The Analysis of Trans Fatty Acid Profiles in Deep Frying Palm Oil and

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Food Control 44 (2014) 191e197

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The analysis of trans fatty acid profiles in deep frying palm oil and
chicken fillets with an improved gas chromatography method
Yi Chen 1, Ying Yang 1, Shaoping Nie, Xi Yang, Yuting Wang, Meiyan Yang, Chang Li,
Mingyong Xie*
State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An improved gas chromatography method for the simultaneous separation of 52 fatty acids (FAs) has
Received 21 December 2013 been developed. For both oleic acid and linoleic acid, a good resolution was achieved for their positional
Received in revised form and geometrical (cis/trans) isomers. This method was validated to be precise, accurate and sensitive. With
2 April 2014
this method, the FAs profiles in palm oil and chicken fillets were analyzed. In general, small changes were
Accepted 3 April 2014
Available online 13 April 2014
observed in the composition of FAs and formation of trans isomers after 8 h frying at the temperature
lower than 200  C. However, with extreme deep-frying process, the thermal degradation and TFAs
formation in frying oil increased in direct proportion to frying temperature and time. Moreover, the FAs
trans Fatty acids
composition of fried chicken fillets was found to be mostly in correspondence with that of the frying oil,
Gas chromatography which might be due to the oil absorption or interaction between the frying oils and frying materials.
Palm oil Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fried chicken fillets

1. Introduction immersing food in hot oil with a contact among oil, air and food at
high temperatures from 150  C to 200  C. The simultaneous heat
trans Fatty acids (TFA) refer to a group of unsaturated fatty acids and mass transfer of oil, food and air during deep-fat frying pro-
that contain one or more isolated, non-conjugated, double bonds in duces a food product with desired sensory characteristics,
a trans geometric configuration. It has been reported that a higher including fried food flavor, golden brown color and a crisp texture,
intake of TFA may increase the risk of cerebrovascular disease which is very popular to consumers. However, this process will
(Mozaffarian, Katan, Ascherio, Stampfer, & Willett, 2006), coronary also initiate the thermal oxidative deterioration of unsaturated
heart disease (Oomen et al., 2001), diabetes (Kim, Chunawala, & FAs, which is considered to be linked with TFAs accumulation in
Linde, Reaven, 2006) and even breast cancer (Kohlmeier, 1997). In edible oils by heating or frying. The formation of TFAs during
light of this, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Canadian frying has been investigated in several hydrogenated vegetable
Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have issued the rule requiring oils. Aladedunye and Przybylski (2009) reported that the final
manufacturers to include TFA contents in food products label (CFIA, concentrations of total TFAs after 7 days frying of French fries in
2008; FDA, 2003). This rule prompts the urgent need to develop a canola oil increased from its initial value of 2.4e3.3% at 185  5  C,
simple and accurate method for the quantification of TFAs in food to 5.9% at 215  5  C. Similar results have been reported by Yang,
products. Yang, Nie, Xie, and Chen (2012) for corn oil. However, Romero,
TFAs in foods are mainly derived from the partially chemical Cuesta, and Sánchez-Muniz (1998) reported a very minimal pro-
hydrogenation of vegetable and fish oils. Deep frying has been duction of elaidic acid (less than 0.5 g/100 g) after 20 frying cycles
considered a source for the production of TFAs. As one of the most of extra virgin olive oil, high oleic sunflower oil and regular sun-
common methods of food cooking, frying is a process of flower oil. Tsuzuki, Nagata, Yunoki, Nakajima, and Nagata (2008)
also reported that statistically significant differences were
observed for the amounts of trans 18:1 FAs in rice bran oil, saf-
* Corresponding author. State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, flower oil and sesame oil heated in a glass tube at 180  C for 4 h.
Nanchang University, 235 Nanjing East Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province 330047, Thus these previous studies indicated that several factors such as
PR China. Tel.: þ86 791 83969009; fax: þ86 791 83969069.
the frying conditions, the FA composition and coexisted antioxi-
E-mail address: (M. Xie).
These authors contributed equally to this work and should be considered co-
dants in frying materials and even the methods of TFAs mea-
first authors. surements would contribute to the variation in the thermal TFAs
0956-7135/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
192 Y. Chen et al. / Food Control 44 (2014) 191e197

