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cat VOLUME | es PE WILEY Blackwell VOLUME I A-Eas THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE ROMAN ARMY GENERAL EDITOR YANN LE BOHEC GIOVANNI BRIZZI 3CKHARD DESCHLER-ERB GEOFFREY GREATREX BORIS RANKOV. MICHEL REDDE WILEY Blackwell Thiseiton fie published 2015 (©2015 Jf Wiley & Sons, id Repired Offce John Wiley & Sons, id, The Asim, Southern Cate, Chichester, West Sussex, POI9-880, UK tril Ofcee 380 Main See, Malden, MA 02848-5020, USA ‘3600 Garsington Read, Orford, OX4-2DQ, UK “The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, Wes Sussex, PO19-880, UK, Fr dt four global etoril fies, for customer services, and for infrmaton about hoe 0 app ‘or permision to rea the copyright mater in this book pete see our websteat wwwilycom! ey ike Therightof Yann Le Bohes, Giovanni Brie Eckard Deshler, Georey reste, Boris Ros and Michel Rede o be denied asthe authors of th eo materia in this work as been asserted In accordance with the UK Copyright, Design and Patents Ac 1988 Allright reserve. No prt ofthis publication maybe reproduce, stored ina retrieval stem, or transite in ay form o by any means electronic mechani photocopying, eording oF otherwise, xcept as pernited bythe UK Copyright, Design and Patents At 196, without he pio permiesion of the publisher Wile also publishes ts books in avait oflectoncfrmts Some content ha appears in pint may not be avaiable in electronic boos, Limit of Labiay/Disclame of Warranty: Whi the publsher and authors hae used hee es efor Preparing this ook, they make no epesentations or warranties with respect the acurtcy or ‘completeness ofthe coments a ths book and specially sam any implied waranies of rerchantbliyo tes fora puticular purpose Ii sold onthe understanding that the publisher aot ‘ngage in cedring profesional services If profesional advisor ther expert assistance ruled the Services ofa competent professional should be ought rary of Congres Catling Pucaton Data ‘The encylopedi ofthe Roman army genera editor, Yann Le Boks: associate dtr, Grvan Bei tal pcm Inches biographical references and ines ISBN 978-1-4051-7619-4 (HK sak paper) 1. Rome-Army-Encyeopedas. 2 Miltary art and science-Rome-Frcylopedas. 3. Rome-Hisor, Miltary-Encyeopedias. 1. Bohe, Yann Le 1. Brig, Glovan, 1946- 35532013, 355.0093705-der3 ‘Acatlogue record fr this book is avaable rom the British Library. “Thusnaal cover image, lacks om tp lf; Roman ele offers and soldier of he rset Guard 2nd century AD, © The Art Archive / Mashed Laure as / Gann Dagl Ort deal of ate ‘between Romans and Ostrogots, Ludvis sarcophagus © DeAgosin Supestck rhe fam sarcophagus, 170 AD, ©Tistan Laeanchis ak oages deta of Pratran Guard, © DeAgostinl Superstck Cover design by Cyan Design Set in 9.51115 inion by SP Publisher Services, Poniheey nda Printed ani bound in Singapore by Marko Print Ma Pte Lad 1 ans ‘Volume I List of Enris Lit of Uustrations [Nats om Contributors Preface and Acknowledgments Atbreviatons and Bibliography Chrono op Adas ‘Volume I Es-Pol Volume IIT Paz Index Contents 7 1354 351-762 763-1123 uaa Activin Administration: Republic Administration: Principate Administration: Late Empire Adrianople Aerial Photography Africa ‘African Auxiliaries gens, agentes bus Agricola Alamanni: Principate Alamanni: Late Empire ‘Alani: Prncipate Alani: Late Empite Albano Ales Allies: Republic Alles: eincipate Alles Late Empire Altrip “Ambush: Republic “Ambush: Principate Ambush: Late Empire ‘Amida Amphibious Warfare Antonine Wall Arabia Arabe ‘Arch of Constantine List of Entries Arch of Orange Archers, siti Republic Archers, sitar Principate Archers, sagitari: Late Empire Armament of the Enemies ‘Armenia: Republi ‘Armenia: Prineipate Armenia: Late Empire ‘Army ata Total Institution [Army Constructions Principat Army Constructions: Late Empire Angustass Army Augustus Ware ‘vars Axes Sagaudae Baggage Tran: Republic Baggage Tran: Princpate Baggage Train: Late Empire Bandits: Peineipate Sandie Late Empire darbarization Barracks Batavis Princpate Bata Late Empice Bathhouse Battle in Open County: Republic Battle in Open Country Principat Battle in Open Country: Late Empire Battle in Towns: Republic Battle in Towns: Princpate Battle in Towns: Late Empire Bella stm Bk, cingulum Biological and Chemical Warfare Black Sea Body Armor bona castrensia Bonn Booty: Republic Boot): Principate Booty: Late Empire Bostra Boudica Revolt Bow Brigetio Tablet Britain Britain: Late Empire Britons Principate cellar, bce Caerleon Caesar Camels: Late Empice Camp ‘Camp Security: Republic ‘Camp Security Principate ‘Camp security Late Empire campus Cannae Cappadocia Caracalla Cacausius Careers: Republic Caters: Principate Careers: Late Empice Carnunturs Catapult Caucasian Countries Cavalry: Republic Cavalry: Principate Cavalry: Late Empire Cats: Republic Celts Prinipate and Late Empire Cemetery, Mitary Ceremonies, Military: Republic Ceremonies, Military Principe Ceremonies, Military: Late Empire Christians: Peincipate Christians: Late Empire CCisapine Gauls Gil Wars Republic (Givi Wars Prneipate (Givi Was: Late Empire Govllan Secements Govitans: Republic Govilians:Peinipate Civilians Lae Empire Claudias lathes Cohorts of vigies Colchester Colleges, Miltary Column of Mazes ‘Aurelius comes, comites: Republic and Principate ones, comites: Late Empire Constantine | Constantinople: The Defenses ‘Constantius 1 ‘Counterinsurgeneys Republic Counterinsurgency: Principate Counterinsur Empire ney: Late Dacian Wars Dagger Danubian Provinces Danubian Soldiers Death in Battle: Republic Death in Battle: Princpate Death in Battle: Late Empire Decisive Batle dedstio Detenses Detensve and Offensive ‘Wars, Strategies of Republic Defensive and Offensive Was, Strategies of Principe Defensive and Offensive ‘Wars, Srategies of Late Empire Demography and Aemy: Republic Demography and Army Principate Demography sid Army: Late Empire Depictons, Miltary sesertor,prditor and transfuge: Republic deseror, prodtor, and transfga Principe esertor,proditor and transfuge: Late Empire Deute Diet Diocletian List OF ENTRIES vil Dionysis Diplomacy: Republic Diplomacy: Principate Diplomacy: Late Empire Discharge, missio Discipline: Republic Discipline: Principate Discipline: Late Empire Diseases domestich ddonativa and liberabiates Principate donate and liberates: Late Empire dtucatus Dura-Europos Eastern Aula Republic astern Auxiliaries Principate astern Ausiiaries: Late Empire Economic Warfare: Republic Economic Warfare: Principate Economic Warfare: Late Empice Economy andthe Army: Republic Economy andthe Army Princpate Economy and the Army: Tate Empire dessa Egypt Hleous Engineering Works Epigraphy: Principate Epigraphy: Late Empire Equids Equine Equipment equitessingulares Angas Ethics Exruscans, Army ofthe excubior Late Empire Jfabrica Face of Battle for Chillans vi List oF exTRiES Face of Battle for Soldiers Field Officers: Republic Feld Officers: Principate Feld Officers: Late Empire Flavians and the Army foederai Fortified Farm fossa Franks: Principate Pranks: Late Empire Gactul Gallic War Gallemas General: Republic General Principate General Late Empire gentles Germans: Republic Germans: Principate ‘Germans: Late Empire Germany slandes Glory Glovesster Goths: Prineipate