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Which of the following needs is considered by nurse Barbara when she implements reverse isolation for the male client with leukemia?

Physiologic need Safety and security Love and belongings Self esteem

The client with leukemia has low resistance to infection. Protecting him from infection by implementing reverse or protective isolation technique meets his need for safety and security. 2. Nurse Bernard is aware that the following are characteristics of basic human needs except?

Priorities are uniform to all individuals. Needs may be met in different ways. Needs are interrelated. Needs may be deferred.

Priorities may vary from individual to individual, according to stage of growth and development, life situations and other factors. 3. The nursing diagnosis Body Image Disturbance is most likely to be written for which of the following persons?

A patient with above the knee amputation. A patient with second degree burns. A quadriplegic patient. A person entering the health care system after moving from wellness to illness.

A person entering a health care system most likely would experience alteration in body image. 4. The nurse is aware that the theorist who advocates that health is the ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium is:

Claude Bernard Walter Cannon Hans Selye Martha Rogers

Walter Cannon advocates that health is the ability to maintain dynamic equilibrium (homeostasis). 5. Which of the following behaviors is not expected when a client assumes a sick role?

The client seeks for sick leave. The client consults a physician because of headache and perceived fever.

The client takes medications as prescribed by the physician. The client ignores his dizziness, with the hope that it will be relieved spontaneously.

Ignoring signs and symptoms of a disease is not a sick role behavior. Sick role emphasizes that the person; is not held responsible for his condition; is excused from social roles; is obliged to get well as soon as possible; is obliged to seek for competent help, such as seeking advice of health professionals for validation of real illness, explanation of symptoms and reassurance or prediction of outcome. 6. When removing gloves, Nurse Edmund is aware that the following is inappropriate nursing action:

Wash gloved hands first. Peel off gloves inside out. Use gloves-to-glove, skin-to-skin technique. Remove mask and gown before removing gloves.

When removing gloves, it is inappropriate to remove mask and gown first before gloves. Appropriate nursing actions are: wash gloved hands first, peel off gloves inside out, use glove-toglove, skin-to-skin technique. Remove gloves first, followed by the mask, gown, cap, and shoe cover. 7. When pouring sterile solution, Nurse Manuel performs which of the following actions correctly?

Hold the bottle 6 inches above receptacle on the sterile field. Remove cap of bottle and place it with the underside lid down on a flat surface. Return excess solution from sterile receptacle to the bottle. Place the bottle of sterile solution within sterile field.

When pouring sterile solution, hold the bottle 6 inches above receptacle on the sterile field. Cap of the bottle should be placed with underside lid up, on a flat surface. Excess solution should not be returned to the bottle because this is considered contaminated. The bottle of the sterile solution should be placed outside the sterile field because the outside part of the bottle is nonsterile. Remember, sterile field or object should come in contact with sterile objects only, to maintain sterility. 8. Mr. Rodriguez is on NPO since midnight, as preparation for blood test. Adreno-cortical response is activated. Which of the following is an expected response?

Low blood pressure Decreased urine output Warm, flushed, dry skin. Low serum sodium levels.

Adreno-cortical response involves the release of aldosterone that leads to retention of sodium and water. This results to decreased urine output. 9. Which of the following events characterizes the GAS stage of alarm?

Fight or flight response is activated. The person regains homeostasis. Adaptive mechanisms fail. Levels of resistance are increased.

During the GAS stage of alarm, fight or flight response is activated. 10. Which of the following techniques can be most helpful in assessing the degree of distress and discomfort of a newly admitted patient?

Review the nurses notes. Performing physical assessment. Active listening on what the patient says. Observation of the patients behavior.

Active listening on what the patient says will be most helpful in assessing the degree of distress and discomfort he is expressing. Only the patient will be able to describe his distress and discomfort, because these are subjective data. 11.

Which of the following would not be a basis for establishing priorities in client care? Actual problems take precedence over potential concerns. Attend to equipment and contraptions first, such as IV fluids, urinary catheter, drainage tubes, before the client. Airway should always be given highest priority. Clients with unstable condition should be given priority over those stable conditions.

Attend to client first before equipment. A, C, and D are basis for establishing priorities in client care. 12.

The following statements are true about body temperature except: Core body temperature measures the temperature of deep tissues. Highest body temperature is usually reached between 8:00 p.m to 12:00 m.n. Elderly people are at risk of hypothermia due to decreased thermoregulatory controls and decreased subcutaneous fats. Synphathetic response stimulation decreased body heat production.

