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The missing coins- Who's who?

- Abrecajas The Missing Coins QUIZ - Concurso de

( preguntas (
Abbey /ˈæbi/ Pretty /ˈprɪti/ Interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/

Here /hɪə/ Tourist /ˈtʊrɪst/ Girl /ɡɜːl/

Answer /ˈɑːnsər/ South /saʊθ/

Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/
First /fɜːst/
Walk Across /əˈkrɒs/
/wɔːk /
Think /θɪŋk/
Why /waɪ/
Says /sez/
Build /bɪld/
Tune /tjuːn/
Away /əˈweɪ/
Valuable /ˈvæljuəbəl/ Building /ˈbɪldɪŋ/

Often /ˈɒf.ən/ Because /bɪˈkɒz/ Understand /ˌʌndəˈstænd/

Uses: Past Simple Time words:
❖To talk about finished situations in ❖ Yesterday
the past. ❖Last month /
summer / year
❖ A week ago
Form: ❖ In 1999
❖ Affirmative: Subject + verb-ed ❖ On Sunday
❖ Negative: Subject + did not + verb (infinitive)
❖ Interrogative: Did + subject + verb (infinitive)
Let’s work on
the Students
Page: 127

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