Goths: Late Empire Greeks Guerrilla Warfare: Republic Guerrilla Warfare: Principate Guerrilla Warfare: Late Empire Hadrian and the Army Hadvians Wal Halter Hannibal Headquarters Helmet Heracius Hispan: Republic Hispani: Principate Historians: Republic Historians Principate Historians Late Empire Honorary Titles Hospital, valetudinarton hospitals Hons latrue Ierian Peninsula berins as Enemies tberians: Repablic Imperator rincipate Jnperator Late Empire Imperial Cult Principate Imperial Cult Late Empire Imperialism inperum Implements Incheuthil Infantry: Republic Infantry: Princpate Infantry: Late Empire Instruments of vgs Intelligence: Republic Intelligence: Princpate Inceligence: Late Empire Irish Teautians Ralians: Republic Ralians:Principate Ralians: Late Empire Ralians a Enemies of Rome: Republic aly ius belt sus mitre, Miltary Lave Jewish Wats: Republic Jewish Wats: Prinipate Judaea Jugurthine War Julian Tustie, Miltary Justinian Kalkriese Kiusro Kis I eet Lambése, Lambaess Landing Languages: Principate Languages: Late Empire Lating and Romans Law Codes ej lines linstanes Litemicy: Republic Litemey: Principate Litemey: Late Empire ditusSaxonicum Local Militias: Principate Local Militias: Late Enpire Logic: Republic Logistics: Principate Logics Late Empire Laser yon (Lugudunum), Bate of Macedonian Wars Marcomanai Marcomannic Ware Marcus Aurelius Marius Marriage Maseda Mauretania Maximinus Thrax ‘Medical Service: Princpate ‘Medical Service: Late Empire ‘Mercenaries: Republic ‘Mercenaries: Late Empire ‘Mesepotamia niles Republic niles Principate miler Late Empire Miltary Footwear Militry History, Romen: Modern Military Life: Republic Miltary Life: Principate Miltary Life: Late Empice mlitiaeequestres Mirebeaw “Moors, Mauri: Princpste ‘Moors, Mauri: Late Empire Morale: Republic Morale: Principate ‘Morale: Late Empire ‘Musix: Republic ‘Music: Principate Musi: Late Empire Naval Base Ney Nevo Neuss Nijmegen 'Non-Commissoned Officers, NCOs: Republic Nop-Comimissioned Offices, NCOs: Principate Non-Commissioned Officers, NCOe Late Empire [Notta Dignitetum Novae ‘Numantis "Namidae: Republic ‘Numidae: Prinipate ‘Numismatics: Republic ‘Numismatics Principat ‘Numismatics: ate Empire (Oath: Republic Oath: Princpate Oath: Late Empire Oberaden Order of March: Republic Order of March: Prineipate Order of March Late Empire ondo Origins ofthe Roman Army ostrak Palestina, Syria Palaestina pelatn! Palmyra Papyrology, Papyrus: Principate Papyrology, Papyrus: Late Empire Parade, decursi: Republic Parade, decrsio: Principate Parade, decursio: Late Empire Parthian Wars: Republic Parthian Wars: Prineipate patria: Princpate patria: Late Empire Pax Romana: Republic Pax Romana: Prinipate Pay and income: Republic Pay and Income: Principat Pay and Income: Late Empire Persian Wars Principate Persian Wars Late Empire Pets pir Piracy Republic Piracy Pincipate Piracy: Late Empire plambaiae Police, Policing: Principate Police, Policing: Late Empire Politics: Republic Paltcs: Principate Pate: Late Empire postion Practorian Cohorts Prisoner: Republic Prisoner Principate Prisoner: Late Empire _probati Republic ‘probatio Principate Drobato: Late Empire procurator Psychological Warfare Punic Wars Pyrehus ase shir Quad: Principate Quad: Late Empire Quarries Ravenna Recruitment, Organization Republic Recruitment, Organization Principate Recruitment, Organization Late Empire Recruitment, Socal and (Geographical Aspect Republic Recruitment, Socal and ‘Geographical Aspect Principate Recruitment, Socal and Geographical Aspects: Late Empire Religions: Republic List OF ENTRIES ix Religions: Principate Religions: Late Empire Rewards: Republic Rewards Principat Rewards Late Empire Road Fortification Rome Saalbarg Samnites Sardinia Sarmatac Principate Sarmatae Late Empire Saxons scholae platinae Scipio, Africanus seta seats Seythae: Prinipate Seythae: Late Empire Sea Batle: Republic Sea Bate: Late Empire Sea Power: Republic Sea Power: Principate Sea Power Late Empire Senatorial Provinces Senior Officers: Republic Senior Officers: Principate Senior Officers Late Empire Septimivs Severus Serve Wars Severus Alexander Shapur Shapur It Shield Siege Warfare: Republic Siege Warfare: Principate Siege Warfare: Late Empire Signal, Signaling ‘Small War: Republic ‘Small War: Prinipate ‘Small War: Late Empire Social Wa Society and the Roman ‘Aemy: Republic Society and the Roman ‘Asm: Princpate Socicty and the Roman “Army Late Empire Spear Speech, adiocuto: Republic Speech adlocuto: Principate Speech, adloctio: Late Empire Split Stables Stamps Standards Stanegate, Vindolanda ‘tat, slattonaié:Prineipate ato, stattonarit Late Empire Stilicho Sasbourg, Argentorate Battle of strate Diocletian Stratager: Republic Stratager:Principate Stratagem: Late Empire Strategy: Republic Strategy: Principate Seategy Late Empire Svicide Sala, Syla Sword, gladias Syria Syrian Wars Tfarinas Tactics: Republic “Tatice: Principate Tactic: Late Empire festamentune ‘reodosius Tiberius ‘eaining: Republic “raining: Principate ning: Late Empire Trajan Trajan Colaman Transfers: Republic “ransfers: Principate Transfers: Late Empire ‘ranamission of Orders: Republic ‘ranamision of Orders Principate Transmission of Orders Late Empire tribal Triumph: Republic Triumph: Principate Trophy Units: Republic Unite: Principate Units inthe Noa Diguitatun Urban Cohorts Valens Valentinian 1 Vandals Veterans: Republic Veterane:Principate Veterans: Late Empire vexilatio vi militares Waldgirmes war Cry ‘War Machines Ware ofthe Fist Republican Period, 09-201 BCE Wars ofthe Middle Republic, 201-133 BCE Wars ofthe Late Republic, 133-31 BCE ‘Mars against Mithridates ‘Wars ofthe Principate ‘ars of the ed Century CE ‘irs of the Late Empire Warship Wier Windisch, Vindonissa Women Wounds Wihiters Republi Uiriters:Principate Writers: Late Empire Yerk, Horacum List of Illustrations “The defense ofthe empire ‘The Roman rod under snow lading fom Faimingen (Phoebiana) athe Danube nocthwards up to Hleldenheim (Aguile) "he Roman fort of Kasron Mefs, modern Uni er-Resas, in northern Jordan “The Roman fort tGlenlochar Scotland Map of Roman Afica General map of Asa steand siege works of Caesar Ars’ impression of the contavallaton on the Laumes plain “Traps found in Alesis fila and pp of Caesar Plan of the north gate the camp of Labienas, Camp © Plan of the cata in Alri Antonine Wal military deployment in northern Bsn inthe Antonine period Map ofthe Antonine Wall Plan of the fort and annex at Castlecary Plan of the secondary fort and annex at Rough Castle ‘Map ofthe Arabian Fonte nthe 4th centary ‘Arch of Constantine in Rome. Pedestal with Roman solders ‘Arch of Constantine in Rome. Frieze with the bata the Milian Bridge “Arch of Constantine in Rome. Frieze with che rival of Constantine a Rome afer the atte at the Mian Bridge Typical plan of legionary barracks Reconstruction of barack nthe Salburg caste Paintings from Echzell (Germany) of centurion barracks Simplified tap ofthe Black Se epton Plan f he fortes at Bonn Plan of Bosra showing location of gions fortress Aerial view of Caerleon fortress Typical plan of a republican camp according to Poybias ‘Organization ofthe barracks of maniples reserved fr hasta anal principe the republican fortes according to Plybius Theoretical