Synphathetic response stimulation decreased body heat production is an incorrect statement about body temperature. Sympathetic nervous system release norepinephrine which increases metabolic rate, thereby increase body heat production.


Which of the following is not an appropriate nursing action when taking oral temperature? Wash the thermometer from the bulb to the stem before use. Place the thermometer under the tongue directed towards the side Take oral temperature for 2-3 minutes. Take oral temperature using a thermometer with pear-shaped bulb.

This is not appropriate nursing action when taking oral temperature. Thermometer with pearshaped or rounded bulb is used for rectal temperature taking. 14.

The process involved in the exchange of gases in the lungs is: Diffusion Osmosis Hydrostatic pressure Oncotic pressure

Diffusion is the exchange of gases from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure. 15.

The nurse is aware that the primary respiratory center is: Medulla oblongata Pops Carotid and aortic bodies Proprioceptors

The primary respiratory center is the medulla oblongata. It contains the central chemoreceptors that are stimulated by high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. 16. Which of the following is inappropriate nursing action when collecting clean-catch midstream urine specimen for routine urinalysis?

Collect early morning, first voided specimen. Do perineal care before collection of specimen. Collect 5-10 mls. Of urine. Discard the first flow of urine.

This is an inappropriate nursing action. For routine urinalysis, 30-50 mls. Of urine specimen is required to yield accurate results. 17.

Heat and ascetic acid test is done to determine: Presence of albumin in the urine. Presence of glucose in the urine. Presence of ketones in the urine. Presence of RBC in the urine.

Heat and acetic acid test is done to determine presence of albumin in the urine. 18. Which of the following is correct nursing action when collecting urine specimen from a client with indwelling urethral catheter?

Collect urine specimen from the urinary drainage bag. Detach the catheter from the connecting tube. Use sterile needle and syringe to aspirate urine specimen from the drainage port. Flush the catheter with sterile NSS before collection of urine specimen.

When collecting urine specimen from a client with indwelling urethral catheter, collect urine specimen by using sterile needle and syringe to aspirate urine specimen from the drainage port. 19. Florence Nightingales thoughts on ventilation, warmth, light, diet, cleanliness, and noise which are recorded in Notes on Nursing can be labeled as:

Conceptual model Philosophy Theory All of the above

Philosophy is inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. Marriner-Tomey considers the products of the following theorists as philosophiesNightingale, Widenbach, Henderson, Abdellah, Hall, Watson and Benner. 20. Who among the following theorist has contributed to the development of specialization in nursing?

Orem Watson Benner Hall

Benner identified 5 stages of skills acquisition novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. This framework was used by the PRC-BON Core committee chaired by Mrs. Grace Valderrama in their paper on Credentialing in the practice of nursing specialties. 21. A faculty member of a college of nursing should possess which of the following qualification?

Masters degree in nursing. Membership to a nursing faculty organization. Have at least 3 years of teaching experience. Be at least 25 years old

A faculty member should have a masters degree in nursing, education or allied medical and health sciences. A faculty should have at least one year of clinical practice in a field of specialization (Section 27). 22. Which of the following constitute the nurses scope of practice? 1. Provision of nursing care 2. Being a coordinator for the health team. 3. Teaching in any health-related course. 4. Doing qualitative research.

1, 2 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 4 All of the above.

The scope of practice includes teaching students in nursing education programs and undertaking research, He/she can do both quantitative and qualitative studies. 23. With the devolution of health services. Nurse Gretta who works at the Tarlac Provincial Hospital:

Is no longer an employee of the DOH. Is no longer subject to Civil Service Rules. Can easily be terminated by the local chief executive. Will receive reduced benefits.

All workers in government, both national and local, are subject to Civil Service Rules. They cannot be terminated because they enjoy security of tenure. It is unlawful to reduce the benefits that are being received by employees. 24.

Who among the following appoints nursing personnel in the municipalities? City Mayor Congressman of the district Municipal Mayor Senator representing the district?

The municipal Mayor has the power to choose nursing personnel in his municipality. 25.

Nurse Oliver is aware that the following examples illustrates res ipsa loquitor: Patient died 8 hours after the injection of antibiotic. A patient developed infection at the IV insertion site. A comatose patient was scalded because of the hot bag placed by the nurse. A psychiatric patient was hit by a car a block away from the hospital.

It is clear that the scalding was due to the improper use of the hot water bag. In the three other cases, negligence still has to be proved.

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