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Abongwa Bonalais Amahnui

123-456-7890 | | |

National Higher Polytecnic Institute University of Bamenda Bamenda, Cameroon
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Computer Aug. 2019 – July 2023

Undergraduate software Engineer June 2021 – 2022
• Developed a REST API using FastAPI and PostgreSQL to store data from learning management systems

• Developed a full-stack web application using Flask, React, PostgreSQL and Docker to analyze GitHub data

Information Technology Support Specialist Sep. 2022 – Jan. 2023

Skye8 Bamenda
• Work with co-workers to implement an MTN API for doing online transactions on IPAYU

OCaml May 2023 – September 2023

Outreachy Remote
• Worked on improving error reporting of existing PPXLIB-Based PPXs

• Implemented functions to catch multiple exceptions during the rewriting phase.

Skolabox August 2023 – Present

• control desk for a school management system along side co-workers using Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, and Angular
• Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, and Angular TS

Gitlytics | Python, Spring Boot, React, PostgreSQL, Docker June 2022 – Present
• Developed a full-stack web application using with Flask serving a REST API with React as the frontend

• Implemented GitHub OAuth to get data from user’s repositories

• Visualized GitHub data to show collaboration

Gitlytics | Arduino, Flutter, Python Nov 2022 – August 2023

• Worked on a Smart Blind Walking Stick implementation hardware

• Used Flutter to build the mobile application aspect of this system.

Technical Skills
Languages: Java, Python, SQL (Postgres), JavaScript, HTML/CSS, R
Frameworks: React, Node.js, Spring Boot, JUnit, WordPress, Material-UI, FastAPI
Developer Tools: Git, Docker, TravisCI, Google Cloud Platform, VS Code, Visual Studio, PyCharm, IntelliJ, Eclipse
Libraries: pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib

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