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ee eta II g __—_— UNIT 1 PRACTICE TEST 1. What is the total of all our phone bills? Could you - - - - f J them - -- - and tell me? ; @ add / up B) answer / back ) act / out D) back up E) be / over 2, Although he has been in love with her for a long time, he doesn’t have the courage to - A) ask for her B) bring her back @« her out D) bring her up £) beat her up 3. My mother - - - - when she came home and discovered that | was going to rent another flat to live on my own. A) brought me back B) asked me out C) was over jas taken aback E) broke off 4. Sally ---- and cried when she heard that her favourite pet had died. A) was off broke down (C) was taken in D) was beaten up E) brought about 5. The Second World War - - -- on 3 September, 1939 and lasted for six years, ending in 1945. A) broke down B) brought about @rvre out D) brought up E) blew up UNIT 1 PRACTICE TEST 6, When the police asked Jenny where she was that night, she said she was at home with John, and John - - - - by . 5 saying they were together. i @ backed her up B) asked her out i ) beat her up D) was taken in } E) broke up 7. The boy was punished by his teacher because he -- - - rudely when she had told him to stop talking. } A) allowed for e@ answered back ‘C) accounted for D) backed up { E) brought up | 8. Ned decided to have a fried egg for breakfast, but there was a terrible smell when he cracked the egg. The egg - -- -. A) was over B) broke up C) blew out D) was off eo ke down 9. The old building came down quickly because the construction company used dynamite to - - - -. .) aim at it B) break it down Quite D) beat it up E) split it up 10. Two men left my friend lying unconscious on the pavement after they had - @ beaten him up B) broken into ) answered back D) blown him up E) broken off La UNIT 1 PRACTICE TEST 11. The sudden resignation of the general manager - - - - crisis in the company. A) was taken aback B) broke out C) brought back Qprought about E) was taken in @ In a fable by Aesop, the crow with a piece of cheese in its beak is - - - - by the clever fox’s compliments about how beautiful its voice is. A) asked out B) taken in C) asked for D) split up E) brought about 13, Babies sometimes - - - - the milk they are fed by their mother, so they should be held upright for a few minutes after feeding is over. A) bring up B) take in C) bring back D) add up 1 e blow out 14. We organized a birthday party for my 80-year-old grandmother; it was difficult for her to -- -- the candles on her birthday cake. t i f t t f i t t } r i i t f A) bring up B) bring back C) back up blow out E) break in to 15. Jim’s car - - - - on the way to the airport, and he had to get a taxi to catch his plane. A) broke out broke down C) blew up broke into ME E) beat up UNIT 1 PRACTICE TEST 16. When my computer crashed, | lost many of my files. Fortunately, | had - - - -, so I’m going to copy the files from the disk onto my computer, A) blown them up B) brought them up D) been taken aback @ backed them up E) broken them off 17. Due to many troubles they had in life, their marriage - - - = although they had been happily married for years. @biore up B) blew up C) broke down D) was off E) broke out 18.1 was not surprised at all when my teenage daughter's telephone bill ---- such an amount because she keeps on talking on her mobile all day long. A) blew up B) brought about D) added up to @eccou nted for E) broke down 19. Bullies at school always - - - - trouble by going around teasing their friends or threatening them. A) ask out B) ask for D) add up C) act out @ eecount for e@ Peace talks between the two countries have - - - - after three days of serious disagreement. A) broken down B) been off D) blown out C) broken off E) been backed up } f t i UNIT 1 PRACTICE TEST 21.Some countries are debating once again whether to - -- - death penalty or not although it was abolished years ago. @ bring back B) blow up ) break down D) add up to E) beat up 22. You should - - - - delays when planning a journey so that you are not disappointed later on. On for B) be taken aback be taken in D) allow for E) bring up 23. We had planned to discuss overtime pay in the meeting, but no one - - - - the topic because of the negative approach of the manager. t A) asked out brought up t C) broke up brought back t E) was off 24. When the storm - - - -, we went out to see if there was any damage to the roof and the trees in the garden. A) was brought about B) was taken in eo" over D) was broken off E) was blown out 25. There were so many balloons to - - - - that | had to ask my neighbour to help me because I have difficulty breathing. A) back