layout of eglonary fortress during the Prinipste Fort et Wallsend, UK i 6 v 18 28 » 0 31 2 v 51 3 2 7 nn a ir 9 Lo. 13 30 31 » 4 % 36 ¥ 3s » ” a a au 45 46 v Smal fort at Hesebach, Germany Small outpost t Hanau/Neuwirtahaus, Germany Plans of forts built rng the Late Empire Artists impression ofthe burgusat Ein Boke, Israel Plan af the caste in Dagan Jordan Approximate locaton of Roman military sites onthe Cappadocia frontier and the ‘eascrn Black Seacoast Pl of he conabae and forteses of Carmuntum “Technica diagram of catapult Relief on tombstone of Gaus Vedennius Modertus, Rome Catapult with crew oftwo mes, shooting frm timber bastion "The tigger: mechanization ofthe bow grip Reconstruction ofthe gastraphees CCtapal torsion spring ‘Arrow shooter (caaputa) of Vitruvius Reconstruction of the omager Layout of Ladenburg Carmunturn| {Layout of Salburg military vicusin a strip layout wth bathhouse mano, forum, and, possibly, exzzise rounds Rurfenhoten Reconstruction of Kunzing Dimensions of surviving early Imperial tonics Dimensions of surviving sleeved tunis Dimensions of surviving ely Imperial cloaks Possible depictions of padded under-armor garments in Roman art Military sites at Colchester “The Theodosian land walls fom the nrthwest Cross-section ofthe land walls ‘itary ste inthe Danubian provinces in he Jlio-Claudian period c50 CE itary sites inthe Danubian provinces ¢.175 CE Military stein the Danubian provines 375 CE “Modular plan ofthe ianvallatio at Aleia Bae made oflogs ofthe rampart Valkenburg 2 Reconstruction ofthe turf rampart t The Lunt nest Coventry, UK Profiles of various types of esl walls made of tar, arth, and wood Schematic reconstruction ofa wall made of stone and wood Schematic reconstruction of the south gate ofthe castle at Marthe, Germany Schematic reconstruction ofthe northesstern gate in the cateliom at Hessbach, Germany Reconstruction ofthe plastered wll nthe rampart atthe Salburg castle Reconstruction ofthe rampart superstructure in the Salbarg cstle Schematic reconstration ofthe main gate inthe lelonary fortes at Mirebeau, France Titulo and eovcul identi atthe ext near Chapel Rigg in Northumberland, UK Schematic profiles of stone ramparts Varios types of foundations for walls inthe Late Empire Various plans of tomers and of gates during the Late Empite Length of cst for various pieces of armament, Plan ofthe castle t Deut Plan ofthe for at Dionysias/Qusr Qarun, Egypt The Roman military basen the northern quarter of Dura-Europos Sy General map of Egypt and its garrisons in the time of Augustus 4 4 136, 1 1s 16 132 Iss. 156 7 157 7 158 2 26 an 2s 246 232 58 268 299 280 254 287 298 298 298 289 300 a0 301 302 302 503 303 5a ss 306 30 368 ua ba os 6 List OF ILLUSTRATIONS Mlitary Roman centers in the eastern desert Egypt ‘The brgas at Daren/Foitzheim, Germany Gsar inthe predesert zone of Libya ‘Map of Romnan military centers in Germany during the times of Angusts and Tiberius The soiled limes of Upper Germany/Racti, Germany Historia shetch ofthe aca fmer of Reetin ano Upper Germany Roma artifiatons i Raeia 300 CE Miltary setup in Germania and lie If in the Late Empire Military setup in Germania and Belgica Tin the Late Eepire (Glanes ead ballet) from unknown find spot Glands lead ballet) fromm unknown find spot (ceverse) ‘itary sites in the Gloucester area, UK [Map of northern England showing forts occupied (and recemy abandoned) shortly belore Hadrian’ Wal was built General map of Hadas Wall ‘The cental part of Hadrian Wall lan of amiecaste on Hadrian’ Wall, lan of turret on Hadrians Wall lan ofthe fort at Housesteads Plan of tre castle at Halter, Germany Various types of plans for princpia Asia impressonof the profil ofa bulding typically used as headquarters Reconstruction of inten setup of an adesprincpforum at Salburg castle Principia (daring the ies of Augustes) sn Oberaden, Marktbret, and Halter Reconstruction af the main hal nthe princpia at Salburg caste Decoration ofthe aederin the fortes at Luxor Egypt The pringpa at atrus (Kriving), Bulgaria The valetainaram in Veter Reconstruction of the vuetuinavnom a Novae “The Late Empire fort tates Miitary settlements during the Republic period in Hispania ‘Wall of te big fort at El Pedros (Casas de Reina) Legions forts and auxiliary forts during the Cantabrian Wars (29-19 BCE) i the Iberian Peninsule Led, pas of the structures ofthe camp belonging tothe lego VI! Gemina Led, pon principal snr belonging co te camp of helo VT Gemina {esi ponta principal sins, Suggested 3D reconstruction Bos de Bande, Cidadel, est rampart Lesa, mania of lego VIE Gena’ camp The lgionryTortvxe at Itt Senta Gravestone of Quintus Tuliss Galt, ate Ist century BCE, Rome Jae (iter Syria Pauestina and Arabia inthe It though 3nd centuries CE, Bate at Kalkiese Plan ofthe main fortes at Lambaesis Aerial photograp ofthe e-em egionasy fortress Plano the e Ley leglonary forsess The coast forifications ofthe itu Sonica near the end ofthe ath century CE The coatal defenses and Iktral towers of Cumbria snd Yorkshire athe en ‘ofthe sth century CE The Richborough fortes at the end ofthe Ah century Ck The Portshester forces 409 23 6 9 440 “4 “4 “7 497 458 m6 583 384 395 595 598 Ly bs na 130 br 3 135 136 “w 138 19 Ho. a 146 17 Ms, 9 150 st 152 153, 154 155 157 156 159 160 161 182 1a tot 16s 166 167 168 6 v0 12 3 List OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Pevensey fort The own of Ale, mentioned inthe Nota Digntatun Scarborough as an example ofthe "signal stations in Yorkshire The fortress at Luxor during Diocletian time Plan of Roman sege works st Masada The mountaintop Masada fortress ‘Map of Roman military presence ia Mauretania Miltary buildings at Miteben, France ‘Aci photograph ofthe pratentura in the fortes of Mires, France Pian ofthe docks at Halter’ Hotetat, Germany Plan ofthe Koenenlage at Neus, Germany Plan ofthe frtsat Njmegen, Netherlands Legionary frees at Nove inthe ery Sud century CE General plan of Numantia Pla of Reni Plan of Oberaden| Deployment of Roman military units in the provinces of Paluesina and Avabia in the sth entry C View of Qase Bshic.a typical quadriburgium ofthe late Roman Empire, erected in 293-305 Plan of Qase Bsr ‘The quarry complex at Mons Claudius, Egypt Inscriptions from Crowdundale Quatry Cambria Inscription from a quarry on the river Gal, Cumbrla lan ofthe procs at Maximianon/ Al-Zargn, Eeypt Theoret" a ublains, France Plan of the Ssalburg foress Rectangular shield bas from a scutune “The successive stages ofthe operation io captre Jerusalem Artists impresion of tower ‘Map of northern Britain in the Flavia period, about 84-86 CE. Socketed point from Osuna and socketed ilu and javelin head from Smihel Diocletian palace at Spt Ants reconstruction of stable Various stamp theTWventy-Fst Legion found in Oedenburg One ofthe writing tablets Feom Vindolands The strata Diocetona from Damascus to Palmyra and its northern extension 0 Sura (modern Souriya) ‘Aerial photograph of Khan el Mangour, a fort on the strate Dioltans Plan of Khan e- Qatar, fort on the strata Disletiana and its reservoir (birke) Basic terms of Roman sword-bades, hts. and scabbards Types of Roman sword-bades and their crosesections Types of Late Antiquity sword- blades and hit peso the Roman Imperial era ‘Sword-hlt components ofthe Roman Imperial er and sesbbard tings ofthe early Imperial period Scabbard itngs ofthe middle Iniperia period Scabbard fisngs ofthe ate Roman tothe erly Merovinglan period Map of Roman Syria Legion arranged in cohorts {Selecta of on tribul, 1-9 CE [ayoot of Waldgiemes. Germany so 638 st 62 662 om 683 195 798 804 808 835 36 01 ois roy on 925 930 932 on 950 952 956 963 967 or toas 171 wm v8 19. 