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Date: 11/26/2021

Course Subject: Care of the Older Adults

Complete the following statements and reflect on your answers.

What do they tell you about your perceptions and values regarding end-of-life issues?

1. Death is … the permanent natural part of life and irreversible cessation of all
biological functions that sustain a living organism. Someday, everyone will pass
through death in one way or the other, thus making it inevitable. Death cannot be
avoided; it’s a natural phase of life.

2. Death means … the end of the life of a person or an organism. Here, death is a
certainty of life that everyone will face. Hence, knowing that death is inevitable
doesn't mean you'll feel prepared for dealing with it and the grief that follows after

3. After death … there is an afterlife where we will be judged by God, regarding

how we live our lives on earth. So, it’s good that while we are still living on earth,
we should do what God has instructed us to do, such as by loving one other,
sharing, praying, preacing the words of God, honoring and obeying God etc. by
doing all of these, we will be sure of a better after life with God.

4. Decisions about my end-of-life care should be made by …my love ones such as my
spouse, parents, siblings, relatives and also doctor, if need be. This is because
they are the ones who brought me into this world, love and took good care of me
through all oughts’. Also, this will give me peace of mind, thus allowing others
take good care of me in accordance to my wishes.

5. Talking about dying makes me feel …sad, uncomfortable and scared. The fact
that death is a natural part of life and its unavoidable doesn't mean that one
shouldn’t feel scared talking about it. Just thinking about it alone, talk less of
talking, makes me have mixed feelings concerning so many things regarding life.
Also, thinking about death each time reminds me of this saying “Life is short, live
it”. However, knowing that death will eventually touch my life in some way
someday means I can be proactive about learning to cope with the dying and
grieving process.
6. When I am nearing the end of life, I want my family to … be able to be my support
system and to take good care of me. More so, my family should also leave in
peace and all of us should show each other love by praying, sharing whatever we
have together, thus keeping good memories. Here, this will at least help to reduce
the grief that they will feel when I’m no more.

7. When I am nearing the end of life, I want my caregivers to …take care of me

properly, meditate and pray with me while I spend my last days/hours on earth.
This will give me peace of mind by allowing my caregivers to take good care of
me in accordance to my wishes.

8. As death nears, I am afraid of… leaving my family and love ones. This is because
I have spent all my life since from birth with my family, so leaving them behind
will be so painful.

9. I am in pain as I near the end of life … because I will miss being with my family
and love ones. Also, I will miss living and doing what makes me happy. But as we
all know death is an inevitable end and no one can avoid it, so I will still try to
express happiness though in pain.

10. I am dying and I do not want …

11. Because I am old, death …is a natural part of life and an unavoidable
consequence of aging. This is because as we get older, we know that we are
drawing closer to death.

12. After I die, I want people to … have good memories about me. I want people to
talk good things about me when I’m no more, and also how I impact their lives
positively in one way or the other when I was alive. This will act as a great form of
fulfillment to me.

Personal Beliefs and Attitudes About Death

1. What are your personal experiences with death?

My personal experiences with death weren’t the best, especially my first
experience. This was when I lost my dad. It was a very painful experience
that I still recall up to date. The death of my dad changes my life totally. It
impacted my life in a very negative way, as my behavior towards others
changed. I started seeing live from a different perspective. Even until now,
there are some traits that I possess that were impacted by the death of my
father such as feeling sad/depressed almost all the time, that’s to tell you
how affected I was. Some people might judge you for acting somehow, but
they won’t understand what really triggered you act to act that way. But the
good thing is, I’m gradually working on myself to be a better people. Death
is a very sad and uncomfortable thing to experience. It can change one’s
life totally.

2. Have you lost a close friend, family member, or patient to death?

Yes, I have lost so many family members to death. One of the most painful
experiences I had was losing my dad, not forgetting my grandparents and
other relatives.

3. How did you feel when you heard that the person had died?
At first I was so shocked, and then later, I felt so sad and uncomfortable,
questioning myself about so many things about life.

4. If you have had more than one experience, did you respond differently to the
deaths? Why do you think you responded differently?
One of the most painful was the death of my dad, not forgetting my
grandparents and other relatives. Some of my experiences about death
comes like a shock, something that no one was expecting such as fatal
accidents, while others too came as shock though not too surprising;
might be the person was already sick for a very long time and everyone
suspected that he/she might die
Yes, I responded differently to each and every death that I have ever
experienced. This is because some people are more dear and close to you
than others. For instance, the death of my dad was so painful to me than
might be one of my far relatives. This is because I was very close to my dad
than that relative and I also received unconditional love and care from my
bad then my relative, thus making my dad more dear and close to my heart
than my relative.

5. Have you ever been with a person at the time of death?

No, I have never been with a person at the time of death.

6. What thoughts crossed your mind as the person died?

7. Were other people present?

Yes, other people were present for example when I lost my dad at the
8. What was said or done?
Continues prayers were done.

9. What spiritual or cultural rituals were performed at the time of death or burial?
From the time of death until the person is buried, spiritual rituals are done,
both in the hospital and at home before burial such as; wake keeping.
Cultural rituals are equally done especially if they person who passed away
was an elder in the community. We in Africa have different cultural rites
which are done before an individual is buried depending on the culture
where u comes from. For instance; in culture, before someone is buried, we
organize masquerades (commonly called “juju” in Africa) to dance as a
symbol of peace farewell.

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