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‫‪Prior Solutions For G10 Capstone Challenge:‬‬

‫هوضح كام بوينت عشان عارفة انكم مبتركزوش ف المسدجز ف خليتها جوا الفايل‪:‬‬
‫اي الفايل دا؟ ‪ prior solutions 38‬عشان الكاب تشالنج بتاعكم‪ ،‬وكل واحدة فيها معلومات ال محتاجينها قبل ما تعملوا‬
‫سيرش‪main idea, advantaged and disadvantaged ،‬‬
‫هل ممكن نالقي فكرة بروجيكت كويسة في ال ‪ solutions‬دي ؟ آه عادي أنا عملت بروجيكت بكام فكرة هنا قبل كدا‪،‬‬
‫ولكن مش كلهم صالحين أكيد يتطبقوا ف الكاب بتاعنا‪.‬‬
‫** وأنا لسا واخدة فايل التشالنج األصلي من شوية امبارح كان معايا ‪ title‬بس‪ ،‬ف هعملكم واحد تاني ‪ specific‬أكتر بس‬
‫مش دلوقت ألن مفيش وقت ممكن علي بكرة أو أول األسبوع‪.‬‬
‫طيب امال لي حطيتهم لو مش كلهم ينفعوا يتعملوا ك بروجيكس لينا أو يتعمل بروتوتايب؟ حطيتهم كتسهيل عليكم ألني‬
‫شوفت انها أكترحاجة أخدت وقتكم ف الترم األول وساعتها أكيد مقدرتش أساعد الكل وحطيت عدد كبير عشان متكونوش زي‬
‫بعض‪ ،‬وألن انتم مطلوب منكم حوالي ‪ prior solutions 5‬ف مفروض يكون في عندكم ‪ 4‬مش هتشتغلوا عليهم‪،‬‬
‫والخامس بيكون هو ال هتتكلموا عنه ف ال ‪ selection of solution‬وهيتطور عليه ويكون البروجيكت بتاعكم ان شاء‬
‫طيب هل مفروض أقرأ ال ‪ ، solutions 38‬أل عادي براحتكم أنا حاطاهم مجرد أفكار ممكن تاخدوهم بالترتيب او‬
‫رندموا عادي وابدأوا اعملوا سيرش كويس ألني مش حاطة كل حاجة‪main idea, advantages and ،‬‬
‫‪ disadvantages‬وبطريقة مختصرة عشان تفهموا قبل ما تعملوا سيرش مش أكتر‪ ،‬وهتالقوا ‪ solutions‬كتير متشابهة‬
‫أفكارها‪ ،‬بس أنا حاطة عدد كبير عشان مش كلكم تكونوا كاتبين زي بعض ويكون في اختالف ف األفكار بعيدًا عن‬
‫البروجيكتس ال هتعملوها ً‬
‫طيب أعتمد علي دول؟ أل طبعًا اعملوا السبرش بتاعكم عادي وأكيد هتالقوا تاني وممكن أحسن‪ ،‬دي مجرد أفكتر تساعدكم‬
‫ولو في حاجة ابقوا كلموني‪.‬‬
‫طيب أبدأ شغل الكاب كدا؟ ال بردو‪ ،‬في كام بوينت هكتبها ليكم تبدأوا تعملوا سيرش عليهم األول بعدين نروح لل ‪prior‬‬
‫‪ solutions‬ودا كله طبعًا عشان ال ‪ ،EDP‬وأرجوكم نبدأ نكتب ف البورتفوليو ونظبطه بدري الترم دا قصير‪ ،‬البوستر‬
‫مش دلوقت نستني شوية هبقي اعملكم ‪ reminder‬ساعتها‪ ،‬ومتنسوش تعملوا فايل تحطو فيه كل لينك هتعلملوا سيرش‬
‫وتالقوه مفيد‪ ،‬وحاجة كنت بعملها ف الكاب بتاعي كنت بكتب التاريخ ال عملت فيه سيرش و كمان التايتل وفين القيت فيه‬
‫الحاجة ال فادتني‪ ،‬ممكن ياخد منكم وقت شوية صغيرين لكن هيفيد أوي بعدين‬
‫**** محدش يشتغل ف أي حاجة من دول لوحده‪ ،‬انتم تيمز وكلكم نفس الجريد بالنسبة لكل تيم ولو في حد منكم عنده مشكلة‬
‫ف ازاي يشتغل بس بيشتغل كويس ومفيش نتيجة دا عادي يحصل ألنكم يعتبر لسا بتبدأوا بس ابقواو قولولي ساعتها‪ ،‬طيب و‬
‫حتي لو في حد مبيشتغلش كويس ممكن نتكمل معاه أو ممكن تروحوا لميس رباب عشان لطيفة وهتحللكم مشاكل التيمز أو‬
‫مستر أحمر عاشور ‪ ،‬بس قبل كل دا اتكلموا وقسموا التاسكس وحددو ميعاد معين للكاب ميتينج وليكن ف اليوم بتاع الكاب كل‬
‫أسبوع ( يومين يعني)‪ ،‬وكل واحد يقول هو وصل الي واشرحوا لبعض دا بعيدًا عن ال ‪ writing‬وشوفوا هتشتغلوا علي‬
‫اي سوا وكملوه وبالش كسل واسبقوا ال ‪ ،calendar‬وحطوا الديدالينز قبل ميعاد التسليمات بيوم أو يومين عشان تكونوا‬

‫طيب لو الفايل دا هيروح الخواتنا من مدارس تانية مفيش مشكلة‪ ،‬هو طالع من ستيم شرقية من آالء شطا حف ً‬
‫ظا لحقوق النشر‬
 ‫ متنسوش تدعولي عشان محتاجة دعواتكم بجد‬،‫وأخيرا باقي الحاجات هقولها ف الجروب عادي‬

1- Floating hydroelectric generator:

Main idea:

1. The floating hydroelectric generator consists of a turbine that rotates due to

the flow of water, which in turn generates electricity using a generator.
2. The device is mounted on a floating structure, such as a barge or a platform,
which allows it to be positioned in a river, canal, or other body of water with
flowing water.
3. As water flows past the turbine, it rotates the blades and generates electricity
which is then transmitted to shore via a power cable.


