The Concept of Laterite

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ABSTRACT. Although originally defined as a mottled clay which hardened on

exposure to air, the term laterite has been applied to such a diverse array of geo-
morphic features that it no longer has value as a precise descriptive term. The
persistence of error in modern studies of laterite stems from early confusion over
what laterite is and how it forms. Sedentary laterite is genetically distinct from
detrital laterite. Pedogenetic ironstone is younger than the weathered rock
beneath it. A tropical climate is not essential for laterite to form. The influence
upon weathering of lithology and relief inay offset that of climate, so that relict
laterites are poor paleoclimatic indicators. The value of laterite as a stratigraphic
marker, and its use in denudation chronology, is also suspect. KEY WORDS:
Laterite, Paleoclirnatic indicator, Pedology, Stratigraphic marker, Tropical weath-

ATERITE and thc soils associated with it been variously interpreted ever since it was
L have been widely interpreted as diag-
nostic of tropical weathering, and when
coined by Buchanan in 1807.2

laterites are found outside the tropics they are The Wernerian School
often cited as evidence of former tropical Early geologists in India believed in the
conditions. Such an oversimplistic correlation Neptunian theory of the earth developed by
between soil type and climate stems in part Werner. The Neptunists thought that all rocks
from confusion over what laterite is and how were precipitated from a slowly contracting
it forms. This paper reviews the changing global ocean.3 The granites, gneisses, and
meaning of the term laterite and traces the schists were precipitated first. Transitional
sources of ccrtain errors still to be found in beds of slate, schist, and greywacke were then
modern studies of laterite. It was prompted laid down as sea level fell. Floetz strata, in-
by a growing realization that ambiguous cluding most of the sedimentary rocks, were
terminology has impeded progress in this field deposited from a yet shallower ocean, and
of physical geography and soil science, and alluvial deposits formed the fourth and most
was conceived after we had made soil surveys recent group of deposits. This theory of rock
in parts of tropical Africa, Asia, and Australia. ~-
England: Coinmonwealth Agricultural Bureaux,
EARLY DEFINITIONS 1952), pp. 1-51; S. Sivarajasingham, et al., “Laterite,”
Advances in Agronomy, Vol. 14 (1962), pp. 1-60,
Despite recent attempts to define laterite, and R. Maignien, Review of Research on Laterites,
the concept remains elusive.‘ The term has Natural Resources Research, No. 4 (Paris: UNESCO,
1966), pp. 11-148.
Accepted for publicatiori 1 June 1971. F. Buchanan’s complete original description of
laterite is on pp. 4 4 0 4 1 of Volume 2 of his three
volume treatise: A Journey from Madras through the
Mr. Paton is Senior Lecturer and Dr. ‘Trilliums is countries of Mysore, Canara and Malabar, performed
Lecturer in the School of Earth Sciences at Mac- under the oiders of the Most Noble the Marquis
quark Unicersity in North Ryde, New South Wales, Wellesley, Governor-General of India, for the express
Australia. purpose of investigating the state of agriculture, arts
and commerce; the religions, manners and customs;
K. L,. Pendletoii, “On the Use of the Term the history natural and civil, and antiquities, i n the
Laterite,” American Soil Science Association Bulletin, Dominions of the Rajah of Mysore, and the countries
No. 17 (1936), pp. 102-08; J. A. Prescott, “The acquired b y thc Honourable East India Company, in
Early History of the Use of the Term Laterite,” the l a i n and former wars, from Tippoo. Sultaun
Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 5 ( 1954), pp. 1-6; J. A. ( London: 1807 ) .
Prescott and K. L. Pendleton, Laterite and Lateritic 3F. D. Adams, The Birth and Development of
Soils, Commonwealth Bureau of Soil Science Tech- the Geological Sciences (New York: Dover Puhh-
riical Coniinunication, No. 47 ( Farnharn Royal, cations, 1954), pp. 1-506.
1972 LATERITE 43

formation was accepted by most European sidered it a geological stratum which differed
scientists until the publication of Lyell’s lithologically from that in Malabar.
Principles of Geology in 1830. Wernerian Buchanan regarded latcrite as a sedimen-
ideas lingered on in India until the 184Os, and tary deposit belonging to the Floetz strata,
the first fifty years of the use of the term which occurred only at a low level, and was
laterite must be seen in this context. Laterite fairly recent. Generally it was a clay with
was considered part of the Floetz strata, that iron oxides, but had considerable lithological
is, a marine formation of either mechanical or variation which affected its physical proper-
chemical origin, which would now be classed ties, such as its ability to set hard on exposure
as late Paleozoic, Mesozoic, or Tertiary sedi- to the air. He excluded the ironstone cappings
ments. Buchanan first defined laterite after of dissected plateaux and the deep red soils
his journey through Mysore, Canara, and produced by weathering of basic rocks. In
Malabar. His description was generalized modern terms, he restricted laterite to the
from all the exposures he saw in the Malabar mottled clays of the uplifted coastal plains.
coastal plain between Ponnani and Angadi- Between 1819 and 1824 Voysey mapped
puram : areas of laterite throughout the east coast of
What I have called indurated clay . . . is one of
peninsular India7 He equated laterite with
the most valuable materials for building. I t is the Floetz rocks, but preferred the term “iron-
diffused in immense masses, without any appear- clay” to latesite. After his recognition of
ance of stratification and is placed over the granite similar material at Bidar at 600 meters on the
that forms the basis of Malayala. It is full of Deccan plateau, no work can be found in
cavities and pores, and contains a very large
quantity of iron in the form of red and yellow which he redefines his attitude to such a high-
ochres. In the mass, while excluded from the air, level occurrence. Between about 1820 and
it is so soft that any iron instrument readily cuts it. 1840 laterite was recognized over almost all
. . . I t very soon after becomes as hard as brick, of southern India, and some of the accounts
and resists the air and water much better than any are models of clarity. Stirling described
bricks that I have seen in India . . . . As it is
usually cut into the form of bricks for building in laterite-covered benches overlying granite in
several of the native dialects, it is called brickstone the Cuttack area of Orissa, and mentioned
. . . . The most proper English name would be “the innumerable pores and amygdaloidal
Laterite, from Lateritis, the appellation that may cavities which it contains, filled with white
be given to it in science. and yellow lithomarge,” and embedded with
Buchanan regarded laterite as a geological “iron ore pebbles and fragments of quartz.”s
stratum overlying the granite and distinct He interpreted such laterite as “an instance of
from the soil, a view made explicit in his de- the Wernerian newest Floetz trap formation
scription of laterite on the moderately di- resting upon the oldest primitive rock and in
sected and uplifted Malabar coastal plain.6 actual junction with it.”9
As a Wernerian, he did not expect to find
laterite at a higher level than the coastal Newbold and Sedimentary Origin
plain, so he saw no laterite when he climbed By 1837 both Benza and Malcolmson had
the Western Ghats to the My sore tablelands. described material identical to laterite formed
Although he described mesas with ironstone
cappings, he did not use the term laterite for edited by C. E. A. W. Oldham and republished by
the Bihar and Orissa Government Printer ( Patna,
such ironstone. During later work in Bengal, 1926).
Buchanan referred to a breccia-like “brick- 7 H . W. Voysey, “Report on the Geology of
stone” with poorly developed hard-setting Hyderabad,” Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal,
Vol. 2 (1833), pp. 298-305, 392405; idem, “Ex-
properties when exposed to the air.6 He con- traots from the late Dr. Voysey’s Journals when
attached to the Trigonometrical Survey in South and
‘Buchanan, op. cit., footnote 2, p. 369. Central India,” Journal of the Asiatic Society of
Buchanan, op. cit., footnote 2, p. 460. Bengal, Vol. 13 (1844), pp. 853-62; and Vol. 19
6 F . Buchanan, An Account of the District of (1850), pp. 190-212, 269-302.
Bhagalpur, first published in 1911, republished by A. Stirling, “An Account, Geographical, Statistical
the Bihar and Orissa Research Society (Patna, India, and Historical of Orissa Proper, or Cuttack,” Asiatic
1939); and idem, Journal kept during the Survey of Researches, Vol. 12 (1825), p. 163.
the District of Shahabad, first published in 1813, Stirling, op. cit., footnote 8, p. 163.

