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Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Grade&Section: _______________________________________ Date:


___________________________________ 1. Are words that share meaning with the other
___________________________________ 2. A religion developed from Taoist Philosophy.
___________________________________ 3. One of the great men China has produce.
___________________________________ 4. It is a group of words established by usage as
having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words.
___________________________________ 5. Are words that have the same spelling and
pronunciation but different meanings.
___________________________________ 6. Father of Taoism.
___________________________________ 7. What Lao Tzu means in his poem……..
___________________________________ 8. Words with opposite meanings are called……….
___________________________________ 9. What is the real name of Confucius ……….
___________________________________ 10. One of the great men China has produced.
II. Which words in each line is NOT a synonym of the other words, Incircle that word.
1. Skill Ability scholar
2. Dig pull drag
3. Look believe stare
4. Squat relax rest
5. Sit stroll walk
6. Proud good kind
7. Slow fast quickly
8. Hate love adore
9. Guest announcer visitor
10. Lead guide wear
III. Give the antonyms of the given words.

1. Full -
2. Fail -
3. Happy -
4. Huge -
5. Love -
6. High -
7. Hot -
8. Skinny -
9. Gorgeous -
10. On -
IV. Choose the correct letter in column A. write your answer in column B before the
number. (2pts each)
Column A.
a. Break the ice – to introduce a more informal lively tone
b. Crack the doom – end of the world
c. Elbow room – opportunity for freedom
d. Forty winks – a nap or short sleep taken during the day
e. Full of hot air – boastful and talkative
f. Gift of gab – ability to speak eloquently
g. Give you the willies – make you uneasy, restless, jumpy
h. Have a good head on one’s shoulder – to be intelligent
i. Bear in mind - remember
j. Easy on the eyes – attractive
k. Take a breath – pause

Column B
_______ 1. When he told a funny story at dinner, that…………….
_______ 2. The shadow on the wall………………….
_______ 3. I like to listen to him; he has the ………………
_______ 4. It was very crowded at the program. There was not enough …………………….
_______ 5. Every day after lunch my grandfather takes ………………..
_______ 6. A lot of people like to look at her. That’s because she is …………………
_______ 7. Why do listen to him? I can’t bear him; he is ……………..
_______ 8. She was very proud and I’m glad we had a chance to make her ………………..
_______ 9. Whenever you go, ……………….that your mother loves you dearly.
_______ 10. The swimmer …………before diving.

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