180 181 List OF ILLUSTRATIONS Relic of Takoli-apl-Eshara Ill, 730-727 BCE ‘The undermined town wall above the tune Ail vem uf Masa athe wnssve ge ats Depiction ofan arcubali a quiver and a swond on ale from Solignac-surLowe Arts impression of the mechanism onthe posbaloe DDepietion of Grek ie in foannesSkylitvess Synopsis of Histories Plan of the leionary forts in Vindonissa, Switzerland “The smashed shall fan adult male, hit bya Roman sword (spatha) 74 ors 178 1079 1090 ioe ma Notes on Contributors Colin Adams is Reader in Ancient History at the University of Liverpool. His research Interests are the social. administrative, and economic history of the Roman Empire, especially Roman Egypt, the Roman army and society, and (ransport and travel in the ancient world Publications include Travel and Geography in the Roman Empire (cooditeé with R, Laurence, 2001), and Land Transport in Roman Egypt A Study of Adininstration and Economics a Roman Province (2007), Gabriella Amott is researcher and lecturer of Ancient Geography (Faculty of Letters and Philosopby, Milano) and Roman History (Faculty of Fcational Sciences) at the Catholic University ofthe Sacred Heat, She i also/a member of the faulty af the Postgraduate Schoo! of the University of Perugia and of oer scientific institutions suchas the Societs GeogeaficaHaliana and the Centto di Studi Storico Geografc. She is author of a number of essays in the fld of Antiquities and historic geographic issues and especially about the history of explorations. Dietwulf Bast is an archaeologist and retired director ofthe Soalburg Museum in Bad Homburg, ‘Germany (museum for display and research of Roman military history and the Roman limes). He isa member ofthe German Archacological Institue (DAL), Fellow ofthe Society of Antiquaries, ‘of Landon (FSA) and Protescar at Frankfurt-am-Main University (1980-2003). His special fields ‘of work ate the archaeology ofthe Roman army; building history, and ancient technology: on these and related tops, he has written more than two hundred publications. ‘Marco Bettas Professor of Greek History at the University of Siena (Italy). He has been the Ihead of the Department of Classical Stes since 2007. His primary research interests lie in the fatea of economiy and society in clasical Athens as well k Herodotus and Greek historiography. His major focus in recent years has been on warfare in archaic and classical imes, with works on ‘Aeneas Tacticus,hoplitism, and mercenaries in the Greek world M.C. Bishop is a freelance writer, publisher, and archaeologist who has excavated within the Roman forts at Chester-le Street, Nesston-on-Trent, and Osmanthorpe, and in the civ seitlements outside the forts at Brough-on-Noc, Inveresk, and Roeclife. He was coauthor ofthe publication reports on the Roman sites at Corbridge and Housesteads and has catalogued _materal in the miseums at Aldborough, Corbridge, Chestrs, and Housesteads. Having ntiated the Roman Miliary Equipment conference, he was founding editor ofthe Journal of Roman Miltary Equipment Studies and coauthor ofa diachronic study of Roman arms and armor. Astrid Bongart studied Roman Archaeology, Classes andl Ancient History atthe University of Cologne. she intahed her masts degre in 2008, Aer spending seven month in Nev Zealand she completed her PRD in 2014, Henning Bim is Assistant Profesor in Ancient History at Konstanz University, Germany. His 2006 doctoral thesis Prokop und die Perser (2007) deals with Procopins of Caesarea and with Roman-Persian relations in Late Antiquity. In 2013, he published Westrom: Vow Honors bis Iustinian. He has edited Commutatio et contenti: Studies in the Late Roman, Sasanian, and Early Islamic Near East (2010, with Josef WiesehSter) and is currently preparing a volume on “Antinionarchi Discourse in Antquly tone Breccia Profesor of Byzantine History t Pavia University. In recent years, hehas been ‘working in the fld of military history, mainly focusing on topics related to inegular warfare and counterinsurgency. His latest books are a study on the Roman att of war (Tig i Mave, 2012), and on guerrilla warfare (arte della guerriglia, 2013). nd Newcastle David . Breeze isan honorary professor atthe Universities of Dusham, Edinburgh and a former chef inspector of Ancient Monuments for Scotland. He has excavated and pub- lished on Hadeiar’s Wall and the Antonine Wall. His atest book, The Frontiers of leaperal Rome, is a review of the evidence forall Roman frontiers from the archaeological perspective. He is Chairman of the International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, President of the Royal Archacological Institute, nda past president ofthe Sacity of Antiquares of Scotland Peter Brennan retired in 2008 from the Department of Classics and Ancient History a the University of Spey. Heis the author of many publications on Roman militaria and iscompleting, 1 monograph on the Notita Dignitattn - with a revised tex (including iustrations), translation, historiographical introduction, and selective commentary - which will appear in the series Translated Texts fr Historians Giovanni Brizz is ful professor of Roman History at Bologna University. He has taught at Sassari and Udine Universities. He was a professor (1993/1994 and 2005/2006) atthe Sorbonne, is Officer de FOrdre des Palmes Acudémiques of France, and is a member of the Academy of the Sciences ofthe Isitto di Bologna. He is editor of the Rivista di Storia delfAntchts, editor of the Rivet d stad mitar, and coeditr ofthe Revue des Etudes Miltaies Anciennes. Giovanni Brizzh tsauthor of more than twa hundred publications in ciferent languages ands one of the leading scholars in ancien military history Raymond Bruletis fll Professor of National Archaeology atthe Catholic Univesity of Louvain (Belgium) and Emeritus since October 2011, He has taught at other universities in Liégeand Paris | {Panthéon-Sorbonne). He was Director ofthe Centre de Recherches dArchéologie Nationale in Louvai-la-Newve President ofthe Institut des Civlstions, Ars et Lote and President ofthe Département dAvchéologie et d'Histoire de [Art t the Université catholique de Louvain Chairman of the 17e Commission d'listoire of the EN.RSs and Member of the Standing Committe forthe Humanities of Buropean Science Foundation (ESF-Strasbourg). Raymond Brulet authored ore than fity books and numerous articles in international journals. lll NOTES OW CONTRIBUTORS Richard Burgess isa profesorin the Department of Classicsand Religious Studiesat the University ‘of Ottawa, He has published five books snd almost fifty articles and book chapters on late Roman history, historiography, and late Roman numismatics, including new editions of late Roman chronicles, aswell as over sixty encyclopedia enties on ancient and late Roman chronicles. Alexandra W, Busch is Director of