by weathering in situ, but neither concluded of in situ weathering at greater length. He

that some laterities were formed in this way.1° stated that many rock fragments contained in
Their papers were soon submerged by the laterite could not have been residual from
great volume of work produced by Newbold weathering of the underlying rock; that,
between 1842 and 1846.11 He summarized his where laterite overlies limestone, it contains
results in a general paper on the geology of no lime; and in places laterite contains veins
southern India in which he concluded that of manganese, but overlies basalt with no
laterite was a sedimentary formation younger detectable manganese. He refuted the ex-
than the Deccan basalts but older than the amples of apparent in situ weathering raised
black clays of the area.12 He explained its by Benza and Malcolmson as follows:16
occurrence at such differing elevations as the . . . where the rain falls heaviest, those granitic,
Malabar coastal plains, the Mysore tablelands, hypogene and trappean rocks, which contain most
and the Deccan plateau by postulating that it iron weather into ferruginous and coloured clay;
formed at the same time as the earth move- that sometimes, lithologically speaking, resemble
ments that formed the Western Ghats. The laterite; and when that rock is near, have the
lack of fossils he explained by analogy with appearance of passing into it. I have also observed
large beds of gneiss and hornblende schist, of an
other iron-rich formations poor in fossils, like impure oxide of iron assume a cellular and pisiform
the Triassic and Devonian sandstones of aspect; but such must not be mistaken for the true
England. Newbold’s concept of laterite re- laterite nor yet the beds of re-aggregated gravel
mained dominant until 1879, and his influence derived from laterite.
persists even in the more recent Indian Newbold never explained how such a differ-
work.13 He rejected the notions that laterite entiation is to be made, and to this day it is
was of volcanic origin and that it had de- often difficult to distinguish sedentary from
veloped by in situ weathering. Newbold detrital laterite by field inspection 0n1y.l~
refuted the volcanic hypothesis on the As a lithologic unit, Newbold regarded
grounds that laterite never occurred as a laterite as varying a great deal in its:l*
dyke, and that it showed no signs of forcible
. . . structure and composition but generally speak-
intrusion or a1terati0n.l~ Despite Newbold’s ing, it presents a reddish brown, or brick-coloured,
prestige, both Logan and Alexander later tubular and cellular clay, more or less indurated,
resurrected the idea of the volcanic origin of passing on the one hand into a hard compact
jaspideous rock, and on the other into loosely ag-
laterite in Singapore and Ceylon respec- gregated grits and sandstones . . . and into red
tively.15 Newbold dealt with the possibility sectile clays, red and yellow ochre and white
porcelain earth, plumb-blue, red, purplish, and
lop. M. Aenza, “Geological Sketch of the Neil- variegated lithomarges. Sometimes it presents the
gheriies,” Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, character of a conglomerate containing fragments
Vol. 4 (1835), pp. 413-33; and J. G. Malcolmson, of quartz, the plutonic, hypogene and sandstone
“On the Fossils of the Eastern Portion of the Great rocks, and nodules of iron ore derived from them
Basaltic District of India,” Transactions of the Geo- all imbedded into a ferruginous clay. The cavities
logical Society of London, Second Series, Vol. 5 are both vesicular, tubular and sinuous; sometimes
(1837), pp. 537-73. empty, but, in the lower portions of the rock, nsu-
l1 T. J. Newbold in a series of papers in the Journal
of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, covering his traverses Journal of the Geological Society of London, Vol. 7
across India: “Bellary to Bijapore,” V O ~ 1 . 1 (1842), ( 1851), p. 710; and H. F. Alexander, “On the Origin
p. 929; “Masulipatam to Goa,” Vol. 13 (1844), p. of Cabook, or the Laterite of Ceylon,” Transactions
987. of the Edinburgh Geological Society, Vol. 2 (1871),
l 2 T. J. Newbold, “Summary of the Geology of p. 113.
Southern India,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, l6 Newbold, op. cit., footnote 12, p. 238.
Vol. 8 (1844), pp. 138-71, 213-70. l7 J. Hays, “Land Surfaces and Laterites in the
D. N. Wadia, T h e Geology of India, second North of the Northern Territory,” in J . N. Jennings
edition (London: Macmillan, 1953), chapter twenty- and J. A. Mabbutt, eds., Landform Studies from
three. Australia and New Guinea (Canberra, Australia:
14Newbold, op. cit., footnote 12, p. 237. A.N.U. Press, 1967), p. 203; and M. A. J. Williams,
l5 J. R. Logan, “On the Local and Relative Geology “Geology of the Adelaide-Alligator Area,” in R. Story,
of Singapore including Notices of Sumatra, the Malay et al., Lands of the Adelaide-Alligator Area, Northern
Peninsula etc.,” Journal of the Asiatic Society of Territory, Land Research Series No. 25 (Melbourne:
Bengal, Vol. 16 ( 1847), pp. 521-679; idem, “Notices C.S.I.R.O., Australia, 1969), pp. M-66.
of the Geology of the Straits of Singapore,” Quarterly l8 Newbold, op. cit., footnote 12, p. 231.
1972 LATERITE 4s

ally filled, or partially filled with earths and clays . . . porous argillaceous rock, much impregnated
above-mentioned, or a siliceous and argillaceous with iron peroxide, which is irregularly distributed
dust often stained by oxide of iron. A species of throughout the mass, some forms of the rock con-
black bole, carbonised wood, and carbonate of taining as much as from 25-35 per cent of metallic
lime, sometimes occur, but rarely, in these cavities. iron. This iron exists either entirely i n the state of
Minute crystals of quartz not uncommonly line the hydrated peroxide (limonite) or else partly as
interior. hydrated and partly as anhydrous peroxide. The
surface of laterite after exposure is usually covered
The period between Newbold’s last paper with a hrown or blackish-brown crust of limonite
in 1846 and the publication of Medlicott and but the rock, when freshly broken is mottled with
Blandfords Geology of India in 1879 was a various tints of brown, red and yellow, and a
considerable proportion, sometimes consists of
time of great survey activity in India and white . . . . The rock when first quarried is so
elsewhere.19 Material similar to the Indian soft, that it can easily be cut out with a pick . . .
laterite was recognized by Bain in South but it hardens greatly on exposure . . . . Laterite
Africa, by Logan in Singapore, and by Alex- is never an original forin of igneous rock; it is in all
ander in Ceylon.zo This work exposed the cases either produced by the alteration of othei
rocks, sometimes igneous, sometimes sedimentary
inconsistencies of Newbold’s approach, and or metamorphic, or else it is of detrital origin.
as early as 1854 Oldham suggested that the
term laterite needed to be more strictly de- The admission of the alteration of under-
fined as “it has been used as applying to rocks lying rocks as a factor in the production of
so altogether distinct both in character and laterite in certain situations was due largely
age, that it is useless as a definitive term, and to Bruce-Foote, who suggested that the term
its ariginal application to a clay has been iron-clay be confined to high-level laterite
quite forgotten.”21 His suggestion has been formed by weathering in sit^.^^ In effect,
repeated from time to time ever since. In the Medlicott and Blandford distinguished high-
same paper Oldham suggested that laterite level from low-level laterites. They thought
was an iron tufa, a view revived over seventy that the in situ formation of laterite, if it oc-
years later by Woolnough.z2 curred at all, was associated with the high-
level type, whereas low-level laterites were
Sedentary and Detrital Laterite always detrital. On a regional basis, the
One chapter in the Geology of India was high-level laterites were on the Deccan
devoted to “Laterite or Iron Clay and Litho- plateau and the Mysore tablelands, and the
marge.” The book represented a consensus low-level laterites were on the coastal plains
of forty years’ work rather than a critical below the Ghats. On a more local scale, the
evaluation of the evidence, but was important material capping residuals (high-level or
because it represented the official views of primary laterite ) was distinguished from the
the Geological Survey of India, and was the recemen ted ironstone accumulations along the
first publication on laterite to be given inter- lower hillslopes derived from the erosion of
national circulation. Medlicott and Blandford the high-level caprock. The term low-level or
described laterite as:23 secondary laterite was applied both to the
valleyside ironstones and to the materials of
IsH. B. Medlicott and W. T. Blandford, A Manual the uplifted coastal plains, and confusion has
of the Geology of India (Calcutta: Government Press, reigned ever since. According to Medlicott
l869), Vol. 1, pp. 348-70. and Blandford, low-level laterite often con-
20A. G. Bain, “Geology of Southern Africa,” tains grains of sand, small rolled fragments of
Transactions of the Geological Society of London,
Vol. 7 (1852), pp. 175-92; Logan (1847), op. cit., quartz, and occasional larger pebbles. I t is
footnote 15; and Alexander, op. cit., footnote 15. less homogeneous in structure than the high-
‘IT. Oldham, “Notes upon the Geology of the level form, and grades imperceptibly into
Rajmahal Hills,” Journal of the Asiatic Society of ferruginous sandy clay or gravel. It usually
Bengal, Vol. 23 (1854), p. 263. contains considerable quantities of lateritic
*’W. G. Woolnough, Presidential Address, “Part
1, The Chemical Criteria of Peneplanotion; Part 2,
The Duricrust of Australia,” Proceedings of the Royal
Society of New South Wales, Vol. 81 (1927), pp. 24R. Bruce-Foote, “Geology of Madras and North
1-53. Arcot District,” Memoir of the Geological Survey of
23 Medlicott and Blandford, op. cit., footnote 19, India, Val. 10 (1882); idem, “Geology of South
p. 348. Mahratta,” ibid., Vol. 12 ( 1876).

