Speech Text "How To Keep Your Skin Still Young and Wrinkle Free"

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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Everybody wants to be beautiful and good-looking. Additionally there are many ways
to maintain the natural beauty of our skin. However many people don’t understand how to
keep skin look young and wrinkle-free. Today, I want to tell you about 3 ways to keep your
skin young and wrinkle-free. The first way is we should use sunscreen, the second is we
should massage our skin, and the third is we should eat healthy food. Finally, I summarize
my presentation.
The first reason why we should use sunscreen is to protect our skin from UVA and
UVB radiation. The reason for my statement is that wearing sunscreen can prevent your skin
from sunburn, premature aging, and the worst is skin cancer. Based on journal published by
Beautypedia states that sunscreen contain combination of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide,
which can block UVA and UVB radiation penetration (Wilda Fajriah, 2020). Therefore, I
believe that wearing sunscreen is important to protect our skin from UVA and UVB
radiation. Actually it will be better for us to understand how important sunscreen is.
Next, let me talk about the second reason. Why we should massage our skin. The
reason is it can relax our facial skin. From the medical website “hello sehat” released by
doctor Winona, in a 2017 investigation, there was demonstration by participants who
combined the use of an anti-aging cream with a massage and the result was the skin of
participants get better and the appearance of wrinkles was not fisible, in addition there was
an also the improvements in skin texture than those who did not receive the massage.
Therefore, we should always massage our skin to keep our beauty.
Now, I’d like to move on to the third reason. Why we should eat healthy food.
Healthy food contains much nutrition for our body such as vitamins and minerals so it can
be used to make our skin young and wrinkle-free. Some examples of healthy foods that are
good for the skin from medical websites are vegetables, fruits, green tea, fatty fish, and
chocolate (halodoc). Therefore, I believe that eating healthy food is very good for our skin
In conclusion, healthy and wrinkle-free skin is everyone’s dream. Although many
people still don’t know how to treat their skin better. But actually, we can get healthy and
wrinkled skin starting with 3 things. There are always use sunscreen, massage your skin, and
eat healthy food. In addition, being young and beautiful can make people pay attention to
you. beautiful and healthy skin is a good assets for the future.
Thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaiku Wr.Wb

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