Foundations of Mems 2nd Edition Chang Liu Solutions Manual

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Foundations Of MEMS 2nd Edition

Chang Liu Solutions Manual

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Instructor Manual

Foundations of MEMS

Chang Liu

Northwestern University

Chapter 8
Visit, a companion website of the book for additional teaching

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Problem 1

The unit of B is Tesla, or kg /( s s A) .

The unit of permeability is H/m, or Weber/(Am).

The unit of H is A/m.

The unit for the terms on the right hand side is

Weber A Weber
[ µ ][ H ] = =
Am m m2
B = µ0 H + M
{ { {=µ {0 (1
H + χH ) = µ r µ 0 H
424 3 123
V ⋅s V ⋅s
V ⋅s A V ⋅s A V ⋅s A
m2 A⋅ m m m2 A⋅ m m A⋅ m m

Problem 2: Review

The unit of the terms on the right hand side is

Weber 2 A Vs 2 A VAs
[ M ][w][t ][ H ] = m = m =
m2 m m2 m m
whereas the product of volt and amp is the unit of power. The numerator term is equivalent to
work, with a unit of Nm. Therefore the unit conversion end up being N.
Problem 3: Review

To convert to SI units:
Wb Vs
Tesla = 2 = 2
m m
V is related to energy by the charge ( J / C )
J s
Tesla =
C m2
Coulomb is defined as amount of charge carried by 1 A over 1 second ( A ⋅ s )
J s J
Tesla = 2
A⋅s m A ⋅ m2
Joule, work, is defined as the energy to apply 1 N of force for 1 m ( N ⋅ m )

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N ⋅m N
Tesla = 2
A⋅m A⋅ m
and finally, Newton is ( kg ⋅ m s 2 )

kg ⋅ m kg
Tesla = 2
= 2
A⋅m⋅ s s A

Problem 4: Review


The unit of the term to the right is

Vs A VAs
[V ][ M ][ H ] /[ z ] = m 3 2 2 = =N
m m m

Problem 5: Design

The problem can be separated into two parts. The moment applied to the magnetic piece through
the magnetic field, and the angular displacement applied to the two torsion beams from that

Moment created by the magnetic material:

M = M s (l m wm t m )H cos θ

the moment is distributed across two torsion beams, so each beam experience M/2.

The torsional moment of inertia for the torsion beam is:

J t = β ⋅ wt ⋅ t t , where β ≈ 0.290 (from any solid mechanics book)
for our torsion beam,
( )3
J t = 0.290 ⋅ 5 × 10 −6 ⋅ 1 × 10 −6 m 4 = 1.45 × 10 −24 m 4

For a torsion bar with length l, the overall angular displacement due to applied moment (M/2)
can be expressed as:
( M / 2)l
θ =

After substituting the previous equations, we get

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( M s (l m wm t m )H cos θ / 2)l t
(1T (400 µm ⋅ 30 µm ⋅ 30 µm )H cos θ / 2) ⋅ 300 µm ⋅ (10 −6 m µm) 4
1.45 × 10 − 24 m 4 ⋅ 69 × 10 9 N m 2

solving using iteration, we have

H(θ=20°) = 688.2 A/m
H(θ=45°) = 2058 A/m
Problem 16: Design

The moment of inertia is

I = d4 (1)

Lorentz force acting on the wire of length l and current i under magnetic field B is
r r
F = i ⋅l × B (2)

with the magnetic field in the y direction and current flowing in the x direction, the wire will
experience a distributed force w in the z direction.
w = = i⋅B (3)

Maximum displacement, δ, of a fixed-fixed bar under distributed load, will be in the z direction,
and occurs in the middle of the polysilicon, at x=l/2. From the appendix
wl 4
δ= (4)
384 EI

Substituting (1), (3) into the above equation give us:

i ⋅ B ⋅l4
δ= (5)
32 ⋅ E ⋅ d 4

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Using a Elastic modulus of polysilicon of 150Gpa, the deflection of the wire at x = l/2 is
calculated to be:
0.01A ⋅ 0.1T ⋅  1000 
δ=   = 13µm
32 ⋅ 150GPa ⋅  2 
Problem 7: Design


Assume the wires are as closely packed as possible, so the length of the solenoid is the wire
diameter multiplied by number of winding, which is 2mm. Also, magnetic field outside of the
solenoid should be zero due to canceling of fields generated by the current flowing in opposite

Apply Ampere’s law on a closed loop as drawn below

∫ B ⋅ ds = µ i
0 enc (1)
Magnetic field should occur only inside the loop in the direction along the solenoid

∫ B ⋅ ds = µ i
0 enc (2)

Which gives us
B ⋅ l = µ 0 iN (3)
The magnetic field flux, assuming the core is made of air, is calculated to be:
N  200 
B = µ 0  i = 1.257 × 10 − 6 H m ⋅  −5
0.01A = 2.514 × 10 Tesla
  l  0 . 1m 
and the magnetic field at the center of the solenoid is
H = 20 A/m

Problem 8: Design

Can use the Biot-Savart law, but the solution for magnetic field at every point is very complex.
We will solve only for magnetic field along the z-axis, which runs through the center of the loop.
r r
µ ⋅ i ds × r
dB =
4π r 3

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Let’s first examine the current segment d s in the figure above
r = − aiˆr + ziˆz (2)
r = a2 + z2 (3)
r r
ds = adθ (4)

the magnetic field from the current segment is

µ ⋅i
dB =
4πr 3
ds ⋅ z ⋅ iˆr − ds ⋅ a ⋅ iˆz ) (5)

through symmetry, we know the iˆr component of the magnetic field will cancel out, so we are
left with just the iˆz component. Note, if we want to solve for magnetic field at any point (r, θ,
z), then we want to keep solving (5).