1. Can be quickly and easily deployed in rivers or other bodies of water, allowing
for rapid installation and potential for quick scaling of the technology
2. Does not require the construction of dams or other large infrastructure
projects, which can be costly and disruptive to the environment
3. Can be less intrusive to the natural environment than other forms of
hydroelectricity, as the floating structures can be designed to have minimal
impact on aquatic life and surrounding ecosystems


1. Performance can be affected by changes in water level or flow, which can

impact the positioning and stability of the floating structures
2. The floating structures can be susceptible to damage from extreme weather
events or debris in the water, which can impact the longevity and
maintenance requirements of the devices
3. The efficiency of the devices can be lower than traditional hydroelectric
facilities due to the variability of water flow and potential for greater energy
losses through transmission cables.

First application:
The idea of a floating hydroelectric generator is not tied to any specific country,
but the technology has been tested in various locations around the world.
For example, in 2016, a floating hydroelectric generator was installed in a river in
the United Kingdom to test the feasibility of the technology in a real-world
Other countries, including Japan and Canada, have also been exploring the use of
floating hydroelectric generators as a potential source of renewable energy.

2- Wave surge converter:

The wave surge converter is a type of wave energy converter that harnesses the
energy from waves that break on a sloping surface. The main idea is to use the
motion of the waves to force air through a turbine, which generates electricity.
The technology works by trapping the air in a chamber that is exposed to the
incoming waves, and then using the pressure generated by the waves to push the
air through a turbine.

Advantages of the wave surge converter include:

1. High energy output potential, as wave surges can produce high pressures and
volumes of air.
2. Minimal environmental impact, as the technology does not require the
construction of large structures in the ocean.
3. The technology is relatively simple and easy to maintain.

Disadvantages of the wave surge converter include:

1. The technology is only effective in locations where waves break on a sloping

shoreline, which limits its potential application.
2. The power output of the technology is not as consistent as other wave energy
converters, as it depends on the size and frequency of the waves.

The wave surge converter is a relatively new technology, and there are currently
no large-scale commercial installations in operation. However, the technology
has been tested in research facilities in countries such as the UK and Spain.

3- Water vortex power plant:

Water vortex power plants are a type of hydroelectric power plant that generate
electricity from the kinetic energy of water flowing into a downward spiraling
Main Idea:

1. Water vortex power plants use the power of a swirling vortex to spin a
turbine, generating electricity
2. The vortex is created by letting water flow into a round or cylindrical basin
that has a downward-spiraling shape, typically using a special inlet at the
3. The vortex causes a central column of air to form in the center of the basin,
which can be used to turn a turbine and generate electricity
4. The energy produced can vary depending on the size of the basin and the
velocity of the water, and the plants can be built in a range of sizes, from
small-scale to utility-scale


1. Water vortex power plants have low operating costs and are relatively
easy to maintain
2. They have a low environmental impact, as they do not require dams or
large reservoirs that can harm fish and other aquatic species
3. They can be built in a range of sizes, making them suitable for a variety
of applications
4. They can be used in both urban and rural areas, as they do not require a
large water supply or a significant change in water flow

1. Water vortex power plants have a limited power output compared to

other hydroelectric power plants, and are not as efficient in converting
the kinetic energy of the water into electricity
2. They require specific conditions to work properly, such as a steady flow
of water at a certain velocity, and can be affected by changes in water
temperature or quality
3. They may be more expensive to build than other small-scale hydropower
options, such as waterwheels or Archimedes screws

1. The idea for a water vortex power plant was first proposed in the early 20th
century by an Italian engineer named Giovanni Battista Venturi
2. The first water vortex power plant was built in South Korea in 2011, with a
capacity of 500 kW
3. Several other water vortex power plants have been built in Europe, including a
250 kW plant in Switzerland and a 1 MW plant in Italy
4. The technology is still relatively new, and further research and development is
needed to improve efficiency and reduce costs

4- Submerged buoy:

The submerged buoy is a wave energy device that operates by converting the
vertical motion of ocean waves into rotational motion that drives a generator to
produce electricity.

Main idea:

1. The buoy is typically anchored to the ocean floor and consists of a cylindrical float
that rises and falls with the motion of the waves.
2. Attached to the float is a heave plate that moves up and down with the waves,
which drives a hydraulic system that converts the up-and-down motion into
rotational motion.
3. The rotational motion drives a generator to produce electricity.


1. The submerged buoy is capable of generating large amounts of electricity, making

it suitable for commercial-scale energy production.
2. It has a relatively low profile and is less visible than some other types of wave
energy devices, making it less intrusive to the ocean landscape.
3. The device can operate in a wide range of wave conditions, making it more
versatile than some other wave energy devices.


4. The submerged buoy can be difficult to install and maintain in deep ocean waters.
5. The device may have an impact on marine life and the ocean environment, as it
can obstruct the movement of fish and other sea creatures.

Where first applied:

The submerged buoy was first developed and tested by researchers at the University
of Southampton in the United Kingdom.
Several companies have since developed and tested submerged buoy wave energy
devices, including Ocean Power Technologies in the United States and Seatricity in
the United Kingdom.

5- Offshore floating turbine:

Main idea:

Offshore floating turbines are wind turbines that are mounted on floating platforms in
the ocean, allowing them to generate electricity from wind power in deep waters. They
are designed to be able to withstand the harsh ocean environment, including strong
winds, waves, and currents.


1. Greater wind speeds: Wind speeds tend to be stronger and more consistent over
water than over land, allowing for more efficient electricity generation.
2. No land use requirements: Since they are placed in the ocean, offshore floating
turbines do not require any land use, making them ideal for densely populated
areas where land is limited.
3. Reduced visual impact: By placing the turbines further offshore, they can reduce
the visual impact on the surrounding landscape.
4. Ability to generate more power: Offshore turbines can be built larger than land-
based turbines, which allows them to generate more electricity.
5. Energy storage: The offshore platform can be used to store energy, reducing the
variability of the electricity generated and making it more stable and predictable.

1. High construction costs: Due to their complex design and the harsh ocean
environment, offshore floating turbines can be more expensive to build and
maintain than land-based turbines.
2. Limited access for maintenance: Offshore floating turbines are more difficult to
access for maintenance and repairs than land-based turbines.
3. Environmental impact: The construction of the platforms and turbines can have
an impact on marine life and habitats, as well as on commercial and recreational
activities like fishing and shipping.
4. Potential for damage from extreme weather: The turbines and platforms can be
damaged or destroyed by strong storms or hurricanes.