ance, were advanced in F. von Richthofen’s

Fuhrer fur Forschungsreisende, published in
PLAIN GHATS 1886. Von Richthofen suggested that laterite
was the zonal soil of the wet tropics; that
high-level laterites were Tertiary in age; that
“red beds” were formed from eroded laterite;
and that, wherever laterite occurs outside the
tropics, the climate must once have been

Von Richthofen argued that, just as resid-

ual loams were characteristic of temperate
mountains and loess of the semiarid temper-
ate and tropical steppes, so laterite was
peculiar to the rainy tropics.27 Walther im-
mediately amplified this suggestion, conclud-
I Newbold 1 ing that under the influence of a tropical
climate an iron oxide-rich red earth was
formed, and that laterite was associated with
the weathering products of reddened, altered
HIGH LEVEL AND PRIMART UTERITE rock.28 The views of von Richthofen and
Walther on laterite gained fresh impetus from
the growth of the Russian school of pedology
Blondford founded by Dokuchaev.29 According to
Sibirtzev and Glinka, climate and vegetation
controlled the distribution of the major or
zonal soils, and laterite was readily adopted
as the zonal soil of the tropics.”” A corollary
to this view is that, where relict laterites oc-
cur, the climate must have been hot and at
least seasonally wet during the stage of
laterite formation.“l Such a conclusion seems
FIG. 1. The changing definition of laterite in
26 F. F. von Richthofen, Fuhrer fur Forschungsrei-
sende (1886), pp. 455-59.
Medlicott and Blandford admitted that 27Von Richthofen, op. cit., footnote 26, p. 455.
laterite could be formed by weathering, but 28 J. Walther, “Bericht iiber die Resultate einer

also regarded iron-cemented colluvium as Reise nach Ostindien im Winter 1888/89,” Verhandl-
laterite. Although they considered that cer- zingen der Gesellschaft f u r Erdkunde, Vol. 16
pp. 318-28.
tain materials, regarded as a geological (1889), 2Q According to the soil zonalists, the passive factors
stratum by earlier workers, could in fact be of soil formation (parent materials, relief, and drain-
due to weathering, they confused both con- age) were impontant in the early stages of soil
cepts by failing to differentiate clearly formation, but in the long run their influence was
between them. Oldham republished their outweighed by that of the active factors (climate
account in imamended $arm in 1893, and the and J.organisms, especially vegetation).
S. Joffe discusses the work of V. V. Dokuchaev,
confusion between allochthonous and autoch- N. M. Sibirtzev, and K. D. Glinka, in chapter two
thonous forms of laterite persists in the latest of the second edition of Pedology (New Brunswick.
edition of the Geology of India (Fig. l).2fi Pedology Publications, 1949).
R 1 The notion that laterite is diagnostic of a par-
THE ZONAL CONCEPT ticular climate occurs in the careful reviews of H.
B. S. Cooke, “Observations Relating to Quaternary
Four significant ideas relating to laterite, Environments in East and Southern Africa,” Bulletin
which have since gained widespread accept- of the Geological Society of South Africa, Annexure
to Vol. 60 (1958), pp. 1-73, and R. F. Flint,
2z Medlicott and Blandford, op. cit., footnote 19, “Pleistocene Climates in Eastern and Southern
second edition edited by T. Oldham (1892); and Africa,” Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol
Wadia, op. cit., footnote 13. 70 (1959), pp. 343-74.
1972 LATERITE 47