up e@ blow up C) break down D) account for ie E) ask out UNIT 1 PRACTICE TEST -my 26. When | arrived home, | thought somebody had - house, but later I realized that it was my cat who had made the mess. B) thrown up A) blown up C) backed up ® broken into E) broken dor 27. Today mothers can find a variety of books - - - - children; nevertheless, they must check to see if they are suitable for their children before buying them, ® aimed at B) accounted for ) added up to D) brought back ) brought up 28.When you don’t know the translation of a word, you can ++» using mimics or gestures so that others get the meaning. A) back it up @ act it out ask for C) bring it up E) ask out |. The suspect couldn't - - - - his time when the woman was murdered so the police had to arrest him. A) account for B) bring about C) bring up D) ask for E) add up 30. The students - - - - a vocabulary list from their teacher since they were too lazy to make one themselves. asked for B) asked out backed up D) brought about E) aimed at 2 UNIT 2 PRACTICE TEST Hoping to - - - - the English she learnt at school, she went to England. A) check in = on C) brush up check out E) clear away While | was hurrying down the street, | - - - - a very old friend of mine from elementary school. A) came about @oumped into C) called on D) caught on E) burst into When the teacher fell down while she was shouting at the students, the class - - -- laughter and couldn't stop laughing, A) carried out B) brought up C) cheered up D) came down with © burst into |. The teacher never - - -- good students in class because they always know the answer. A) catches on B) brushes up @calis on D) carries on E) brings up When you are in the army, you must - -- - all the orders by your superiors without any objection. A) come round @ carry out ‘C) bring up D) call on E) catch on UNIT 2 PRACTICE TEST the class after he 6. It will be very difficult for Jeremy to - has missed school for two weeks; he will need to study ele ae harder. A) come down with B) carry on with @ catch up with C) come up against E) check out of 7. Before you go up to your room, you have to - - - - at the hotel’s reception desk. B) check out of @check in C) come across D) clear away E) catch on with 8. It's not easy to move into a foreign country because you have no idea what kind of problems you will -- - -. A) catch up with B) come down with C) come round ®@ come up against E) carry on with 9. Don’t forget to leave your room key at the front desk when you ---- the hotel, A) catch up with B) carry out D) come off err out of —) care for 10.1 was really shocked when | learnt that the old timber house last night and it was only a pile of in the street had - ashes in the morning. B) carried on A) burst into C) caught on burnt down E) caught up UNIT 2 PRACTICE TEST 11.1 have been - - - - to think that borrowing money was bad; however, people don’t hesitate to borrow money even from people who they don’t know well. A) cared for @ brought up C) caught up D) calmed down E) carried out 12. All the overseas flights were - - - - due to the hurricanes across the ocean. called off B) called on C) carried on D) come apart E) cleared away 13. During the funeral it wasn’t easy to - - - - our friend who had lost her brother. A) call on B) come across @caim down D) come up to E) come round 14. Although | warned him not to bite his nails, he -- -- as if he hadn't heard me. A) came down B) carried out eu" on D) came up E) called on Bill had never used a computer until he took this class, but he ---- very quickly and is now one of the best students. A) came across B) checked out é came round D) carried out Et E) caught on UNIT 2 PRACTICE TEST 16. In order to provide a place to work on, he - - - - everything on the table and started working. A) carried on B) came apart C) came across e cleared away —) caught up with 17. As soon as we heard that one of our classmates was not feeling well, we bought a cake and went to his home to - - « -. A) catch on with him e@ cheer him up C) carry on D) care for E) come round 18. My mobile phone - - - - when | dropped it on the ground. I need to buy a new one. A) caught up B) burst into @came apart D) called on E) cleared away @ Something has - been cancelled. - and therefore, today's meeting has A) called off B) cheered up C) caught on ®@ come up E) carried out 20.1 am not interested in him at all and | don’t mind if he - - - - me or not. I'll refuse him in any case. A) comes across B) catches on e@ cares for D) comes round E) comes up against UNIT 2 PRACTICE TEST 21. You can't take any book home unless the library allows you to----it----. A) carry / out @ check / out C) carry /on D) come / up E) check / in 22. David's strange new hair-style is really - boys in the neighbourhood are copying it. -; all the young A) calling off B) catching up C) carrying on D) cheering up © catching on 23. We all - - - - when we heard that everyone of us had passed the test and we decided to celebrate the event. A) called on @ cheered up C) came apart D) carried on | €) came round 24, Many old people who don't have anybody to look after them are - - - - in old people’s homes, cared for B) called off C) calmed down D) cleared away E) carried on 25. A lucky tramp came -- -- a wallet full of money while he was looking for food in the garbage can in the street. A) out B) apart @ across D) on Ey, E) round UNIT 2 PRACTICE TEST 26.1 was terribly sorry when the photos I took in Rome didn't = += very well. B) catch on A) carry out C) clear away D) care for Q@come out 27..As soon as I held the door handle, it- - -- and we were stuck inside until somebody came to open the door for us. B) brought up @ came off called off D) bumped into pe i i E) caught up 28. James fainted when he heard that he was fired. Two of his colleagues took care of him until he «== -. B) checked out A) caught on e@ came round D) burst into E) carried out 29.1 won't be able to go to work today because | have - - -- flu over the weekend. A) caught up with B) carried on come down with ‘C) come about E) come up against 30. They found the car in the tree, and nobody knows how the accident - B) came across Game about (C) checked out D) carried on E) caught up Lee UNITS PRACTICE TEST 1, The authorities haven't -any idea as to how to solve the problems in the education system. A) fallen out with @eome up with C) cut down on D) faced up to E) dropped out of 2. The discussion turned into a quarrel, and Alice - ---her husband. She left home and went to stay at her friend’s. @ fettout with B) came up with ©) got along with D) cut off E) fell through 3. I'm sorry that you didn’t know the meeting had been cancelled and you came all the way down here. | didn't --+-it myself either until just a few minutes ago. A) find out B) fillin @fins out about D) do over E) come up with 4. 1am not very good at understanding new technology so it took me a lot of time to - - - - how to use computers, video players and digital cameras . A) get ahead of @igure out C) count on D) get along with E) fall over 5. Ihave to hang up now, but I'll - --- on all the details of my trip when I get back. A) drop you off B) cross you out ) fall out with you fill you in IE E) figure it out UNITS PRACTICE TEST 6. Small children can’t usually learn how to - -- - their shoelaces and buttons until they are about three years old. B) come up A) find out D) end up @doup E) face up 7. Ifwe don't start looking after our environment, many plant and animal species will - == - just like the dinosaurs did millions of years ago. B) fall over A) cut out D) drop off @ die out E) cut off 8. Sam had drunk bottles of wine, and he didn't know where he was going. He didn’t notice the steps, so he «~~ -. B) got ahead of A) dropped by D) fell through C) ended up @iett over 9. We had originally intended to go to Mexico for our holiday, but our trip -- -- when | got sick. A) cut off @ieti through ©) dropped off D) fell over E) did over 10.1 know | won't hear the alarm, so I'm - - - - you to wake me. up tomorrow morning. B) coming up with D) falling out with Qo inting on A) filing in C) facing up to NS UNIT 3 PRACTICE TEST 11. [turned off my computer before | saved the report | had written, so now I will have to - ~~~. do it over B) do it up ©) eat out D) drop by E) count on 12. It was not easy to take out a loan from the bank. I spent hours -- -- forms and answering questions. A) doing up B) figuring out @iting ‘out D) facing up E) ending up 13. Once you start watching these TV series, you don't want to stop because you want to -- - - what's going to happen next, A) face up to B) do over C) fall apart D) fall through find out 14. The taxi driver was driving so fast that | told him to stop. and ----me---- immediately. A) find / out @ drop / oft ©) fall / over D) drop / by E) drop /in 15.1n order to support his father who was having difficulty meeting the family needs, Mark - - - - school and started working. A) fell through B) dropped off ©) fell out of Qcropped out of ET, E) fell apart bh UNIT 3 PRACTICE TEST 16. When Susan was talking to Paul on the phone, suddenly they couldn't hear each other. The line was - -- -. I @cut off B) dropped off i C) cut out D) filled out } E) crossed out 17. We had planned a beautiful day out together; however, things went wrong and we - -- - staying at home. A) faced up to B) came