the Department of Roman Archacoogy at the Romish GGermanisches Zensralmuseum in Mainz (Letnitz-Gemeinschaf) and member of the German Archaeological Insitute. From 2008 o 2014 she has been general consultant and head ofthe photo archives atthe German Archaeological institute (DAL) in Rome, She is directing the DAI projet on the legionary camp of the logo I! Parthice in Albano Lavile and teaches atthe Institut fr ‘Archioogische Whvenschafien at the Albert Ladwigs-Univeritt, Freiburg Since receiving her PhD ‘onthe military presence in Rome in 2004, she has continued her research in Roman nltaryarchaeol ‘ogy wih various studies dealing with multary architectures, the epigraphic evidence arms and images. rangois Cadiou is a senor lecturer of Roman History at Bordeaux University Hes the author of Hibera in terra miles: Les armies romaines et la conquéte de UHispanie sous a République, 218-45 a: J-C. (2008) a8 wll as several articles onthe Roman republican army. He's coeditor of Defensa y terior en Hispania de los Esopiones a Augusto (2003), La guerre et ses traces ‘dons la péninsuleIbéigue &Fépoque de la conquete romaine: approches méthodologiques (2008), tnd of De armas, hombres ydioseel papel de las arnsas en la conguista romana dela peninsula ‘rica (2010) He sa member ofthe Scientific committee of several journals on ancient history (Revue des Etudes Anciennes, Dialogues d Histoire Ancienne) and on anclent silty history (Aquila legions, Revue des Etudes Militaire Anciennes), Pierre F Cagniart is currently Associate Profesor atthe Department of History at ‘Texas Sate Universiy-San Marcos. Hhas published variousarticleson Late Republic warfare. Heis currently conducting research on various aspects of Julius Caesars political and muitary ie. Giambatista Cairo graduated in Law (1998) and Ancient Mistory (2004) He received his PhD in Ancient History atthe University of Bologna in 2008. He was awarded a research grant from the School of Humanistic Advanced Studies of Bologna University to study Roman colonies (2008 2010), His main research interest ae the origins of Rome and problems related to Roman colonies and Roman citizenship. He has written many articles and publications, for example Roma fio «el fvco (2010) and Prin dle ct Le Teghe arcaiche del Lazio ela fondazione di Roma (2012) ‘Craig H. Caldwell is Assistant Professor of History at Appalachian State Unversity: He has also taught at Samford University, the University of Georga, and Furman University. He received his PRD in History from Princeton University with a dissertation on civil wats in late Roman Ilyrcum, and he has published articles on military history of Late Antiquity, numismatis pigea phy. and the Balkan frontier Brian Campbell i Profesor of Roman History at the Queens University of Belfast. He was Leverhulime Senior Research Fellow 2002-2005; Visiting Fellow of All Souls, Oxford 2005: and Visiting Scholar ofS John’, Oxford 2011, His interests include the Roman army and polities land sin the ancient world. measurement and distribution, and rivers and waterw John Casey i Emeritus Reeder in Archaeology a the University of Durham, Honorary Lecturer at the University of London Institute of Archaeology, Fellow ofthe Society of Antiquarie, and Corresponding Member of the American Numismatic Sociely, He has conducted and published 1 number of exeavations of Roman forts and their dependent ici for example, Caerlson, CCaernarlon, Brecon Gaer, Greta Bridge, and Corbridge. A maar revision ofthe military policy of Commodi in Britain has recently appeared, His main feld of research isin coinage, anda vel lume on the economy and coinage of Sinope ia Paphlagoina (Turkey) has recently been published, He hasalso writen numerous specialist reports on Roman coin find in military contextsand has also published on aspects ofthe Late Empire with special focus on the end of Roman Britin in its military context Alessandro Cavagna received his PAD in 2008 fom the Schoolof Historical Studesat the Universyy (ofthe Republic of San Marino and is Fellow athe University of Milan (Department of Since of Antiquities, now Department of Literary Studies, Philology and Linguistics) He isa member ofthe halian Numismatic Society and Editorial Scretary ofthe Rivita liana di Nunsmaticn Sconce Afni. He has writen several books and papers on Hellenistic economies and ancient coins Mireille Corbier sted at the Ecole normale supévieue (Paris) and the Ecole frangaise de Rome She aught Ancient History at Paris X Universy and atthe cole normale supérieure and anthro- pology at Paris VII University. She has been Chief Editor of Lannie epigraphique since 1992 and she Professor Emerita atthe CNRS, Her main reseatch interests onthe Roman world ae fom ananthropological and historical point of view, inlude state, money, taxation, economy; family and kinship: the uses of writing literacy, malilingualism, text and image) and food and foodvays ‘Simon Corcoran is Senior Research Fellow inthe Department of History a University College London where, since 1998, he has been working on the various phases of the Projet Volterra, which studies the life and aterlif of Roman la (200-1100 CE), He isthe author of Th Empire of the Tears: Imperial Pronouncements and Government AD 284-524 (2nd edn, 2010), for hich he was awarded the slver medal Kupiszewski Prize by the Centro omanisticointemszion ale Copanello in 1998, He has published widely on Roman legal history. Pierre Cosme wos a member of the French School at Rome between 1999 and 1996. He taught Ancient History atthe University of Poitiers and Paris (Panthéon- Sorbonne), Hes now Profesor Of Ancient History at the University of Rouen. He has written Eta romain entre éatemen et ontinuité de la mort ce Commode au concile de Nike (192-5325) (1998), Auguste (2008); Lirmde romaine (VII sic aw [-C.-" sidele ap.J-C) (2007) Les empercurs romain 2011)and Lande des quatre empereurs (2012). Jon Coulston is lecturer in Ancient History and Archaeology atthe University of St, Andrews, Scolland. He is Fellow ofthe Society of Antiquaries of London and Fellow of the Society of ‘Anliquaries of Scotland. He as published widely in the fields of mlitay history, ancient warfare, ‘and ancient at, specifically studying military iconography (notably Trajan’ Coluann), Roman riltary equipment, and Asiatic steppe nomad warfare. He isthe author with M.C. Bishop, of Roman Military Egupment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome, James Crow is Professor of Classical Archaeology tthe University of Buinburgh, He has aught at the Universities of Warwick and Newcastle upon Tyne and from 2001 to 2005 was Associate Director ofthe AHRC Cente tor Byzantine Cultral History with the Universities of Susex and Queens, Bellas. He is Fellow ofthe Society of Antiguaries of London, and of Seotland, He has ‘excavated at Hadrian Wall and has directed fieldwork projects in Turkey. most rece in the hinterland of Constantinople. His publications include four books and many articles concerned principally with Roman frontier sues and Byzantine archaeology in Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria, ax NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS John Curran is senior leturer in Romano-Jewish history, Assocate