Forged Stamps of Hannover - The Spud Papers - Stampforgeries of The World

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19-11-2023 15:46 Forged stamps of Hannover - The Spud Papers | Stampforgeries of the World


“The Spud Papers”
by Atlee, Pemberton & Earée

1850-51. COAT OF ARMS

1 Ggr, 1/30, 1/15 & 1/10 Thaler

T he 1 G.GR. blue has for watermark a
kind of “Oxford frame.” All the
Lithographed. No watermark, white gum.
No stop after BIN in the I G.GR. Head of
others have a wreath of oak leaves, unicorn like the open beak of an eagle. No
usually very plain and distinct. The gum dot for nostril. The crown on the lion’s
on all the stamps of this issue is of a dark head is of an indescribable shape; it is
rose tint. There is a stop after the word something like a crescent laid flat, with one
KIN on the 1 G.GR. This is a mistake on horn longer than the other. His tongue
the engraver’s part; but it is fortunate for ends in a knob curling slightly downwards,
us, as it affords one test for the detection and there is no mane on the cheeks. The
of the forgeries, which have no such harp has only two strings when any are
stop. The head of the unicorn is tolerably visible at all, but in most copies the
well-shaped, except that he need not instrument is merely a blotch. The point at
have opened his mouth quite so much; the top of the shield of value just touches
and there is a little dot to represent the the motto-scroll above it, but is not
nostril. The crown on the head of the lion covered by it. Thin inner line of frame often
resembles a baron’s coronet; his tongue so blotched as to touch the outer one.
is curled upwards at the end, and his Being lithographed, there is no trace of
mane comes well up over his cheeks, embossing on any of the stamps. Printed in
nearly to his eyes. The harp in the royal sheets of 25, and sometimes postmarked 1/5
19-11-2023 15:46 Forged stamps of Hannover - The Spud Papers | Stampforgeries of the World

arms has four strings. The shield with an imitation of the genuine postmark,
containing the figures of value has a but without the central date-figures.
point in the center of the top, which is
partially covered by the motto-scroll. The
thin inner-line of frame never touches
the thick outer one in any part. In good
specimens, the figures of value on the
shield are slightly embossed, owing to
the pressure of the die. There are other
minor differences; but these are the


3 Pfennige. Rose

Typographed (?) on white wove paper, Lithographed, on very badly made white
backed with rose-colored gum. 32 wove paper, un- gummed, no watermark.
vertical lines in central oval. Design very There are only 29 lines in the central oval.
distinct, and very little hidden by the The whole of the design is very much
burele pattern. There are 4 of the vertical blotched, the letters frequently run into
lines between outside of oval and H of each other, the first E of SILBERGROSCHEN
HANNOVER. The letters of value (EIN has a flaw at the top -(visible in all copies),
DRITTET SILBF.RGROSCHEN) are small, and the burele pattern is so heavy and
and do not nearly fill up the space coarse that the design of the stamp is
between the boundary lines of the scroll. almost hidden by it. The H of HANNOVER
None of the letters run into one another. touches the third line of the central oval.
Printed in deep dull carmine. The letters of value are large, and almost
touch the scroll at top and bottom. Printed
in dirty rose-pink, and postmarked with
HANNOVER in double circle, but no date.
This stamp is not calculated to deceive; the
absence of the rose gum, and the number
of the lines (29 instead of 32) in central
oval, afford a ready means of detection.
The paper on which the forgeries are
printed looks as though bones, and old
iron, and tarred ropes, and all kinds of 2/5
19-11-2023 15:46 Forged stamps of Hannover - The Spud Papers | Stampforgeries of the World

rubbish, had been ground up to make the

pulp, besides the old rags which are
ordinarily used for that purpose.


1, 2, 3 & 10 Groschen

These stamps, though not marvels of art, Lines of groundwork have a ragged look.
are, nevertheless, very carefully engraved Pearls round the head very small, and
The fine lines behind the king’s head are apparently a little distance apart. The king’s
perfectly distinct, and never run into nose is rather snub, and only a slight touch
each other, though so close together. The of shading by the eyebrow. Between the
pearls round the head are large, and outer circle and the outer line, there is only
close together (there are 88 of them, but one of the vertical groundworklines to be
unfortunately, there are the same seen on either side. The lettering is blotchy,
number in the forgeries, so this is no and looks as if it had “run”. The gum is
test), and the king’s nose is strongly white. In these stamps, I have found it
aquiline, with a line of shading from the exceedingly difficult to give such tests as
eye nearly to the point. Outside the will enable a collector, possessing only one
circle, between it and the border, there specimen, to decide at once whether that
are two of the vertical lines of the specimen is genuine or forged; for, though
groundwork to be seen on the left hand there are many differences between the
side, and one on the right. The lettering is genuine stamps and their imitations, I
moderately clear. Rose gum. must, in justice to the forgers, say that
these differences are very slight. The
forgeries just described comprise both the
yellow and the bistre 3 Groschen.


3 Pfennige. Green 3/5
19-11-2023 15:46 Forged stamps of Hannover - The Spud Papers | Stampforgeries of the World

Lithographed, and rather blotched; 32 The great mistake of the forgers has here
lines in the oval. The legend on the scroll been to lithograph their stamps too well;
is often almost unreadable. Rose gum on so that the forgeries look better than the
the unperforated copies; when the gum genuine specimens. As before, the chief
is white, the stamps are perforated en test is, that there are only 30 lines in the
arc. oval. Imperforate, with white gum.


1/2 Groschen. Black

10 small pearls and 1 large one outside 11 small pearls and 1 large one outside the
the crown to right; and 9 small and 1 top of crown to each side. Inside the
large to the left. Inside the wide mouth of mouth of the post-horn there are only 13
the posthorn are 17 lines of shading. The lines of shading. The jewels round the rim
jewels round the lower rim of the crown of the crown are round. Paper very chalky
are oval. The paper is creamy white. white.

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