accumulation profiles. Furthermore, when the frying materials commercially available palm oil, as the frying materials and the
containing TFAs were introduced to frying process, the trans level frying oil.
in frying materials and the frying oils can affect each other due to
fast exchange of fats during frying (Zhou, Tan, Neo, & Lo, 2009). 2. Materials and methods
Thus respective monitoring of TFAs accumulation in various frying
materials and frying oil will be necessary in order to investigate 2.1. Chemicals and reagents
TFAs formation in edible oils during frying.
The analysis of trans fatty acid is extremely challenging and Reference standards GLC-463, internal standards mono-
complex due to the various positional isomers of unsaturated fatty heneicosanoin (C21:0, TAG) and methyl heneicosanoate (C21:0,
acids. The reported analytical approaches mainly include silver-ion FAME) were purchased from Nu-Chek Prep, Inc. (Elysian, MN,
thin-layer chromatography (Agþ-TLC), infrared spectroscopy (IR), USA). FAMEs of C18:2 isomer mixture (No. 47791) and C18:3 iso-
reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP- mer mixture (No. 47792) were bought from Supelco Inc. (Belle-
HPLC), gas chromatography (GC), GCeMS, and comprehensive fonte, PA, USA). Standard FAMEs (C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, 9c C16:1,
two-dimensional gas chromatography. The IR method is consid- C17:0, C18:0, 9t C18:1, 9c 12t C18:2, 9t 12c C18:2, 9c 12c C18:2,
ered to be inaccurate and unreliable for quantifying isolated trans C20:0, 9c 12c 15c C18:3) were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis,
fats due to the interference of absorption from other functional MO, USA). HPLC grade n-heptane was obtained from Fisher Sci-
groups other than the trans bond, especially in samples containing entific (Fair Lawn, NJ, USA). Palm oil was bought from South Sea
below 5% trans fats (Albuquerque, Costa, Castilho, & Sanches, Oils & Fats Industrial Ltd. (Shenzhen, China) and chicken fillet was
2011). Agþ-TLC is able to separate the trans isomer from the cis, bought from local supermarket (Shengyuan Food Co., Ltd., China).
but for quantitative analysis of trans fat, the isolated trans fraction All solvents and chemicals were of analytical grade and used
still needs to be analyzed with subsequent capillary GC method without further purification unless otherwise specified. Stock
(Golay, Dionisi, Hug, Giuffrida, & Destaillats, 2006). RP-HPLC also standard solutions were prepared in n-hexane and stored at 4  C
has several disadvantages, such as complexity of derivatization until use. Potassium hydroxide, ethyl alcohol, ether, phenol-
method for fatty acids, limited availability of derivatives standards phthalein, hydrochloric acid, peroxide, chloroform, methanol,
and lower separation efficiency compared with capillary GC. The ferrous chloride, potassium thiocyanate and reduced iron powder
drawbacks outlined above can be partly avoided by GC with mass were of analytical grade.
spectrometry (MS) detectors (Manzano, Diego, Nozal, Bernal, &
Bernal, 2012; Schröder & Vetter, 2013) and the use of multidi- 2.2. Frying procedure
mensional gas chromatography (Manzano, Arnáiz, et al., 2012;
Manzano, Diego, et al., 2012; Tranchida, Franchina, Dugo, & Palm oil (3 L) was poured into a commercial electrical fryer
Mondello, 2012), which can be a good alternative to determine (Laierjia Co., Shanghai, China), which could control the oil tem-
minority fatty acids and quantify the different isomers. However, perature within 5  C from the set temperature. The oil was
these particular instruments are expensive and bulky and not heated to 150, 200 and 250  C, and then a batch of 40  5 g