Director of the Institut of Theology at the Queens University of Belfist and a member of the Royal fish Academy's Committee for Classical and Nea Eastern Studies. He has been Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford, the Hebrew Universiy of Jerusalem, and Yale University He the author of Pagan City and Christian Capital: Rome i the Fouts Century (2000) 35 well as articles on the administeation ‘of the Roman province of Judaea, the rise of Christianity, and the Jewish Patriarchate in Late Antiquity, Gwyn Davies is Associate Professor at the Department of History, Florida International Universi in Miami, He is a graduate of the Institute of Archaeology, UCL. and is a coditector ‘of both the Yowats Roman Fore Project and the preliminary excavations at Tel Achziy, Israel Dr, Daviess research focuses on the Roman army and his publications include the monograph Roman Siege Works. Lukas de Bos, born 31 July 1944, is Emeritus Professor of Ancient History of the Radboud University at Nijmegen inthe Netherlands. He published books and articles on the history ofthe Roman Empire inthe id century CE, the history ofthe late Roman Republi, ancient historiog raphy (Sllust, Tacitus, Cassius Di}, Plutarch biographies, and Greck Sicily in the dt century BCE, He also published a manual (with RJ. van der Spek, Introduction tothe Ancient World, nd edn, 2008). Heisa member ofthe academic board ofthe international network, Impact of Empire (Roman Empiee, 200 BCE-476 CE), which he founded in 1999, Lukas de Ligt s Professor of Ancient History at the University of Leiden. Heis the author of Fats and Markets in the Roman Empire (1998) and Peasants, Cuizens and Soldiers (2012) and coeditor ‘of various volumes, including Viva Vox Turis Roman (2002), Roman Rule and Civic Life (2004) and People, Land ad Politics (2008). He has published extensively on Roman economic history, the history of Roman associations, and Roman demography. ‘Mauro de Nardis, PAD, is Senior Research Fellow of Roman History in the Department of History University "Federico I" at Naples. His published work focuses mainly onthe social and cultural history ofthe Roman world ‘Ségoléne Demougin is Professor Fmeriaat the CNRS (Scientific National Office), Professor at the FPHE (School of Higher Studies, Pars), and honorary Dean at the EPHE (Department of Historical and Philological Sciences). Her publications are mainly concerned with the political and social history of the Roman Empire and Latin epigraphy. She has made a particular study of Roman knights on which topi she has published articles in a variety of tnd various books, Eckhard Deschler-Eeb is Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland (Depart- ‘ment fr Pre- and Protahstory, with a lecturship in the archaeology of the Roman provinees. His subject ares ae the Romanization inthe nogthwestem provinces, Roman crafts, and small finds. fa adlition he has written and published many atiles on Roman military equipment Some of them are Benchmarks within Roman military history. Sabine Deschler-Eeb is Assistant Profesor at the Univesity of Basel, Swiverland, with a lectureship in atchaeozoology She ia member ofthe Institute of Prehistory and Archaeological Science and ofthe Vindonissa-Professorship for Roman Archaeology. Her reseacc interests are animal and human eeationships through time and space, especialy in Roman culture NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS xx Alain Deyber, former high officer f the French army; high civil administrator and achacologis, taught military history, strategy, and tactic at the Saint-Cyr.Coétquidan Miltary Schools for 3 few years. He is Chevalier de Ordre National du Mésite of France, isa member ofthe Association Francaise de TAge du Per and other soccties of archaeologists, and is chercheur associé of the ‘CNRS (UMR 5594) ARTEHIS (Dijon, France). He isthe author of more than one hundeed publications and is one ofthe leading scholars in Celtic military history, Maarten Dolmans studied Ancient History and Roman Archaeology at Leiden University. followed by a postdoctoral in Scientiic Journalism and Information atthe School for Journalism in Utrecht He s currently working on a PRD on Roman military medicine at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Between 1993 and 2002, he taught Ancient History at Leiden University, was Assistant Conservator at the National Museum of Antiquities in the Netherlands and Senior Archaeologist ofthe City of Leiden. Since 2002 he has been Senior Archacologist and Cultura Policy Advisor for the Town of Venlo, He is author of more than one hundred publications 09 {own archaeology, Roman military medicine, the Roman army, and Roman weaponey Jan Willem Drijvers is Associate Professor in Anclent History at Groningen University: He has published on a variety of topes concerning the period of Late Antiquity, including the monographs Helena Augusta: The Mother of Constantine the Great and the Legend of Her Finding ofthe True Crass (1992) and Cyril of Jerusalee Bishop and City (2004), He is & member of the Dutch team writing philological and historical commentaries on the Res Gesae of Amimianus Marcellinus (se wr.rug lista wdeivers/index for more information), John F, Drinkwater is Emeritus Professor of Roman Imperial History i the Department of Classis, University of Nottingham. He taught previously atthe University of Sheffield, He is Fellow ofthe Society of Antiquares of London and a member of the scientific committe for the journal Letom. His latest book is The Alamannt and Rome 243-496: Caracalla to Clovis (2007) “Michele Ducos is Professor of Latin Literature at the Unversity ofParis-Sorboone, She taught at the Universities of Nancy I! and of Burgundy in Dijon She has writen om a variety of topics on Roman historians (Livy Tacitus), on links between hierature and law i the Roman world, and als between philosophy and law in Rome. Louise Earnshaw. Brown isa British historian fom the University of Kent. She has published an important book, The laians on the Lancs Changing Perspectives on Republican Italy The and Now (new edition in 2009), Jonathan Eaton is Research and Scholarly Activity Coordinator at Newcastle College, He completed his PRD at Queen’ University, Bells, His thesis was ented Soldits& Polis: Managing the Roman Army 31 BC-AD 235, Peter M. eawel lectures on the Koman Near East and Late Antiquity at Macquarie University ‘Sydney. He isthe former holder of the Macquare/Gale Fellowship atthe British School at Rome and isthe author of Between Rome ad Persia: Te Middle Euphrates, Mesopotamia and Palryra under Roman Cantrol Hei curently working on project on Roman Mesopotamia, Immacolata Eramo isa researcher and lecturer in Classical Philology atthe Univers’ of Bar Her research interests include warfare in Late Antiquity and the Byzantine periods, Greek and wall NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Roman mila lternure, the history of the tradition of anclenteechncal texts in the medieval and Renaissance era, Shes the author of vatious essays, including critical edition, wth transl ‘ion and commentary of Syrians, Disord guerra (2010). Emanuela Ecolant, former Professor of Numismatics at Bologna University, isan honorary inspector