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What's the best use of Jaimini at present times?

In B.V.Raman's times, we had some pure Jaimini astrologers! They don't use parashara methods like
Vimshottari dasa or houses. They predict using only Jaimini karakas (AK, BK, etc.) and Jaimini dassha
like Chara dasa. But, that generation is gone now. Nowadays, it is very rare to see such people!

Almost all are parashara-school astrologers and who use Jaimini additionally.

But, many of them often mix two systems just to justify their predictions or cheat their clients.

That's not the right way to use Jaimini.

As advised and demonstrated by K. N. Rao and few other stalwarts, Jaimini techniques are best
supplementary for confirming predictions that we arrived based on Parashara.


For instance, if you see that a person may get married in next year as per Vimshottari dasa and
transits, then to confirm that predictions, analyse the chart in Jaimini angle. See whether Jaimini
karakas and Chara dasa also indicate marriage. If so, you can be sure that probability of marriage is
high. If not, the degree of probability is slightly less -- so tone down your predictions accordingly.

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