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ISSN 1547-4771, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2023, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 690–698.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2023.


Fetal Organ Dose Assessment during Chest CT Examination

Using Monte Carlo/Gate Simulation
Y. Benameura, b, *, M. Tahiria, M. Mkimela, R. El Baydaouia, B. El Hariria, M.R. Mesradia,
A. Hilalia, and S. Elmadania
Hassan First University of Settat, laboratoire sciences et technologies de la santé, institut supérieur des sciences de la santé,
Settat, Morocco
Department of Radiophysics University Hospital, Ibn Rochd, Casablanca, Morocco
Received August 18, 2022; revised December 13, 2022; accepted December 21, 2022

Abstract—A CT scan of a pregnant patient is often a source of distress for the patient and staff. In addition,
patients are usually worried about the risk of unfavorable effects on the fetus from radiation. Therefore,
assessing radiation dose and related risks to the fetus and pregnant patient is an important aspect of radiation
protection. The aim of this study is to estimate the fetal organ and effective dose during a chest CT protocol
for a pregnant patient. For this purpose, we model the SOMATOM EMOTION 16 CT (Siemens Medical
Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) and the pregnant patient using GATE code. The CT scanner is modelled
based on the data provided by the supplier, operating at 80, 110 and 130 kV and 0.5–1.5 for the pitch, regarding
the patient, she is modelled with a voxelized pregnant phantom (KATJA, 29 yr old) at the 24th week. Fetal
effective doses are estimated to be 0.8, 1.7 and 2.4 mSv for 80, 110 and 130 kV, respectively. When the energy
is decreased from 130 to 80 kV, the dose to the fetal organs in the heart and lenses is reduced by 64.3 and
64.6%. Moreover, the fetus organ dose is reduced by 21.5, 19.2, 30.0 and 17.6% for crane, eyes, heart and
brain for a pitch ranging from 0.5 to 1.5. Since the cumulative dose to the fetus does not exceed 100 mGy, the
doses to the fetus are considered acceptable.

Keywords: fetus, pregnant, organ dose, simulation Monte Carlo, GATE, voxelized phantom, KATJA
DOI: 10.1134/S1547477123040088

INTRODUCTION these studies, pregnancy stages varied from early ges-

Chest Computed Tomography (CT) is widely used tation (7 weeks) to late gestation (37 weeks), with a
for screening benign and malignant tumors, tubercu- general focus on some stages of pregnancy. The major-
losis and chronic lung diseases. It was recently ity of these works are related to CT examinations of the
approved for screening patients with COVID19. CT chest, abdomen and pelvis. Furthermore, a mathe-
scanning of a pregnant patient and fetus should be per- matical phantom for estimating the fetal dose from a
formed only if it is determined that the diagnostic ben- multi-detector CT scan of the trunk at any stage of
efits outweigh the potential radiation risks to the fetus. gestation is developed [9]. Some of the most recent
Compared to adults and children, fetuses have a higher works are focuses on comparing different methods of
risk of developing cancer due to radiation exposure, assessing radiation dose with the concept [11] and on
mainly because of their high radiosensitivity and lon- comparing the results of dosimetric calculations and
ger life expectancy [1, 2]. Therefore, the assessment of MC simulation [12]. Moreover, it is found that images
radiation dose and related risk to the fetus and preg- of pregnant women lack information on fetal dosime-
nant is an important aspect of radiation protection. In try, which may lead to an underestimation or overesti-
the literature, the radiation fetal dose is estimated to be mation of radiation exposure and cancer risk [13, 14].
less than 100 mGy for some commonly performed CT In previous studies, the fetal dose was either measured
examinations [3, 4]. or simulated by MC.
Some earlier studies have focused on the use of
Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to determine the In other report, they created 24 models of maternal
doses received by the fetus during radiological exam- and fetal anatomy from scanned pregnant patients and
inations [5, 6]. The MC codes used in these studies are simulated a single set of acquisition parameters speci-
as follows: SIERRA [5], WinODS [7], MCNPX [8, 6], fied (120 kVp; slice thickness: 1.25–10 mm and pitch:
MCNP [9], ImpactMC [10] and EGSnrc [11]. Within 1.0) to assess radiation dose to the fetus [15].