reasonable provided laterite is nowhere form- oxides in contrast to the kaolin- and quartz-
ing outside the tropics, but recent work by rich low-Ievel laterite.35 H. Worth later
Goldschmidt in Norway and Crompton in analyzed the weathering products of a
Britain has shown that a tropical climate is dolerite from Staffordshire and concluded
not essential to laterite formation.“2 that, though kaolinite was the weathering
product in temperate areas, aluminum and
THE GEOCHEMISTS iron oxides were produced in the tropics.36
Bauer’s analyses of laterite in the Seychelles He ignored the more considered of Bauer’s
mark a turning point in the study of laterite. conclusions, but accepted the erroneous one.
Using newly developed techniques of silicate Holland used certain earlier analyses of the
analysis and thin section analysis to determine Worths to expound two novel ideas: that kao-
the mineral composition of varied rocks, lins reflected hydrothermal alteration, not
Bauer suggested that the essential character- temperate weathering; and that the unique
istic of laterite on both acid and basic rocks character of laterite formation in the tropics
was the presence of free aluminum oxides.33 was caused by microorganisms which could
He considered only those laterites formed by only flourish under tropical condition^.^^ He
weathering of the bedrock in situ, which al- reached this conclusion because he felt that
together excluded Buchanan’s original lat- the slight temperature difference between
erite. Bauer concluded that laterite formation temperate and tropical regions was insuffi-
was not as dependent on the hot, damp, tropi- cient to cause such a totally distinct product.
cal conditions as had formerly been thought, Fermor managed to combine the morpho-
for it can also take place in temperate areas logical approach of Medlicott and Blandford
on rocks such as basalt, where the endproduct with the chemical approach of the Worths,
is mainly iron oxide with some alumina. To but had to abandon alumina as an essential
Bauer the essential problem was why the ulti- characteristic of laterite (Fig. 2) .38 Fermor’s
mate weathering products were sometimes morphological/chemical classification was ac-
kaolin and sometimes iron and aluminum cepted and used by the agricultural chemists
oxides. Most subsequent workers have un- Martin and Doyne, working in West Africa in
fortunately neglected this guideline for future the 1 9 2 0 ~They
~ ~ accepted the zonal concept
research, but have stressed the free aluminum of soil development and classified soils ac-
oxide content of laterite.34 cording to the composition of the clay frac-
Bauer’s work was rapidly developed by tion. Martin and Doyne assumed that, within
the tropics, laterization was superimposed
geologists anxious to exploit the alumina de-
upon kaolinization, which they considered the
posits of India. Detailed chemical work by
dominant worldwide process of rock weather-
H. and F. J. Worth confirmed that the high-
level laterite was rich in aluminum and iron 3i Martin and Doyne, op. cit., footnote 34; idem,
“I. Laterite and Lateritic Soils in Sierra Leone,”
32 V. M. Goldschmidt, “The Formation of Laterite Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 17 (1927), pp.
as a Weathering Product of Labradorite Rock,” 530-47; and idem, “11. Laterite and Lateritic Soils in
(translated by Commonwealth Bureau of Soil Sierra Leone,” Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.
Science) Festskrift ti1 H . SZrlie (Oslo, 1928), pp. 20 (1930), pp. 135-43.
21-24; and E. Crompton, “The Significance of the 36 H. Worth, “Weahered Dolerite of Rowley Regis
Weathering/Leaching Ratio in the Differentiation of (South Staffordshire) compared with the laterite of
Major Soil Groups with Particular Reference to Some the Wesiern Ghats near Bombay,” Geological Maga-
Very Strongly Leached Brown Earths on the Hills of zine, Decade 5, Vol. 2 (1905), p. 21.
Britain,” Proceedings of the Seventh International 37 T. H. Holland, “On the Constitution, Origin and
Congress of Soil Science, Madison, Vol. 5 (1960), Dehydration of Laterite,” Geological Magazine,
pp. 406-12. Decade 4, Vol. 10 (1903), p. 59; and H. and F. J.
33 M. Bauer, “Beitrage zur Geologie der Seyschellen Worth, “The Composition of Indian Laterites,”
insbesmdere zur Kenntnis des Laterits,” Neues Jahr- Geological Magazine, Decade 4, Vol. 10 (19Q3),
buch f u r Mineralogie, Vol. 2 (1898), pp. 163-219. p. 154.
34F. J. Martin and H. C . Doyne, Soil Survey of 38L. L. Fermor, “What is Laterite?’ Geological
Sierra Leone ( Freetown, Sierra Leone: Department Magazine, Decade 5, Vol. 8 (1911), pp. 454-62,
of Agriculture, 1932) affords an example of the 507-16, and 559-66.
pitfalls of relying on one criterion (the silica/alumina 39 Martin and Doyne (1927 and 1930), op. cit.,
ratio) for defining laterite. footnote 35.
48 T. 13. PATONAND M. A. J. WILLIAMS March

SIC mcks-
Chemicolly-formed rocks



25- 50 % L C

11thom arge
lateri~ land

50-90% L C

~ ~
True Laterites
( I d
90-100% L C
Transported rocks
(mechanically famed ).

Soils and
c 4 0 % L.C

and day Laterite I

schist, etc
Loteritic soil

laterite I

gneisses, 1so met imes cloys,solls

, I
Lateritic soil
as w e l l )
earths, etc.
(Lateritite) I Laterittc,if
Any rocksthat ~$ 25-40 %LC.)
yield iron
and aluminium),
-8 ' Siliceous
Lake laterites
to meteoric 5
waters 15% '
Mica-rhlsts I AA Ouortzites and schists become Quortzose
1 3:
PE 1
mixed w i t h Fe and Mn oxides,
and pass into lateritoid'breccias loteritoids
etc J
," !! and these mto I11

FIG. 2. Fernier's classitication of laterite.

ing. Recmse iron oxides were highly mobile, clay fraction persisted in tropical pedology
Martin and Doyne adopted the free alumina for over twenty years, and did little to in-
content as their criterion for laterite. A soil crease understanding of soil forming proc-
with a silica/ahxmina ratio below 1.33 was a c'ssc~s. The geologist Scrivenor wrote that:-'2
laterite; bctween 1.33 and 2 . 0 it was lateritic; . . . Soil chemists are establishing a definite type
and above 2.00 it was non-lateritic. The Sod of 'lateritic soil' based on the silica/alumina ratio
Survey of Sierra Leone shows the problems in clay fractions. Agronomists have adopted
that arose from this approach. A sandy laterite and cradled it with their own offspring
granite-derived soil with a melanized topsoil 'podzol.' Unless we want to retain the term in
Buchanan's original utilitarian sense I think we
iifteen centimeters thick above a yellow gritty iiiight gracefully acquiesce.
subsoil with abundant granite fragments had
a silica/alumina ratio in the top thirty centi- Scrivenor implied that the term "laterite" had
meters between 1.33 and 2.00, and a clay become so abused as to be no l'onger useful,
content of nine percent. Martin and Doyne and from about 1930 onward geologists con-
classed this soil as lateritic, although they centralted on problems of bauxite genesis and
realized that in appearance it had nothing in laterite was relegated to' the pedologists.
common with lateritic gravels in other parts Outstanding among those who challenged
of Sierra Leone.40 I f the use of a single cri- the zonal concept of soil development was Sir
terion, caused soil classification problems in John Harrison, who worked in British Guiana
Sierra I,eone, the difficulties increased when as a government chemist for over thirty years.
clays with low silica/alumina ratios werc H e conducted detailed mineralogical studies
rcmgnized in temperate areas4' of weathering processes using combined
The exact chemical approach oi 5,lurtin and chemical and optical analyses of samples
Doyne contrasts with their inadequate fielc taken' from fresh rock and across the weather-
descriptions of soils, but their ideas as to the
importance of the silica/alumina ratio of the *p J. €3. Scrivenor discussed the w e of the word
laterite in a series of letters in the Geological
Martin niid l)oyne, op. cit., footnote 34.
40 Mugmine, Vol. 6 (1909), pp. 431 and 574; Vol. 7
Coldschmidt, op. cit., footnote 32, and Croinp-
41 (1910), pp. 139 and 335; and in chapter nine of
ton, op. cit., footnote 3 2 . The Geology of MnlazJu ( l.onclon, 1931 ).
1972 LATERITE 49

