Tarea Inglés Gero

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 1. What time do you usually wake up?

R/ I usually wake up at 5 past ten minutes (5:10am)

 2. How many times a week do you play videogames?

R/ I play videogames around two or three hours, and only the

 3. What time do you usually go to bed?

R/ I usually go to bed at 8:30pm

 4. How often do you watch a movie at night?

R/ Once a week, and only the weekends

 5. Name three things you do as a part of a daily routine?

R/ I do in my daily routine the next three things:
- I take a shower in the morning
- I go to the school
- I training baseball

 6. What relation is your mother´s brother to you?

R/ He is my uncle and I’m his nephew

 7. What relation is your sister´s daugther to you?

R/ she is my niece and I’m her uncle

 8. How many cousins do you have? What do you do when you

see them?
R/ I have three cousins and I feel so happy when see them

 9. Pick a family member and describe look (= outside) and

charecter (= inside)
R/ I choose mi little sister Noelia. She is four year old. She has
big black eyes, a beautiful mouth and pretty tanned skin. She
is really handsome. Noelia is a really sensitive girl and a happy
child, because she always is jumping and singing

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