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ENS 192; Yy
2nd exam
1. Discuss the relationship of money to motivation and performance?
People work to earn money that satisfied their needs and wants which is
financial initiatives are important reward that motivate employees, to
exhibit or high/ good level of performance.
The relationship of money to motivation that the concept of money is
very important many people especially the employees, however, this
incentive can boost improve efficiency or their capability, there many
things that money can buy, but satisfaction is not one of them. Were
employees seek comfort, recognition, and challenges. Were pay
performances is not enough to enhance to efficiency of a company which
management or organization must take familiarize themselves with
alternative mechanism that create lasting impression among their
employee. Money does make the world go around, but it doesn’t
produce happiness. Individual’s motivation is different, and
management should strive to create variety strategies to fit these needs.
The relationship of money to performance is that the concept which
employees want to paid commission with the quality of their job
performance. It requires a carefully constructed pay program, were
employees feel the tying pay to performance is important to them
particularly in doing their job, it also uses objective criteria than
subjective so that to avoid complex to the organization, it should convert
poor performance into good performance, a poor performance should
be trained and disciplined to perform employees’ job well to come at
part with good performance.
Therefore, the relationship between the three is have impact between
these three the money, motivation, and performance, were money to
motivation have good benefits which motivate the employees to be a
good employee. While the money to performance employer they need to
paid commission with the quality of the job of employee, in other words
money have a influence to the motivation and performance were
employees do their job because of money. It means money, motivation
and performance they are fundamental part of an organization that to
become better.
2. Can an organization develop people, or must employees take the
initiative to develop themselves?

According to Victor Hugo, that” initiative is doing right thing without

being told.” When we say initiative, you do things without being told,
you find out what you need to know, you keep going when things
though, you spot and take advantages of opportunities that others pass
by. You act instead of reacting at work. Initiative has become
increasingly important in today workplace. Organization wants
employees who can think on their feet and act without waiting for
someone to tell them what to do, after all this type of flexibility and
courage is what pushes them and the organization to innovate and to
overcome competition.

Every organization has its own set of priorities to help take it to the next
level and knowing which initiative will make the greatest impact. Take
caring of your employees doesn’t simply means offering fun happy
hours or paying them. Each person no matter their level or where they
choose to work, want to feel genuinely care for, it can have an impact to
the through commitment to support their professional advancement and
personal growth. Employee development is a long-term initiative but it
also to short -term benefits like increased loyalty and improve
performance and engagement.

There are three types of people in this world, the first one is those who
make things happen, the second one is those who wait things happen,
the last one is those who wonder what happened.

Therefore, either an organization develop people or must the employees

take initiative to develop themselves. Both have an influence to the
organization and to the employees. Were employees and organization
are both have benefits to this situation.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of policy of promotion

When organization has promoting from within provides several

advantages for employees which is they already know what an
employees’ strength and weakness, advancement opportunities to
perform at their best level, and the promoted employees already knows
organization operate and understand the business culture, promoting
within is not always positive however, once employer consider the
disadvantages that also exist.

The advantages of this promoting from within is the organization knows

employees and have detailed record from previous supervisors and
offering opportunities to employees may boost the morale of the
employees, allowing employees to move freely within the organization
could reduce the possibility of his /her looking for another job and a
positive images is created in the organization, seamless transition with
what is required for success in your organization and understand the
company’s goals, mission, vision, and the last one is to proven fit and
loyalty. When an employee who has been in organization long enough to
be considered for promotion is proven to be loyal. The employee is also
known to good fit for the relationship within the organization.

The disadvantages of this promoting from within is no new or fresh

ideas are brought into the organization, the job advertised may
required skill not currently available within the organization and
promoting of an employees can cause resentment amongst other
employees who may feel thy deserves the position more than the
promoted employee, the number of applicants from which choose may
be too high or limited. It is possible to promote less qualified employee
than those from outside of the organization to comply with the
recruitment policy or the employment equity act, harden negative
attitude of employee cannot be changed by promotion, lazy employee
cannot be changes by promotion and the last one is contagious negative
habit and behavior by one negative employee can easily be passed on
their divisions.

Therefore, organization or employer must know the impact either good

or not pf policy promotion within, which possible can affect the
performance of its people and the image of organization, also
organization must know how to be fair to everyone in the organization,
must know which employee which employee who is the right one to be
promoted so that cannot lead to discrimination or bad impact to the
organization and to the people in the organization.