of Sprintendenza Archeologica del! Emilia Romagna and Memiser of the Academy of the Science ofthe lstituta di Bologna and ofthe Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologi, She collaborates with many local museums of Emil Romagna, with Museo Nazionals Roman, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato talano, and Musca di Stato diS. Marino, ands editor of ‘many appesited catalogs of nomismatic collestions and exhibitions, She is author of more than one hundred publications and i highly egarded fr her studies on monetary circulation, sel Erdrich i Professor of Archaeology ofthe Roman Provinces atthe UMCS University in Lublin, Pond. He bas taught atthe University of Amstedarn and the Radboud Uaiversty in [Nijmegen both in the Netherlands, and i a guest lecturer atthe University of Vienna, Aust. He ‘specializes nthe relations between the Roman Empire and the societies living beyond theborders of the empiee Europe. He has published books and numerous papers on Reman-barbaran relations. Andrew Fear is lecturer in Classics at the University of Manchester, A forme Junior Research Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford, he has contributed to the Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare and isthe author of an annotated translation of Orosis’s Seven Books of History agains the Pagans. ‘Michel Feugéreisan archaeologist workingat the CNRS (National Centre for ScientiieResearch), UM 5138 1 Lyon (France). He has specialized in Irom Age and Roman rafts and small finds Jn Western Gurape and the Mediterranean, and produced several books (as wll as hundreds of articles) on personal ornaments, tools, vessels statues, and all kinds of artifacts inelding (wo books on Roman weapons (1993) and helmets in Antiquity (1994). He is now in charge ofthe online encyclopedia artefacts mom. ‘Doigniew Fema is a dacent in Classical Archaeology at the Univesity of Hesink, Fink, In 1992-2011, he ditected archaeological projects in Peta for the American Center cf Oriental Research and forthe University of Helsinki. In 1998-1998, he was Fellow in Byzantine Studies at Dumbarton Daks and, n 2005-2010, he was Academy of Finland Research Fellow. Altogether he has the experience of 30 yeas of echacological iedovork in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabi tal and Switeriand, His publications mainly concern the Near Eastin the Roman and Byzantine periods Grog Fsheris Associate Profesorin the Department of History andthe College ofthe Eumanities ‘Carleton Jniversty in Orta, Canada. He is the author of Between Empires: Arabs Romans, tnd Sasanione in Late Antiquity (2011), which addresses the place of Arabs betwcen Rome, ya, anc Iran between 400 and 700, and the the editor of Arabs and Einpires Before slam (2015), a crical collection ofiterary, epigraphic, and archaeological soures forthe Acabs inthe pre-Islamic period, (Christof Fligel is chief consultant forthe archacological museums in Bavaria at the Bavarian Museums Service in Munich, Germany. His main interests focus on Roman military swall finds as well as the archacometric analysis of Roman ceramics. In addition, he hat been conducting ‘excavations with the German Archaeological Institate in Rome and Carthage, Tunisa, He is 8 rember of the Scientific Hoard of the Austrian Archaeological Institue at Vien, Jaakko Fr8sén is Proessr Emeritus of Greck Philology atthe Unversity of Helsink He published his dissertation Prolegonena 10 a Sy ofthe Greck Language ofthe Fst Centuries AD in 1974 ‘Thereafter, he has done his esearch work most in poblishingand iterpeting Geek pap fom Egypt. He wae ditector ofthe Finnish Archaeologica Institute at Athens (1988-1992), During the Jast decade he hasbeen working mainly on the carbonized papyrl of Petra These studies ld tothe archaeological excavationson Mount Aaron in Petta His seach team al the University ofHelsinki ‘was nominated as CentreofExcllence in Research fo 2000-201 by the Academy of Finkind, Sara Giurovich (PRD) a postdoctoral fellow atthe University of Bologna, and a lecturer in Grook History at the University of Ferrara. Her research interests ate the history of ancient medicine and ethnography Danielle Gourevitch s Profesor Emerita at he Ecole Pratique des Hautes Bxodes, Pass wher she taught history of medicire (her main periods are Antiquity and the 19th century). She is Officer des Palmes Académiquesand Chevalier dela Légion d honneut a member ofthe Académie inter nationale histoire des sciences, a member ofthe Institute for Advanced Stuy, Princeton, and past president ofthe Société fanease histoire dela médecine. Sheisthe author of some thre Hundred articles and wrote or cowrote, some twenty books and catalogs (Several also in translation) in French, Italian, and English She was honored with a Festschrift, Femmes en médecine, in 2008 Geoffrey Greateex is Professor in the Department of Classics and Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa, Canada, He has eld research fellowships at Cardiff University in Wales, at Robinson College in Canbridge, and atthe Ludwig: Maximilion- Universit in Munich. He is a member ofthe editorial oard ofthe journals Antiguté Tardive, Milenniun, and Byzaneinisce Zeitschrift. Among hs publications ae his monograph, Rome and Persia at Wat, 502-532( 1998), his source book (with 8 Lieu), The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars, AD 363-630, (2002) and his commentary (with translation by R. Phenix and C. Horn) of The Chronicle of Pseudo-Zachaiah of Mytlene: Church and War in Late Antguity (2011), Leonardo Gregorati was educated a the Universities of Udine (tly) and Trier (Germany). He has conducted research in Uilne, Trier, Kiel and Bergen. His research interests include Roman history and epigraphy and the history of Western Asia, in particular the Roman Ne East, Palmyra long-distance tade and the Parthian kingdom. He is about to publish his itst mano- ‘raph entitled Besween Rome and Cresiphon: Royal Authority and Peripheral Powers along the “Trade Routes ofthe Parthion Kingdom. He collaborates as classical historian withthe archaclogi cal missions conducted ty Udine Univesity in Syria end Iraq Since 2013 he has been Junioe Research Fellow at the University of Durham, Fiona K. Haarer teaches at King’ College in London where she holds a Visiting Research Fellowship and is Diretcr ofthe London Summer School in Classics, Her work covers story, literature, and culture of the th and 6th centres CE and she has published « monograph on the Emperor Anastasius (200), She has edited the Bulletin of British Byzantine Studies oe the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Stes since 2003, She is also Secretary ofthe Roman Society. She was elocted Fellow of the Society of Antiquries in 2010. Joachim Harnecker isan schaeologist working on Roman finds st the LVR Atchologischer Parke “Xanten, Germany. He was or many years the site director the excavations in the Roman lary ‘amps fro the Roman occupation period in Westphalia and on the batlefield of Kahres. Hei author of several publications about the smal find of the Early Empire in northwest Germany, Kaja Harter-Uibopuu is Senior Scientist at che Documenta Antiqua, Insitute for the Stay of Ancient Culture, Austrian