Where this idea first applied: The first offshore floating turbine was installed in
2007 off the coast of Norway by the company Statoil (now Equinor). Since then,
offshore floating turbines have been installed in other countries such as Portugal,
Scotland, and the United States.

6- Hydroelectricity from irrigation canals:

Hydroelectricity from irrigation canals is a method of generating electricity by utilizing
the kinetic energy of flowing water in irrigation canals.

Main Idea:
1. Water flows through irrigation canals under the influence of gravity from higher
elevations to lower elevations.
2. The kinetic energy of the flowing water can be harnessed using a water turbine
and generator to produce electricity.
3. The generated electricity can be used to power nearby facilities or sold to the grid.

1. Low-cost and low-impact installation since the canal already exists for irrigation
2. Utilizes a renewable and abundant source of energy.
3. Helps to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy development.


1. The flow of water in irrigation canals can vary depending on the season and the
irrigation needs of farmers, which can affect the reliability of electricity
2. The maintenance and operation of the hydroelectric infrastructure can be
challenging, particularly in areas with limited resources and technical expertise.

Where first applied:

1. Hydroelectricity from irrigation canals has been used in various countries,

including India, Pakistan, and the United States.
2. In India, the Narmada canal solar project, which includes a hydroelectric plant,
was commissioned in 2018 in the state of Gujarat.
3. In Pakistan, the Chianwali canal hydroelectric power station, which generates 1.2
MW of electricity, was built in 2013 in the province of Punjab.
4. In the United States, the Farmers Canal hydroelectric plant in Colorado has been
in operation since 1982, generating up to 4.4 MW of electricity from the flow of
water in the canal.

7- Archimedes screw pump:

The Archimedes screw pump is an ancient device used for pumping water or other
fluids. Here are the details you requested:
Main idea:

1. The device consists of a large screw inside a hollow tube or cylinder.

2. When the screw is turned, fluid is trapped between the screw and the tube and is
pushed upwards.
3. The screw is usually set at an angle so that it can lift water from a lower level to a
higher level.


1. The Archimedes screw pump is simple in design and easy to operate.

2. It can be used to pump a variety of fluids, including water, sewage, and sludge.
3. It has a low risk of clogging, as the screw can handle large particles and debris.
4. It can operate in both directions, which can be useful in certain applications.


1. The pump is not very efficient, as some energy is lost to friction and turbulence.
2. It is not suitable for high-pressure applications.
3. It can be expensive to install, as a concrete or steel trough is typically required to
support the pump and channel the water.

Origins and applications:

The Archimedes screw pump was invented by the ancient Greek mathematician and
engineer Archimedes in the 3rd century BC.
The device has been used throughout history to irrigate crops, drain swamps, and
remove water from mines.
Today, the Archimedes screw pump is still used in many applications, such as
wastewater treatment plants, fish hatcheries, and hydroelectric power generation.
8- Pumped storage hydropower:

Pumped storage hydropower is a type of energy storage system that uses two reservoirs,
one at a higher elevation and one at a lower elevation, to store and generate electricity.
The system pumps water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir during periods
of low electricity demand, and then releases the water back down to the lower reservoir
through a hydroelectric generator to produce electricity during periods of high
electricity demand.

Main Idea:

1. Pumped storage hydropower is an energy storage system that uses two reservoirs,
one at a higher elevation and one at a lower elevation, to store and generate
2. During periods of low electricity demand, water is pumped from the lower
reservoir to the upper reservoir.
3. During periods of high electricity demand, water is released back down to the
lower reservoir through a hydroelectric generator to produce electricity.


1. Pumped storage hydropower can store large amounts of energy for long periods
of time.
2. The system can respond quickly to changes in electricity demand, making it a
valuable tool for grid stability and reliability.
3. The system can use excess electricity from renewable energy sources, such as
wind and solar power, to pump water to the upper reservoir.
4. Pumped storage hydropower is a mature technology, with many successful
installations around the world.

1. Pumped storage hydropower requires two reservoirs at different elevations,

which can be difficult to find in some locations.
2. The system has high upfront costs, including the construction of the reservoirs,
pumps, and generators.
3. The system can have significant environmental impacts, including changes to
local water levels and habitats.

First Application:

The first pumped storage hydropower system was built in 1929 in Switzerland, at the
Goldisthal Power Station.
Today, there are many pumped storage hydropower systems around the world, with
a total capacity of over 160 GW. Some of the largest systems are in the United States,
Japan, and China.

9- Cross-flow water turbine with fixed guide vanes:

Cross-flow water turbines with fixed guide vanes are a type of hydrokinetic turbine that
can generate electricity from flowing water, including rivers and tidal currents.

Main Idea:

1. Cross-flow water turbines with fixed guide vanes consist of a vertical axis rotor
that is mounted on a horizontal shaft.
2. The rotor blades are designed to capture the kinetic energy of flowing water as it
passes through the turbine.
3. Fixed guide vanes are installed around the rotor to direct the flow of water into
the blades, increasing the efficiency of the turbine.
4. As the rotor turns, it drives a generator that produces electricity.
1. Cross-flow water turbines with fixed guide vanes can generate electricity from
low head and low flow rate water sources, making them suitable for a wide range
of sites.
2. They have a simple design and are easy to install and maintain.
3. The turbines are environmentally friendly and do not produce greenhouse gas


1. The efficiency of cross-flow water turbines with fixed guide vanes is lower
compared to other hydrokinetic turbines.
2. The turbines can be sensitive to changes in water flow and require a consistent
flow rate to operate at maximum efficiency.

Where this idea first applied:

1. Cross-flow water turbines with fixed guide vanes have been used in various
countries, including the UK, France, and Canada.
2. In the UK, Verdant Power installed a small-scale tidal energy project using cross-
flow water turbines with fixed guide vanes in the East River in New York City.
3. In France, Sabella installed a cross-flow water turbine with fixed guide vanes in
the Fromveur Passage in Brittany to generate electricity from tidal currents.
4. In Canada, the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement
(OCETA) installed a cross-flow water turbine with fixed guide vanes in the St.
Lawrence River to generate electricity from the river's flow.

11- Induced flow turbine:

Main Idea:
Induced flow turbines are a type of turbine that uses a diffuser to increase the velocity
and pressure of the fluid before it reaches the rotor. The diffuser works by slowing down
the fluid and increasing its pressure, creating a region of low pressure behind the rotor
that draws in more fluid. This increases the amount of fluid passing through the rotor,
which in turn increases the power output of the turbine.