4. Is planning detrimental to creativity?

Planning is the goals and defining the action that required to achieve the
goals where planning is provides a guides for action, plan can direct
everyone action toward desired out comes plans provides motivators
and commitment which planning reduces uncertainty and indicates
what everyone is expected to accomplished and people are more likely to
work a goal they know and understand and creativity defined as the
ability to make new things or think of new things or ideas .

Not it really, because planning provides clear benefits to organization, if

is not implemented properly actually planning helps the creativity
process to advanced properly, it also can reduce the feeling of being
overwhelmed between a few different projects, but if planning
detrimental to creativity they are saying is when the people in
organization may feel must carry out the projects defined in the plan, if
they feel they will judged by how well they completed planned tasks,
then creativity initiative and experimentation will be inhibited, success
often comes from innovation as well as planning and plans must be
prevent creativity in the organization.

Therefore, planning is no detrimental to creativity, but it helps and

benefits of this it can be detrimental when the organization not properly
implemented the planning in the organization, when goals and plans
and creativity is present and implemented to the organization it can
bring clear advantages to an organization.

5. Should be highly creative people be treated differently (specially

privilege such as being expert from certain rules and regulation) than
their fewer creative colleagues?

Creativity has its root from our birth. It depends on individual practice
in which practice he wants to make his life. It that activity and its
components are exhibited at its core and maximum at that stage.
When we say privilege, it is a right or immunity granted as a peculiar
benefits advantages or favor, where the question should be highly
creative people be treated differently than their fewer creative
colleagues? For this question, I disagree why? because we all know that
every individual has unique creativity but it is doesn’t mean you need or
must be treated differently, there are inherent creative talents in
everyone however the favorable situation in expressing and developing
these talents are very crucial in having talent to notice able level.

Creativity possible can certainly develop and promote to the

organization and in your working environment, we all know someone is
having privilege to the organization can possibly causing the unfair
treatment and can lead to unhealthy working environment, we all know
someone is having privilege to the organization can possibly causing the
unfair treatment the morale other employee and their job. To deal with
this try the organization give training to those less creative and help
them to develop their job and also not boost or be arrogant to the fellow
employee and help them and create a good environment competition to
your organization.

Therefore, creative people must not differently to their less creative

colleagues that can affect the morale and job of these less creative
people, which is the possible solution is train than and guide to develop
the creativity and to those creative people must be a good role model to
his colleagues with it come to their creativity and job so that they can
motivates them to become better employee to the organization and can
avoid complect others and create a good environment relation to others.

6. If economic condition required a 50% reduction of technical personnel,

what criteria do you think should be used to decide who to let go?

Laying off an employee is different from firing an employee, where

firing means letting a worker go for any reason, while lay off refers to
the employment termination based on economics usually involving more
than one worker.
Carrying out work force reductions can pose great challenges and risk
to employers in term of disparate treatment or adverse impact on
protected employee groups this many criteria that have create be used
to decide who to let go, the seniority-based selection, employee status-
based selection, merit-based selection, skill-based selection, and last,
multiple criteria ranking.

For me, that should be used in criteria to decided who let go is the
multiple criteria r5anking which this best choice for, however all the
method that mention equally effective but, but multiple criteria ranking
most effective method because it ranking criteria used by some
organization that have implemented selection policies that are based on
multiple criteria such seniority, skill and performance consideration,
where; the employee’s long term potential and attitude, employee’s
skills, abilities, knowledge, and versatility, employee, education and
experience levels, employee quantity and quality of work, employee
attendance history, employee tenure within the company.

Therefore; if economic condition required 50% reduction for the

technical personnel, employer or the organization which must know
what criteria the must use do that can avoid or harm to the organization
also organization also considered what the employee must do to stay the
company also deciding the reduction as employers you need considered
Alternative solution so that can avoid legal problem, also check the
written personnel policies and past practiced and check the employment
contract, last is consider offering severance or other termination

7. To encourage turnover, one company pays above average for this first
15 year and then allow salaries to fall to the industry lower 10% for
older employees, outstanding engineering’s and manager are refrained
by paying them a bonus is this good idea?

Turnover Defined
In human resources context, turnover is the rate at which employees
leave an organization, turnover is measured for individual companies
and for their industry.

