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Morrison 1

Class: Mr. Morrison ELA 9 Topic: Origin Stories

Date: 17 October 2023 Lesson Duration: 87 minutes

Preparation Materials
Teacher Timing Guide

Student Film Guides

Learning Objectives
Students will reflect on their own understanding of what it means to be a hero.

Students will develop their understanding of the types of characters.

General Learning Outcome: Specific Learning Outcomes:

2.Comprehend and respond personally and 2.1.Use prior knowledge
critically to oral, print and other media texts.
2.3.Understand techniques and elements

Overview of Lesson
In this first class on the Spiderverse, we begin by exploring characterization through the lens of
superheroes and origin stories. This will set the basis for a large chunk of the focus of the film study.
Irony will also be discussed to prime students to track it while watching the movie.

Essential Question: What makes a good character?

Morrison 2

Time The Story

Exposition Differentiation Assessment

5 min PIP - Mindfulness


5 min On Google Classroom or using paper copies,

students can get a copy of their Film Guide. To
begin, they’ll answer the question: “What is a Hero”.
Fill out the before section and then chat in tables.

Show opening 2:30 of film.

3 min

27 min Table of Contents

There’s two things that we’re going to focus on

today: irony and characterization.

First up: Irony, and irony is hard.

You’re not going to be marked on your irony, this is

just to help you understand it, because Spiderverse
has looots of irony.

Definitions and examples.

For our characters, the first thing we are going to

track is origin stories. The first one is already filled
out for you, the one we just saw.

Origin stories article review

-trauma, destiny, chance

-empathy is our greatest power

Why animals?

-thunderbird, spider, etc…

Types of characters:

Who’s heard of these terms before?

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Definitions and examples.


We are going to watch the film, I’m going to pause a

lot though so we can talk about it.

Rising Action

Action 1

25 min Watching Film (until “LOOK OUT” flashes behind


-fill in irony as we go


Stand up and stretch

Action 2

20 min Film Guides

-see what you can fill out so far on the

characterization and origin story sections

-can talk with friends


I can hold on to your film guides if you think you’ll

lose them.




Reviews (Celebration)
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