µ ⋅i ⋅ a2
dB = − dθ ⋅ iˆz (6)
4π a + z 2
2 3/ 2

The total field can be found by integrating around the loop

r µ ⋅i ⋅ a2 2
ˆz = µ ⋅ i ⋅ a

B = −∫ d θ ⋅ i (7)
4π a 2 + z 2 )
3/ 2
2 a2 + z2
3/ 2
To find the magnetic field of the problem, we’ll make the assumption that the coil is located at
the middle of the magnetic core.

The inner coil (n=0) has a radius of 55µm, the pitch between each coil is the sum of the width
and spacing, 16+20 = 36µm. The magnetic field we want to find is at z=100µm. We assume the
gap between the coil and the core does not effect B.

an = 55+36n

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µ ⋅ i ⋅ (100 + n ⋅ 36)2 µm 2
B=∑ (8)
n=0 (
2 (100 + n ⋅ 36 ) + 100
2 3/ 2
µm 3

Assume the magnetic core has a relative permeability of µr = 1000, the magnetic field at the top
of the core (z=100µm) is calculated to be
B = 0.0193 Tesla
B = 193 Gauss

If the winding is a square instead of a circle, the solution is different. It is certainly more
difficult to solve.

Can use the Biot-Savart law, but the solution for magnetic field at every point is very complex.
We will solve only for magnetic field along the z-axis, which runs through the center of the loop.
 µ  dx × r
dB =  i 3
 4π  r

We will solve for the magnetic field contribution of a single wire loop and then add the
contribution of multiple loops.

Let’s first examine the current segment flowing in the +/- x direction.
r = − xiˆx − biˆy + ziˆz (2)
r = x2 + b2 + z 2 (3)
µ ⋅i
dB =
4πr 3
(− dx ⋅ z ⋅ iˆy − dx ⋅ b ⋅ iˆz ) (4)

Through symmetry, we know that the fields along the z-axis will only have the z component
because the equal and opposite current flow will cancel out the y-component of the magnetic

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field. If we want to solve for field at all position, we just have to modify r and not make the
symmetry assumption.
The magnitude of the field is then two times the integral of (4), from –a to a.

r a µ ⋅ i ⋅ b ⋅ dx
B = −2 ∫ ⋅iˆz
4π x + b + z 2 2
2 3/ 2

For the part of the loop with current in the +/- y direction,
r b µ ⋅ i ⋅ a ⋅ dy
B = −2 ∫ ⋅iˆ
4π y 2 + a 2 + z 2
3/ 2 z
Adding the two component and resolving the integral, we have

µ ⋅i ⋅b⋅a µ ⋅i ⋅b ⋅ a
B= +
π (b + z
2 2
) 2
b +a +z 2 2
π (a + z 2 ) b 2 + a 2 + z 2

if a=b,
µ ⋅i ⋅ a2
π (a 2 + z 2 ) 2a 2 + z 2

Problem 9: Fabrication

Take advantage of the fact that the use of polymer material as support hinge can change the
Problem 10: Design

The torque acting on the actuator is provided in Equation 13

T = iB1l1l 2 n

It’s not specified where the torque is located. Let us assume it’s at the junction between the
anchor beam and the micro mirror, and there are 2 torque with equal in magnitude and opposite
in direction at each anchor.

The bending is approximated as a moment T acting at the end of a fixed-free beam. From the
appendix, the bending angle θ is approximated as:
Tl iBl l n ⋅ l
θ= a = 12 a
EI a EI a
Problem 12: Design

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Use information from previous problems that establish the gradient of magnetic field created
from a planar coil.

Problem 13: Design


Cantilever dimension: l = 6mm, w = 1mm, t = 13µm

For a fixed-free cantilever, the maximum deflection occurring at the free end is:
− F ⋅l3
E ⋅ w⋅t3
substituting in the values

59 × 10 −6 N ⋅ 6 × 10 −3 m )

= 36.3µm
160 × 10 9 N m 2 ⋅ 10 −3 m ⋅ 13 × 10 −6 m )

Problem 14: Design


The magnetization of the permanent magnet is provided to be 170-190mT, we’ll use the value of
180mT. The force due to the magnetic field gradient is 50µN. We need more information about
the permanent magnets, to calculate the magnetic field gradient.

Equation 8 in the text relates the net force acting on a permanent magnet in a non-uniform field

F = M ( wt )∆H
where ∆H is the change in the magnetic field.

We will assume that all the permanent magnet pillar have a height of hm. The sum of all the
width is 90% same as the cantilever (minimize the spacing between each magnet), so wm =
900µm. The length in the other axis is the same, so tm = 900µm.

The magnetic field gradient is then calculated to be:

dH ∆H F 50 × 10 −6 N A
= = = −6 −6 −6 3
= 3.43 × 10 − 7
dl hm Mwm t m hm 0.180T ⋅ 900 × 10 ⋅ 900 × 10 ⋅ 10 × 10 m m

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