typically used in most small enterprises or laboratories. In com- chicken fillets was added and fried for 10 min as one frying cycle
parison, the most acceptable and conventional method is GC at each temperature. In each day, the oil was continuously heated
coupled with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) with appro- for 8 h with 48 frying cycles performed. Frying oil (10 mL) was
priate accuracy, convenience and cost (Antolín, Delange, & collected every 2 h with 12 frying cycles. The first, 24th and the
Canavaciolo, 2008). However, due to the complexity of the fatty last batches of fried chicken fillets were also collected. All the
acid composition in different food, GC-FID methods for the anal- samples were stored at 20  C for further chemical analysis.
ysis of fatty acids described so far suffer from analysis times longer
than 80 min, no separation or bad resolution of geometric and 2.3. Lipid extraction from chicken fillets
positional isomers. For instance, Berdeaux, Dutta, Dobarganes, and
Sébédio (2009) reported in their review that numerous peaks The total lipids contained in fried chicken fillets were
were poorly resolved, or eluted together in one peak, or co-eluted extracted according to the method by Folch, Lees, and Sloane-
with cis-18:1 isomers even using a 100-m BPX70 capillary column Stanley (1957) with minor modification. Briefly, 15 g of crushed
when mono-trans-18:2 or di-trans-18:2 positional isomers are chicken fillets sample was poured into a round bottom flask,
present. Similarly, Sébédio and Ratnayake (2008) developed followed by addition of 60 mL chloroform-methanol (1:1, v/v)
several improved GC methods on highly polar columns such as and homogenization for 1.5e2.0 min. Successively, the mixture
100 m CPSil 88 or equivalent, however, a complete separation of was reflux-heated in a water bath at 60  C for 1 h and then
the seven geometrical isomers from linolenic acid still cannot be cooled to room temperature. After being filtered through a fluted
achieved. Actually, individual separation of each isomer is essen- filter paper, the resultant filtrate was collected and dried under
tial for an optimal quantitation of trans fatty acids in various foods, reduced pressure using a vacuum evaporator. Then the fat ob-
preventing any risk of under- or over-estimation due to the tained was resolved in 25 mL petroleum ether, and mixed with
method. Therefore, future developments to simplify and improve 5 g sodium sulfate anhydrous to further remove the residual
the current GC procedure will be in great need to meet the di- solvent. Subsequently, the mixture was separated by centrifu-
versity of food products. gation at 3000 g for 5 min and the supernatant was collected,
The aim of this study was to optimize a simple and reliable GC evaporated and dried at 105  C in succession. The residue was
method based on the AOCS Official Method (AOCS, 2005) for the then weighed and stored at 20  C.
determination of FAMEs, and to prove its applicability for deter-
mining the fatty acid profile especially the trans fat in frying food 2.4. Preparation of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs)
samples. Palm oil is commonly used by consumers as a medium
to fry food. However, the effects of deep-frying on the TFA for- Corresponding FAMEs of the oil samples and the lipids extracted
mation of unhydrogenated palm oils during the frying process, from fat samples were prepared by esterification with potassium
have received little attention. Therefore, TFAs formation during hydroxide following the AOCS Official Method Ce 2-66 (AOCS, 1997)
frying process was investigated using chicken fillets and the with minor modification. Approximately 10 mg of sample was
Y. Chen et al. / Food Control 44 (2014) 191e197 193