The idea about to encourage turnover, one company pay above average
for this first 15 years and then allow salaries to fall to the industry lower
10% for older employees, outstanding engineers and manager are
retained by paying them a bonus is not good idea first is that paying
above average during its first 15 year is very disadvantage to the
organization why because those first 15 year is very not for uncertain
will happen that possible the company or the organization can complete
that, second allowed salaries to fall to the lower 10% for older
employees, outstanding engineers and managers retained by paying
them a bonus which for me in this situation is not advisable to that by
offering that engineers and managers have a good environmental also
help the organization, it also can be effect their job and for me it is a
very unfair deal to those employees, to prevent the turnover,
organization provide a stimulating workplace environment, which
foster motivated and empowered individuals. Promoting a work
environment that fosters personal and professional growth promotes
harmony and encourage on all level, so that effect is felt company wide.

Therefore, it is not a good idea to that deal but to encourage turnover is

not good idea, it a can be good idea if the employee have a poorly
performing decides to leave to the organization, to prevent that
employer must train and encourage the employees to train and develop
their skill because of having a lower performance, lack of reward
contingencies for performance and better external job opportunities are
the main reason to prevent that, organization promote a work
environment that festers personal and professional growth and
promotes harmony and encourage on all level, so that effect are felt to
the organization.

8. It said that innovation is an iterative and not a linear one, discuss your
opinion on this.
Innovation is the action or process of innovating, which innovation is
crucial to the consisting success of any organization, which the practical
implementation of the ideas that result in the introduction of new goods
or services when iterative process is like repetitive process while linear
one is not, for my opinion about this is, it is an iterative process, the
innovator look to understand the costumes, leave an assumption behind
and give alternative solution which not visible at first.

The linear development process whereas traditional approaches

structure the involvement of key business function, while being iterative
circles facilitate more flexible approaches to the product development
that more closely met the require meant of the customers, an innovation
can be defined as commercial innovation, the innovation or its
conceptualization can consequently be improved and an important step
towards its success can be taken as value for the customer and be

Therefore, innovation is iterative process and not a linear one which I

agree to this statement because innovation to iterative process than
linear one because is very flexible, iterative circles on process during
these stages where changeable can be applied with manageable efforts
and the uncertainly, as well the number of assumptions can be reduced,
organization must recommended/ created these way innovation and
performance of organization

9. It has been suggested that technical managers should be forced to retire

or step down from their management position after a fixed number of
years if they have not been promoted. Discuss the possible effect of such

Termination of employment refers to the end an employees work with a

company, an employee may be terminated from a job of their own free
will or following a decision made by the employer, termination may be
voluntary as, when a worker leaves of their own accord of involuntary
in the case of a company downsize or lay off or if a employee is fire.
Being forced to retire or step down from their job has possible positive
and negative to those technical managers.

The possible effect is the morale employee which it can be negative and
positive effect, second is that they must have benefit for being
unemployed force to retire which there is a law of that, a worker who is
unemployed through no fault of their own may be eligible to receive
unemployment benefits, also being unemployed which is very difficult,
all know that nowadays it very hard to find a decent job, employees
who voluntarily leave generally cannot collect unemployment benefits,
such tactics may amount constructive dismissal, which is illegal in some
jurisdiction. When you say unemployed it also you are being struggle
financial. The last one is it can affect theirs psychological and mental
aspect for being forced to retire, this policy is not very helpful to the
employee morale and financial aspect.

Therefore, being forced to retire or terminated voluntarily for being

employee is not very good or give a good benefit to those employees to
force to retire but it gives a negative impact to their morale and mental
aspects. Yes, there some good benefits but not also a good which is
temporally having unemployment benefits, we also know being
unemployed is not advisable nowadays. It very hard to find a job to
prevent that organization must look or review of having policy, also
check the contract and give some good offer to those employees who is
forced to retire.
ENS192 Yy
3rd EXAM

1. Project appear in applied science research and laboratories and

development engineering organization. How should the selection
planning or control scheme offer?

The technical manager is faced with the necessity of planning the

specific project will be pursued to achieve the established goals.
Planning for specific projects entail evaluation, selection, and
allocation of resources project.

The degree of formality and detail use the planning of project varied
widely among technical organization. According to Schon, was view
of point perception by management of the innovation. Innovation
process plan will be created during the planning phase of the project.
A proper resource plan will also help reducing budgeting and help
forecasting accurately expense.

When it is maximizing project budget spending and enhancing

project workflow process through reporting and forecasting. Deep
diving a budget for the projects and making sure the project is
completed on budget. In controlling scheme offer is that process of
assessing the organization. project progress toward accomplished its
goal. The control process is followed to set performance standard,
measure performance of project, and compare the actual
performance standard take corrective action if necessary and use
information gain from the process to set future performance
Therefore, projects appear in applied science research and
laboratories and development engineering organization. Both can be
selected planning or control scheme offer the project make it good
result or having unique project. Planning or control are both
dependent even regarding making project, so in short they can both
can offer about on the project .

