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"children should be required to follow strict rules set by their parents"

Children should follow strict rules set by their parents. I wholeheartedly agree
with that statement. Rules are usually set because of their importance. This short
essay will state some of the reasons on why I agree.

First, strict rules are made to protect them. Strict rules can be of a wide
spectrum. Some can be as simple as not being allowed to go outside at night or not
following strangers. Some are much more intense and definitely needed, such as not
allowed to gamble or open strange websites. These rules are made because children
may get endangered. They might get kidnapped, addicted, or do things that they are
not supposed to.

Second, children could be easily influenced by others. Children tend to mimic what
an adult or older person does in front of them. An example could be that an
adolescent swears in front of them, a small child would mimic the adolescent
because they do not know that it is not a good thing. Just like how they would
first mimic their parents, saying mama or dada. Because of this, Strict rules
should be set so that the children can be protected from terrible influences.
Without these rules, children may get into drug usage, alcoholism, or other
terrible things.

Finally, rules can make children more discipline. Rules can build discipline
because they need to follow them. Breaking a rule may result in a punishment, so
children will be more inclined to follow rules. I once slept past my bedtime when I
was still a young child and that got me in a lot of trouble with my parents. Ever
since then, I consistently sleep on time, always before 11 P.M. With this
experience, the rules disciplined me, knowing that I would get in trouble if I
broke the rules.

In conclusion, children should definitely follow the rules that are set by parents,
no matter how strict the rule is because rules are made to protect and keep
children away from a bad influence. Strict rules could also build the child's

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