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Question Bank for Test 1

1.Explain network topologies with advantages and disadvantages .

2.Explain OSI reference model with functions of each layer.

3. Explain TCP/IP model with functions of each layer. Compare with OSI model

4.Explain addressing schemes of TCP/IP model with an eg.

5.Explain ARP protocol with neat diagrams.

6. Explain Encapsultion /Decapsulation and multiplexing/demultiplexing in TCP/IP model

7. Explain LAN,MAN and WAN

8.Define Framing and explain with suitable eg Bit and Byte stuffing

9. Explain in brief error and flow control of DLL

10.Explain the concept of layered architecture

11. Write a note on Internet, types of connection in networks,Dataflow between two devices

12.Innovative:Do you think OSI model deals with providing security to data and nodes? Discuss. study: About Hardware and software used, how lower layers provides services to upper

Question bank for IA2:

1. Explain in brief Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA.

2. Discuss the collision avoidance strategy in CSMA/CA with a flow diagram.
3. Explain CSMA/CD with suitable diagram
4. A Slotted ALOHA /Pure ALOHA network transmits 200-bit data frames on a shared channel of
200kbps bandwidth. What is the throughput if the system produces: (i)1000 frames per
second. (ii)500 frames per second (iii)250 frames per second
5. Write a note on (a)The standard Ethernet. (b)Wireless LAN (c) CSMA
6. With neat flow diagram explain Stop and Wait and piggybacking Protocols in Data Link Layer.
7. Describe unicast, multicast and broadcast addressing with an example.
8. Find the class of the following classful IP addresses.
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
9. Explain Classfull addressing and classless addressing in Network layer.
10. A classless address is given as Determine (i) Number of addresses in the
network (ii) First address of the network (iii) Last address of the network
11. Change the following IP addresses from binary notation to dotted-decimal notation and
Hexadecimal notation.

(i) 01111111 11110000 01100111 01111101

(ii)10101111 11000000 11111000 00011101
12. Explain persistence methods used in CSMA .
13. Identify the given MAC address is unicast, multicast or broadcast
CASE STUDY:If an organization is granted a block of addresses starting with It needs
to distribute these addresses to three subblocks as follows. (i) The first block of 10 addresses. (ii) The
second block of 60 addresses. (iii) The third block of 120 addresses. Referring to the case study
material shared, design the subblocks and give the slash notation for each subblock. Also, write the
block diagram of the design.

Innovative:CSMA, CSMA/CD and CSMA/ CD are the MAC protocols to reduce the congestion in a
network. Suggest a suitable among the above-mentioned MAC protocols for the Wired LAN network
and Wireless LAN network.

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