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1. What is MIS? What are characterstics of MIS

2. Explain the concept of technical and business perspective
3. What is decision making?Explain the concepts of decision making
4. What is Organizational structure? Explain it’s types
5. What is structure of MIS? Explain
6. Explain systems approach to problem solving
7. What is EDP or data processing?
8. What are the levels of Information requirements in MIS
9. What are the objectives of MIS

Unit II

1. Explain types of Information system

2. What is expert system?what are it’s components
3. What is decision making? Explian types of decision making
4. Evolution of Information systems
5. What is BIS ? explain it’s types?
6. What is Decision making?
7. What is DSS ? Explain it’s types and components

Unit III

1. What is ERP? Evolution of ERP

2. Explain evaluation and modification of MIS
3. What is E-commerce it’s types , E-business, E-Collaboration, E-Communication ? what are advantages and
4. Explain the concept of organization of business in an E-Enterprise

Unit –IV

1. What is business intelligence ? what sre it’s features and applications?

2. What is business process management and it’s types
3. What is system development SDLC and it’s phases
4. What is cryptography explain?
5. Explain firewalls and Encryption
6. Explain Information security measures
7. What are digital signatures
8. What is information security
9. What is pharming
10. What is spyware
11. Define ransomware
12. Define virus

Unit –V

1. What are collaborations ? What are it’s benefits

2. Impact of web on business processes
3. Impact of social media on business process
4. What are pitfalls in MIS

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