up with @ ended up | C) got along with E) found out 18. We can't afford to buy everything on your shopping list, so Ive ---- all the unnecessary things. A) cut off B) figured out D) counted on @crossed out E) filled out 19. We were quite sure that our team would win the game; however, the game didn’t - - - - our expectations. Our team lost. A) face up to B) fall through C) get ahead of @ come up to E) cut down on 20. My grandfather has a huge collection of various newspaper articles which he had - - - - from papers over the years. e@ cut out A) cut down on C) ended up D) filled in E) found out about UNITS PRACTICE TEST 21. Sheila was shopping near where her friend Irene worked so she decided to -- -- and say hello, but she couldn't find her in the office. A) find out B) face up C) fall through @ drop by E) come up 22.- ---is fun and it saves time; however, if done frequently, it is costly and there might be harmful effects on your health. A) Getting along @ Eating out C) Cutting down D) Falling over E) Dropping by 23. Peter has been smoking much less and feeling better since his doctor told him to - -- - the number of cigarettes he smoked. A) cut out @ cut down on C) cut off D) die out E) eat out 24. His leg was seriously injured and there was no hope of saving it, so the doctors had to -- - -, A) endup B) do it up C) die out D) drop it off Qu it off 25. You can’t pretend that you're doing well at school because sooner or later, you'll have to - - - - the fact that you’re failing. A) get on with B) come up with ace up to D) get ahead of E) fall out with UNIT 3 PRACTICE TEST 26. Susan can’t drive, so whenever she needs to go somewhere far, her husband drives her and -- - - at the ¥ place she wants. te A) falls over B) eats out C) drops out of D) drops off i @ sions her off } } 27.1 don’t think you should sit on that old chair. It looks as if it is going to ms A) cut out @ fall apart C) die out D) fall through E) drop off t 28. Drinking too much at parties and then driving may cause you to - - - - at the police station, so you mustn't drink and i drive. : A) fill in @ end up C) drop by D) fill out E) come up to 29. Because | had taken a week off, | had to work overtime to «+++ the schedule, A) get ahead of @come up to C) cut down on D) face up to E) get along with 30. If you want to share a flat with somebody, it’s a good idea to look for a person who you -- =~ well with; otherwise, you might have problems. A) fill in B) fall out @ get along D) figure out E) come up Poa UNIT 4 PRACTICE TEST 1. After a short coffee break, the members of the committee ---- their discussion. A) got away with B) gat down t é got back to D) got across E) gave in t 2. When you - - -- the bus, cross the street, turn right on Main f Street, and keep walking until you're at the corner of Winston and Washington Boulevard. A) getin B) get off @ seton D) get around —) get away t 3. If everybody could get - -- - by bike, by motorcycle, by bus t or on foot, there wouldn't be any traffic jam or air pollution. Qon B) off C) into D) around E) out of ts 4. Because it is not easy for an addicted person to - alcohol or any other harmful product by himself, professional help is advised. A) get by @ give up C) get away with D) get down to E) go through 5. The passengers waited in the departure lounge for hours before they got - - - - the plane as the flights were delayed due to bad weather conditions. A) away B) off C) into D) out of @on UNIT 4 PRACTICE TEST 6. We were planning to - - - - for the weekend; however problems with the car prevented us. A) go after @ 90 away D) get rid of C) get out of E) go through 7. My friend always - - - - cheating in the exams. He hasn't been caught up until now, and he gets really good grades. A) gives away B) goes after @ gets away with C) goes away E) gets up 8. moment, but I'll - -- - you as soon as | have found out who. @set back to B) give in D) get around C) give away E) get down to 9. I tried hard to convince him not to abandon his wife and children, but | couldn't - ---to him. B) get across get at C) give up D) go after E) give out 10. The policeman - - - - the mugger in the street, but he couldn't catch him. A) got across B) went through D) got around é went after E) gave in I don’t know who has been chosen as the chairman at the eee UNIT 4 PRACTICE TEST 11, Politics is seen as a man’s job, but women are - - - - just as well. A) going away B) giving up C) going after @ getting on E) getting through 12.1 always - -- - my seat to disabled people, elderly people, pregnant women or women with small children on the bus. @ give up B) give out C) give in D) get off E) geton 13, Claude Monet is a famous