Ferrera D. 2002 Mass Pressure Article

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Gann’s Mass Pressure Forecasting Technique

Of all the Gann forecasting techniques known, the Mass Pressure Formula has been one of the most closely
guarded secrets. In fact, there are very few “Gann Experts” that even know how to create a Mass Pressure
Chart or anything about the nature of its construction. Many people have wondered if there were any
“signs” that 2001 was going to be such a bad year. To that I say “YES” there were clear indications of what
2001 would be like in the stock market. My interpretation of Gann’s Mass Pressure Formula certainly did
an outstanding job of predicting the basic trend changes of the market as the chart provided with this article
clearly shows.

Although I will not discuss the Mass Pressure Formula in this article, I will say that it is based entirely on
Gann’s philosophy that “the future is nothing but a repetition of the past”. For example, one of the best-
known Gann cycles is the cycle of 60-years. What happened in the year 1941? The Japanese bombed Pearl
Harbor and the pilots crashed their planes into their targets. The Pentagon’s ground breaking ceremony was
held on 9/11/41. 60-years later in the year 2001, the movie Pearl Harbor was released, suicide pilots once
again attacked the USA and the Pentagon experienced another “ground breaking”.

What does the Mass Pressure say about 2002? I’m including a portion of my Mass Pressure forecast, which
shows that the Market is pretty much bearish until 4/11/02. If you would like to learn how to make these
charts, the complete technique along with my Excel worksheet which calculates and produces the charts
below is provided in my Gann course “Mysteries Of Gann Analysis Unveiled”, which can be purchased
through the Sacred Science Institute, (800) 756-6141 or www.SacredScience.com

Just remember that even though the Mass Pressure formula provides valuable information about the
possible future, it will not necessarily make you a better trader. You have to trade the market based on what
it is actually doing. That said, enjoy the small sample of the 2002 Mass Pressure chart.
Daniel T. Ferrera

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