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Student Book

Written Assessment
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an
automotive workplace
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment

Student Name Student ID Number

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due Date Date Submitted

This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student
competency in this assessment task

The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes / No

I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No

I am aware that I can locate the AIBT’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure on their Yes / No
website at

I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to
undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if Yes / No
applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy

I have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration

Student Declaration: In accordance with the AIBT’s Academic Misconduct Policy, I hereby acknowledge by
signing this declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken
in this unit of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor

Signature Date: ______ / ______ / 20______

Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessment Results
(Please circle or highlight the assessment result for this task)

Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance

Student Declaration: - I verify that the work completed Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately
is my own and that I was adequately informed of the explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the
assessment process prior to commencing this student prior to commencing assessment.
assessment task.

Student Signature Assessor Signature

Date Date

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

Context and Conditions of Assessment

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge
evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task.
 Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
 This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at your designated campus / workshop /
specialised lab.
 Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback / comment.
 You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own handwriting.
 Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.
 Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the assessment. In all
cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
 Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be deemed C – Competent
in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks
you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.

Re-Assessment Conditions

 If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this
case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that
they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
 Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps to take to improve
your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The
assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS – Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will
assess you through a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving
 You will be notified between 10-30 working days of undertaking an assessment of their result in achieving
o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did
not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced.
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5 working days
with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with information
identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the
opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with no
reassessment fee charged.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did not approach the AIBT’s
within five working days with a valid reason for not availing themselves of the reassessment
opportunity, then those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the assessment and will be
charged a reassessment fee as per AIBT rule.
o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the student and the student will be
required to repeat the whole unit with full fee for the unit. The student will be made aware of the
impact of repeating the unit may have on their student visa.
o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment, a reassessment fee will be
charged for reassessing the assessment within 5 working days.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after conclusion of the Intervention
meeting with the Course Co-ordinator, the matter will be referred to the Academic Management
Committee which may result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment
o AIBT’s has intervention strategies, including student support services available to enable students
to complete qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not completing within this
time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention strategy is put in place.

AIBT will ensure access to:

 automotive workplace or simulated workplace

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

 environmental regulations and standards relevant to automotive workplace, including commonwealth, state
and territory legislation and local government by-laws and regulations

Evidence to be submitted by the student: -

 Completed written responses to the questions in the assessment task

Assessment Decision Making Rules

Your assessor will assess the evidence submitted for the following elements, performance criteria, performance
evidence and knowledge evidence to confirm that the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity,
sufficiency, authenticity and confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of competency.
Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: -
 Identify environmental and sustainability best practices relating to own automotive workplace
 Follow environmental best practice procedures in course of own work
 Follow sustainability best practice procedures in course of own work
 environmental regulations and standards relevant to own automotive workplace, including commonwealth,
state and territory legislation and local government by-laws and regulations
 procedures for reporting environmental damage and breaches
 procedures and processes that support environmental sustainability practices, including:
o reducing waste
o reusing materials
o recycling waste
 types of waste produced by automotive workplaces and their impact on the environment, including:
o vehicle wastes, including:
 coolants
 oils
 exhaust emissions
 evaporative fuel emissions
 waste components, including tyres
o noise
o workplace wastes, including:
 cleaning materials
 paper waste
 general rubbish
 procedures for minimising waste
 procedures for sorting and storing items for recycling or disposal
 procedures for reducing resource consumption, including water, electricity, fossil fuels and chemicals
 procedures for controlling hazards to stormwater and wastewater drainage systems, including:
o capturing, storing and disposing of fluids released from vehicles
o trapping spills, including the use of spill kits
o preventing hazards entering stormwater and wastewater drainage systems, including bunding,
grease traps and triple interceptors
 procedures for protecting air quality and controlling noise hazards, including:
o minimising the emission of airborne particles, gases and fumes
o containing and redirecting airborne particles, gases and fumes
o insulating noise from automotive workshops.

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

Assessment 1 – Questioning

Written Assessment

1. Name the government department in your state/territory responsible for environmental protection.

NSW: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (

WA: Environmental Protection Authority (
SA: Environmental Protection Authority (
VIC: Environmental Protection Authority (
QLD: Environmental Protection Agency (
TAS: Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (
ACT: Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water

2. Name four (4) acts of parliament that relate to protection of the environment.

1 Dangerous Goods Act 1975

2 Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985
3 Contaminated Land Management Act 1997
4 Ozone Protection Act 1989
5 Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001
6 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000


4. What is the federal body responsible for setting national standards on the environment?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

5. If a pollution incident occurs that has the potential to harm the environment, who must be notified?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

6. How much can an individual be fined for each breach of the Act?

Tier 1 offence:

Tier 2 offence:

Tier 3 offence:

7. List three (3) main actions that can be undertaken at your workplace to minimise environmental impacts.

8. What are three (3) reasons why waste reduction and resource recovery are important?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

9. What does ‘sustainable’ mean in relation to the environment?

10. On vehicles, many components can be reconditioned for reuse. Name five (5)?

11. What type of waste is produced by coolants and what is the environmental damage from coolant waste?

12. What type of waste are oils and what is the environmental impact if waste oils are incorrectly disposed?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

13. Which vehicle exhaust emissions can damage the environment?

14. Vehicles have an impact on the environment in terms of what?

15. When fuel evaporates, how much carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere from the following fuels?

1 litre petrol:

1 litre LPG:

1 litre diesel:

16. Used vehicle batteries contain ‘What’ materials that can be very harmful to the environment?

17. Tyres are illegal to dispose of to landfill. Why?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

18. What environmental damage can used oil filters have on the environment?

19. Air conditioning gases such R12 can impact the environment by damaging what?

20. What can excessive noise created by an automotive workplace have on the environmental?

21. Parts water and solvent washers waste can produce?

22. Why is recycling of paper and general rubbish important?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

23. What is the ‘Waste Management Hierarchy’?

24. What are three (3) key principles which you must be aware of when it comes to recycling?

25. What general waste in an automotive workplace can be recycled?

26. When recycling general waste, why MUST it be stored separately?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

27. Name five (5) ways to reduce the amount of water you use in an automotive workplace?

28. Name ten (10) ways of reducing the amount of energy you use for electricity, fuel and gas in an automotive


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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

29. What’s three (3) ways of reducing solvents, chemicals and petroleum products in the automotive workplace?

30. What is a Bund?

31. How should waste oils be stored and disposed?

32. When changing the oil on a vehicles engine, what should you use to catch the waste oil?

A. Drain pan
B. Mop bucket
C. Storm water drain
D. Funnel

33. When handling, trapping, storing and disposing of waste oils, which document should you use to find this

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

34. What are spill kits?

35. A Trade Waste Agreement allows you to dispose of trade waste through?

A. The water ways

B. A triple interceptor which is then directed to the sewer and treated
C. A sewer system
D. None of these answers are correct

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

36. In the event of a chemical spill, what ten (10) general guidelines should be followed?


37. Explain what a grease trap is?

38. Care should be taken with running engine in the automotive workplace. Why?

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

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AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best
practice in an automotive workplace

39. Whenever you need to have the engine running for diagnosis or service, the engine’s exhaust must be vented
to the outside. How is this done?

40. State four (4) ways of eliminating or reducing the effects of excessive noise.

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