One example of an induced flow turbine is the Bulb turbine, which is commonly used in
low-head hydropower installations. The Bulb turbine consists of a rotor mounted on a
vertical shaft inside a bulb-shaped housing. Water enters the bulb and is forced through
a diffuser, which increases its velocity and pressure before it reaches the rotor. The
water then passes through the rotor, driving it to rotate and generating electricity.

Advantages of induced flow turbines include their high efficiency and ability to
operate at low head heights. However, they can be more complex and expensive to
manufacture than other types of turbines.

Induced flow turbines have been used in various countries for hydropower generation.
One notable example is the La Rance tidal power station in France, which uses
bulb turbines to generate electricity from the tidal currents of the Rance River.

12- Impulse turbine:

Main idea:
An impulse turbine is a type of water turbine that uses the velocity of water to rotate its
blades. The water jet strikes the turbine blades, causing them to rotate and generate
mechanical energy. The energy is then converted into electricity using a generator.
1. Simple design with fewer parts than other types of turbines, making it easier to
maintain and repair
2. High efficiency, especially at high head (vertical distance between the water
source and the turbine) and low flow rates
3. Can handle dirty or sediment-laden water without getting clogged
1. Requires a high head to work efficiently, meaning it's not ideal for low-head sites
2. Limited flow rate compared to other types of turbines, which can limit its output
in certain conditions
3. The high water velocity can create noise and erosion on the turbine blades and

First applied: The impulse turbine was first used in the 19th century by the French
engineer Benoit Fourneyron. His design was used to power a flour mill in 1827, and later
improved upon for industrial and hydroelectric applications in the United States and
Europe. Today, impulse turbines are still commonly used in hydroelectric power plants
around the world.

13- Linear generator:

A linear generator is a type of electrical generator that produces power from linear
motion. Instead of a rotating shaft like in traditional generators, the linear generator
converts back-and-forth or reciprocating motion directly into electrical energy.

The main idea behind a linear generator is to use the reciprocating motion of a
mechanical device to move a magnet through a coil of wire, creating an electrical current
in the coil. The motion of the device can be created by a variety of sources such as ocean
waves, wind, or human power. Linear generators are often used in conjunction with
other energy-harvesting technologies, such as wave energy converters, to generate
electricity from renewable sources.

Advantages of linear generators include their ability to produce electricity from a wide
range of reciprocating motions, as well as their simplicity and reliability. Linear
generators are also typically more efficient at low speeds than traditional rotary

Disadvantages of linear generators include the relatively low power output and the
need for precise control of the reciprocating motion. Additionally, linear generators may
require more maintenance than traditional rotary generators.
The idea of the linear generator has been applied in various countries for different
purposes, including wave energy converters in Scotland, human-powered generators
in developing countries, and wind turbines in Germany.

14- Hydrofoil turbines:

Hydrofoil turbines are a type of water turbine that uses a streamlined, wing-like
hydrofoil to capture the kinetic energy of flowing water and convert it into rotational

Main idea:
1. Hydrofoil turbines use a streamlined, wing-like hydrofoil to capture the kinetic
energy of flowing water and convert it into rotational energy.
2. The hydrofoil is usually mounted on a horizontal shaft and positioned
perpendicular to the direction of flow.
3. The water flows over the curved surface of the hydrofoil, creating lift that rotates
the turbine blades.
1. Hydrofoil turbines can be used in both low-head and high-head applications.
2. They can be designed to have a high coefficient of performance, resulting in high
energy efficiency.
3. Hydrofoil turbines are relatively simple in design and can be manufactured at a
lower cost compared to some other types of water turbines.
1. Hydrofoil turbines may be prone to damage if they encounter debris or sediment
in the water.
2. The hydrofoil design may be less efficient at lower flow rates, limiting their
usefulness in low-flow applications.

1. Hydrofoil turbines are commonly used in hydroelectric power generation,
particularly for low-head and high-flow rate applications.
2. Hydrofoil turbines have also been used in marine propulsion and in the
generation of renewable energy from ocean currents.

The idea of hydrofoil turbines has been around for many years, but they have been
used primarily in specialized applications rather than widespread commercial use.
The United States has been one of the main countries involved in the development
of hydrofoil turbines for power generation, with some commercial applications in
recent years. Other countries such as France and Japan have also conducted research
and development in this field.

15- Wave rollers:

Wave rollers are a type of wave energy converter that harnesses the power of ocean
waves to generate electricity.
Main idea:
1. Wave rollers are long, cylindrical structures that are typically placed
perpendicular to the shore and extend into the ocean.
2. As waves pass over the rollers, they cause them to move up and down, creating
mechanical energy that can be converted into electrical power.
3. This mechanical energy is harnessed using a power take-off (PTO) system, which
typically uses hydraulic rams or other types of machinery to convert the motion
of the wave roller into electrical power.
4. Advantages:
5. Wave rollers are relatively simple and low-cost devices that can be installed in a
variety of coastal locations.
6. They have a small visual impact and do not require large offshore infrastructure.
7. They are more efficient than other wave energy technologies in low-to-moderate
wave conditions.
8. They can be used in combination with other offshore technologies, such as wind
turbines or solar panels, to provide a more consistent and reliable source of

1. Wave rollers are less effective in high-wave conditions and require a certain
minimum wave height to generate power.
2. They may have negative impacts on marine life, such as disrupting fish migration
patterns or causing injury to marine mammals.
3. They require regular maintenance to keep them operational and may be subject
to damage from storms or other extreme weather events.

First application:

1. Wave rollers were first developed in Finland by the company AW-Energy in the
early 2000s.
2. The first commercial-scale wave roller was installed in Portugal in 2012, and
there are now several other wave roller projects in various stages of development
around the world.

16- Deep-water wave energy converter:

The deep-water wave energy converter is a type of wave energy converter that generates
electricity by capturing the kinetic energy of ocean waves.

Main Idea:
1. The deep-water wave energy converter is designed to operate in deep waters
where waves have a higher energy density and can produce more power.
2. The device typically consists of a buoyant float or platform that is tethered to the
ocean floor with cables or chains.
3. As waves pass by, they cause the float to move up and down, which in turn drives
a generator that produces electricity.
1. Deep-water wave energy converters have the potential to produce large amounts
of electricity, especially in areas with high wave energy density.
2. They are relatively easy to install and maintain, and can be deployed far offshore
where they are less visible and do not interfere with other marine activities.
3. The technology produces no greenhouse gas emissions or other pollutants,
making it a clean and renewable source of energy.