ing boundary.43 Harrison concluded that lack of free aluminum oxides was due to the
aluminum and iron oxides developed from virtual absence of basalts from Malaya, and
weathered basic rocks, but that kaolinite pointed out that free aluminum oxides were
formed from weathered granite. He described among the weathering products of basalts in
the aluminum and iron oxides as primary India. However, the material on the Malacca
laterite, and emphasized that rock type de- coastal plains lacked free aluminum oxides,
termines the nature of the weathering prod- although it was closely akin to Buchanan’s
ucts. Harrison also thought that primary typc laterite, and had long been used as build-
laterite was resilicified to kaolinite between ing stone by the Portuguese. Scrivenor natu-
the weathering front and the surface. Milne rally concluded that the definition currently
subsequently disproved the third conclusion, given to laterite by Indian geologists did not
for Harrison had not realized that the surface accord with Buchanan’s original use of the
was a distinct layer of material genetically term. Such pointed criticism provoked a sharp
unrelated to that beneath it.44 In view of reaction from certain geologists in India.47
Harrison’s preoccupation with process, it is Fox was sent to reinvestigate Buchanan’s type
ironic that the main criticism of his work area, and concluded that there was no chemi-
concerned terminology and in particular his cal resemblance between Buchanan’s laterite,
definition of laterite as:45 which was similar to that of Malacca, and the
. .
. The residual products derived by the kata- primary laterites derived from the Deccan
niorphism of more or less basic rocks in situ and basalt^.^^ He also showed that Bauer’s original
characterised by the occurrence in, or upon, them, analyses of Seychelles material did not dis-
of concretionary masses varying in composition tinguish between combined and free silica,
from highly ferruginous to highly aluminous and and that the Seychelles granites weathered to
by the presence in certain parts of them of kaolin clays and not to free aluminum
secondary silicates in quantity. When used in this
sense, laterite can accurately be defined as the oxides.4n Although his results supported those
katamorphic product of igneous or of meta- of Harrison and of Scrivenlor on the influence
morphic rocks in which by chemical decomposition of lithology on weathering, Fox interpreted
various silicates contained in them have been the data as a maturity sequence, with
changed into hydrated oxides of aluminium and
iron, and secondary hydrated aluminium silicates,
Buchanan’s low-level kaolinitic clay as juve-
with, in places, original and ( o r ) secondary silica. nile and the high-level Deccan laterite with
free aluminum oxides as mature. That such
Harrison’s laterite denotes the products of an explanation was acceptable to pedologists
the weathering of basic rocks in situ; under is evident from the arguments which Milnc
similar equatorial conditions granite gives rise used against Harrison’s theory of differential
to kaolin clays. These concepts were vigor- weathering:
ously developed by Scrivenor, who argued My own view would be to regard lateritization a?
that, if free aluminum oxides are the product a perfectly general process under humid climates.
of weathering under tropical conditions, then Outside the tropics its rate of progress is usually
they should occur in Malaya. In fact, the slow because periods of high enough temperature
main weathering product in Malaya was kao- coinciding with high rainfall, occupy only a small
part of the year. Within the tropics it proceeds
lin clay, and free aluminum oxides were normally, in proportion to the effective through-
notably Scrivenor believed that the
47 T. Crook replying to Scrivenolr in the Geological
J. B. Harrison, “The Residual Earths of British Magazine, Vol. 6 (1909), p. 525; and Vol. 7 (1910),
Guiana commonly termed ‘Laterite’,” Geological p. 233; and J. W. Evans replying to Scrivenor,
Magazine, Decade 5, Vol. 7 (1910), pp. 439-52; Geological Magazine, Vol. 7 (1910), pp. 189 and
idem, The Katamorphism of Igneous Rocks under 381.
Humid Tropical Conditions, edited by F. Hardy 48 C. S. Fox, “Buchanan’s Laterite of Malabar and
( Harpenden, England: Imperial Bureau of Soil Kanara,” Records of the Geological Survey of India,
Science, 1933), pp. 1-79. No. 69 (1936), pp. 389-422.
44G.Milne, A Report an a Journey to Parts of the 4QFox, op. cit., footnote 48. After examining the
West Indies and the United States for the Study of type area for laterite at Malabar, Fox visited the
Soils, East Africa Agricultural Research Station, Seychelles to collect samples of the material Bauer
Amani ( Dar-es-Salaam: Government Printer, 1938). had described as laterite. See Bauer, op. cit., foot-
45 Harrison, op. cit., footnote 43, p. 10. note 33.
4G Scrivenor, op. cit., footnote 42. Milne, op. cit., footnote 44, p. 62.

put of leaching water. On some type of rock it history of parts of Africa and Australia per-
rapidly produced its end-product, primary laterite sists to this day.54 Woolnough described a
a5 defined by Harrison. On others, for example,
those that have a high content of combined silica duricrust or hard capping covering extensive
01 of finely divided free silica, a greater efficiency areas of losw relief in inland Australia, and
of leaching i y riecesaary for the same rate of prog- regarded it as diagnostic of the Davisian
res\ or alternatively at lower leaching efficiencies peneplain stage.!j5 Following Maclaren, the
the end stage is reached inore slowly. It seems capping was assumed to be a chemical precip-
simpler to suppose that the kaolinitic clay of such
profiles as Mazarumi is an intermediate stage of a itate resulting from the capillary rise from a
imiversal process, con esponding to immaturity of deep water table of solutions rich in carbon-
development, than that it is the end stage of a ate, silica, or sesquioxides.56 A strongly sea-
different process peculiar to gianitic rocks. sonal climate was pwtulated, with an overall
Arguing thus, Milne c d d reconcile Harri- movement in solution do8wnwardsduring the
son’s results with the zonal concept of soil wet seas’on,and upwards by capillarity during
development and could still restrict laterite the dry season, when iron. and aluminum
to the tropics. However, in 1928 Goldschmidt oxides were precipitated at the surface. Mac-
showed that the fine-grained reddish-brown laren’s idea that laterite was formed by the
weathering produclt of labradorite in the capillary rise of sesquioxide-rich solutions
mountains of southern Norway oontained free during ‘the dry season became widely ac-
sesquioxides and had a silica/alumina ratio of cepted by workers in west and southern
0.43. He concluded that:51 Africa.57 The currently widespread idea that
a strongly seasonal monsoonal or savanna
Lateiitr hitherto presumed to be exclusively a
tropical weathering product can he formed iindei climate is necessary for laterization stems
present Norwegian high-mountain cliniatic con- from this earlier work.58
ditions. It follows that great care should be The ideas of peneplanation and capillary
exercised in drawing any conclusions regarding rise were developed to their greatest extent
climatic conditions of older geological periods on
the basis of the existence of lateritic weathering in Australia. Simpson regarded laterite as an
prodiicts. Laterite can he formed even under semi- efflorescence occurring on well defined pene-
arctic condition\ at the cxpense of ba\ic plagioclase plains and resulting from an alternation of
felspars climate.59 Jensen elaborated on Simpson’s
Four years later Robinson stressed the
similarity between the East African red loams :‘*L. C. King, Morphology of the Earth (Edin-
and certain reddish-brown sails on very steep burgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1962), pp. 1-699; J. A.
Mabbutt, “The Weathered Land Surface in Central
slopes in North Wales.52 Crompton has Australia,” Zeitsclzrift f u r Geomorphologie, Vol. 9,
demonstrated more recently that oxide-rich pp. 82-114; and Hays, op. cit., footnote 17.
materials were forming on basic to intennedi- ,75 Woolnough, op. cit., footnote 22.

ate lavas and volcanic ash on extremely steep (iGM. Maclaren, “On the Origin of Certain
slopes under high rainfall in the English Lake Laterites,” Geological Magazine, Decade 5, Vol. 4
(1906), pp. 536-47.
District.53 The suggestion that material 57 F. P. Mennell, “Notes on Rhodesian Laterite,”
similar to laterite can form well outside the Geological Magazine, Decade 5, Vol. 6 ( 1909), pp.
tropics in cold wet areas does not accord with 350-52; H. Arsandaux, “Contribution B I’Ctude du
accepted concepts about zonal soils, and has latbrite,” Comptes Rendus de l‘dcudbrnie de Science
been largely ignored. de Paris, Vol. 149 ( 1909), pp. 682-85, 1082-84; and
A. Lacroix, “Les Laterites de la GuinCe et les Produits
LATERITE AND GEOMORPHOLOGY d’altCrations qui leurs sont associks,” Nouve1Ze.v
Archives du Mtrset~m,5“ Serie, Vol. 5 (1914), pp.
Voii Richthofen was among the first to 255-355.
58 H. Scaetta, “Observations sur I’origine et la
suggest a Tertiary age for high-level lateritrs,
constitution des sols de I’Afrique Occidentale Fran-
and the use of laterite as a geologic ciatum caise,” Annales Agronomiques, Vol. 19 ( 1940), pp.
with which to reconstruct the Crnozoic 101-26; H. Maignien Le Cuirassement des Sols en
G u i d e , Afrique Occidentale ( Strasbourg: Memoires
31 Colclscliiiritlt, op. cit., footnote 32, p. 23. clu Service de la Carte GCologique d’Alsace et de
,-32 <;. W. Robinson, Soils: Their Origin, Constitution Lorraine, No. 16, 1958), pp. 1-239.
und Classification ( Loridon: Murby, 1932 ), pp. 1- 59E. S . Simpson, “Notes on Laterite in Western
573. Australia,” Geological Magazine, Decade 5, Vol. 9
,-’:+Chrnpton, op. cit., footnote 32. (1912), pp. 399-406.

