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Introduction to

Technology for Teaching

and Learning
Reymar Pan-oy
Topic Outline
A. Basic Concepts
• A.1. Technology
• A. 2. Information and Communication Technology
• A.3. Educational Technology
• A.4.Technology, Media and Learning
• A.5. Instructional Technology
• A.6. Technology Tools
B. Roles of ICT in Teaching and Learning
A.1. Technology
Technology – Meaning and its use
Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing
actions and the extracting of materials.
The term ‘Technology” is wide, and everyone has their way of
understanding its meaning. We use technology to accomplish various
tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products
and processes used to simplify our daily lives.
We use technology to extend our abilities, making people the most crucial
part of any technological system.
We apply technology in almost everything we do in our daily lives; we use
technology at work, we use technology for communication,
transportation, learning, manufacturing, securing data, scaling
businesses and so much more
Types of Technology
Communication Technology
This is a system that uses technical
means to transmit information or
data from one place to another or
from one person to another.
Communication is a daily essential
for all; it is used to convey ideas,
exchange information, and express
Construction Technology
This is the study of advanced methods
and equipment used to build basic and
advanced structures.
The use of construction technology
tools like heavy tractors to prepare the
land, computer-aided design software to
create digital designs for structures in
2D and3D format.
These tools along with many others help
builders to efficiently complete a project
on time, within budget and with
minimum accidents.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology is used by
people with disabilities to
accomplish specific tasks that
are difficult or impossible to
perform. The term ”Assistive”
means helping or providing an
extra hand.
Medical Technology
This is the type of
technology which is used
to extend and improve
human life. Medical
technology reduces
patient’s pain and cares for
an injury.
Information Technology
Information Technology is
a set of hardware and
software tools used to
store, transfer and
process information.
Information technology
tools help in providing
the right people with the
right information at the
right time.
Entertainment Technology
This use of technology to create an
entertainment experience. Since
entertainment is too broad, everyone
gets entertained in their way.
Technology is used to create video
games, to develop musical systems
and so much more. Entertainment
technology includes things like video,
sound, animations, scenery
fabrication, computer simulations,
interactive environments and so much
Business Technology
This is technology used to
run a business and enhance
various business
operations, it normally
consists of a combination of
software and hardware.
Educational Technology
Education technology aims
at improving a students
performance by creating and
managing various
technological processes and
resources in or out the
classroom. It is an academic
discipline which prepares
individuals to acquire deeper
understanding and
A.2. Information and
Communication Technology (ICT)
The term “Information” refers to “any communication or
representation of knowledge such as facts, data or opinions in
any medium or for, including textual, numerical, graphic
Cartographic, narrative or audiovisual forms”.

Technology is the practical form of scientific knowledge or the

science of application of knowledge to practical.
"ICT stand for information and communication technologies and
is defined, as a "diverse set of technological tools and resources
used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and
manage information. “

"ICT implies the technology which consists of electronic devices

and associated human interactive materials that enable the
user to employ them for a wide range of teaching - learning
processes in addition to personal use. "
Concept of ICT
Information technology (IT) is the acquisition,
processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial,
textual and numerical information by a micro-electronics
- based combination of computing and
Concept of ICT
Anything that renders data, information or perceived
knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any
multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered
part of the domains space known as Information
Communication technology is the activity of
designing and constructing and maintaining
communication systems.
ICT and Education
ICT to enhance teaching and learning environments.
ICT enables self-paced learning through various tools such as
assignment, computer etc. as a result of this the teaching and
learning enterprise has become more productive and meaningful.
ICT helps facilitate the transaction between producers and users by
keeping the students updated and enhancing teachers capacity and
ability fostering a live contract between the teacher and the student
through e-mail, chalk session, e-learning, web based learning
including internet, intranet, extranet etc.
ICT and Education
Education Technology has become very powerful media for interactive
participation of experts and learners and it reaches the unreachable.