1. The main disadvantage of deep-water wave energy converters is their high cost,
due to the complex design and installation requirements.
2. The technology is still in the early stages of development, and there are few
commercial-scale projects currently in operation.
3. The devices can also be affected by extreme weather conditions, such as
hurricanes or severe storms, which can damage or destroy the equipment.
1. The first deep-water wave energy converter was developed in the 1990s by the
Scottish company, Pelamis Wave Power.
2. In 2004, Pelamis installed the world's first commercial-scale wave energy project
off the coast of Portugal, which consisted of three wave energy converters that
produced a total of 2.25 megawatts of electricity.
3. Since then, several other companies have developed deep-water wave energy
converters, and there are currently a number of demonstration projects and pilot
plants in operation around the world.

17- Dynamic tidal power:

Dynamic Tidal Power (DTP) is a relatively new technology that aims to harness tidal
energy using large dams. The main idea behind DTP is to create large dams across
estuaries that are specifically designed to capture the energy generated by the movement
of tides. As the tide moves in and out of the estuary, the water flows through the
turbines installed in the dam, generating electricity.

1. DTP can generate a significant amount of electricity with a single dam, which
makes it a highly efficient method of generating tidal energy.
2. DTP has the potential to generate electricity on a large scale, which means it can
provide power to entire cities and regions.
3. DTP is a reliable source of energy because the tides are predictable, which means
it can provide a consistent supply of electricity.

1. Building a large dam can be expensive and may have negative impacts on the
2. The construction of a DTP dam requires large amounts of concrete and steel,
which can have a significant impact on the environment.
3. The impact on marine ecosystems can be significant, especially during the
construction phase of the project.

DTP is a relatively new technology, and there are currently no large-scale projects in
operation. However, several countries have shown an interest in DTP and are exploring
its potential as a source of renewable energy. Some of the countries where DTP has been
proposed include:
1. United Kingdom: A DTP project was proposed in the River Mersey estuary in
northwest England in 2011.
2. South Korea: The South Korean government has expressed interest in DTP and
is exploring the potential of building a DTP dam across the Uldolmok Strait.
3. France: A DTP project has been proposed in the Raz Blanchard area off the
coast of Normandy.

18- Hydrokinetic turbines:

Hydrokinetic turbines are a type of turbine that converts the kinetic energy of moving
water into mechanical energy to generate electricity. Unlike traditional hydropower
systems, which require dams and impoundments, hydrokinetic turbines can be placed
directly in rivers, tidal channels, or ocean currents.
Main Idea: Hydrokinetic turbines work by harnessing the kinetic energy of flowing
water to turn a rotor or impeller, which in turn drives a generator to produce electricity.
They can be designed in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit different water flow
conditions, from small river currents to ocean tides and currents.
1. Hydrokinetic turbines do not require dams or impoundments, which can have
negative impacts on fish and other aquatic organisms, and can block the
migration of fish.
2. They can be placed directly in rivers, tidal channels, or ocean currents, and
therefore do not require the construction of new infrastructure.
3. Hydrokinetic turbines can be a source of renewable energy that complements
other forms of energy, such as wind and solar power.
1. Hydrokinetic turbines may have a negative impact on fish and other aquatic
organisms if not properly designed and sited.
2. They may have limited power output compared to traditional hydropower
systems, which can generate more electricity using a larger head of water.
3. Hydrokinetic turbines may be susceptible to damage from debris in the water,
such as logs or ice.

Where this idea first applied: Hydrokinetic turbines have been used in various
countries around the world, with the earliest known application being in the United
States. In the late 19th century, hydrokinetic turbines were used in rural areas to
generate electricity for homes and farms that were not connected to the electrical grid.
Today, hydrokinetic turbines are being developed and tested in many countries,
including the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, and China.

19- Water wheel turbine:

Main idea: A water wheel turbine is a device that converts the energy of flowing or
falling water into mechanical energy that can be used to power machines or generate
electricity. It typically consists of a large wheel with blades or buckets attached to its
circumference that are turned by the water flowing past or falling onto them. The
rotation of the wheel is then used to drive machinery or a generator.
1. Water wheel turbines can be used in both low and high head applications and are
highly efficient.
2. They are relatively low-maintenance and can last for many years with proper
3. They are also environmentally friendly and do not produce any emissions or
waste products.
1. The output of a water wheel turbine is highly dependent on the flow rate and
head of the water source, which can vary seasonally or due to weather conditions.
2. They require a large amount of space and are often difficult to install in urban or
densely populated areas.
3. Water wheel turbines can also have a negative impact on aquatic life and the
surrounding ecosystem if not properly designed and installed.

Origin: Water wheel turbines have been used for centuries to power various types of
machinery, such as mills and sawmills. The earliest known example of a water wheel
dates back to ancient Greece, and the technology was further developed and refined
during the Middle Ages in Europe. Today, water wheel turbines are still used in various
parts of the world, particularly in rural or remote areas where there is a reliable source
of flowing water.

20- Hydraulic ram pump:

Main idea: A hydraulic ram pump is a water pump that works without electricity or
fuel. It utilizes the energy from a large amount of water falling a short distance to pump
a smaller amount of water to a higher elevation.
1. Operates without electricity or fuel, making it suitable for remote areas with no
power source
2. Low maintenance and operating costs
3. Long lifespan with durable materials
4. Can be used to pump water for irrigation, livestock, or domestic use
1. Limited to pumping water to a higher elevation no more than 150 meters above
the source water level
2. Works best with a continuous water supply and a specific range of water flow and
fall distance
3. Not suitable for high-volume pumping applications

First application: The hydraulic ram pump was invented in the late 18th century by
Joseph Montgolfier and was first applied in France for water supply systems in rural
areas. Since then, it has been used worldwide for various purposes, including irrigation,
livestock watering, and domestic use.