dissolved in 2 mL of n-heptane in a tube with tight sealing cap, and and titrated with 0.01 N sodium thiosulfate solution using starch
0.1 mL of methanolic potassium hydroxide solution (2 mol/L) was indicator until the yellow color was discharged. A blank was
added. The tube was capped tightly and shaken vigorously for prepared alongside the oil samples. Peroxide value was calculated
about 30 s. The solution was then centrifuged at 3000 g for 5 min, as Eqn. (1):
and 1 mL of n-hexane upper phase was transferred into 2 mL auto-
sampler vial for subsequent GC analysis. Monoheneicosanoin 10  ðV1  V2 Þ
Peroxide value ¼ (1)
methyl ester (C21:0, 5 mg/mL) was used as the internal standard for m
the GC analysis.
where V1 is the volume of Na2S2O3 for determination of test sample
2.5. Gas chromatography in mL, V2 is the volume of Na2S2O3 for determination of blank so-
lution in mL, and m is mass of test portion in g (5 g).
Analysis of FAMEs was performed on Agilent 6890N gas chro- For determination of AV, each oil sample (1.0 g) was weighed and
matograph equipped with a flame ionization detector (FID) and a dissolved with 50 mL of natural ethereethanol mixture in a conical
split injector. A highly polar capillary column, CP-Sil 88 flask. Two drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added and titrated
(100 m  0.25 mm i.d.  0.39 mm o.d., 0.20 mm film thickness; to pink end point (which persisted for 15 min) with 0.1 N potassium
Varian Inc., USA) coated with a 100% cyanopropyl polysiloxane hydroxide solution. Acid value was calculated according to Eqn. (2):
stationary phase was selected for the analysis. The column tem-
56:1  V  C
perature was programmed as follows: initial temperature 60  C Acid value ¼ (2)
(held for 5 min); increased to 170  C at 11.5  C/min (held for
25 min); further increased to 200  C at 5  C/min (held for 5 min); where 56.1 is equivalent weight of KOH, V is the volume in mL of
finally ramped to 215  C at 2  C/min with a final holding time of standard volumetric KOH solution used, C is the exact concentra-
20 min. The detector and injector temperatures were maintained at tion in KOH solution used (0.1 N); m is the mass in grams of the test
250  C. Hydrogen was used as carrier gas at a velocity of 26 cm/sec. portion (1 g).
A split ratio of 10:1 was used, and samples were injected into the
GC for analysis.
The peaks of FAMEs in the samples were identified by 2.8. Statistical analysis
comparing their retention time to that of the corresponding refer-
ence samples. Quantification of individual FAs was performed ac- All experiments were performed in triplicates. The data are
cording to AOCS Official Method Ce 1h-05, and theoretical flame given as means  SD. The results were analyzed by t-test to identify
ionization detector correction factor (TCF) was used to calculate the significant differences among groups. P values <0.05 were
amount of individual fatty acids. considered significant. All analyses were performed using SPSS
(SPSS Statistics 17.0).
2.6. Methodology validation
3. Results and discussion
Intra- and inter-day variability was chosen to evaluate the pre-
cision of the developed method. For the intraday variability test, the 3.1. Optimization of GC operating conditions
mixed standards solution was analyzed for six replicates within 1
day, while for the inter-day variability test, the solution was In real samples it is necessary to separate positional and geo-
examined once per day for consecutive 6 days. Variations of the metric isomers of fatty acids to avoid mis-interpretation (Antolín
peak area were taken as the measures of precision, and expressed et al., 2008). Since it is reported that polar columns are well
as percentage of relative standard deviations (RSD). suited for isomer separation, a high polar column coated with
Sample stability was tested by periodically analyzing the sample cyanopropyl polysiloxane was chosen for this method. On this
solution kept at room temperature for various periods (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 column, starting temperature of the column oven and the rate of
and 12 h). The RSDs were used as the indicator of stability. the temperature program were optimized. Previous studies have
For recovery studies, known volumes of standard solutions shown that the most difficult regions of separation were the 18:1,
(C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, 9c C16:1, C17:0, C18:0, 9t C18:1, 9c 12t C18:2, 9t 18:2 and 18:3 (Aro et al., 1998). Therefore, the resolution of these
12c C18:2, 9c 12c C18:2, C20:0, 9c 12c 15c C18:3) were added to a regions could be used as an index for optimizing the temperature
test oil sample at three levels. The spiked samples were analyzed condition. Compared with isothermal temperature condition which
using the method described above. was specified by AOCS Official Method Ce 1h-05 (at the oven
The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) under the temperature of 180  C with the flow rate of carrier gas at 1 mL/min)
present chromatographic conditions were determined at a signal- and other previously reported GC methods (Hou, Wang, Wang, Xu,
to-noise ratio (S/N) of about 3 and 10, respectively. & Zhang, 2012), the temperature program that we optimized
showed a much better separation in trans 18:1, trans 18:2 and trans
2.7. Measurements of peroxide value (POV) and acid value (AV) 18:3 regions. Fig. 1A shows a typical GC chromatogram of a FAME
standard mix containing 52 fatty acids with chain lengths between
The peroxide value and acid value were determined following C4 and C22 under the optimized conditions. The following char-
the national standard of the People’s Republic of China (Code of acteristics of retention time concerning position and geometry of
China). For determination of POV, 5 g oil samples were weighed FAs could be found: Rt Cn < Rt Cn þ 1,2,3 .; Rt trans-Cn < Rt cis-Cn.
into a conical flask and 30 mL of solvent mixture of acetic acide For instance, 9t C18:1 was eluted before 9c C18:1, 9c 12t C18:2; and
isooctance in the ratio of 3:2, respectively, were added to the oil 9t 12c C18:2 were eluted prior to 9c 12c C18:2, 9c 12c 15c C18:3.
samples. 50 mL of acetic acid/isooctane solution was added to a Under the GC analysis conditions, all FAMEs were adequately
conical flask and the stopper was replaced. The flask was swirled resolved except a partial overlap from C20:0 to 9c 12c 15c C18:3
until the sample was dissolved. Then 0.5 mL of saturated potas- (Fig. 1A, peak 1e9), which were also reported in the previous
sium iodide (KI) solution was added to the solution and allowed to studies (AOCS, 2005; Liu, Inbaraj, & Chen, 2007; Tsuzuki et al.,
stand for 1 min, thereafter 30 mL of distilled water were added 2008). However, this partial overlap will not affect the
194 Y. Chen et al. / Food Control 44 (2014) 191e197