20 cm

z 20 cm x20 cm

Fig. 1. GATE visualization of CT scan.

Studies that estimate fetal radiation dose using MC emitted from a point at the location of the x-ray tube
simulations from chest CT scans are very limited and anode. The distance from the source to the point
existing studies use the MC code for a single value of where the spectrum is recorded, the thickness and
kV or pitch. This work illustrates the use of GATE in material definition of flat filters (absorbers) for certain
estimating absorbed fetal organs doses and effective energy, were defined. In this study, tree spectrums
dose for various kV and pitch in order to predict the were generated for 80, 110 and 130 kV, for each one the
risks related to the fetus during chest CT examination. energy was incremented to 5 kV in order to reduce
To this purpose, first of all using GATE code, we exposure time Fig. 2. The beam is shaped in GATE
model the geometry of the CT scanner, a PMMA and using General Particle Source (GPS). It was defined
an ionization chamber. To ensure the validity of this as a point source with an isotropic angular distribution
model, experimental measurements were carried out equal to:
using the same materials under the same conditions 88.72° ≤ ϕ ≤ 91.28° and 62.10 ≤ θ ≤ 117.9°.
and compared with those obtained by Monte Carlo When ϕ and θ are the spherical angle coordinates.
simulation. Finally, we replace the PMMA phantom
by a voxelated phantom of a pregnant patient to esti- In the present study, only Body bow-tie filter was
mate the effective dose and compare our results with used. Initially, we deducted shape and equivalent
those obtained using different MC simulation software: attenuation of bow-tie filter. Then, simplified geome-
Impact CT, CT expo and Web-based tool software. try was built by rectangles which we made from Alumi-
num to simulate that filter. For the purpose of the
present dose calculation.
Multidetector CT Scanner Model KATJA Pregnant Phantom Modeling
Figure 1 shows the modelled geometry of a third Virtual human models based on medical image
generation SOMATOM EMOTION CT scanner (Sie- data of real patients are currently at the forefront of
mens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) using progress for the calculation of doses in radiation pro-
GATE MC simulation. The CT scanner was equipped tection. Because organ doses are not measurable, their
with 16 detector arrays. It allows the user to operate in realistic three-dimensional modelling of human anat-
both axial and helical modes with different pitch of 0.5 omy is critical for the estimation of organ doses.
to 1.5. The distances from the focal spot to isocenter In the literature, there are several models of preg-
and to detector were 536 and 941 mm, respectively. nant women, the first of which is the ORNL series of
The fan beam is collimated in the x–y plane to a fan mathematical models by Stabin et al. [20] and Chen
angle of 52° and two collimators each one has the [21] presenting the human anatomy by mathematical
dimensions 50, 50, 5 cm respectively x, y and z, made means, such as Naomi de Dimbylow [22] and Silvy
by aluminum. The X-ray tube available voltages are [23] are constructed for the calculation of non-ioniz-
80, 110 and 130 kV and the current from 80 to 360 mA. ing radiation.
In order to improve GATE MC simulation, Human phantom are mathematically described as
SRS-78 was used to model the X-ray spectrum that three-dimensional matrices of organ identification


692 BENAMEUR et al.

1.4E+008 SRS-78

Flux in air, photon/mAs mm2







0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Tube voltage, kVp

Fig. 2. Normalized x-ray spectrum for a tungsten target at 110 keV was generated using the SRS-78 program and GATE.

Fig. 3. Image of voxelized phantom KATJA.

codes (numbers). Rows, columns and slices are liquor, eyes, eye lenses, skin, soft tissue, spinal cord,
arranged to represent the size, depth and height of a lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, gall bladder and stomach.
human. An organ or tissue is identified by unique They were taken from the MRI scan as they could be
numbers. Using this phantom, it is possible to calcu- seen Fig. 4. To calculate organ doses, KATJA was
late organ doses from MC [24] photon transport sim- inserted and scanned for 80, 110 and 130 kV respec-
ulations. tively.
KATJA is a female voxelized phantom one ICRP
[25] has a voxel resolution of 1.775 × 1.775 × 4.84 mm3, Organ Dose Analysis
a height of 1.63 m and weight of 60 kg in her 24 weeks
of pregnancy. The woman is a modified version of the A chest CT routine scan was simulated using scan
ICRP-AF, the adult female reference model. All organ parameters and scan length of chest CT examination
masses but adipose tissue, skin, urinary bladder and reported in Table 1. For all scan acquisitions, organ
uterus remained the ICRP reference masses. The doses were obtained and analyzed in order to describe
woman has 153 organs and the fetus 18. The seg- scan parameters (pitch, kV) effect on radiation dose
mented organs of the fetus are brain, skull, brain received by fetus organs and effective doses. Effective