impressionist artist who - - - - from city life and civilization to paint the pictures of nature ‘on a remote island. A) got away with B) got on with @ got away D) got over E) got through 14. She burnt all the old letters, diaries, postcards and some photos in the fireplace as it was the easiest way to ---~ them. @ get rid of B) get around C) give away D) get out of E) give in 15. After the teacher - - - - the exam papers to the students, she asked them to read the instructions carefully. A) got over gave out C) got out ) gave off Lie E) went after UNIT 4 PRACTICE TEST 16. There's something wrong with the garage door opener. You'll have to - -- - the car and open it by hand. B) get on A) get into D) go after C) get away @ get out of @ The fight between the two boys stopped when one of them hurt his hand badly and had to - - - - unwillingly. B) go after A) get off D) get up C) give in E) get across 18. Rainy and gloomy weather - - - - and makes me want to stay in bed all day. A) gives me away C) gives me in @ gets me down D) gets back to me E) gets at me 19. saw my neighbour's 13 year-old-son - - - - his father’s car and drive away, so | immediately called his mother. A) get down to B) get out of C) get off @get into E) get away 20. People from charity organizations come to your door to pick up anything you would like to - - - - if you just phone them and tell them. @ give away (C) go through B) give up D) get up E) get around mre UNIT 4 PRACTICE TEST i 21. My older sister is jealous of me, so she’s always - - - - me . for no apparent reason. ; A) getting over B) getting down @ getting at D) going after E) giving away 22. Beatrice had to stay in the office until late hours in order to ---- her report which she had to hand in the next day. A) get out of B) give away C) give up @ get through E) get around 23. Although some women try hard to look younger, wrinkles on their hands give - -- -. A) them up @ them away C) away them D) them off E) in them 24. Ray thinks he will never get - - - - feeling so stupid just because he failed such an easy test. A) off B) away with e over D) down E) around 25. Your plane is leaving early, so you will have to get - -- - much earlier than usual tomorrow morning. A) in B) off C) away @e —) on UNIT4 PRACTICE TEST 26. It’s going to be hard to pay the rent now that you've lost your job, but don’t worry, somehow we'll - - - -. A) go through B) get around C) get away D) give away e get by 27. The children are not making any noise at all! That's weird; what are they getting - ---? A) rid of B) down to D) back to C) at @ up to 28. We have had enough fun; now it’s time to - - - - some serious work as everybody wants to leave early and we have got to finish this work. A) get down to B) get on C) give up D) give away e@ get down 29. Natural gas we use at home doesn't give- - -- any smell; ‘therefore an organic compound is added to give natural gas a smell like that of rotten eggs, which allows it to be detected in the air. A) in B) up C) back D) away Bott 30.1 suppose there was something wrong with the telephone lines this morning because although I tried to call you several times, | couldn't - - - - you. A) go through @ cet through to D) get down to C) get over E) get at } } UNITS PRACTICE TEST . The new student who was transferred from a school in another town had to work hard to ---- the rest of the class as he was a bit behind. A) light up @ keep up with C) let down D) hold on to —) hand over . The rules of the basketball game were - - - - by its inventor James Naissmith in 1892. A) held up B) kept on C) gone over laid down E) handed down . Meat and milk products, when not kept properly, go - -- - quickly especially in hot weather. Therefore, we must always keep them in the fridge, A) over B) on C) through @ ot E) with . The girls sitting in the corner were giggling, but they stopped when the teacher asked what was - - - -. A) going through B) keeping on @ going on D) leaving out E) handing in » Tom wanted to see if checked trousers -- -- a striped jacket; he looked in the mirror and thought they looked horrible together. A) went down with @ went with C) grew up with D) kept up with E) went out with UNITS PRACTICE TEST 6. The team - -- - their project once more to see if there were any mistakes before they gave it to the teacher. i. i went over B) kept on { ; handed in D) handed out ; E) held on j 7. Jim's club -- -- because he didn’t pay his dues or come to i; any of the meetings held throughout the year, A) hung up B) went away { @ kicked him out D) let him down } E) grew apart 8. The coach - --- one of the players because he hadn't been playing well lately, | A) gave out B) went