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Introduction to JavaScript

August 22, 2022

JavaScript is a lightweight language

It is interpreted programming language

It is designed for creating network-centric applications

It is complimentary and integrated with Java

It is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML

It is open and crossed platform

Features of JavaScript
It is most popular scripting and programming language

JavaScript is everywhere, it comes on every modern web-browser

It does not need any special environment setup

It helps to create beautiful and interactive websites

It has lots of frameworks and libraries

Advantages of JavaScript
Less Server interaction

Validate user inputs at Client Side, no load on server

Immediate feedback to the visitors

Increased connectivity

Create interfaces to react when user hovers mouse over components

Richer interface

Includes items as drag & drop components and sliders to give a Rich Interface to website

Program in JavaScript
Following program will print "Hello World!!!" on browser using HTML and JavaScript




Program to Print Statement





document.write(" Hello World!!! ");




document is an object calls the function write() to print statement on browser

through JavaScript

Data Types
A value in JavaScript is always of a certain type. For example, a String or a number.
Any type of value can be stored in variable.

For Example

A variable can store String value at one moment and then it can be updated to a number

var message=" Hello ";

message= 1000;


The number type represents both Integer and Floating point numbers, all the operations
associated with the Integer and floating point numbers are applicable to number data type.
Operation like Arithmetic, Relational, Assignment etc...


var num=200;

var value=12.90;

There are some "special numeric values" are associated with this data type is as follows




These above data types are belongs to Number data type in JavaScript.

It represent the mathematical Infinity ∞

It is a special value that is greater than any number, this value is a result of
some mathematical operations for example


if we divide any number by zero it will generate infinity

NaN (Not a Number)

It represents a computational error. It is a result of an incorrect or an undefined mathematical


For Example:

var x, y;

x=" Hello ";

y = x/2;

This above operation will generate error NaN.

Performing math operation in JavaScript is safe, if any operation is performed by mistake, it
never stops execution of program by generating fatal errors, at worst it generates NaN result.


A String in JavaScript is surrounded by quotes. There are 3 ways to assign String value to a

var name = "Abhay";

var str = " Welcome " ;

var str1 = ' Welcome to Program ' ;

var str2 = ` Welcome ${name} ` ;

In JavaScript there are 3 types of quotes

Double Quotes : "Welcome"

Single Quotes : 'Welcome'

Back Ticks : ` Welcome `


The Boolean type has only two values: true or false . This type is commonly used to store logical
values of types true or false / yes or no. These values are also generated from the operation like
Relational Operations or Comparison Operations.
For Example

var x = true;

var y=100;

x = y > 101;

above operation will update the value of x from true to false, as the comparison is wrong, it
will generate the value false.


if Statement

Is a fundamental control statement

Allows JavaScript to make decision and execute statement conditionally



Statement to be executed if expression is true

if … else Statement

Is the next form of the control statement

Allows JavaScript to execute statements in more controlled way



Statement to be executed if expression is true


Statement to be executed if expression is false

if … else if … Statement

Is an advanced form of if … else

Allows JavaScript to make a correct decision out of several conditions

It allows JavaScript to execute the multiple statement as per the true expression



Statement to be executed if expression is true

else if (expression1)

Statement to be executed if expression1 is true

else if (expression2)

Statement to be executed if expression2 is true



Statement to be executed if all above expressions are false

switch Case

The switch case is used to evaluate an expression and execute several statements based on the
value of expression

The interpreter verifies the case against the value of the expression

If match is found with the case, then statement of the case executed

If nothing matches, then a default condition will be used.


switch (expression)

case condition 1: statement(s)


case condition 2: statement(s)



case condition n: statement(s)


default: statement(s)

The break statement is used to end a particular case,

If break is not there it will continue to execute further case

The while Loop

The most basic loop used in JavaScript

The purpose of the while loop is to execute the statements or code block repeatedly as long as
expression true.

Once the expression is false, the loop terminates



statement to be executed if the expression is true

The do … while Loop

The task of the while and the do … while is same, except that the expression check happens at
the end of the loop.

The loop will always be executed at least once, even if the expression is false.



Statement(s) to be executed;

} while (expression) ;

Semicolon is compulsory after while, so that the loop will get terminate if expression is false.

for Loop

It is most compact form of looping, which includes 3 important parts as follows:

• Loop Initialization: Initializes counter to a starting value, it executes before loop begins.

• Test Statement: Test expression, if expression is true it executes the code block of loop, if
false, it terminates the loop.

• Iteration Statement: Increases or decreases the value of the counter.


for ( initialization ; test condition ; iteration statement )

Statement(s) to be executed if test condition is true

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