Fig. 1. The separate chromatography of different samples: (A) mixed fatty acid methyl esters standards (Region 2: peak 1-9t 12t 15t C18:3, peak 2-C20:0, peak 3-9t 12t 15c/9t 12c 15t
C18:3, peak 4-6c 9c 12c C18:3, peak 5-9c 12t 15t/9c 12c 15t C18:3, peak 6-5c C20:1, peak 7-8c C20:1, peak 8-11c C20:1, peak 9-9c 12c 15c C18:3), (B) fried palm oil, (C) fresh chicken
fillets and (D) fried chicken fillets.

quantitation of the FAs in real samples since the long chain FAs variability were in the range of 1.5%e11%. These values confirmed
(C  20) are usually not present in substantial quantities. Thus, this the precision of our new GC method.
GC condition was adequate in terms of retention time and sepa- The stability test data were shown in Table 2. The storage sta-
ration for TFAs measurement in edible oils. bility (RSD) for fatty acid methyl esters in palm oil was in the range
of 1.82% (9c 12c 15c C18:3)e2.62% (9c 12t C18:2). These results
3.2. Method valuation suggest that the sample after derivatization was stable for at least
12 h at room temperature.
As shown in Table 1, the different ratios of LOQ and LOD may be The recoveries of 13 fatty acid standards were found in the range
derived from the difference of GC response to the analytes, and the of 89.84%e115.72% (Table 2). According to the literature reported by
LODs were between 0.42 and 2.50 mg/mL, and the LOQs were be- Cajak, Hajslova, Lacina, Mostovska, and Lehotay(2008), the
tween 1.39 and 9.09 mg/mL, respectively. These results showed that acceptable range for percent recovery was 70%e120% with
this method was sensitive enough for this purpose. a RSD < 20%. Owing to some inevitable errors either from the
The RSD of the intra-day variability ranged from 0.38 to 1.82% preparing of samples or chromatographic integration, some of the
for 22 fatty acid methyl esters standards, while the RSD of the inter- recoveries in our manuscript were above 110%, however, they were
day variability ranged from 2.19% to 5.67% (Table 1). Koning, Meer, still within the acceptable limits. Moreover, these values were
Alkema, Janssen, and Brinkman (2001) reported a GC method for higher than that reported previously (Indarti, Majid, Hashim, &
the separation of fatty acids in fish oil, in which the RSD of Chong, 2005), in which the recovery was shown to be as low as

Table 1
Stability data, detection and quantitation limits of 22 fatty acid methyl esters standards analyzed by GC.