Emerging learning technology of integrated learning, pod cast, wikis,

enhancement of browsers, e-learning, m-learning, u-learning have
started making rapid strides in teaching learning process.
Why ICT in education
Importance of ICT
Elements of ICT in education
Characteristics of ICT
ICT for Education
1. Distance Education
▪Affordability and geography have been barriers to access
▪ICT has enhanced the quality of distance education
▪Six largest Distance Learning Universities are located in developing countries: Turkey,
Indonesia, China, India, Thailand and Korea
▪Distance Education facilitated by ICT has mainly been applied to tertiary education
▪ICT has enabled cross-border education
ICT for Education
2. Scientific Research
▪Development of networks over the internet empowers indigenous research &
development (R&D) in developing countries
▪Existence of virtual research groups allows databases and information to be shared
▪ICT enhances North-South and South-South collaborations
▪ICT is being employed to train workers in many functional areas e.g Health care,IT
services, teachers
ICT for Education
3. Education Administration
▪Enhances day-to-day management of institutions
▪ Timetabling
▪ Student admission &Tracking
▪ Financial Management
▪ Medical services
▪ Procurement & store management
▪ Data distribution & management
Uses in Education
▪To broadcast material, online facility or CD-ROM can be used as sources of
information in different subjects
▪To facilitate communication for pupils with special needs
▪To use electronic toys to develop spatial awareness and psycho-motor control
▪To use the Online resource like, email, Chat, discussion forum to support
collaborative writing and sharing of information
▪To facilitate video-conferencing or other form of Tele conferencing to involve wide
range of students from distant Geographic areas For Blended learning by
combining conventional classroom learning with E-leaming learning systems
▪To process administrative and assessment data
▪To exchange and share ideas -among teachers for the professional growth
▪To carry out internet-based research to enhance , educational process
Scope of ICT
▪Teaching Learning Process
Teaching Learning Process
Effective learning is
possible by five sensory
means. According to
psychological study
human can grasp 80%
knowledge visually, 15 %
through hearing & 5%
with the rest of the
sensory items.
So it becomes necessary to present the content by attractive
means. Computer technology helps us to provide rich
To provide rich presentation, it is necessary to use the various
components like:
1. Text matter presentation
2. Animation presentation
3. Graphic presentation
4. Audio presentation
5. Video
Computer Aided Teaching has become popular now a days.o
Scope of ICT in Education
▪A person from village also can refer the latest information and
research everyday.
▪Television broadcast is one of the best communication media to
educate students, farmers, sportsman.
▪The difficult experiments, advance surgery for medical students
etc. can be viewed.
▪LCD projectors can be used for effective training.
▪The man power problem, the human mistakes can be avoided
by on-line examination.
In online tutoring, the
student logs into his or her
tutor through the use of
internet at home. The
student asks the question
and teacher replies it by
writing on smart board or
using powerpoint
Learning using ICT
▪Motivates learner
▪Learning process can be
anywhere and anytime
▪Students use interactive
whiteboard in classroom.
Impact on Teachers
Teacher access to :
➢Lesson plans
➢Network of teachers
➢Pedagogical techniques
➢Information resources
▪The notes, printed text books can be digitized with the
help of computer technology.
▪Many e-books are available on websites developed by
different publishers.
▪Encyclopedia is also available on internet.
Advantages of ICT for Evaluation
▪Student accept more responsibility for their own
learning and its assessment, developing expertise in
the process.
▪Teacher application of curriculum can be monitored by
analyzing test results. This can be used by teachers for
assessing and improving their own performance
meeting state and national standards.
Daily use of ICT to students and teachers
▪Students use ICT as reference tool. They use computers to
browse the internet to look information, project information
and literature survey.
▪Teachers use ICT in research for preparing teaching material
,participate in online forums and online conference.
▪Researchers use ICT tool to collect ,process and analyze data.
▪School administrators use ICT tool for administrative purpose to
make sure that the entire operation runs smoothly. E.g. to get
student details at the click of a button.
▪Employees register
▪Library record
▪Progress reports
▪Students register
▪Placement cell
▪Alumni record
▪School campus record
▪Finance & accounts
How ICT is being used very effectively?
▪Broadening horizons with more opportunities for creative
▪Flexibility to study where, when and how best suits individual
needs and preferences
▪Increased motivation through learning that stimulates and
▪Wider access to learning and participation
▪Sensible choices about when, when not and how to use new
technology to enhance, enrich and extend learning
Advantages of using ICT in lessons
▪Increased commitment to learning works
▪Enhanced enjoyment and interest in learning and the subject Increase in
self-directed learning and independence
▪Getting a lot of information and ideas
▪Learning computer skills
▪Analyzing information
▪Increased motivation to stay on-work, behave better and produce higher
Quality output
▪ Produce higher quality work
▪Learn more independently and at their own pace
▪Do things they cannot do using traditional methods and resources
▪Do more work and work more quickly
Key to Success in the integration of ICT
Advantages of the use of ICT in
▪Quick access to information
▪Easy availability of updated data
▪Connecting Geographically dispersed regions
▪Catering to the Individual differences
▪Wider range of communication media
▪Wider learning opportunities for pupils
A.3. Educational Technology
What is educational technology
▪ the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction
▪A form of learning in which knowledge, skills, values and beliefs
and habits are transferred

