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Insulin Dose Calculator

Project Report
CCSW 313
Section: WS

Prepared for

Dr. Latifa Alharthi

College of Computer Sciences and Engineering

University of Jeddah

Prepared by

Student Name ID

Rawan Alqahtani 1905025

Rajaa Alammari 2010311

Ghayda Yahia 1911101

Table of Contents

Business Case for application ................................................................................................................3

to calculate insulin ..................................................................................................................................3
1.0 Introduction/ Background......................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Business Objective ...................................................................................................................................... 3
3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement....................................................................... 3
4.0 Critical Assumption and Constrains ......................................................................................................... 4
5.0 Analysis of Option and Recommendation ............................................................................................. 4
6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements............................................................................................................. 4
7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis .................................................................................................. 5
8.0 Schedule Estimate ...................................................................................................................................... 5
9.0 Potential Risks .............................................................................................................................................. 5
10.0 Exhibits ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Stakeholder Register for Insulin Dose Calculator app .......................................................................7
Stakeholder Management Strategy for Insulin Dose Calculator app.............................................8
Project Charter ......................................................................................................................................10
Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 11
Kick-off Meeting ....................................................................................................................................12
Scope Management Plan ...................................................................................................................13
Project Scope statement............................................................................................................................... 13
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ................................................................................................................. 15
Project Schedule Management .........................................................................................................16
Gantt Chart ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Network Diagram ........................................................................................................................................... 18

Business Case for application
to calculate insulin

1.0 Introduction/ Background

Many parents of diabetic children struggle to calculate the proper insulin dose ratio
due to their inability to accurately calculate the carbohydrates in their children's food. As a result,
parents must calculate the carbohydrates in each meal by checking the amount of carbohydrates in the
booklets provided by the hospital or using Google. This done by adding the quantity of the child's meal,
the application aims to accurately calculate the percentage of carbohydrates in eating, and the system
will calculate the appropriate dose of insulin.
Our system will make it easy for parents to calculate the correct dose.

2.0 Business Objective

The main reason behind establishing this app; To make it an integrated platform to facilitate the
calculation of insulin dose for diabetics and provide various options from menus with specific
carbohydrates and provide experts, experiences, and answers to frequently asked questions to help them.

3.0 Current Situation and Problem/Opportunity Statement

Many parents have a problem in determining the appropriate insulin dose based on the amount of
carbohydrates and sugar factor for their child, as a result of the large number of booklets that they must
search in to find the amount of carbohydrates in each meal, and a lot of these booklets doesn't have
Arabic meals in it, so they have to look it up in other places that might be insufficient resources that will
harm their children or they may use costly methods such as going to specialist to provide them with the
appropriate amount in meals and it is not just money cost it is also timely costs for them.

4.0 Critical Assumption and Constrains
- The application will only run-on phones (IOS and android).
- A limited number of doctors will be available to assist in the first few months after publishing.
- The application serves only type 1 diabetics.
- The use of the program should be easy and have a user-friendly interface, since a large number of its
users will be under the age of 15 .
- The application will only be available in Saudi Arabia.
- Technical support for the system is required on a regular basis.

5.0 Analysis of Option and Recommendation

There are three options to go with:
1. We can just depend on doctors to calculate the appropriate insulin dose.
2. Make a small website with articles that can help diabetic children.
3. Design and implement an application that focuses on helping diabetic children by
calculating the percentage of carbohydrates in food for determining the appropriate insulin dose.

Based on discussions with stakeholders, we believe that the best option is 3.

6.0 Preliminary Project Requirements

Before we start, the project should include the following features:
1. Calculating appropriate insulin dose.
2. Our application will be designed completely in Arabic.
3. Develop an application with easy and flexible user interface with adults and children.
4. The user can make a contact with the consultant.
5. Parents do not need to worry about what their children eat, as they can apply the application to
calculate all the carbohydrates that the child ate and facilitate their calculation.