FAME Intra-daya Inter-dayb LOD (mg/mL) LOQ (mg/mL) FAME Intra-day Inter-day LOD (mg/mL) LOQ (mg/mL)

Variability Variability Variability Variability

RSD (%) RSD (%) RSD (%) RSD (%)

C12:0 0.88 4.59 0.42 1.39 11c C18:1 1.41 5.67 1.50 4.67
C14:0 0.96 4.51 0.48 1.61 9t 12t C18:2 0.60 3.88 1.07 3.75
C16:0 0.68 4.38 0.92 2.60 9c 12t C18:2 0.69 4.18 0.78 2.59
9t C16:1 0.56 4.32 0.75 2.28 9t 12c C18:2 0.38 5.05 0.75 2.50
9c C16:1 0.71 4.37 1.03 3.00 9c 12c C18:2 0.68 4.18 0.75 2.03
C17:0 0.76 3.92 1.30 3.06 9t 12t 15t C18:3 1.03 4.02 0.80 2.78
C18:0 0.74 3.50 1.58 4.62 C20:0 0.93 2.19 0.69 2.50
9t C18:1 0.55 3.47 1.32 5.00 6c 9c 12c C18:3 1.53 3.64 0.68 2.25
11t C18:1 0.59 4.42 1.32 4.67 9c 12c 15c C18:3 0.89 4.77 2.14 7.14
6c C18:1 1.01 4.25 1.32 5.38 C20:4 0.64 4.52 1.18 3.55
9c C18:1 0.74 4.48 1.43 4.76 C22:6 1.82 2.62 2.50 9.09
Y. Chen et al. / Food Control 44 (2014) 191e197 195

Table 2 progressive decrease in the content of both (cis) linoleic and (cis)
Repeatability and recovery data of FAME of sample analyzed by GC. linolenic acids was observed throughout the frying period
FAME RSD Recovery (%) FAME RSD Recovery (%) (Table 3). The content of (cis) linoleic acid was reduced by 10.99%
(%)a (%)a and 16.21% after frying for 8 h at 150 and 250  C, respectively. The
C12:0 2.20 107.04e112.82 9t C18:1 2.18 92.46e102.22 deterioration of (cis) linolenic acid was more pronounced, with its
C14:0 2.08 101.65e109.48 9c 12t C18:2 2.62 91.88e115.72 contents being decreased by 20.86% and 62.58%, respectively.
C16:0 2.20 94.44e104.58 9t 12c C18:2 2.54 94.00e113.55 Aladedunye and Przybylski (2009) reported decreases of 13.3% in
9c C16:1 2.48 91.09e91.25 9c 12c C18:2 2.06 89.84e104.98
linoleic acid and 47.1% in linolenic acid when fresh canola oil was
C17:0 2.52 105.30e110.39 C20:0 2.49 97.63e102.32
C18:0 2.51 97.84e103.23 9c 12c 15c C18:3 1.82 98.30e104.45 heated at 215  C for 7 days.
In the case of trans isomers, small changes were observed in
Mean relative standard deviation of six experiments in parallel with palm oil
their formation at lower frying temperatures (200  C, 8 h)
(Table 3). However, when comparing the relative percentage of
80%. These results indicated that the performance of the estab- TFAs during the frying sessions at a higher temperature of 250  C, a
lished method was satisfactory. clear increase in TFAs with 18 carbon atoms was observed (Fig. 2).
The total contents of trans C18:2 isomers in frying oils were
3.3. Fatty acid composition of fresh oils and non-fried chicken fillets significantly increased with an increase in the length of deep frying
time (P < 0.05). The final concentrations of total trans C18:2 in fried
The FA composition in fresh palm oil and non-fried chicken palm oil was 3.64 mg/g at 250  C, which was increased by 53.02%. A
fillets was shown in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. The major fatty linear relationship between the amount of total trans-linoleic acids
acids in fresh palm oil were oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic and the frying time was also observed ( R2 ¼ 0.984). Whereas the
acid, whereas oleic acid and linoleic acid were the major compo- trans C18:1 isomer appeared only after 4 h frying at 250  C in palm
nents in non-fried chicken fillets. The main TFA isomers found in oil, the trans C18:3 isomers were found after 2 h frying at 250  C.
fresh palm oil before the start of frying were 9c 12t C18:2, 9t 12c Once produced, the amount of ctt/cct C18:3 was found to be very
C18:2 isomers, among which 9c 12t C18:2 constituted the largest stable afterward throughout the repeated frying process. In the
portion (0.92  0.07 mg/g), followed by 9t 12c C18:2 case of 9t 12c 15c C18:3, its accumulation increased slightly with the
(0.79  0.07 mg/g) (Supplementary Table 1). Interestingly, 9t C18:1 increasing frying cycles. The formation of trans isomers at elevated
was not detected. These results were quite different from the fatty temperatures indicated that a specific amount of energy was
acid profile of other vegetable oils such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil, required to transfer double bonds from cis to trans configuration,
sunflower oil and corn oil, which were reported to be rich in 9t and when the numbers of cis double bonds increased, the activa-
C18:1 with a high level of 0.03e0.08 g/100 g (Hou et al., 2012). The tion energy for isomerization decreased. This result was consistent
initial amounts of total trans fatty acids in our oil samples were with a previous study (Tsuzuki et al., 2008), which found a sub-
1.71 mg/g (0.18%) (Supplementary Table 1). stantial increase in trans 18:2 FAs and in trans 18:3 FAs in safflower
Fats extracted from the non-fried chicken fillets contained oil, when the oils were heated at 250e350  C.
147.83  10.56 mg/g of palmitic acid (C16:0), 25.49  0.88 mg/g of It has been suggested that the ratio of linoleic acid to palmitic
stearic acid (C18:0), 231.46  12.76 mg/g of oleic acid (C18:1) and acid (C18:2/C16:0) can be used for the evaluation of oil deteriora-
193.31  5.67 mg/g of linoleic acid (C18:2), and trans isomers were tion (Normand, Eskin, & Przybylski, 2001). A progressive decrease
not found in the fats. These results were different from a previous in this ratio with the frying time was observed during frying, and
study in which trans C18:1 of 0.13 mg/g was found in chicken breast this reduction was more apparent at higher frying temperatures.
fillets (Lee, Tweed, Kim, & Scollan, 2012). The value decreased about 6.3, 9.72 and 26.52% during frying at
150, 200 and 250  C, respectively (Table 3). This implies that frying
3.4. Changes of fatty acid profiles in palm oil during frying at higher temperatures could induce more PUFA deterioration. The
decrease in percentage in the ratio of linolenic acid to palmitic acid
After frying at three different temperatures of 150, 200 and (C18:3/C16:0) were more pronounced, which decreased about 6.67,
250  C, TFAs in frying oils were analyzed and compared. A 12.90 and 57.94% during frying at 150, 200 and 250  C, respectively