21- Piezoelectric generator:

A piezoelectric generator is a type of energy harvester that converts mechanical energy

into electrical energy by using the piezoelectric effect, which is the ability of certain
materials to generate an electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress. The main
idea behind a piezoelectric generator is that when a piezoelectric material, such as a
crystal or ceramic, is deformed or stressed, it generates a voltage difference across its
surfaces, which can be used to power electronic devices or stored in a battery.
1. Piezoelectric generators are small in size and can be easily integrated into
wearable devices, sensors, or other small electronic devices, which makes them
suitable for low-power applications.
2. They are highly reliable and have a long lifespan due to the absence of moving
parts and the ruggedness of piezoelectric materials.
3. They can work in a wide range of frequencies, which allows them to harvest
energy from various sources, such as human motion, ambient vibrations, or
acoustic waves.
1. Piezoelectric generators have a low power density, which means that they can
only generate small amounts of power, usually in the range of microwatts to
2. They require a high degree of mechanical stress or vibration to produce a usable
amount of electrical energy, which limits their efficiency and practical
3. The piezoelectric materials used in the generators can be expensive and difficult
to fabricate in large quantities.
The first piezoelectric generator was developed in the early 20th century by
Jacques and Pierre Curie, who discovered the piezoelectric effect in 1880. The
generators have been used in various applications, such as vibration sensors, acoustic
transducers, and electronic watches. The technology has been further developed and
applied in countries around the world, including the United States, Japan, and China,
for various low-power energy harvesting applications.

22- Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) energy harvester:

Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) energy harvesting is a relatively new technology that

aims to generate electricity from fluid flows. The basic idea of VIV energy harvesting is
to use the vortex shedding phenomenon that occurs when fluid flows past an object,
such as a cylinder or a cable, to generate a vibration that can be converted into
Advantages of VIV energy harvesting include:
1. The technology is scalable and can be used in a wide range of applications, from
ocean currents to wind to river flows.
2. VIV energy harvesting devices are relatively simple and require minimal
maintenance, which can lead to low operating costs.
3. VIV energy harvesting devices can operate in low flow conditions, making them
useful in locations where other forms of energy harvesting may not be feasible.
Disadvantages of VIV energy harvesting include:
1. The amount of energy that can be generated using VIV technology is relatively
small compared to other forms of energy harvesting, such as wind or solar power.
2. VIV energy harvesting devices can be affected by factors such as flow velocity,
turbulence, and fluid density, which can limit their effectiveness in certain
VIV energy harvesting is still a relatively new technology, and there are few
commercial applications currently in use. However, researchers in countries such as the
United States, the United Kingdom, and Japan are actively exploring the potential of
VIV energy harvesting for a wide range of applications.

23- Gorlov helical turbine:

Main idea: The Gorlov helical turbine, also known as a twisted savonius turbine, is
a vertical-axis turbine that features two or three twisted blades in a helical pattern.
The turbine rotates as water flows through the blades, generating electricity.
1. Efficient at low and moderate flow speeds
2. Can operate with water flowing in any direction
3. Low maintenance requirements
4. Able to withstand strong currents and rough seas
1. Less efficient than some other types of turbines at high flow speeds
2. Blade design can be complex and difficult to manufacture
3. High initial cost compared to some other technologies

First application: The Gorlov helical turbine was invented by Alexander Gorlov, a
professor at Northeastern University in the United States. The first commercial
application of the turbine was in South Korea in 2007, where it was used in a tidal
power plant. Since then, Gorlov helical turbines have been installed in a number of
countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, and Russia.

24- Banki-Michell turbine:

The Banki-Michell turbine is a type of impulse turbine designed to generate

electricity from low-head hydro sites.
Main Idea:
1. The Banki-Michell turbine consists of a series of curved blades mounted on a
central shaft, with a nozzle that directs water onto the blades to generate
rotational force.
2. The curved blades are designed to efficiently convert the kinetic energy of the
water into mechanical energy that can be used to generate electricity.
1. The Banki-Michell turbine is a relatively simple design, which makes it easy to
install and maintain.
2. It is particularly well-suited for use in low-head hydro sites, where other types of
turbines may not be effective.
3. The turbine is designed to operate at a high efficiency, which means that it can
generate a large amount of electricity relative to the amount of water passing
through it.
1. The Banki-Michell turbine is less efficient than other types of turbines (such as
the Pelton or Francis turbines) at high head heights.
2. The turbine may be more prone to clogging and other maintenance issues than
other types of turbines, particularly in sites with high sediment loads.
3. The design of the turbine means that it may be noisier than other types of
The Banki-Michell turbine was developed in the early 20th century by two engineers,
Michell and Banki.
The technology was first developed in Europe, but has since been adopted for use in
hydroelectric power plants around the world.
The Banki-Michell turbine is particularly well-suited for use in small-scale
hydroelectric systems, such as those used in rural electrification projects.

25- Turgo turbine:

Main Idea: The Turgo turbine is a type of impulse turbine that uses the kinetic energy
of a high-velocity jet of water to generate electricity. The water jet is directed onto a
series of curved blades attached to a wheel, causing it to rotate and drive a generator to
produce electricity.
1. Turgo turbines are more efficient than traditional Pelton turbines for smaller-
scale hydroelectric projects.
2. They can operate with relatively low water flows and high heads, making them
suitable for small to medium-sized projects.
3. They are compact and easy to install.
1. They are not as efficient as Pelton turbines for higher head applications.
2. They are more susceptible to cavitation damage due to the shape of the blades.
3. The design of the turbine can make maintenance difficult.

Where it First Applied: The Turgo turbine was invented by Eric Crewdson in New
Zealand in the 1950s. It has since been used in small-scale hydroelectric projects in
many countries, including Canada, the United States, and China.

26- Cross-flow turbine:

Cross-flow turbines, also known as Banki-Michell turbines, are a type of hydroelectric

turbine that use a cylindrical rotor with blades that run parallel to the axis of rotation.
Water flows through the blades, causing the rotor to spin and drive a generator to
produce electricity.
1. Cross-flow turbines are more efficient at low-head, high-flow applications than
other types of turbines.
2. They are able to operate with lower water flow velocities, reducing the
environmental impact on aquatic life.
3. Cross-flow turbines are also easy to maintain due to their simple design.
1. They are less efficient than other types of turbines at high-head, low-flow
2. Cross-flow turbines may be more prone to erosion and wear on the blades due to
the flow of water perpendicular to the blade surface.
Cross-flow turbines were first developed in the early 1900s by Austrian engineer
Viktor Kaplan and British engineer Anthony Michell.
They have been used in a variety of countries for small- to medium-scale
hydroelectric power generation, including Switzerland, Canada, and the United
27- Pelton turbine:

Main Idea: Pelton turbines use high-pressure water jets to drive a wheel or rotor,
which powers a generator to produce electricity. The jet of water is directed onto a series
of spoon-shaped blades mounted around the circumference of the rotor, which deflect
the water and cause the rotor to turn. Pelton turbines are particularly efficient for high
head applications, where the water falls from a significant height before reaching the
1. High efficiency for high head applications
2. Simple design and construction
3. Low maintenance requirements
1. Limited to high head applications
2. Can be less efficient at low loads
3. Requires high-quality water to prevent erosion of blades

First Application: The Pelton turbine was invented by Lester Allan Pelton in the
United States in the 1870s. The first commercial application of the Pelton turbine was in
the mining industry, where it was used to power stamp mills that crushed ore. Today,
Pelton turbines are used in hydroelectric power plants in mountainous regions around
the world, including the United States, Canada, and Switzerland.