off ij C) went on @ett out E) held up 9. When the main computers went - -- - for a few minutes, it was a chaos in the office. | realized we can’t do without them. A) off @ down C) over ) through E) on 10.1 had - - - - ina small village, so it was difficult for me to get used to city life when | had to move to Istanbul to study at university. A) grown out of B) grown apart C) handed down e grown up E) left out = % UNITS PRACTICE TEST 11, It was the first night Susan would - - - - George, so she wanted to look beautiful. A) grow up with B) go over with (C) go through D) keep up with @ go out with 12. The bomb experts were able to defuse the bomb in the shopping center seconds before it - - - -, and they saved many lives. A) hung up B) laid down C) held up D) kept on @ went off 13. The woman gave her diamond ring, which was - -- - to her from her grandmother, to her daughter who was getting married. A) left out @ handed down C) handed over D) given off E) given up 14. When the school year is over, students who are responsible for a certain social activity, - - - - their responsibilities to other students for the coming year. hand out B) kick out ) keep up with D) hold on to E) hand over 15. Our country is - - - - a difficult period; there is high unemployment, inflation and some other social problems. going through B) going over ) keeping up with D) holding on to E) laying down UNITS PRACTICE TEST 16. The teacher did not accept my book report which was supposed to be - - - - two days ago saying that | should 4 have brought it on time. A) handed down B) hung up } @ handed in D) gone off i E) handed out H 17. The convict was - - - - of prison after serving five years of i an eight-year sentence because he had been behaving well. A) kicked out e let out i C) let down D) laid down i E) grown up 18. Marriages may - - - - after long years because couples may i start developing different opinions and interests from each other. A) keep on B) go on C) leave out D) hold on e@ grow apart 19.I'd like to have talked longer to my friend, but | had to -- - - because my mother needed to make a call. A) hold on B) keep up @ hang up D) go through E) let down 20.1 am behind schedule, so | think I'll - -- - working for a while. You can leave early. @ keep on B) hang on D) go away C) hold on E) go off CL P UNITS PRACTICE TEST 21. The municipality -- -- the streets on occasions such as Christmas, New Year or public holidays. A) grows apart B) goes out with @iights up D) hands down E) leaves out 22. When | don’t have anything to do at home, | usually - - - - in the town center where | can find almost all my friends. A) go away @rang out C) go off D) hold on to E) hang up 23. It was evident that somebody had - - - - my belongings in my room in the hope of finding something. The room was a mess. A) given up B) grown out of C) handed down e gone through E) let off 24. The man should have been sent to prison for six months, but the judge decided to -- -- so that he could stay out of prison and take care of his family. A) leave him out B) hand him down e@ let him off D) let him down E) hold him up 25. When children - - - - their clothes, mothers don’t throw them away but keep them for their younger children or give them to charity. A) grow up B) grow apart C) hang up ) grow out of , E) hold on to UNITS PRACTICE TEST 26.1 was -- -- in the traffic for a few hours because of an accident that blocked the road. | was late for the meeting. A) handed over @ held up C) hung up D) kept up E) laid down 27. The company - - - - its workers by not keeping its promise of a pay rise before the New Year. A) let off B) let out C)litup @et down E) kicked out 28. Although music CDs are not popular anymore, | -- -- my CD player and my CDs because they remind me of my childhood. A) go away B) go through @hoid on to D) hand in E) leave out 29. Earlier today a masked robber with a gun - - - - the bank and escaped with a hundred thousand pounds. e@ held up B) held on to C) let off D) went off E) went over 30. called the hospital to find out about my friend's condition and the operator told me to - -- - but most probably forgot to connect me. | waited for a few minutes and then hung up. A) hold on to @ hold on C) go through D) hand in E) hand down | \ t } : 5: ME, UNITG PRACTICE TEST . My aunt’s husband - -- - last night. We are going to attend his funeral tomorrow. A) made up B) made out C) passed out D) passed by @passea away . The boy was so tired that he - - -- during the maths lecture right in front of the professor. A) missed out @ nodded off C) occurred to )) lived with E) paid back . When I look - - - - my childhood, | often feel angry because | had