7.0 Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
A preliminary estimate of costs for the entire project is 180,400SR. This estimate is based on the project
manager working about 25 per week for six months and 70 hours per week of working for other internal
staff. The staff project manager would earn 60SR per hour. And for the other project team members
would be 80SR per hour. The initial cost estimate also includes 15,000SR for suppliers to purchase
software and services. The maintenance costs are 30,000SR for each year after the project is completed,
so the team can update the information and coordinate online articles and the Ask the Expert feature.
Total projected benefits are about 300,000SR per year. Exhibit A Shows and summarizes the projected
costs and benefits and shows the net present value (NPV) which is 567,832SR, and return on investment
(ROI) is at 100 percent which is good, and the year in which payback occurs is year 1.

8.0 Schedule Estimate

Since the application has sensitive health aspect, its production will take longer than usual, the sponsor
gave us some flexibility in the schedule so the project should be completed within six months.

9.0 Potential Risks

- Lack of input from medical professionals
- Privacy of user’s data
- The amounts of users using the application at the same time may cause-lagging in the system
- Inability to provide all possible types of foods with carbohydrates

10.0 Exhibits
Exhibit A: Financial Analysis of Insulin Dose Calculator app

Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis:

The total cost of the project is estimated to be “180,400”SR This cost was calculated based on the
following factors:

Resources Time Estimated cost

The project manager 25 hours a week 60SR per hour
work 6 months

Team members work 70 hours a week 80SR per hour

6 months

Experts to download 6 hours a day 500SR per hour

the software and 5 days
purchase services

Maintenance Once per year 30,000 per year

Stakeholder Register for Insulin Dose Calculator app

Name Position Project Role Contact Information
CEO Internal Sponsor
Rajaa Alammari PMO Directory Internal Project Manger

Latifa Alharthi Consultant Internal Investor

Director of IT
Ghayda Yahia Internal Project Manger
Farah Nasser Programmer Internal Team Member
Lujain Omar internal Team Member
Nouf Alnasser Tester External Advisor

Stakeholder Management Strategy for Insulin Dose Calculator app

Level of Level of
Name Potential Management Strategies
Interest Influence

The Project is significantly influenced by Ms.

Rawan. Fortunately, she is interested in the
project and has high hopes for the result. In
Rawan Alqahtani High High
our monthly meetings, we'll concentrate on
demonstrating the worth of our project and
its accomplishments.

Ms. Raja prefers managing significant

projects and earning money, and she
Rajaa Alammari High High
concentrates on obtaining financial
benefits during meetings.

Ms. Ghayda is concerned with the financial

analysis of the project, producing money,
Ghayda Yahia High High
reducing loss, and gaining insight from
other businesses' experiences.

has a lot on her plate, but she appears

committed about this project and
Farah Nasser High High
supporting the team in completing tasks
and realizing advantages.

look to have a little interest of our project as
well as a low invest and influence. We will
explain the project more and present an
actual outcome. Also she is more interested
Lujain Omar Low Low
in realistic calculations than expectations so
we will show her certain calculation on
each step, so she becomes more excited
and invest more.

Ms. Nouf is essential to the project and her

experience is required, so if she shows little
interest, that will reflect negatively on our
project. The project, in her opinion, is
Nouf Alnasser Low High
neither engaging nor time-worthy. We'll
demonstrate to her how successful our
project will be, how companies will want it,
and how it will develop over time.

Project Charter
Project Title: Application to Calculate Insulin
Project Start Date: 31/10/2022 Projected Finish Date: 31/10/2021

Budget Information: Almost 180,400 SR been allocated for this project, where the estimated costs of
installation, maintenance, and others have been calculated, equivalent to 70 hours per week, according to
preliminary estimates.

Project Manager: Raja Alammari, 0537507482,

Project Objectives:
The main reason behind establishing this app; To make it an integrated platform to facilitate the calculation of
insulin dose for diabetics and provide various options from menus with specific carbohydrates and provide
experts, experiences, and answers to frequently asked questions to help them.

Main Project Success Criteria: The app must prove its effectiveness and importance and achieve profits from
it. Also, project is completed on time, project deliverables are fit for purpose and meets all security policies.


• Develop a survey to measure the need for such applications and to know needed services.

• Look through the survey results and consider all the services that are required, as well as the money that is

•Send it to consultants, stack holders, and users to receive their opinion on the challenges they faced.

• Provide a backup of all data and the ability to restore in the event of failure or hacking.

•Weekly meeting with the team members to share notes and the most critical changes.