28- Kaplan turbine:

Main Idea: The Kaplan turbine is a type of water turbine that is used in hydroelectric
power plants. It is a propeller-type turbine that is designed to work efficiently with low-
head, high-flow water sources, such as river run-off, tidal currents, and irrigation canals.
The Kaplan turbine has adjustable blades that can be adjusted to suit the flow rate of the
water and maximize efficiency. The turbine works by converting the kinetic energy of
water into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electrical energy by a
1. Can operate in low-head, high-flow water sources, making it suitable for a wide
range of locations
2. High efficiency and can generate significant amounts of power
3. Adjustable blades allow for greater flexibility in operation and efficiency
1. May be more expensive to manufacture and install compared to other types of
2. Requires regular maintenance to ensure maximum efficiency and longevity
3. Can pose a risk to fish and other aquatic life if not designed and installed properly

First Application: The Kaplan turbine was invented by Austrian engineer Viktor
Kaplan in 1913, and the first prototype was installed in a power plant in Austria in 1914.
Since then, the Kaplan turbine has been widely used in hydroelectric power plants
around the world, including in the United States, Canada, China, and India.

29- Francis turbine:

Main idea: Francis turbines are a type of water turbine used for hydropower
generation. They consist of a rotor with curved blades and a stationary guide vane
system. Water enters the turbine through the guide vanes and flows through the rotor,
causing it to spin and drive a generator.
1. High efficiency over a wide range of operating conditions
2. Can handle high water flows and high head (distance between the water intake
and turbine)
3. Can be used in a wide range of hydroelectric power plants, from low to high head
1. High upfront cost and complex installation process
2. Maintenance can be challenging due to the size and complexity of the turbine
3. Potential environmental impacts, such as changes in river flow and fish migration

First application: Francis turbines were invented by American engineer James B.

Francis in the mid-1800s. They were first used in the United States for hydroelectric
power generation at the Ames Hydroelectric Generating Plant in Ophir, Colorado, in
1890. Since then, they have been used in hydroelectric power plants around the world,
including in China, Brazil, Canada, and India.

30- Wells turbine:

The Wells turbine is a type of turbine designed for use in wave energy converters. It was
invented by Alan Wells in the 1970s and has been used in a number of wave energy
projects around the world.

The main idea behind the Wells turbine is that it is able to operate in both directions,
allowing it to capture energy from waves that are moving in either direction. This is
achieved by using a series of specially designed blades that can change their angle of
attack depending on the direction of the airflow.

One advantage of the Wells turbine is that it is relatively simple and low-cost to
manufacture, making it a good option for small-scale wave energy projects. It is also
highly efficient at converting wave energy into electricity.

However, the Wells turbine does have some disadvantages. One of these is that it can
be vulnerable to damage from large waves or storms, which can cause it to fail or require
maintenance. It also has some limitations in terms of the size of waves it can effectively
capture energy from.

The Wells turbine has been used in a number of wave energy projects
around the world, including in the UK, Norway, and New Zealand.
31- Archimedes wave swing (AWS):
The Archimedes Wave Swing (AWS) is a wave energy converter that captures the energy
of ocean waves to generate electricity. It works by using a series of floats that rise and
fall with the waves, driving a hydraulic system that powers a generator.

The main advantage of AWS is that it can operate in a wide range of wave conditions
and can generate electricity from relatively small waves. It is also relatively easy to
maintain and has a low environmental impact. Additionally, it can be used in
conjunction with other renewable energy sources to create hybrid energy systems.

The disadvantage of AWS is that it is still in the prototype stage, and there are no
commercial-scale installations currently in operation. The cost of construction and
maintenance of the system can also be high.

The AWS was developed by a Portuguese company called Archimedes Waves Power, and
the first prototype was installed in 2007 off the coast of Portugal. Since then, several
further prototypes have been developed and tested in various locations around the
world. However, as of now, there are no large-scale commercial installations of the

32- Overtopping devices:

Overtopping devices are a type of wave energy converter that uses the potential energy
of the water in a reservoir behind a dam-like structure to generate electricity. As waves
pass over the structure, water is forced over the top and into the reservoir, which drives
turbines and generates electricity.

1. Overtopping devices can be designed to fit different wave conditions, making
them a flexible solution for harnessing wave energy in various locations.
2. They have a relatively low visual impact and can be integrated into existing
infrastructure, such as ports and breakwaters.
1. The efficiency of overtopping devices may be reduced in rough weather
conditions or if the structure is damaged.
2. They can have an impact on the environment, including changes to coastal
morphology, water quality, and marine life.

The idea of overtopping devices was first proposed in the early 20th century, but it was
not until the 1990s that the first prototypes were developed. Several overtopping devices
have been tested around the world, with some examples currently operating in Europe,
including in Norway, Denmark, and Portugal.
It's worth noting that overtopping devices are not widely used in large-scale commercial
applications, and further development and testing are needed to fully assess their
potential as a wave energy conversion technology.

33- Power buoys:

Power buoys are a type of wave energy converter that harness the power of ocean waves
to generate electricity. They consist of a buoyant structure that bobs up and down with
the waves, driving hydraulic pumps that power a generator.

1. Power buoys can be deployed in a range of ocean conditions and can generate
electricity continuously, making them a reliable source of renewable energy.
2. They are low-maintenance and do not require a lot of space, making them ideal
for offshore applications.
1. The initial cost of installing power buoys can be high, and their efficiency may be
affected by harsh weather conditions such as storms or hurricanes.
2. Power buoys can also have an impact on marine life, such as fish and sea turtles,
if not designed and installed properly.

