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MARCH 2010

Ilanin Forest East

Zoning Guidelines

Bunkers at Group 6

Key Map

District Dominant Use Code Zones

Ilanin Forest East Conserva on Zone P-1 Conserva on
(Protected Area)
P-2 Sustainable Use
INS-1 Special Ins tu onal
IND-1 Light Industrial


Triboa Bay


Cubi Triboa

Ilanin Forest West

Conserva on Area
(Protected Area) (P-1)

Sustainable Use Zone


Special Ins tu onal (INS-1)

Light Industrial (IND-1)

0 500
Ilanin Forest East 250 1000 2500
District Land Use Map


Conserva on (Protected Area) Zone (P-1) 4.

5. Other ac vi es: jungle survival training, military jungle training (on foot only)
Allowable Uses: subject to EIA and specific controls
1. Monitoring 6. Developed ecotourism node subject to EIA and specific performance criterias,
2. Proac ve wildlife management established site guidelines
3. Land management 7. Approved structures associated with authorized ecotourism (trails, pedestrian
4. Scien fic research bridges, overhead canopy walkways, areal tramways)
5. Fauna observa on (controlled) and wildlife interpreta on 8. Science research and monitoring
9. Proac ve wildlife management
Prohibited Uses: 10. Land management
1. Passive recrea on 11. Fauna observa on and wildlife interpreta on
2. Ac ve recrea on 12.
3. Sports ac vi es
4. Landscape/ land form modifica on Prohibited Use:
5. Any development (fixtures or structures) not directly associated with habitat man- 1. Permanent development (structures) of any kind, except interpreta ve trails,
agement or wildlife observa on signage, and overhead canopy walkways and pedestrian bridges
6. Destruc on or removal of natural vegeta on 2. Landscape or landform modifica on (except installing trails, management access
tracks, etc.)
General Condi ons:
1. The easement for waterways such as mangrove strips, streams and rivers in forest General Condi ons:
areas shall be 40.0m on both sides of the waterway. 1. Allowable uses are to be ghtly controlled and monitored and only be allowed
2. River channels and adjacent river banks or ravines should be maintained as un- subject to agreed specifica ons concerning me, place, numbers involved, dura-
modified environments, where habitat values are protected, and natural drainage on and code of prac ce.
regimes maintained. Specific river/stream sites (water pools, waterfalls, etc.) may 2. In general, the ac vi es will be permi ed subject to the following condi ons:
be developed as visitor a rac ons, provided easements are respected and fixtures a. pedestrian ac vity within the rainforest environment to be on authorized
or structures (associated with habitat management or wildlife observa on) built trails and paths and within specified recrea on nodes;
on suitable and approved loca ons. b. no disturbance to vegeta on, habitats, or wildlife;
c. ac ve recrea on, sports, and miscellaneous a rac ons or facili es are
allowed subject to permits being granted, approved management plans
Sustainable Use Zone (P-2) for specific ac vi es, and provisions of performance bonds by sponsoring
organiza ons. Approval is required for equipment use and installa on.
Allowable Use: d. Introduc on of new ac vi es will be on case to case basis, subject to
1. Passive recrea on, picnicking, photography and other appreciate pursuits management plans, bonds, permits, etc.
2. Ac ve recrea on: ridge climbing, tree climbing/ absailing, mountain biking, forest, e. Development of ecotourism nodes will be subject to compliance with the
trekking, botanical tours, nature photography, equestrian ac vi es (trail riding, SBMA development plan and will require approval of detailed design de-
cross country, etc.) velopment plans, including EIA and Environmental Management Plan
3. Nature based spor ng events: orienteering, marathon, triathlons