two older brothers, who always picked on me. A) down on B) forward to C) up to ack on E) away oe . | couldn't - - -- what was written in the note because the handwriting was really unclear. eux out B) name after own up D) look into. E) mix up | bought some flowers for my neighbour. | hope they «== = the antique vase | broke when | went to her house for dinner. A) look back on B) pass on to C) live up to D) link up with ake up for UNITG PRACTICE TEST 6. The Internet has made it easier to deal with business problems as one can - - - - up with partners over the Web in just a few minutes. A) own @ link C) make look E) line 7. | know it was you who spilled water on my computer. Why don’t you be honest and - - -- doing it? }) pass on A) mistake for C) look into e" up to E) look forward to 8. My son always asks me the meaning of the words he doesn't know. He never looks them - -- - in the dictionary and this makes me very angry. A) over Or C) up down E) back 9. When their parents ask their teenagers where they go, they usually ---- up a story not to tell the truth. A) mix B) link C) live D) line Qe 10. While | was walking around, the White House Presidential Limousine - - - - and | immediately took a photo of it. A) occurred to Qe by C) made out passed on E) missed out UNITG PRACTICE TEST 11.1 think we're paying too much tax. | told our accountant to look - - - - it and inform me about the result. A) after eo C) up to into E) for 12. When the police found the gang in a garage, they got them to - -- - against the wall. @iine up B) nod off C) pay back D) pass on E) make up 13. The famous Formula 1 pilot will join the race in the stadium and said he is looking - - -- that spectacular event. A) down on B) up to C) back on jorward to E) after e Like most teenagers, my daughter loves - - - - whenever she goes out. A) making up B) mixing up C) passing out D) taking up E) looking for @enitaren are not like adults; they argue very often, but they ----again very quickly. A) look over B) look into e make up D) make out , E) own up UNIT G PRACTICE TEST 16. The secretary told me that she'd - - - - the message - - -- to her boss as soon as he got back, but I’m afraid she didn’t. A) miss / out B) make / up D) pay / back é pass /on E) look / over 17. Children should look - - - - their grandparents and parents. A) up to ack on C) down on D) over E) into 18. Students sometimes -- - - the verb tenses up when they try to make sentences by translating from their mother tongue. en B) link look D) mix E) line 19. When his boss started to shout at him, the gardener said he’d - - - - for making him look like a fool in front of everyone and left. A) look down on him B) link up with him C) pass on to him oe him back E) mistake hi 20. It is not easy for children to - - - - their parents’ expectations. They are usually so demanding. B) live up to A) look back on D) name after e"~ up ) own up UNITG PRACTICE TEST 21. It didn’t - -- - us that we had left the iron on until we came back home. A) look up to B) link up with C) pass onto D) make up with on" to 22. Their aunt looked -- - - the children while their mother was in hospital. A) back on B) into @: D) up to E) for 23. It is really hard to - - - - the pain of a serious illness. A) live up to live with C) cut off occur to E) pass on to 2 24. Some big-heads - - - - their colleagues because they think they are better than everyone else. A) pay back B) look up to C) make up for look down on E) nod off 25. A lot of children are - - - - their grandparents in many countries, A) owned up es after C) looked up to looked down on = E) made up for UNIT G PRACTICE TEST 26. Couples usually make a list of the people they'd like to invite to their wedding to make sure they don't - - - - anyone ----, A) make / out B) mistake / for C) pass /on D) look / up e@ miss / out ; 27. Detectives are still - - - - the prisoner who escaped from the } prison days ago but there is no clue. } A) owning up B) passing on } C) passing away looking for { E) looking aftel emmy 28. The doctor - - - - the symptoms - - - - blood poisoning and later the patient took him to court for the wrong treatment. A) passed / onto mistook / for C) made / up DB) looked / over E) made / out 29. One of the listeners - - - - because the room where the conference was being held was too hot. A) missed out B) named after D) occurred to ess out E) linked up 30. We - - -- the house again before we bought it and decided that it was exactly what we were dreaming of. looked over A) owned up to C) lined up D) lived up to E) looked up to . UNIT 7 PRACTICE TEST 1. It was in the middle of the night when the fire brigade was called to put - - - - the burning