The idea of power buoys was first proposed in the 1970s by a team of researchers at
the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Since then, various companies and
organizations around the world have developed and tested different versions of power
buoys, with some projects currently in operation in places like Scotland, Portugal, and
the United States.

34- Wave dragon:

Main idea: Wave dragon devices use a large, partially submerged wall to channel
waves into a basin. The waves drive turbines, which generate electricity. The structure of
Wave dragon devices allows them to operate in both low and high wave energy
conditions, making them adaptable to a wide range of locations.
1. Wave dragon devices can generate electricity from a wide range of wave heights
and frequencies, making them more versatile than other wave energy
2. Wave dragon devices are designed to have a low impact on the environment, as
they do not require large physical structures in the water and have a low noise
3. Wave dragon devices can be installed relatively quickly and easily, as they are
built onshore and towed to their final location.
4. Wave dragon devices have a modular design, which allows for incremental
increases in power output as needed.
1. Wave dragon devices can be expensive to build, as they require specialized
materials and equipment to withstand the harsh marine environment.
2. Wave dragon devices may have a visual impact on the coastline, which can be a
concern for some communities.
3. Wave dragon devices can be affected by extreme weather conditions, such as
storms or rough seas, which can damage or dislodge the devices.
4. Wave dragon devices may pose a risk to marine life, particularly if they are
installed in sensitive ecosystems.

History: The Wave dragon technology was developed by a Danish research group in
the 1990s. The first prototype was installed off the coast of Denmark in 2003, and
subsequent pilot projects were carried out in Wales and Portugal. The technology is still
in the early stages of development, and further research is needed to improve efficiency
and reduce costs.

35- Pelamis wave energy converter:

Main idea: Pelamis wave energy converters consist of a series of connected buoyant
sections that are hinged together. As waves pass by, the device flexes, driving hydraulic
pumps that power generators. The electricity is then transmitted to shore via
underwater cables.
1. Pelamis devices are highly efficient, as they can generate electricity from waves
with low energy density.
2. Pelamis devices are modular and can be easily expanded, allowing for gradual
increases in power output.
3. Pelamis devices have a low environmental impact, as they do not require large
physical structures in the water.
4. Pelamis devices are reliable and require minimal maintenance, as most of the
equipment is located onshore.
1. Pelamis devices can be expensive to build, as they require specialized materials
and equipment to withstand the harsh marine environment.
2. Pelamis devices can be affected by extreme weather conditions, such as storms or
rough seas.
3. Pelamis devices may have a visual impact on the coastline, which can be a
concern for some communities.
4. Pelamis devices can be difficult to transport and deploy, as they are large and
History: The first Pelamis wave energy converter was deployed off the coast of Portugal
in 2008. Since then, several other countries have installed Pelamis devices, including
the UK and Scotland. The technology is still in the early stages of development, and
further research is needed to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
36- Oscillating water columns (OWCs):

Main idea: OWCs use the rise and fall of waves to compress and decompress air
in a chamber, which drives a turbine to generate electricity. They are particularly
suited to locations with a high tidal range.

1. OWCs have a low environmental impact, as they do not require large dams
or other physical structures in the water.
2. OWCs are relatively easy to maintain, as most of the equipment is located
3. OWCs are highly predictable, as wave patterns can be accurately forecasted.
4. OWCs can generate electricity from a wide range of wave conditions, making
them suitable for many different coastal locations.
1. OWCs can be less efficient than other wave energy technologies, as the air
compression and decompression process can result in energy losses.
2. OWCs can be expensive to build, as they require specialized equipment and
materials to withstand the harsh marine environment.
3. OWCs may have a visual impact on the coastline, which can be a concern
for some communities.
4. OWCs can be affected by extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes or

History: The first OWC power plant was built in 1985 in Scotland. Since then,
OWCs have been installed in a few other countries, including Portugal and
Australia. The technology is still in the early stages of development, and further
research is needed to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

37- Tidal barrages:

Main idea: Tidal barrages work in a similar way to hydroelectric dams, but they
harness the energy of ocean tides. They use sluice gates to allow water to flow in and out
of a reservoir, driving turbines to produce electricity.
1. Tidal barrages can generate large amounts of electricity, making them suitable for
supplying power to entire cities or regions.
2. Tidal power is a renewable energy source, as the tides are driven by the
gravitational pull of the moon and sun.
3. Tidal power is a clean energy source, as it produces no greenhouse gases or air
4. Tidal power is predictable, as the tides can be accurately forecasted.
1. Building a tidal barrage can have negative environmental impacts, such as habitat
destruction and changes to natural tidal patterns.
2. Building a tidal barrage can also have social and economic impacts, such as
displacement of people and changes to local economies.
3. Tidal barrages are location-dependent, as they require a large tidal range to be
effective, and may not be feasible in all locations.
4. Maintenance of tidal barrages can be costly, as they are exposed to the harsh
ocean environment.
History: The world's first tidal power station was built at La Rance in France in 1966.
Since then, tidal barrages have been built in a few other countries, including Canada and
South Korea. The UK is currently a leader in tidal energy development, with several
projects in the planning and construction phases.

38- Hydroelectric dams:

Main idea: Hydroelectric dams generate electricity by harnessing the kinetic energy of
falling water. The water is stored in a reservoir behind the dam and released through
turbines, which drive generators to produce electricity.
1. Hydroelectric dams can generate large amounts of electricity, making them
suitable for supplying power to entire cities or regions.
2. Hydroelectric power is a renewable energy source, as the water used to generate
electricity can be replenished naturally.
3. Hydroelectric power is a clean energy source, as it produces no greenhouse gases
or air pollutants.
4. Hydroelectric power can be used for both base load and peak load power,
providing a reliable source of electricity.
1. Building a hydroelectric dam can have negative environmental impacts, such as
habitat destruction, water quality degradation, and changes to natural river flow.
2. Building a hydroelectric dam can also have social and economic impacts, such as
displacement of people and changes to local economies.
3. Hydroelectric dams require a large capital investment to build, and may not be
financially viable in all locations.
4. Hydroelectric power can be affected by droughts, which can reduce the amount of
water available to generate electricity.
History: The first hydroelectric power plant was built at Niagara Falls in the United
States in 1882. Since then, hydroelectric power has been used in many countries around
the world, including Canada, Brazil, China, and Russia. Today, hydroelectric power is
one of the largest sources of renewable energy globally, with an installed capacity of over
1,300 GW as of 2021.

Alaa Amr Shata

Sharkya STEM School

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