Acadeny of Sciences. She has taught at the University of Graz and the University of Vienna. Her main fcus in research lies in Greek law, public and private, and in Greek epigraphy. Curzenty she isthe head of a research projet on “Funeraty Law in Greck and Roman Asia Minot Peter Herz holds the Chait of Ancient History at Regensburg University. Before that he was Professor (from 1986) at Mainz University. His eld of interest are history of the Roman Empire, economic and social history, and rule cult sp Antiquity Robert H, Hewsen received his doctorate in Middle East History from Georgetown University, Washington, DC. A professor at Rowan University in New Jersey, he served 3s Visiting Profesor a the Universities of Michigan, 2ennsylvania, Chicago, Calfornia, and at Columbia, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He translated The Geography of Ananias of Sirak (1992) and compiled Armenia: A Histrial Atlas (2001). He has written nearly fy scholarly articles, 19 chapters for various books; 128 artes for encyclopedias, eight large-scale maps for the Tbinge Atlas ofthe Midale East ane mapsto the works af some fit scholars. He ha edited a translation (of A History of Artsath, an unpublished manuscript in the University of Tubingen Library (2012) and is working ona study ofthe conversion of Armenia to Chistian. ‘Stefanie Hos isa post excavation expert of Roman and Frankish meta finds in Dutch commer: ial archaeology She has aught atthe University of Cologne andthe Free University Amsterdam. ‘She has published several articles cn the mlitary bet ofthe Roman soldier ands eurenty finish Inga book on the subject. James Howard-Johnston is Emeritus Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He was the fist holder of the University Lectorehip in yzantine Studies, from 1971 so 2008. He published ‘Watnesses to World Crit Historians ad Historie ofthe Mile Eastin the 7b Centuryin 2010 eis currently at work on a history of the Last Great War of Antiquity, 605-630. Dexter Hoyos is Honorary Associate Profesor at Sydney University, where he taught Latin and Roman history from 1972 until reting in 2007, and washead of the Latin Department fom 1981 0 1990, is various studies include the Punic Wars, Carthage, Roman military history, August, and Latin reading methodology. Recent works inchude The Carthaginians (2010) and, a editor, A.Companion tothe Punic Wars (2011) and A Companion to Roms Inperialiss (2013). His most recent ook is A Roman Army Rewer (2013). ranz Humer isa civil servant and scientific director ofthe Government atthe Archaeological Park Carnuntum, Austria. He is tesponsible for the Roman collections of Lower Austria and Js the official leader ofthe Natonsl Department for Archaeology in Austria. He studied arch logy ancient history, and art istry and has long term experience iit. From 2003 to 2010 he also taught archaeology, muscology, and the searching for new methods of presentation in situ. He has engaged in long-starding collaborations in slenific programs with several other European and non-European countries. He is author of move than 270 articles or books writen inn German and English Frédéric Hurlet is Professor of Roman History at the University of Paris-Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense. He has taught at Tours ((995-2004) and Nantes (2004-2011) Universities, France. He ‘was Dean of the Subfaculy of Hsiory; Art History, and Archaeology at Nantes University fram 2006 to 2011. Hes the author of three monographs, about fifty articles and fity eviews, He has also published fur edited books. He has specialized inthe political and administrative history of the late Roman Republic and the Early Empire Simon James is Professor of Archacology atthe University of Leicester He was formerly an ‘educational curator a the British Museum, and then Research Fellow st Durham University. He Studies the Roman military i the wider contest of provincial and “barbarian societies, and has ‘excavated in Great Briain, France, Germany, and Italy, but his main research has been on the military antiquities of Dura-Eoropos, Syria. In 2004 he published Dunc Armes and Armour, and isnow studying the Roman military base in the city His latest book, Romie & the Sword, examines ‘weapons, solders, and warfare in Reman history Sylvain Janniaed, a former member ofthe Bcole francaise de Rome, aught Roman History at Paris Sorbonne Universit (Paris IV) and is now Maitre de Conférence i the Univesity of Tours. He earned his doctorate in 2010 with a dissertation on battle in Late Axiquty. He has published extensively on military theory, epigraphy, hierarchy, and tactics in the late Roman army. He is cu ‘ently working onthe relationship between soldiers and civilans in Late Antiquity. A member of the scenic committee forthe exhibition Rome aid the Barbarians (Venice, 2008), and a member ofthe editorial boatd of the review Antiguité Tardive, he contributed the chapter on the late Roman army tothe Storia d'Buropaedel Mediterraneo VII (2010. “Mateus Junkelman, born October 3 1949, in Munich, studied Military History at the University ‘of Munich thesis in 1979). Independent author and experimental archacalogist, be has contributed to several exhibitions and was Adjunet Profesor at the Ludwig-Maximilizn-Universiy Munich and the Bundeswehr Universty Munich-Neubiberg He has carried out manyexperimentsreconstruct- Ingand testing Roman infantry, cavalry and ghadatoril equipment in colaboration wit museums and archacologcal pars in Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands He ts published many books ‘nd ails about Ancient and Eatly Modern military history and about gaitoral combat. ‘Michel Kazan, Research Director atthe CNRS (UMR 8167), ADR a the University of Paris | (Sorbonne-Panthéon, is a member of the scientific committees or editorial of the Journal of Ancient Miltary Stuies, the Ancient West & East and Stratum Plis. He is also the author ‘or coauthor of 10 monographs on the achacology af Late Antiquity, Early Medieval material culture, and the early Byzantine period, and of 200 publications, including Larmée romaine et Barbares du le au Vile site (ed. with E.Vallt. Arthur Keaveney isa graduate of Univesity College Galway and Hull Unversity. He is Reader in “Ancient History atthe University of Kent, UK, and Adjunct Profesor of East Carolina University ‘Among his eecent publications ate The Army’ is the Roman Revolution, “The Chiliach and the Person of the King” in Jacobs and Rollingers The Achaemenid Court and together with John Madden editions of Sir William Herberts Ad Campianu lesuitam eiusque Decent Rationes Responsio and of Memon of Heracles David Kennedy, a graduate of Manchester and Oxford Universite, has taught at the Universities ‘of Sheffield, Reading, and Boston He iscurtently Winthrop Professor athe University of Wester Australia allow of the Society of Antiquares and of the Australian Academy ofthe Humanities His research interests include not just Roman military history but aerial archacology, the Roman ‘Near Bast, and ancient landscape studies. He has published extensively om all these topics and is currently coirecting a program of aerial archaeology in Jordan.

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