work by stating that fluctuations of ground downwards, Walther described a ferruginous

water level of u p to twenty meters occur crust, a mottled zone, and a pallid zone. New-
between wet and dry seasons and that:60 bold had described similar features in 1842.6”
In the dry season the ascending capillary water The idea of a “standard lateritic profile” was
brings to the surface silica and iron and certain reiterated by Whitehouse in 1940.64 Recent
amounts of lime and magnesia. The lime and mag- workers in the Northern Territory of Australia
nesia are leached away by the acidity of the have used this concept when defining sepa-
ground water in the wet season - the rich vegeta-
tion acidifying the surface water. The proportion
rate erosion surfaces or when correlating iso-
of bauxite to silica in the chemically penetrated lated laterite-capped remnants. However, it
surface beds depends chiefly on the nature of the is still unclear whether the ferruginous,
strata below. mottled, and pallid zones are part of a single,
Woolnough developed these ideas to the ulti- monogenetic weathering profile, or whether
mate in a paper on “The Chemical Criteria of the ferruginous zone is in fact detrital and so,
Peneplanation” in which he argued that:61 perhaps, much younger than the iron-depleted
rock beneath.G5
When peneplanation is forced to its extreme limits, Current work in Australia has shown that
chemical action completely dominates ooer me-
chanical processes of corrasion. . . . One essential the relationship between the various types of
criterion of a high degree of perfection of pene- duricrust is complex.66 Langford-Smith and
planation is that the rocks of the area show evi- Dury argued that the formation of silcrete is
dence of very deep and very complete chemical unrelated to the formation of laterite.Gi
alteration b y meteoric waters. . . . If the residual Mulcahy demonstrated that height correla-
material consists entirely of the most insoluble
products of rock weathering a uniformly moist tions of ironstone-capped mesas are unreli-
climate may be postulated during the last stages able.GRDury and Langford-Smith suggested
of peneplanation. . . , If on the other hand, there that Australian “peneplains” are in fact pedi-
is a crust of concretionary amorphous material,
chiefly alumina, iron oxide or amorphous silica,
plains developed under semiarid conditions,
resting upon a substratum of insoluble residual so that the duricrust may postdate the surface
constituents, the final stages of peneplanation took it rests upon.6D McFarlane’s recent study of
place under climatic conditions marked by sharply laterite on the Buganda Surface near Kampala
defined alternations of saturation and desiccation.
confirms the doubts now arising over too
H e averred that the duricrust refleoted bed-
rock lithology in being either iron-rich (ferri- 63 Newbold (1842), op. cit., footnote 11.
Crete), calcareous (calcrete), or siliceous c4F. W. Whitehouse, “Studies in the Late
( silcrete ) . H e believed the duricrust could Geological History of Queensland,” University of
Queensland Occasional Papers in Geology, Vol. 2,
be used as a geologic datum and suggested No. 1 (1940), pp. 2-22.
that its age was Miocene. 65 Hays, op. cit., footnote 17; Williams, op. cit.,
About the time Woolnough was discussing footnote 17.
the duricrust, Walther publicized the so- 66 C. G. Stephens, “Laterite and Silcrete in Ails-

called “laterite profile” initially recognized by tralia: A Study of the Genetic Relationships of
Laterite and Silcrete and their companion Materials,
Simpson and by Jutson.G’ From the surface and their collective Significance in the Formation of
the Weathered Mantle, Soils, Relief and Drainage of
H. I. Jensen, et al., “Geological Report on the the Australian Continent,” Geoderma, Vol. 5 ( 1971 ),
Country between Pine Creek and Tanami. Recon- pp. 5-52.
naissance of Arnhem Land. Observations on Country G7T. Langford-Smith and G. H. Dury, “Distri-
between Pine Creek and Newcastle Waters,” Bulletin bution, Character, and Attitude of the Duricrust in
of the Northern Territory of Australia, No. 14 (1915), the Northwest of New South Wales and the Adjacent
p. 15. Areas of Queensland,” American Journal of Science,
Woolnough, op. cit., footnote 22, p. 17. Vol. 263 (1965), pp. 170-90.
62 J. Walther, “Laterit in West Australien,” (is M. J. Mulcahy, “Laterite Residuals and Sand-
Zeitschrift der Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, plains,” Australian Journal of Science, Vol. 27
Vol. 67 B (1915), pp. 113-40; idem, “Das geologische (1964), pp. 54-55; idem, “Landscapes, Laterites and
Alter und die Bildung des Laterits,” Petermanns Soils in Southwestern Australia,” in Jennings and
Geographische Mitteilungen, Vol. 62 (1916), pp. Mabbutt, op. cit., footnote 17, pp. 211-30.
1-7, 46-53; Simpson, op. cit., footnote 59; and J. T. 6 9 G . H. Dury and T. Langford-Smith, “The Use
Jutson, “-4n outline of the physiographical geology of the Term Peneplain in Descriptions of Australian
of Western Australia,” Bulletin of the Western Aus- Landscapes,” Australian Journd of Science, Vol. 27
tralia Geological Suruey, No. 61 (1914), p. 194. (1964), pp. 171-75.
52 ‘r. 13. PATON AND M. A. J. WILLIAMS March

facile a correlation between laterite and eroded to form alluvium or colluvium. The
erosion surfaces, for she concluded that “the distinction is less clear when u7c try to sepa-
so-called Buganda Surface is neither a rate the processes of in sdtu rock weathering
planation surface nor a single surface of high from the purely pedogeneltic processes which
relief,” and much of the latwite on it is very lead to horizon differcntiation in sedentary
young.“’ soils, and, where skeletal soils are concerned,
Harrassowity, following Jutson, invoked incipient pedogenesis and rock weathering
capillarity as the means b y which ironstone/ are probably syn0nymous.7~
alumina crusts formed in the tropical savanna Marbut defined two distinct soils in the
7ones. Hc considered that laterite was weath- Amazon basin.75 One was a deep red clay,
r w d soil, dependent upon a tropical climate, akin to the Nipe Clay of Cuba, formed as a
and that the bonndary between tropics and residual product of weathering. The other,
subtropics marked the limit of active laterite more widespread, had a sandy topsoil sepa-
fonnation.’l He therefore thought relict rated from the mottled clay subsoil by a thin
latcrite a useful indicator of past climates. layer of ironstone nodulcs. Once exposed in
Harrassowitz described oxidc-rich weathering stream banks, the nodular horizon became
materials as nlZitP and kaolinite-rich materials indurated. Marbut considered that the
as &zl/ite. Although he never visited the nodules formed at the uplper limit of the
tropics, hi$ account of laterite was considered ground water table, and, like Campbell, he
anthorit a t’1ve. thought that with uplift or a fall in base-level,
Campbell was among the first to reject the sandy topsoil would be eroded and cx-
capillarity as the means by which laterite pose the nodular horizon, which would
forms, arid suggested that the seasonal rise harden to form the crust normally accepted as
of the water table carried iron in solution to laterite. The original soil was called a ground
the surface.‘2 High-level laterite he inter- water laterite.
preted as fossilized by the uplift of formerly Thc idea Ithat laterite is due to deposition
low-level laterite. Keen’s field experiments at associated with a seasonally fluctuating water
Rolthamstt~d in 1926 showed that capillary table was further developed by Mohr.76 He
rise was negligible in many soils, and soon the regarded laterite as the normal product of
idca of a cellular structure of soil voids re- subaerial weathering in the tropics, and de-
placed that of soils penetrated by continuous fined a maturity sequence developing on
vertical capillary basic volcanic ash and cmding in the for-
mation of laterite (Fig. 3 ) . I n the initial stage
LATERITE AND PEDOLOGY silica, liberated by the breakdown of ferro-
There is a clcar distinction bctween the magnesian minerals, is carried in solution
development of soil horizons in transported, from the relatively more acid surface to be
previously weathered rock material, and thc precipitated at depth under more alkaline
initial weathering of that rock before it is conditions. A siliceous hardpan forms and