2. Can project desirability consideration be separated from resource

allocation decision?

Project exist to bring about the product or service that hasn’t existed
before resource allocation is the distribution of resource usually
financially among the competing groups of people or program,
projects define a temporary endeavor under taken to create a
unique product, service, result , project are temporary in nature and
have a define beginning and ending date, its also project are
completed when the project goals are achieved or it determined the
project is no longer available.

It can project desirability consideration be separated from resourced

decision, it may be possible or not but considering the project is
desire to be separated resource decision to the source of allocation, it
need to check the criteria of the project to making decision latter, we
all know that project requirement, it need a cost, scope, quality, risk,
resource, and time. We all know that projects resources are required
to carry out the projects task, it can be people, equipment, facilities
funding, or anything that capable of definition of required for the
completion of a projects.

Therefore, project can desire consideration be separated from

resources allocation decision it may or not but project required the
allocation decision because of the criteria to require complete the
projects, also resources is very important the project to make the
project complete.
3. Is managing technical people, which theory of leadership (natural
leadership, scientific management, human relation) is more
important or pertinent?

Leadership is maybe referred to as the process of influencing and

supporting others to works enthusiastically toward achieving
objectives, which leading is that management function when involve
influencing other to engage in the work to the function and
leadership refer to the process to be successful in planning,
organizing, leading, and controlling manager must use wide variety
of skills so that to carry out their goal.

For the NATURAL LEARDER describe as born to lead which the

ability or view the organization understand how the various part are
interdependent and assess how the organization relates to its external
environment. While the SCIENTIFIC LEADER MANAGEMENT is
specialized areas of knowledge and expertise and to apply that
knowledge make up managers technically skills preparing a financial
statement, programming a computer, designing on office building,
which these technical skills are very important for supervisory
managers which they work closely with employee who are producing
the goods and services of the organization. The last is HUMAN
RELATION where skills that interpersonal skill that managers use
to accomplish goals using human resources, where this the ability to
understand human behavior, to communicate to others motivate
individual to accomplish tasks.

Therefore, is more important to pertinent? For my perspective, it is

more important why? Because managing technical people it very
important to require them to these skills where it’s very big help to
the organization growth and their personal growth, which is these
three theories of leadership is develop the managers ability to
understand human behavior, help to role the supervision, and
expertise of knowledge and apply the knowledge this helpful for the
good result to achieved goals and objectives.

4. In what ways are planning and control are similar?

Planning and controlling are both two important functions of

management and organization. Were planning and controlling
always co-exist or must exist together as are function depends on the
others. Control provides a sound basis for planning, while planning
decides to control process, which means they dependent to each

Planning originates control, where planning is the most basic

function of a management, which it decides what is to be done,
aiming of planning is to bridge the gap between the management is
and where it becomes to be. While control only states after planning
where basically that controlling the activities or tasks are going
according to the plan. Its means that no plan there is no need to
control. Controlling sustain planning, which control will help sustain
the planning functions. Was it direct the cause of planning point
planning and out at the area where further planning necessary,
planning and control want to make good result to achieving goals,
mission, vision and objectives? It to compare to standard set and
record collect deviation which this information collected excessing
control is used for planning too. Were that planning and control both
forward looking function which control, and planning are concerned
with the future activities of the organization.

Therefore, planning and control are similar in ways have the same
goals mission and vision and objectives for the management or
organization, they are dependent to each other, and they are looking
forward function where they are concerned with the future activities
of a management.

5. How does leadership influence motivation?

Motivation is important part of success and business prosperity in
the existing dynamic and competitive market, were motivation is the
need for and expectation of work and the different factor in the
organization that facilitate team motivation, it is very important for
a manager to emerge as a leaders so that they understand team
member’s need and expectation, which drive the management
culture leadership is an important element success or management
having effective leader can achieve help its goals and subject, object,
mission and vision on management.
Leadership influence motivation were employee motivation leads to
better decision-making which leaders first need to understand what
drive them, where leaders also make the worker motivate them is
give them of freedom of choice is make possible, they initiative
possible having a good result in a better decision, it influence
motivation of being recognized on the important of reorganization.
Were there possible bad influence but they are also good relationship
make improve their relationship with their management. It also
leaders required for function such encouraging employee to
employee to perform effectively and make them feel value and
perceive their job. A leader have positive attitude that help motivate
the team negatives experiences into growth experience that will
eventually motivate the team. A leaders

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