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Present Contiinuous

Affirmative Neqative
Long form Short form Long fonn Short form
I am walking r m walking I am not walking r m not walking
You are walking You're walking You are not walking You aren't walking
He is walking He's walking He is not wolking He isn't walking
She is wolking She's walking She is not walking She isn't wolking
It is walking It's walking It is not wolking It isn't walking
We are walking We're walking We are not wolking We oren't wafking
You are walking You're walking You ore not wolking You aren't walking
They are wolking They're walking They are not wolking They aren't watking

Am I walking?
Short answers
Are you walking?
Is he walking? Positive Negotiw:
Is she walking?
Yes, I am No, r m not
Is it walking?
Yes, he / she / it is No, he / she / it isn't
Are iK walking?
Are you walking? Yes, we / you / they are No, we / you / they aren't
Are they wo.lking?

, Formation of the oresent participle Hnq form)

• With most verbs we add -íng to the verb.
tolk - tolking go - going

• Wíth verbs ending in consonont + e , we delete the -e and add -ing.

take - taking come - coming
• With one syllable verbs ending in one voweJ + one consonont, we double the final
consonant ond odd -ing.
run - ruMing stop - stopping
But: we don't double letter •x" mix - mixing
• With verbs wíth two or more syllobles ending in one vowel + one consonant, we double
the final consonant if the lost syllable is stresse:d, ond add -ing.
begin - beginning BUT visit - visiting
• With verbs ending in one YOWel + 1, we double the - t ond add -ing.
travel - travelling BUT soll - solling
• With verbs ending in - le, we change the - ie to -ying.
lie - lying die - dying
Tbe preaent contln11owa
- - . - . - . - . - . - . ..... . -
• Write thc vcrbs undcr thc drawíngs ..
1 ski jog fish
. 1 plat_t tennís do the shopping watdi tv

. - bath
. - . - . -havca
" pla_q thc piano
I ..... - ·-·-·-·-·-·- ·- ·... ewím walk thc dog síng makc/1,cd •

:. 1Walking
2/..................... 13/..................... 14'···················· 15/.....................
watching TV
16/.................... .

Playing tennis swimming singing Skiing
....................... ........................
the dog ......................
. d: , .~ -~ .
~ e;;í
making bed Fishing
7 Jogging
/.. ..•... .•.... •. ..... 1doing
the sopping 1~'.:::::: ::::::::::::::: 1 ~/:::
a bath·.1 '..~'.::;::::the
playing ::::::::::
piano:: 1 I 2/•.•.•.•.....•••••...
ti Add '- íng' • Look at thc pícturcs above and writc scntcnccs.
to thc verbs below. What are thc doíng at thc momcnt?
is playing tennis.
1/ Mrs Gray ..................................................................... .
play ...........................
Playing do .................... . is waling the dog.
2/ Peter ......................................................................... ..
Walking Making is swimming.
walk ......................... make ................. . 3/ Mo.rk ............................................................................ ..
are singing.
4/ The children .................................................................
swim Having .
have ............... are watching TV.
5/ Rache! and Sue ···························································
sing Singing fish Fishing 6/ Mr Smith ·····································································
is skiing.
are jogging.
7/ Mary and John ............................................................. ..
watch Watching Jogging
jog is doing the shopping.
8/ Lucy ...............................................................................
9/ Chrissie is making bed.
ski Skiing ·········································································
10/ The children are having a bath.
11/ Bill ................................................................................
is playing the piano.

12/ Mike ············································································

is fishing.

8 Fut the word ínto the corred order to makc scntenccs.

Thcrc ís an cxb-a word in cach scntencc ! cross it out.
1/ ís/síngíng/games/. /feter/ pla9íng/ vídeo
Peter is playing video games.

2/ plafjíng/ golf /tennís/ Alan/ . / ís/ table

Alan is playing table tennis.

j/ ís/ . / Sue/ haír/ her/ brushíng/ teeth

Sue is brushing her teeth.

Stativic wrbs

We use the Prcsent Conffra,ous: Some vert>s that express perlllCIMft1' snrta not nonnolly used in the Pre,sent
• For octionS that are hclppeffl"9 now. Continuous. These ore called statiW verbs.
at the moment of speoking.
#kJry is talking on the ptaone. • Verbs of the scnscs:
The bus is coming. see, hear, toste, .smell, feel

• For actionS that are happening • Verbs dcscribing fcclings:

aromd now, but not exoctfy at the like, dislike, love, hate, wont, prefer
moment of speaking.
She's studying vuy hord these • Verbs describing thoughts, beliefs, etc:
dayS. think, believe, know, undersfand,
guess, imagine, hope, re,nember,
Expressions used with the Present forget
• ()therveri>s:
look! at~ seem, oppear, weigh, cost ,awn.
listen! these days belong to, depend on
now this morning_.
at the moment today

A. Write the present participle (-ing form) of the following verbs.

study studying watch
running dance
travelling fly flying
writing sit sitting
be.gin beginning listen
cooking ride riding
jogging ask asking
lie lying stop

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