C. unaware D. laughing
10. Father is expected to leave before midnight. The underlined word means
A. 11 o’clock B. 10 o’clock C. 9 o’clock D.12 o’clock
11. It is immoral to tell lies. The underlined word means_______ .
A. evil B. good C. kind D. false
12. You can buy this television set because it is affordable. The underlined word means
A. available B. inexpensive C. durable D. costly
13. The scissors in the mall (A. is, B. are, C. has, D. were) expensive.
14. The news today _______ about the continuous rise of Covid-19 cases in the Philippines.
A. is B. are C. were D. will
15. The young scientists _________ the experiment set-up daily.
A. observe B. observes C. observed D. is observing
16. Many schools in the new normal _________ shifted to Blended Learning.
A. has B. have C. are having D. are
17. Jomari _________ watching movies from Netflix during the lockdown.
A. love B. loves C. loved D. is loving
18. Some Filipino doctors_________ among the first casualties of COVID-19.
A. are B. is C. were D. will
19. He________ dinner for his family last night.
A. cook B. cooks C. cooked D. will cook
20. Nathaniel_______ to school every day.
A. walk B. walks C. walked D. will walk
21. The fountain is an attractive view to visitors.
Which of the underlined words is the adjective?
22. Maricon is the _______ among the ladies in the office.
A. pretty B. prettier C. prettiest D. most pretty
23. The Ramos family lives in a_______ community in Laguna.
A. peaceful B. less peaceful C. more peaceful D. most peaceful
24. The medical front liners sacrificed the _____during this pandemic.
A. more B. less C. most D. least
25. I was thrilled to receive a ___________ book with my order.
A. big, beautiful, leather-bound B. leather-bound, big, beautiful
C. beautiful big leather-bound C. leather-bound, beautiful, big.
26. He was wearing a___________ shirt.
A. dirty old flannel B. old dirty flannel C. flannel old dirty D. flannel dirty old
27. He makes his assignment regularly. What do you call the underlined word in the sentence?
A. adverb of manner C. adverb of place
B. Adverb of frequency D. adverb of time

28. The grade five pupils dance very gracefully..

Which of the underlined words is an adverb of intensity?

29. Good children always obey their parents.

Which of the underlined words is an adverb of frequency?

30. Which modal is appropriate to the following sentence?

I______ like to invite you to my birthday party.
A. might B. may C. would D. have to
31. What modal will make the sentence complete?
All of us______ conserve water and electricity now.
A. could B. should C. would D. might
32. Angel Locsin serves as a celebrity front liner _____she is called a real-life heroine during this pandemic.
A. but B. yet C. so D. and
33. Some children nowadays take their meals____ watching television programs.
A. while B. before C. unless D. or
34. The students ran to their classrooms____ the bell rang.
A. and B. or C. while D. when
35. Monica goes to school_____ she eats her breakfast.
A. and B. but C. when D. after
36. Shirley tried to learn Spanish____ Rex tried to learn French.
A. and B. but C. while D. for
37. Peter waited for the bus____ it was late to arrive.
A. whenever B. since C. but D. as a result.

DIRECTION: Identify whether the statement is a (A. stereotype, B. propaganda, C. point of view).

______________ 38. The first to achieve a glowing skin is by using Pond’s Cream.
______________ 39. Films or documentaries on government programs which show the positive things only.
______________ 40. A hair-colored lady with many earrings even on her tongue is often branded as a bad girl.

DIRECTIONS: Read each sentence. Write F if it is a fact and O if it is an opinion.

_______ 41. The pandemic Covid-19 originated from Wuhan, China.

_______ 42. I think we can live on Mars.

DIRECTIONS: Match the effect in Column B to the cause in Column A. In Column C, write the matched sentences
to form compound sentences.

A Cause B Effect C Compound sentence

43. A man did not a. they stayed home.
wear a mask so
44. Allan spent b. his online classes.
300php load for
45. Children were c. he was apprehended.
afraid to catch the
virus so

III. Writing:
Directions: Fill out the form in order to complete the information from you.
Failure to comply with the information below means we can’t identify
you completely as our pupil. Complete it with the best of your
Please write legibly. You can do it!


46. ________________________________________________________________
Surname First Name Middle Name (complete)

47. Date of Birth: _________________________ Age: ______________

48. Home Address: ___________________________________________________

No. Street Barangay

City/Municipality Province

49. Name of School: __________________________________________________

50. ____________________________________ ________________________


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