Table 3
Unsaturated fatty acid composition change during frying process of palm oil at 150, 200, 250  C for varied length of time.

Temperature Fatty acid (mg/g)f

( C) and time
9c C16:1 cis C18:1 9c12t C18:2 9t12c C18:2 9c12c C18:2 ctt/cct C18:3h 9t12c 15c 11c C20:1 9c12c15c C18:2/ C18:3/
C18:3 C18:3 C16:0 C16:0

150 2 1.07  0.04 326.23  17.42 0.88  0.07 0.71  0.04 65.67  3.76 NDg ND 0.31  0.02 1.35  0.07 0.1450 0.0032
4 1.10  0.05 336.62  11.59 0.92  0.07 0.80  0.07 66.39  2.42 ND ND 0.32  0.04 1.43  0.08 0.1424 0.0031
6 1.13  0.02 345.66  10.47 0.92  0.00 0.78  0.03 67.83  2.85 ND ND 0.34  0.01 1.56  0.08 0.1407 0.0030
8 1.07  0.01 321.12  4.74 0.87  0.02 0.76  0.02 61.28  0.59 ND ND 0.30  0.01 1.29  0.04 0.1358 0.0029
200 2 1.09  0.02 323.64  3.06 0.90  0.03 0.76  0.05 65.51  0.28 ND ND 0.34  0.00 1.36  0.01 0.1501 0.0031
4 1.09  0.08 326.18  20.74 0.94  0.05 0.83  0.05 63.80  4.16 ND ND 0.37  0.04 1.36  0.10 0.1440 0.0031
6 1.16  0.09 340.66  22.27 0.97  0.03 0.81  0.00 65.42  4.42 ND ND 0.36  0.01 1.33  0.04 0.1408 0.0029
8 1.10  0.03 320.63  6.20 0.89  0.01 0.76  0.04 59.67  1.06 ND ND 0.38  0.01 1.19  0.01 0.1355 0.0027
250 2 1.19  0.02 331.55  2.77 1.19  0.02b 1.08  0.01b 70.75  7.18ab 0.31  0.00b NDa 0.42  0.02 1.78  0.72a 0.1561 0.0252
4 1.16  0.02 319.69  4.45 1.42  0.00c 1.29  0.01c 58.90  0.77a 0.31  0.02bc 0.16  0.00b 0.44  0.00 0.83  0.01ab 0.1320 0.0141
6 1.16  0.01 325.24  1.07 1.56  0.00d 1.45  0.01d 56.53  0.29a 0.27  0.00c 0.19  0.00c 0.46  0.01 0.70  0.00ab 0.1241 0.0124
8 1.22  0.04 353.65  2.38 1.8  0.00e 1.76  0.02e 57.69  0.20a 0.31  0.02bc 0.25  0.01d 0.48  0.00 0.61  0.00b 0.1147 0.0106
Symbols bearing different letters in the same row are significantly different (P < 0.05).
Means of duplicate analyses  standard deviation.
ND: not detected.
Total content of 9c 12t 15t C18:3 and 9c 12c 15t C18:3.
196 Y. Chen et al. / Food Control 44 (2014) 191e197

