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In the context of formal mathematical systems and logic, three important properties are consistency,
completeness, and decidability. Let's define and discuss each of these concepts:

1. Consistency:

- Definition: A formal mathematical system is consistent if it does not contain any contradictions,
meaning that there are no theorems within the system that can be both true and false

- Significance: Consistency is a fundamental property because a logically inconsistent system can

lead to paradoxes and undermine the reliability of mathematical reasoning within that system.

2. Completeness:

- Definition: A formal mathematical system is complete if, for every statement within the system,
either the statement or its negation is provable. In other words, the system can determine the truth
or falsity of every well-formed statement.

- Significance: Completeness ensures that there are no undecidable statements within the system.
Gödel's incompleteness theorems, however, showed that sufficiently powerful formal systems
cannot be both complete and consistent.

3. Decidability:

- Definition: A formal mathematical system is decidable if there exists an algorithm that can
determine, for any given statement in the system, whether the statement is true or false.

- Significance: Decidability is crucial for the practicality of a mathematical system. If a system is

undecidable, it means that there are statements for which truth or falsity cannot be determined
within the system.

Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems:

In the early 20th century, Kurt Gödel formulated two incompleteness theorems that have significant
implications for the foundations of mathematics:

1. First Incompleteness Theorem:

- States that in any consistent, formal mathematical system that is capable of expressing basic
arithmetic, there exist true mathematical statements that cannot be proven within the system.

2. Second Incompleteness Theorem:

- States that no consistent formal system that includes basic arithmetic can prove its own


- Consistency and Completeness: Gödel's theorems imply that sufficiently powerful formal systems
cannot be both complete and consistent. This challenges the idea of achieving absolute certainty and
completeness within mathematics.

- Decidability: Gödel's theorems do not directly address decidability, but undecidability can be a
consequence of incompleteness. If a system is incomplete, there will be true statements whose truth
cannot be determined within that system.

In summary, Gödel's incompleteness theorems showed that certain limitations exist within formal
mathematical systems, challenging the notions of completeness and decidability. While consistency
remains an essential goal, absolute completeness and decidability are not achievable in systems that
are expressive enough to include basic arithmetic.

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