• Develop a solid measurement strategy for monitoring the application's functionality over time to make sure it
will remain efficient and beneficial.

Roles and Responsibilities

Role Name Contact Information

sponsor Rawan Alqahtani CEO

Investor Latifa Alharthi Consultant

Ghayda Yahia Project Manger

Team member Farah Nasser Programmer

Team Member Lujain Omar Senior Consultant

Raja Alammari PMO Directory

Sign-off: (Signatures of all above stakeholders. Can sign by their names in table above.)

Comments: (Handwritten or typed comments from above stakeholders, if applicable)

Kick-off Meeting
Date 31/10/2022

Meeting Objective: Get the project off to a great start by introducing key
stakeholders, reviewing project goals, and discussing future plans

• Introductions of attendees
• Background of project
• Review of project-related documents (i.e., business case, project charter)
• Discussion of project organizational structure
• Discussion of project scope, time, and cost goals
• Discussion of other important topics
• List of action items from meetings

Action Item Assigned To Due Date

Rajaa Alammari
Writing meeting notes During all the meeting
Farah Nasser

Manage, distributing
Ghayda Yahia During all the meeting
all documentation

Recording the results that were

agreed upon and acknowledged Rawan Alqahtani 2/11/2022
at the end of the meeting

Date and time of next meeting: 27/6/2023, at 10:00 AM

Scope Management Plan

Project Scope statement

Project Justification:

Many patients and doctors as well need this app because it will help many patients of type one
diabetics in calculating the appropriate insulin doses for each meal, this app will serve many doctors
and nutritionists by ease their work. It will also serve the parents of children with diabetes and make
it easier to compromise with their children disorder. In addition, this app provides a great service to
the community, especially in the medical field. Moreover, the estimated budget for the project is

Product Characteristics and Requirements:

1. To determine the appropriate insulin doses, the system will have a large database containing
information on all meal categories and the amount of carbohydrates they contain.
2. The information should be gathered from reliable international websites and with the
assistance of expert opinions.
3. The user can select any meal, and they will be provided with the insulin doses.
4. To assist the users, the system will require nutritionists and diabetes doctors.
5. The application is compatible with iOS and Android operating systems.

Summary of Project Deliverables

Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team contract, scope

statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project
report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the project.

Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code, hardware, etc.

1. Survey: survey of consultants and users to determine the critical features of the system.

2. Consultation: platform for users to contact with medical professionals and nutritionists.

3. Instructions for using the application: The system will provide instructions on how to use it,
including how to choose meals from a list, how to calculate the dose, and how to use the
consultation platform and interact with experts.

4. Calculations of Insulin dose: the system will combine the calculation of the appropriate insulin
dose based on the meal list that was provided in the app.

Project Success Criteria:

Our goal is to help many parents in determining the appropriate insulin dose based on the amount of
carbohydrates and sugar factor for their child. Also, complete this project within six months. The
importance of paying the costs of the project itself within two years. Moreover, the system needs
major user input to meet this financial objective. Additionally, we need to figure out how to receive
the benefits both before and after the system is implemented. The business will still consider the
project successful if it has a solid payback even if it takes a little longer to complete or costs a little
more than planned.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
1.0 Initiating

1.1 Identify idea

1.2 Appoint a project manager and the team project
1.2 Identified Stakeholders
1.2.1 Identify project stakeholders
1.2.2 Generate stakeholders register
1.3 Define Project Charter
1.4 Hold project kick-off meeting

2.0 Planning

2.1 Develop Project management plan

2.2 Consult doctor
2.3 Prepare schedule and cost baseline
2.3.1 Determine task resources
2.3.2 Determine task durations
2.3.3 Determine task dependencies
2.3.4 Create Gannt Chart
2.3.5 Create Network Diagram
2.3.6 Determine activity cost estimates

3.0 Executing

3.1 Survey for doctors

3.2 Coding
3.3 Testing
3.5 Implement carbohydrates database

4.0 Monitoring and Controlling

4.1 Progress reports

4.2 Change requests
4.3 Testing correctness of insulin doses

5.0 Closing

5.1 Prepare final project report

5.2 Prepare final project presentation
5.3 Lessons learned
5.4 Project close-out meeting

Project Schedule Management

Gantt Chart

Network Diagram


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