7” hf. J. Xlck’arlane, “Latciitization arid landscape 7* (~oldschmidt, 01,. cit., footnote 32; Crompton,
deb elopinen t in Kpagwe, lTganda,” Quarterly Journal op. cit., footnote 32.
of the Geological Society of London, Vol. 126 ( 1971), C. F. Marbut, “Morphology of Laterites,”
p. 508. Proceedings of the Second International CongTess of
7 1 H. FIarrassowib, “Roden der tropi\chr Soil Science, Vol. 5 ( 1930), pp. 72-80. See also the
fh$olien. I ,aterit und allitischer ( lateritischer ) Rot fuller joint account by C. F. Marbut ancl C. B.
l c , l i n , ” 111 E. Bl,mck, liuiitlhicc h dai Roderilehre ( R c i . Manifold, “The Soils of the Amazon Basin in relation
lin, 1030), Vol. 3, pp. 387-436. Agricultural Possibilities,” Geographical Review,
iL J . M. Campbell, “The Origin of L,a+-ritc,” t’ol. 16 (1926), pp. 414-42.
Truti~ac‘tionsof the. Institute of Mzniikg mid Afetal- 76E. C. J. Mohr, The Soils of Equatorial Regions
/riigy, i’ol. 19 ( 1910), pp. 332-57, ancl idem, with special reference to the Netherlands East Indies,
“Iateiite~, its Oiigin, Structure nntl hlinerals,” translated by R. L. Pendleton (Michigan: Ann Arbor
R4ineraZog:‘cal MagazznP, Vol 17 ( 1917), pp. 67-77, Press, 1944), pp. 1-765. Mohr’s hypothesis is sunl-
120-28, 171-79, and 220-29. inarized in chapter ten of E. C. J. Mohr and F. A.
i7 13 A. Keen, “Soil Phyws. It\ S~opt‘ in Agri~ul- Van Barcn, Tropical Soils: A Critical Stzcdy of Soil
tiirc,” Jouiiiul of thc Roya/ Sorzcty of Art& (1942), Gcnesi.s as related tv Climate, Rock and Vegetation
pp. 546-57. ( N e w York: Interscience, 1954), pp. 300-26.
1972 LATERITE 53

STAGE OF THE I 2 3 1 5

FIG.3. Mohr’s scheme of laterite formation.

restricts infiltration, giving rise to a perched lished that a podzol was formed by pod-
water table. In the zone immediately above zolization, and a laterite by laterization.
the hardpan kaolinite is formed by the com- Podzolization was later defined as a process
bination of alumina with silica, and any whereby aluminum and iron were moved
excess alumina forms gibbsite. At the upper down a profile and reprecipitated at depth,
limit of the seasonally fluctuating perched leaving silica behind. The converse was true
water table sesquioxides are precipitated, and of the laterization: silica was moved, and iron
a mixture of iron oxide and kaolinite forms and aluminum oxides remained behind. Ac-
the mottled clay beneath this zone of sesqui- cording to the zonal concept, podzolization
oxide concentration. The illuvial horizons are was confined to temperate areas, and later-
formed from the bottom upwards, and are ization to the tropics. Although Marbut con-
designated in that order, with the mottled sidered that laterite, by which he meant the
kaolinitic clay Bz horizon above the siliceous red sedenltary clay rather than the ground
hardpan B , and beneath the sesquioxide layer water laterite, was the zonal soil of the
B3. With time, the& horizon rises as the Ba tropics, he also cited examples of pene-
horizon thickens, until the sesquioxide layer contemporaneous podzolization in the Ama-
forms a surface crust, consisting of a surface zon valley.78 Marbut concluded that podzols
iron-rich crust over a gibbsite-rich base. Mohr
referred to the pre-lateritic soil as a red earth, 78 Marbut, op. cit., footnote 75; and Marbut and
Manifold, op. cit., footnote 75. Tropical podzols
which itself developed from a brown earth. were also described by A. W. R. Joachim, “Studies
A major soil problem which now becam on Ceylon Soils. 11. General Characteristics of
apparent was how to distinguish a podzol Ceylon Soils, some typical Soils of the Island, and
a tentative Scheme of Classification,” Tropical Agri-
from a laterite.i7 Circular reasoning estab- culturalist, Vol. 84 (1935), pp. 254-74. More recent
work on tropical podzols is discussed in Mohr and
si J. B. Scrivenor’s review of C. S. Fox’s book on Van Baren, op. cit., footnote 76, pp. 398-409; E. W.
Bauxite and Aluminous Laterite appeared in the Russell, Soil Conditions and Plant Growth, ninth
Geological Magazine for 1933, and finally spurred edition (London: Longmans, 1 9 6 l ) , p. 585; and H.
Fox to sample Buchanan’s type laterite (q.v., foot- Klinge, Report on Tropical Podzols (Rome: F.A.O.,
note 48). 1968 )I

were actively forming in this tropical area on dIIoore accepted only the residual form as
the basis of chemical analyses rather than laterite.85
from soil profile morphology. Kellogg later The rmpirical school originated with New-
suggested the term “latosol” in lieu of laterite, bold and gained international acceptance
because he wanted a term sufficiently broad with the publication of Medlicott and Bland-
to encompass podzolized Toils as well as ford‘s In Europe, Harrassowitz was
laterite soils.i“ a notable member of this school, and like
Newbold he applied the term laterite to a
CUKRENT DEFINITIONS wide variety of materials.8i Kellogg likewise
From about 1950 onward, two main schools defined laterite descriptively as a sesquioxide-
of thought relating to laterite may be dis- rich, highly weathered, clayey material which
cerned: the genetic and the empirical. The hardens irreversibly to concretions or crusts
genetic school defines laterite as a residual when dehydrated, and may contain entrapped
concentration of iron and aluminum oxides quartzSs8Since laterite embraced both active
formed by the removal of the alkalis, alka- and fossil material, Kellogg proposed the term
line earths, and silica.80 The definition is latosol to define the contemporary zonal soil
based upon an inferred weathering process. of the tropics. According to Kellogg, latosols
The rmpiricists define laterite according to had the following characteristics: a low silica/
one or more descriptive properties, without sesquioxide ratio of the clay fraction; a
directly implying anything about process.8l medium to low cation exchange capacity of
the mineral fraction in relation to clay con-
The Indian concept of high-level (or pri-
tent; a low content of primary minerals except
mary) and low-level ( o r secondary) laterite
for resistant ones; a low content of soluble
was a precursor of the genetic
material; a high degree of aggregate stability;
Lacroix distinguished the “zone de dkpart,”
red hues; a thin organic layer above the A,
or residual weathering product, from the
horizon; and a low silt content.
“zone de concr&ion,” where iron and alumi-
The problem with this empirical definition
niim oxides arc precipitated.83 In essence, the of latosol is that the criteria are qualitative
distinction is between allochthonous and and none is essential. Since only color, ag-
autochthonous laterite, or between sites of gregate stability, and organic litter can be
relative sesquioxide accumulation ( residual or evaluated in the field, classification depends
sedentary lateritic) and sites of absolute upon laboratory analyses. Shortly after it was
sesquioxide accumulation.84 Following Mar- coined, the term latosol was applied indis-
but, and the Indian Geological Survey, criminately to any reddish soil of the tropics,
in much the same way that Walther and von
79 C . E. Kellogg, “Tropical Soils,” Proceedings of
tlzc Fourth International Congress of Soil Science, Richthofen had used the term laterite seventy
Vol. 1 (1950), p. 266. years bef0re.8~
bo 13. Eihart criticized H. Scaetta’s paleoclimatic
In the Seventh Approximation the oxisol
inferences about laterite on the grounds that the
genesis of laterite was still oliscure. See H. Erhart, order was proposed to “include the soils that,
“Les tati.rlte\ du Moyen-Niger e t leur signification in recent years, have been called Latosols,
pal&oclimatique,” C0rnpte.s Rendus de 1‘AcadPmie dc and many, if not most of those which have
Science de Paris, Vol. 217 (1943), pp. 323-25, ant1
11. Scaetta, “Sur un ph&nom&ned‘expurgation alliti- been called Ground Water Idaterites.”90 Thc
que du sol tropical en Afrique occidentale,” ibid.,
V d . 208 (1939), pp. 912-14. ii d’Hoore, op. cit., footnote 84.
‘IL. T. Alexander and J. G. Cady, Genesis and p6 Medlicott and Blandford, op. cit., footnote 19.
Hardening of Laterite in Soils, Technical Bulletin $’ Harrassowitz, op. cit., footnote 71, and Newbold,