(a) (b)

Fig. 4. (a) slice phantom KATJA, (b) slice output simulated.

dose for all scans simulations were calculated using to achieve six pitch values (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 1 and 1.5).
weighting factor (ICRP 103) [20]. GATE package provides a geometry modeling used to
In addition, to calculate organ doses MC simula- build CT system parts (filter, table and collimator).
tions were performed in a (High-Performance Com- Tracking particle model allows also optimizing calcu-
puting), which has the following characteristics: lation. The default energy cut-off and kill actor was
64 cores, 256 GB RAM, 8T storage (High institute of performed to maintain only particles in direction of
health, University Hassan 1st). 108 primary photons phantoms and that deposited energy exceed 1 keV.
were generated in MC simulation. The normalization Accordingly, time per simulation was reduced approx-
factor for the 5 mm beam collimation of the protocols imately to 90 min for the use of 5 × 109 photons.
was 7 × 108, 5.44 × 108 and 9.82 × 108 particles per The dosimetry actor in GATE account for energy
100 mAs for 80, 110 and 130 kV respectively. GATE deposited on voxels and regions. 3D dose map was
simulation results were obtained as a 3D dose map generated by “dose by region actor” taking into
where the energy deposited by voxel (in MeV) is stored account primary and secondary tracking photons
Fig. 4b. through a voxelized model and tallying dose in voxels.
Besides, a geometry detector was used to store the dose
Dose Calculation/GATE Monte Carlo Software deposited in each labeled phantom region.
GATE is open-source program created by the
international OpenGate cooperation for radiation and
medical imaging simulations. It is based on the Dose Calculators Software
Geant4 simulation toolkit [26]. Organ dose and effective dose were assessed from
The GATE code contains all the cross-sectional IMPACT CT [27] and CT-EXPO v2.5. Towing soft-
data needed for neutron, photon and electron trans- ware has been used to calculate typical organ doses as
port calculations and is suitable immediately for dose well as effective doses for CT protocols. ImPACT
modeling at 3D volumes, since it contains a special Group created the IMPACT CT Patient Dosimetry
“Dose By Region Actor”. Calculator (Imaging Performance Assessment of CT
GATE assures a Range of acquisitions and Time- scanners, St Georges Hospital, London, UK). For
dependence at all steps of the simulation. Thus, in 27 scanner types used in the UK, a home-made pro-
helical scan modeling, overall motion of source and gram code with a hermaphrodite phantom (MIRD5,
table were set. For one source rotation, a total of 20 organs) was programmed to carry out 23 sets of MC
360 projections per 1s were simulated. Therefore, simulations [28]..Built on the organ dose database
Table translation step along Vertical axis Z was tuned created at the GSF in Germany, CT-EXPO makes use

Table 1. Parameters of the chest CT examination

kV mAs Pitch Bowtie filter KATJA phantom scan length, cm
80 100 0.5–0.6–0.7–0.8–1–1.5 Body 19
110 100 0.8
130 100 0.8


694 BENAMEUR et al.

Fig. 5. Interface of Web-based tool software.