trans C18:3

trans C18:2

1.65  0.10
trans C18:1

Fig. 2. Contents of trans C18:1, trans C18:2, trans C18:3 in frying oil during the frying
sessions at 250  C.


(Table 3). These results were consistent with previous observa-
tions by Aladedunye and Przybylski (2009). These authors also

9c12c C18:2
found a significant decrease in the ratio during frying, and the

decrease in this ratio was 1.2 times (for C18:2/C16:0) and 1.9 times

(for C18:3/C16:0) greater in oil heated at 215  C as compared to
185  C.

To investigate the relationship between TFAs formation and

lipid oxidative deterioration, the frying palm oils were also eval-

cis C18:1
uated for their thermal deterioration by acid value (AV) and

peroxide value (POV). As shown in Supplementary Fig. 1A, the AV

Unsaturated fatty acid composition change during frying process of chicken fillets at 150, 200 and 250  C for varied length of time.
of frying oils increased gradually and statistical differences were
found to depend on the frying temperature. This was supported by

a report that the hydrolysis reaction by water from frying mate-

rials would relate to a rapid deterioration of the frying oil (Hara,

Ogawa, & Totani, 2006). In contrast, POV was not well correlated
with frying temperature (Supplementary Fig. 1B). The highest
value was found at 150  C, followed by a significant decrease at
200  C and then slightly increase at 250  C. This observation could


be explained by the thermal decomposition of hydroperoxides to

carbonyl and aldehyde compounds during deep-fat frying at
higher temperatures, which results in a lower accumulation in the
oil at the higher frying temperatures. These findings suggested
that the frying at low temperatures (for example at 150  C) might

be preferable not only for less TFAs intakes but also for the con-

sumption of less deteriorate oils.


3.5. Changes of fatty acid profiles in fried chicken fillets



The amount of trans isomers in oil can affect the trans level in
fried product due to fast exchange of fats during frying. We

observed that the FA composition pattern of the fried chicken

fillets was similar to that of the frying oil rather than to that of the



original raw chicken fillets (Fig. 1B, C, and D). For instance, C12:0
Fatty acid (mg/g)

and C15:0 did not exist in the raw chicken fillets but appeared
after frying (Table 4). And higher amounts of C14:0, C16:0, C17:0,

C18:0 and C20:0 in fried samples were found as compared to


unfried samples. This observation suggested that several lipids in


the fried chicken fillets would be transferred from the frying oil.
The TFAs amount in the chicken fillets fried at 150, 200 and
250  C was monitored after the first, 24th and 48th frying process
Temperature ( C) and cycle

(Table 4 and Supplementary Fig. 2). When frying was conducted at

150  C and 200  C, the trans FAs formed in the chicken fillets

mainly consisted of C18:2 isomers. And the amount of trans C18:2

FAs kept relatively stable regardless of the prolong of frying time.
These results suggested that the number of frying operation did
not have a significant effect on the TFAs level in the fried chicken
Table 4

fillets at these two temperatures. In contrast, when frying at




250  C, most of the trans 18:3 FAs and trans 18:1 FAs appeared
Y. Chen et al. / Food Control 44 (2014) 191e197 197

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