Special Ins tu onal (INS-1) 5. Manufacture of electrical apparatus and supplies, not elsewhere classified;
6. Manufacture of musical instrument;
7. Manufacture of spor ng and athle c goods (not involving woodworking or elec-
Principal Uses: tropla ng opera ons);
1. Cultural/educa onal center 8. Manufacture of food products. (Those food processing industries such as food
2. Specialty school/training facility catering, confec oneries, which generate waste water containing high concentra-
3. Civic or government facility on of oil and grease shall be sited in units which are served by a separate sani-
4. Conven on/seminar/workshop facility tary plumbing system connected to a grease trap. Only electric or gas fired ov-
5. Convent, seminary and related uses ens, cookers or any other type of fuel-burning equipment maybe installed);
6. Hospitals, sanitaria, and homes for the aged 9. Manufacture of wood and cork products, not elsewhere classified;
7. Nurseries and day care centers 10. Manufacture of furniture and fixtures, except those made primarily of metals ac-
8. General/specialized hospital, medical center vi es must not included the manufacture of rubber or polyurethane foam;
9. Welfare/ charitable ins tu ons 11. Cordage, rope and twine industries;
10. Rehabilita on and voca onal training centers 12. Manufacture of tex les, not elsewhere classified;
13. Manufacture of wooden and cane containers and small cane wares; bleaching of
Accessory Uses: cane should not be carried out;
1. Dormitories/lodging/ housing 14. Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware;
2. Community facili es and social centers 15. Vehicle repair and servicing;
3. Park, playgrounds, sports field/court, promenades, and playlots 16. Manufacture of wearing apparel;
4. Police and fire sta ons, guard houses 17. Manufacture of products of leather and leather subs tutes;
18. Manufacture of footwear (except for those made of plas c or vulcanized or
molded rubber);
General Condi ons: 19. Prin ng, publishing and allied industries;
1. Minimum Lot Area: 500 sqm. 20. Manufacture of plas c products, not elsewhere classified;
2. Building Coverage shall not be more than 60% for all buildings and structures 21. Manufacture of containers and boxes of paperboard;
3. Minimum Setbacks (m) 22. Manufacture of paper products (Prin ng ac vi es involving pulping works or
Front Side Rear bleaching opera ons are not allowed);
6.0 3.0 3.0 23. So ware development;
4. Maximum Building Height: 3 stories or 10 meters whichever is less 24. Assembly and repair of hardware (involving only minor soldering);
5. Floor Area Ra o: 1.5 25. Manufacture of polyethylene products (not involving prin ng opera on);
26. Assembly of radio, television, communica on and other electronic equipment,
Light Industrial (IND-1) apparatus and parts (not involving electropla ng or galvanizing opera ons. Only
minor soldering will be allowed);
27. Assembly of office, compu ng and accoun ng machinery (not involving electro-
Principal Uses: pla ng or galvanizing opera ons);
1. Manufacture of made-up tex le goods (dyeing, bleaching and/or other finishing 28. Assembly of electrical appliance and housewares (not involving electropla ng or
opera ons are not allowed); galvanizing opera ons. Only minor soldering will be allowed);
2. Kni ng mills (dyeing, leaching and/or other finishing opera ons are not allowed); 29. Assembly of photographic and op cal goods (not involving electropla ng or gal-
3. Manufacture of carpets and rugs; vanizing opera ons);
4. Manufacture of jewelry and related ar cles (very small scale jewelry electropla ng 30. Manufacture of watches and clocks (not involving electropla ng or galvanizing
opera ons can be allowed in buildings that are used for light industries); opera ons);


31. Storage of finished products and warehousing ac vi es; 3. Minimum Setbacks (m.)
32. Manufacture of professional, scien fic, measuring and controlling equipment (not Front Side Rear
involving the use of chemicals, inclusive of gaseous chemicals); 5.0 3.0 3.0
33. Data entry and data processing;
34. Manufacture of bicycles; 4. Maximum Building Height: Four (4) stories or 20 meters, whichever is less.
35. Cosme c manufacturing; 5. Floor Area Ra o (FAR) = 2.4
36. Glass manufacturing only with electric-, natural gas-, LPG- or propane-fired oven/
37. Ceramics only with electric-, natural gas-, LPG or propane-fired ovens/kilns;
38. Pharmaceu cals;
39. Toy manufacturing;
40. Handicra s; and
41. Other manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and assem-
bly of products and materials so long as the owner or lessee of the subject property
obtains prior wri en approval from the SBMA sta ng that such ac vi es are rea-
sonably capable of being conducted both without viola on of the SBMA Environ-
mental Regula ons and without overloading exis ng and planned u lity service to
the subject property. All of the foregoing ac vi es shall be conducted completely
within a building.
42. Scien fic research, inves ga on, tes ng, and experimenta on.
43. Business that provide a service to individuals, businesses, or manufacturers on the

the principal use, including but not limited to building contractors, plumbing con-
tractors, electrical contractors, and industrial service companies.

Accessory Uses:
1. Warehousing of products manufactured by the principal uses.
2. Offices and administra ve facili es.
3. Shipping and receiving space and mailing rooms.
4. Cafeterias, educa onal facili es, vending services, and recrea onal establishments
for persons employed by the business comprising the Principal Use.
5. Retail sales of goods manufactured by the Principal Use.
6. Off-street parking facili es
7. Guard house.

General Condi ons:

1. Minimum Lot Area (sq.m.): 800.0
2. Minimum Gross Floor Area per Building (sq.m.): 1000.0

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