Research Project Submission Guidelines

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Subject: Submission of Research Project Report and Mandatory Viva Voce Examination.

Dear Learner,

Greetings from JAIN Online!!!

As the culmination of your academic endeavors, it is now time to submit your project report. This
document serves as a guide for the submission process and provides important information regarding
the upcoming mandatory viva voce examination.

Project Report Submission Guidelines:

Submission Deadline: The deadline for submitting your project report is 25.11.2023. Kindly ensure
that your report is submitted on or before this date.

Submission Format: Please submit your project report in PDF only. Ensure that the document is well
organized and that all necessary components, such as the cover page, declaration, acknowledgments,
abstract, chapters, bibliography, plagiarism report, etc., are included in the report.

You are allowed to upload only once, before uploading the report make sure you insert the plagiarism
report inside the Research Project Report at the end (insert only the summary of the plagiarism report,
no need to add the complete Plagiarism Report).

Submission Platform: Use LMS to upload your project report using the following path:

Semesters>Research Projects by (Guide name and batch No.)>Research Project>Initiate Submission.

If project is submitted in any other location/path will not be considered for evaluation.

Naming Convention: Please use the following naming convention for your project report file:
USN_Student Name, e.g., 12345_ABCD.pdf].

Mandatory Viva Voce Examination:

Viva Voce Examination will be conducted only for the students whose reports are available on LMS for

It is mandatory to attend the Viva Voce Examination for clearing the project work, if any student fails to
attend the viva voce examination will be considered as fail.

Date and Time: The viva voce examination is to take place from 2nd December 2023, the detailed
schedule of the Viva-Voce Examination will be updated on LMS. Please make a note of this and ensure
your availability for the examination.

All the Best!!

Team Academics

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