▪Practical art of using scientific knowledge
Educational Technology
is the effective use of technological tools in
learning. As a concept, it concerns an array of
tools, such as media, machines and
networking hardware, as well as considering
theoretical perspectives for their effective
The National Academy of Engineering’s Instructional
Technology Committee on Education
the “body of knowledge resulting from the application of
science of teaching and learning to the real world of the
classroom, together with the tools and methodologies
developed to assist in these applications.” (Dieuzeide,
Collier, et al., 1971
“involves the application of systems, techniques
and aids to improve the process of human
Features of Educational Technology
1. Definition of objectives to be achieved by the learner
2. The application of principles of learning to the analysis and structuring of the
subject matter to be learned
3. The selection and use of appropriate media for presentation
4. The use of appropriate methods of assessing student performance to evaluate the
effectiveness of courses and materials.

Collier, et al., 1971

Two conceptions of educational
Relative Educational Technology
Which focuses on both procedures and devices
Constructive Educational Technology
which focuses on analyzing instructional problems,
constructing and selecting evaluation instruments, and
on production techniques and devices, all in terms of
reaching desired outcomes
A.4 Technology, Media and
Learning is acquiring new knowledge, behaviors,
skills, values, or preferences and may involve
synthesizing different types of information. The
ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals
and some machines. It is also the development of
new knowledge, skills, or attitudes as an individual
interacts with information and the environment.
Types of Learning
In psychology, habituation is an example of non-
associative learning in which there is a progressive
diminution of behavioral response probability with
repetition stimulus.
Types of Learning
Sensitization is an example of non-associative learning in
which the progressive amplification of a response follows
repeated administrations of a stimulus (Bell et al., 1995).
Types of Learning
Associative learning
Associative learning is the process by which an
element is taught through association with a
separate, pre-occurring element. It is also referred
to as classical conditioning.
Types of Learning
Classical conditioning
The typical paradigm for classical conditioning involves
repeatedly pairing an unconditioned stimulus with
another previously neutral stimulus. Following
conditioning, the response occurs both to the
unconditioned stimulus and to the other, unrelated
stimulus (now referred to as the "conditioned stimulus").
The response to the conditioned stimulus is termed a
conditioned response.
Types of Learning
Imprinting describes any kind of phase-sensitive learning
(learning occurring at a particular age or a particular life
stage) that is rapid and apparently independent of the
consequences of behavior.
Types of Learning
Observational learning
The learning process most characteristic of humans is
imitation; one's personal repetition of an observed
behavior, such as a dance.
Types of Learning
Play generally describes behavior which has no particular
end in itself, but improves performance in similar
situations in the future
Types of Learning
Enculturation is the process by which a person learns the
requirements of their native culture by which he or she
is surrounded, and acquires values and behaviors that
are appropriate or necessary in that culture.
Types of Learning
Multimedia learning
Multimedia learning is where a person uses both
auditory and visual stimuli to learn information (Mayer
Types of Learning
E-learning and augmented learning
Electronic learning or e-learning is a general term used
to refer to Internet based networked computer
enhanced learning.
Types of Learning
Rote learning
Rote learning is a technique which avoids understanding
the inner complexities and inferences of the subject that
is being learned and instead focuses on memorizing the
material so that it can be recalled by the learner exactly
the way it was read or heard.
Types of Learning
Informal learning
Informal learning occurs through the experience of day-
to-day situations.
Types of Learning
Formal learning
Formal learning is learning that takes place within a
teacher student relationship, such as in a school system.
Types of Learning