of the stylized male and female phantoms ADAM and and lower scan positions. Users can also add gesta-
EVA [29]. tional age, tube voltage and maternal circumference in
millimeters to improve the accuracy of calculations,
On the other hand, Web-based tool software Fig. 5, Web-based tool software was validated [33] by Insti-
were widely-used to derive typical organ and effective tute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Uni-
doses for CT protocols. A hybrid phantom was used to versity Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich.
representing pregnant patients at the end of the third,
sixth and ninth months of pregnancy developed by
Xu et al. [30] (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, RPI, CTDI Dose Measurements
New York, NY). In contrast to stylized models, hybrid
computational phantoms represent realistic geome- A Siemens Somatom Emotion 16-slice scanner is
tries of pregnant patients [31, 32]. These phantoms used with a 32 cm diameter PMMA phantom (ρ =
were voxelized of the phantoms were removed, since 1.19 g/cm3) to simulate the human body measuring
patients’ arms are usually located outside of the field 15 cm in length. The phantom was setup on the CT
of view (FoV). In addition, users must enter the CT table so that its long axis corresponded to the rotation
Dose Index Volume (CTDIvol) and select the upper axis of the CT gantry (Fig. 6). The PMMA phantom
was scanned in chest region with the following scan
parameters: 80, 110, 130 kV, 100 mAs and 10 mm beam
collimation. CTDI100 measurements were performed
12 h
using a calibrated pencil ion chamber (model 10X6-3CT
volume of 3 cm3 and a length of 10 cm, connected to
an electrometer (RADCAL CORPORATION USA),
3h using Accu-Gold+ interface software to display out-
put parameters such as absorbed dose.
9h Thus, CDTIw and dose length product (DLP) were
calculated using equations (1) and (2), respectively. In
these equations, DLP is proportional to the total
absorbed energy related to the length scan acquisition,
pitch is defined as the ratio of table displacement per
6h rotation and L is the length of the scan [16] and
CTDIw is the average absorbed radiation dose over the
longitudinal (x) and Lateral (y) directions of space axis
[17, 18]. In addition, the effective dose was calculated
Fig. 6. CTDI100 measurement in PMMA body phantom. by weighting the DLP by the kDLP factor (ICRP103),
The phantom has been placed on the CT table with its long
axis aligned with the gantry’s axis of rotation. It has a which is set according to the anatomical region and the
diameter of 32 cm. patient’s age [19].



Table 2. Measured CTDIw and simulated CTDIW for the CTDI body phantom using the Siemens Emotion 16 slices
(100 mA, 1 s scan and 10 mm beam collimation)
Tube voltage, kVp 80 110 130
Measured CTDIw, mGy 3.39 ± 0.46 8.27 ± 0.73 12.48 ± 0.93
Simulated CTDIw, mGy 3.15 ± 0.38 8.16 ± 0.98 11.78 ± 0.83
Relative difference 7.2% 1.3% 5.6%

Finally, to validate the modelled scanner, a simula- dose is reduced by 21.5, 19.2, 30.3 and 17.6% for cra-
tion was carried out with the same experimental nium, eyes, heart and brain, respectively, when pitch
equipment under the same conditions indicated increases from 0.5 to 1.5. Fetal effective dose is
above. reduced by 29.4% when pitch decrease from 1.5 to 0.5.
In the helical scanning, the pitch and the dose are
CTDIw = 1 CTDI100 + 2 CTDI100
center periphery
, (1) inversely proportional due to the table’s displacement
3 3
which results “Overlaps” and a higher irradiation
CTDIw time.
DLP = L. (2)
Organ Absorbed Dose Using IMPACT CT, CT-EXPO
RESULT AND DISCUSSION and Web-Based Tool Software
The comparison between measured and simulated The effective doses received by the fetus for tho-
CTDIw is presented in Table 2. Comparison was per- racic examination are calculated using CT-EXPO and
formed using Eq. (3) for all tube voltages (80, 110 and CTDOSIMETRY software (Table 3) and compared to
130 kV). In this study, differences ranged between 1.32 the values calculated in the KATJA voxilized phan-
and 7.21%. Note that, Lee et al. [34] study indicates tom. Effective doses calculated from Web-based tool
also a discrepancy around 8.6% between simulated software are also added to the dose comparison.
and measured CTDIw. The differences might be due to Table 4 shows a comparison between the effective
simulation conditions, environment and source. doses obtained using GATE and WEB-TOOLS, the
However, such differences are considered acceptable relative difference observed is 16.7, 7.69 and 5.56% for
to validate the model. 80, 110 and 130 kV. These results show that the differ-

