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Research highlights

Human nutrition

Food additive emulsifiers and cardiovascular disease

have studied the consumption of food

additive emulsifiers in the diet on the
risk of cardiovascular disease from the
NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort. The
study involved 95,442 adult participants
(>18 years of age) with no prevalence of
cardiometabolic disease. Emulsifier intake
was quantified from at least three 24-hour
dietary records taken during the first two
years of a mean seven-year follow-up.
They observed a positive association
Food additives are found in highly between high intakes of celluloses (E460,
processed industrial foods and are rarely E461, E464, E466 and E468) and the risk of
used in home cooking. They include emulsi- cardiovascular disease and coronary heart
fiers, which are used to improve the texture disease. A high intake of emulsifiers from
of these products and extend their shelf life. the monoglyceride and diglyceride fatty
Lecithin (E322), carrageenan (E407), guar acid group (E471 and E472) was positively
gum (E412) and cellulose (E460) are just a associated with cardiovascular disease,
few examples from a long list of emulsifiers coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular
that are authorized under European legisla- disease. This study will help to better guide
tion. Recently, the implication of emulsifiers the legislation on the use of food addi-
in the development of noncommunicable tive emulsifiers, as they are widely used in
diseases associated with high consumption ultra-processed foods and highly consumed.
of ultra-processed foods, such as type 2
diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, has Laurence Daoust
been suggested. Nature Food
Laury Sellem, from the Sorbonne Paris Nord Original reference: BMJ 382, e076058 (2023)
University and Université Paris Cité, et al.

Credit: Tatyana Aksenova / Alamy Stock Photo

nature food Volume 4 | October 2023 | 831 | 831

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