house. A) up B) through C) down D) away | oe } 2. If! win the lottery, I’m going to - - - - all of my debts and buy t a house on the beach, A) put forward B) pay off C) pick at pay into E) pick out 3. Iwas really surprised when I ran - - - - one of my school friends at the grocery store because | hadn't seen him for years. A) after B) away C) out @r E) over { } { i i i ; ' i i 4, The best way to learn a foreign language is to live in the country where it is spoken because you - - - - without spending too much effort. A) point it out B) pick it out @pick itup D) pull it over E) put it forward 5. As both teams had the same points at the end of the tournament, they - - - - to decide the winner. A) pulled over B) put away C) picked at played off ian E) put up UNIT '7 PRACTICE TEST 6. Alot of girls in the villages attempt to run - -- - to avoid a ae forced marriage. B) out A) after way D) out of E) into 7. There is a lot of news about terrorist threats - - - - in the newspapers and on the Internet every single day. A) pointing out B) picking out C) picking up popping up ore E) popping in 8. The rain will ruin the picnic. Let's -- -- till next week. A) run it over B) pick it up D) pull it over C) point it out o it off 9. The little girl was very happy to be - - - - to take the leading role in the play. A) picked out @doickes on C) picked up D) put through E) put out 10. When | make a mistake, my mum always - - - - and tells me to be careful. B) pays it into A) picks it up C) puts it away e@ points it out E) pulls it over gee 7 UNIT 7 PRACTICE TEST e: was just passing by when I noticed the light was on, so! thought | would - - -- for a chat. A) pick up B) popin C) run after D) pay into E) put through 12. On the way home from work, I ran - = - = petrol and had to walk to the nearest station to get some. A) after B) away from t C) into D) out of t e@ out 13. The sudden noise put me - -- - my work, and | couldn't concentrate on it again for a long time. A) through ou C) forward D) away E) back 14. You can't just -- -- the situation whenever you have a problem. You need to try to solve it. A) pick up run away from C) put up run out of E) put back 15.1 try to - -- - some money - - -- my account each month to save up for my summer holiday. A) pick / out B) put / away C) put / out e@ put / into Coa E) pick / up UNIT "7 PRACTICE TEST 16. If you see an ambulance coming up behind you, you should immediately - - - -. B) pop up e over play off D) pay off E) pick up 17. Although the children weren’t hungry, their mother made them sit at the table in silence, and they started to - - - - their dinner unwillingly. B) put back A) put up C) pop up @ pick at E) pick up 18. Please put the dictionary - - - - on the shelf after you've finished the crossword. back A) forward D) out C) off E) through 19. Despite the inflation in Turkey, sales - - - - alot before the Bairam. B) pop in ez up pick on D) pick up E) putup 20. My house is big enough to put you - - - - when you come here. Please don’t book a hotel and stay with me. A) on B) out D) through e” E) forward UNIT 7 PRACTICE TEST 21. Martha’s husband is really mean. I don’t know how she --- him. A) runs away B) puts on C) runs out of D) runs after Qos up with 22. After the accident, the survivors were - - - - by fishing boats from nearby villages. A) put through @bicked up C) run away from D) put up with E) picked out 23. The city council put - - - - a new plan as to how the garbage should be collected and disposed. A) on B) through C) back forward E) away @ 24. As time was running -- - - for the trapped miners, their families started to panic. A) after B) out of @u D) into E) away @wren the operator put me - - - - to the help line, it was too late. The man had already jumped out of the window. A) off B) out Ou» D) forward Em E) through UNIT 7 PRACTICE TEST 26. Some old men always - - - - younger women probably because they want to feel younger. 4 A) point out run after f D) pick up | C) play off E) put out 27. The bullies at school - - -- poor little Tommy, who was wearing thick glasses. A) played off B) putup D) put off C) picked out picked on A) putting out B) pulling over C) popping in D) picking up or children love playing on the beach -- - - pebbles. E) playing off 29.When you go to the shopping centre, can you - --- m clothes from the dry cleaner? I need them for the party tonight. A) pay into B) pay off C) pick out pick up E) put back @ 30. My father is an officer in the army. As soon as he comes home, he takes off his uniform and - - -- his jeans and sweatshirt. puts on A) puts off C) picks at pops in ) runs out Fe

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