MC )
difference = MC − SC × 100. (3)
ence increases inversely with tube voltage. This differ-
ence is acceptable due to the fact that the phantom
used in WEB-TOOLS is a voxilized phantom, which
Effect of Tube Voltage
The objective of the current section is to examine 80 kV 110 kV 130 kV
the influence of kV variation on the absorbed dose to
the fetal organs and the effective dose. Figure 7 rep-
Absorbed dose, mGy

resents fetal organs doses for different tube voltage val- 2.0
ues. Since all organs are entirely outside the thoracic
acquisition, fetal organ doses are low. Doses of organs
such as spine, heart and eyes are within the range of 1.5
0.25–0.90 mGy, 0.23–0.68 mGy and 0.25–
0.50 mGy, respectively, for 80–130 kV. 1.0
Fetal doses in heart and spinal cord were reduced
by 64.3 and 50.6% when the energy increases from 80
to 130 kV. Additionally, fetal effective dose is reduced 0.5
by 51.2% when the energy decreases from 130 to 80 kV.
Spinal cord





Effective Dose

Effect of Pitch
In this section, we will study the influence of the
pitch’s variation on the absorbed dose of the fetal
organs as well as on the effective dose for a fixed volt-
age, 80 kV. Figure 8 shows absorbed dose (mGy) val-
ues for various pitches. The organ dose is inversely
proportional to the pitch. It can be seen that organ Fig. 7. Fetal organ doses as function of tube voltage.


696 BENAMEUR et al.

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 1.5


Absorbed dose, mGy





Spinal cord





Effective Dose
Fig. 8. Fetal organ doses as function of pitch.

takes into account the heterogeneity of tissues as well estimation methods against which the results of this
as the same period of exposure. study can be compared.
The values of the relative difference between GATE The first comparison method for the estimation of
and CT-Dosimetry phantom on the one hand are fetal dose was that of Gu et al [6]. For these calcula-
90.0, 62.3 and 62.2%, on the other hand GATE and tions, the estimated fetal dose during an chest and kid-
CT-Expo are 99.2, 15.4 and 44.4%, respectively for 80, ney examination with phantoms of a pregnant patient
110 and 130 kV. These large differences are due to the in three different gestational periods to calculate organ
doses for a single voltage 120 kV and pitch 0.9375,
fact in that, in KATJA phantom we have a real geom-
1.375 respectively using MCNPX MC simulation. The
etry of the fetus, whereas in CT-Expo and CT-Dosim- estimated fetal dose was up to 20.5% range compared
etry the effective dose of the fetus is estimated to be with the MC results from this study.
similar of uterus, plus the geometric shape of the
uterus is represented by a sphere. The second and third fetal dose estimation meth-
ods used for comparison were the ImPACT dose cal-
In the literature, there is no reference standard for culator and CT-Expo software, which are both based
fetal dose that can be used as comparison for this on MC simulations [35]. These methods were used to
study. However, there are several existing fetal dose estimate dose to the uterus and represent fetal dose for

Table 3. Show the dosimetric values taken from software by CT-Expo and CT-Dosimetry, simulating Siemens Somata 4
plus scanner, to estimate the effective dose to the uterus during a thoracic scan
CT-Dosimetry CT-Expo
kVp dose uterus CTDIvol, mGy DPL, mGy cm dose uterus CTDIvol, mGy DPL, mGy cm
80 0.012 2.7 88 0.0011 3 115
110 0.049 9 296 0.11 8 306
130 0.068 13 429 0.13 12.3 472



Table 4. Relative difference (%) between MC/GATE and rent to the dose. A future work is expected to examine
Web-based tools software, CT-Expo and CT-dosimetry several aspects not covered by this study. Further,
Web-based Tools CT-Expo CT-Dosimetry investigations will have to take into account not only
the effects of scan parameters, but also other relevant
80 kV 16.7 99.2 90.0 factors including maternal perimeter, fetus position
110 kV 7.69 15.4 62.3 and shielding tools. These aspects are taken into
130 kV 5.56 44.4 62.2 account in a work that is currently underway and will
be reported soon.

gestational ages approximately less than or equal to 8 CONFLICT OF INTEREST

weeks in a standard-size patient. The estimated uterus The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
dose was ranged from 0.01 to 0.15 mGy.
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