Task 9 Final Activity

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Final activity

Alix Teresa Orozco Pahuana

Universidad abierta y a distancia


Grupo: 518002_52

Tutor: Wilson Meneses

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Centros de Educación a Distancia - CEAD

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Énfasis en inglés.


1. Match these phrases with the adjectives from the text:

1.1 not interesting: It's never boring
1.2 the opposite of sad: Very happy
1.3 many people like it: Agreeable
1.4 a nice thing to do; makes you smile: Good
1.5 Nice to look at: Perceive
1.6 Very good: Great

2. Read the following text and answer the questions

2.1 What is the prize?
the prize is a 6-month job
2.2 Is this competition open to everyone?
no, it is only open to 18- to 30-year-olds.
2.3 Do you think this is an interesting opportunity? Why?
It is a great opportunity since many people do not have a job, so this would
help them while they find a stable one.

3. Read the text A wildlife officer on Kangaroo Island again and answer
the questions below:
3.1 Where does she work?
works in a wildlife park as an officer
3.2 What work with people does she do?
takes walking tours with visitors
3.3 What work with animals does she do?
look for turtles on the beach or sea
3.4 What things does she like doing?
he likes to swim with the turtles

1. Write an e-mail where you apply for the job in the advert Tourism
Australia. (150 words aprox.)

Good morning, my name is Alix Orozco, I am writing to you by this means

since I am interested in being part of your work team since I feel fully
identified with the style of work and because I think it is a great opportunity
for my career. professional, I have experience with the aquatic world since I
worked for a time in an aquarium, and I have knowledge in the care of
animals, for example the amount of food needed and how to work with them,
because I know that marine species provide ecosystem services indispensable
for us and for the habitat, this is how I can safely say that I am qualified and I
know that my skills can be of great help in favor of the care of animals, that is
why I sent my job application and applied for it Wildlife officer, I am attentive
to provide you with any additional information, I appreciate your attention,
thank you very much.

2. Write your own biography in no more than 10 important facts of

your life. Choose the 10 most important events in your life and
write your biography with them. (200 words aprox)

My name is Alix Orozco, I am 16 years old and I live with my parents

in codazzi cesar, I have a sister and two dogs, I like animals, I study a
degree in foreign languages, I like to travel and this was an important
moment in my life when I traveled to the beach for the first time with
my parents, sister and other relatives, it was exciting and I was a little
scared because my dog who was alive and small at that time had gotten
lost but fortunately we were able to find her, another beautiful moment
that I remember was What a girl, when I was in the first grade of
primary school, there was a presentation for Halloween, my mother
dressed me up, it was a lot of fun, I also have the luck that my parents
have always been with me in everything and it was so on my 15th
birthday my parents They celebrated me with a party, with my family,
friends and relatives, it was very nice that day and I am fortunate to
remember it with a lot of love, something that I remember fondly was
when my aunt went to see Going to Canada, the farewell was very
emotional but she is very well there, we miss her and always remember
her, when my friend stayed to sleep at my house for the first time it was
fun, when I made my first communion it was beautiful because all those
who I love they were there, I remember that when we went to live in a
small town called Tamalameque, it was hard for my parents to leave my
grandparents here and go to the unknown, it was sad and exciting at the
same time, as well as when we returned to live in codazzi 7 years later it
was emotional to leave all our friends from Tamalameque, even for me
because that was where my childhood was, a moment that I remember
was when I received my puppy Oliver whom I love very much and I
always remember his arrival in my life, and Finally, a happy moment
was when I entered the university, to study and I wish that it continues
to be so



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