No. 1282 (Washington: U. S. Department of Agri- op. cit., footnote 11.

ciilture, 1962). ‘SKellogg, op. cit., footnote 79.
Medlicott and Blandford, op. cit., footnote 19. q’ Walther, op. cit., footnote 28; and von Richtho-
’ 3 Lacroix, op. cit., footnote 57. fen, op. cit., footnote 26.
‘r4 J . d’Hoore, “L’accumulation cles sesquioxydes Soil Conservation Service, Soil Classifzcation, A
libres daus les sols tropicaux,” Publication de I’Institzlf Conapr~hensizje System: Seocnth Approximation
National $Etudes Agronomiqucy du Congo Relge, (Wabhington, 11. C.: U. S. (:oveinme~it Printing
S h i e Scientifiquq No. (52 ( 1954). Office, 1960), p. 238.
1972 LAlTRITE 55

persistence of the notion that oxisol formation, phology, and the laterite is dated by reference
and a fortiori laterite formation, demands a to the surface on which it occurs.93 Where
particular climate is also apparent in the laterite-capped remnants occur at varying
Seventh Approximation, whose authors state elevations, a single original surface is tacitly
that, as far as they are aware, “the occurrence assumed, and differential warping is invoked
of Oxisols is restricted to tropical and sub- to explain the discrepancy in height.g4 Since
tropical regions, though it is possible that a some forms of laterite occur on slopes of
few are present as relics in temperate fifteen degrees and more, the occurrence of
c l i r n a t e ~ . ” Such scattered ferricreted mesas need not imply
~ ~ a statement disregards the
work of Harrison, Goldschmidt, Robinson, prior surface planation.95The existence of a
and Crompton. monogenetic “standard lateritic profile” com-
prising ferruginous, mottled, and pallid zones
CONCLUSIONS is also open to
Perhaps the greatest misconception relating
The fact that the single term laterite has
to laterite is the notion that laterization (an
been applied to materials as diverse and genet- ill-defined and ill-understood complex of
ically distinct as iron-cemented colluvial weathering processes) demands a tropical
rubble, weathered basalt, mottled clays, and climate.97 Given a suitable lithology and
kaolinized igneous rocks has caused much rapid leaching, laterilte-like material can form
unnecessary confusion. An acceptable genetic in cool temperate to subarctic climates. To
definition of laterite must await careful refer to laterite as the zonal soil of the tropics
studies of the conditions under which silica, is to stress one soil-forming factor at the ex-
iron, manganese, and aluminum are mobi- pense of such other, equally important, fac-
lized, transported, and precipitated in the tors as parent material, topography, drainage,
field.g2 As long as such studies are in their and time; and to neglect the widespread oc-
infancy, a descriptive definition seems un-
avoidable. As a generic term, “laterite” should O3 Erosion surfaces have been correlated on the
be prefaced by an unambiguous set of de- basis of their laterite cappings by R. L. Wright,
scriptive epithets devoid of genetic connota- “Deep Weathering and Erosion Surfaces in the Daly
River Basin, Northern Territory,” Journal of the
tions, or abandoned altogether. Geological Society of Australia, \701. 10 ( 1963), pp.
The correlation of erosion surfaces capped 151-64; Hays, op. cit., footnote 17; and R. R. M a d ,
by various forms of laterite often involves the “Further Observations on the Laterites of Coastal
Natal, South Africa,” Transactions o f the Ninth
unproven assumption that the laterite is about International Congress of Soil Science, Vol. 4 (1968),
the same age as the surface it overlies, and pp. 151-158. Circular reasoning occurs in all three
can lead to circular reasoning whereby a sur- papers.
94 J. W. Pallister, “Erosion Levels and Laterite in
face is identified on the basis of laterite mor- Buganda Province, Uganda,” Comptcv Rendris du 10“
Congrks GBoZogique International, fascicule 21
B1 Soil Conservation Service, op. cit., footnote 90. (1954), pp. 193-99; and idem, “Slope Form and
92An interesting result to emerge from recent Erosion Surfaces in Uganda,” Geological Magazine.
measurements of dissolved river loads is that rates of Vol. 93 (1956), pp. 465-72.
chemical erosion are no faster in the tropics than in 95 R. V. Ruhe and J. G. Cady, “Latosolic so115 of
temperate and periglacial areas. Excellent studies are Central African Interior High Plateaus,” Proceedings
D. A. Livingstone, “Chemical Composition of Rivers of the Fifth International Congress of Soil Science,
and Lakes,” U . S. Geological Surcey Professional Vol. 5 (1964), p. 65; P. E. Playford, “Observations
Paper 440-G (1963), pp. 1-64; S. N. Davis, “Silica on Laterite in West Australia,” Australian Journal of
in Streams and Ground Water,” American Journal of Science, Vol. 17 (1954), pp. 11-13, M. J. Mulcahy,
Science, Vol. 262 (1964), pp. 870-91; R. J. Gibbs, “Laterites and Lateritic Soils in South-western ALS-
“The Geochemistry of the Amazon River system, Part tralia,” Journal of Sod Science, Vol. 11 (1960), pp.
1. The faotors that control the salinity and the 206-26, A. M. J. De Swardt, “Lateritisation and
composition and concentration of the suspended de- landscape development in parts of equatorial Africa,”
posits,” Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. Zeitschrift fiir Geomorphologie, Vol. 8 (1964), pp,
78 (1967), pp. 1203-32; and I. Douglas, “The effi- 313-33; and Williams, op. cit., footnote 17.
ciency of humid tropical denudation systems,” ”Hays, op. cit., footnote 17.
Institute of British Geographers Transactions, Vol. 46 Oi Cooke, op. a t . , footnote 31, and Flint, op. cit.,

(1969), pp. 1-16. footnote 31.


currence of podzols and solodized-solonetz Only by prolonged and rigorous attention

in the tropics wherc, by definition, they would to the processes involved in the formation of
be intrazona1.O8 the differenit forms of laterite, and by precise
definition of the endproducts of such proc-
ps For studies on tropical podzols see footnote 78. esses, will any real progress be made in the
In Australia solodized solonetz and solodic soils occur
from cool, temperate southern Tasmania to hot,
perplexing study of laterite.
tropical Cape York Peninsula. See H. C. T. Stace,
et al., A Ifandbook of Australian Soils (Glenside, classed as intrazonal? Mohr and Van Baren, op. cit.,
South Australia: Rellim, 1968), p. 162. Because footnote 76, p. 488, suggested “The climatological
many people think that laterite, latosols, and oxisols grouping of zonal, intrazonal and azonal should be
are tropical, by definition, should all podzols, solod- dropped, as the climate does not constitute a char-
ized solonetz, and other soils in the tropics be acter of the soil.”

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