Non-formal learning
Non-formal learning is organized learning outside the
formal learning system.
Types of Learning
Tangential learning
Tangential learning is the process by which some portion
of people will self-educate if a topic is exposed to them
in something that they already enjoy such as playing a
musical instrument.
Types of Learning
Dialogic learning
Dialogic learning is a type of learning based on dialogue.
Domains of Learning
Cognitive – To recall, calculate, discuss, analyze, problem
solve, etc.
Psychomotor – To dance, swim, ski, dive, drive a car, ride
a bike, etc.
Affective – To like something or someone, love,
appreciate, fear, hate, worship, etc.
Media refers to all modes of communication, including
print and audio- visual forms and their accompanying
Types of Media
Televisions or the beta-video system. The TV beta-video facility
should not be seen merely as a boon to the families in the
Charts. Self- made charts and posters serve as a basic and
universal aid for bringing fascinating and exciting experiences in
the classroom.
Multimedia Presentation. Multimedia can mean either the use
of media on a sequential arrangement on the use of various
media presented simultaneously, as in the projection of several
images, utilizing slides and moving films, on multiple screen.
Role of Technology in Learning
Technology as tools to support knowledge
•For representing learning ideas, understanding,
and belief.
•For producing organized multimedia knowledge
bases by learners.
Role of Technology in Learning
Technology as information vehicles for exploring
knowledge to support learning by constructing
•For accessing needed information.
•For comparing perspectives, beliefs, and world
Role of Technology in Learning
Technology as content to support learning by doing
•For representing and stimulating meaningful real-
world problems, situation and contexts.
•For representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments,
and stories of others.
•For defining a safe, controllable problem space
for student thinking.
Role of Technology in Learning
Technology as a social medium to support learning
by conversing
•For collaborating with others.
•For discussing, arguing, and building consensus
among members for a community.
•For supporting discourse among knowledge-
building communities.
Role of Technology in Learning
Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by
•For helping learners to articulate and represent what they
•For reflecting on what they have learned and how they come
to know it.
•For supporting learners internal negotiations and meaning
•For constructing personal representations of meaning for
supporting mindful thinking.
A.5. Instructional Technology
What comes into your mind?
Miniaturization of Technology
Instructional Technology defined
The application of learning theory and emergent
technologies in solving instructional and performance
Reason for instructional technology
Dale’s cone of learning
A.6. Technology Tools for Teachers
▪Tools for teaching paperless
▪Tools for promoting creativity & collaboration
▪Tools for designing student-centered learning
▪Apps for educational aids
Why Go Paperless?
▪Save paper, money, and time
▪More efficient
▪Organization materials better
▪Creating better learning environment
▪Mobile learning
▪Online teaching/learning
▪Save space (Less file cabinets and shelves)
▪Save time in line for making copies
▪But, sometimes, paper is easier.
Paperless for Students
A paperless classroom
What is it exactly?
What tools do I need?
What equipment do I need?
Time and Expense Management
Conditions to consider
▪Scanner / Camera
▪Wireless internet
▪Digital Textbooks and workbooks
▪CMS (Blackboard), web site, blog, wiki
▪E-mail & Google Docs
▪Web 2.0 Tools
CMS: Blackboard
▪CMS (Course Management System) Online Course / Blended
▪Assignment / Worksheet
▪Collaborative learning
▪Grading, feedback
▪Quiz / Test
E-mailing announcement and assignments
Considering: Creating a class email account other than the
instructor’s email to receive class assignments
Google Apps
Save all the documents in Drop Box folder and share with your
students with a link Storage space (2GB Free)
Presentation Tools / Projects
▪Glogster -- online poster
▪Slideshare (PPT)
Tools to Make Video Lessons
Projector Screen /Extra Monitor
▪Using Projector Screen in the classroom
▪An extra monitor next to the laptop (at home)
▪Read document from the screen, not from printing
AND …. IT ENDS ☺ ☺ ☺

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